Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 6: Saturday Highlights

Tyler talks with Angela on BB20

Veto Day delivered plenty of tension and confusion yet again on Big Brother 20 as the power was secured and prep’d for another big move in the game. There were some big winners in that competition and some losers as new punishment costumes were delivered to the house.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Saturday, August 4, 2018:

    7:20 AM BBT – HGs got a very early wake up call today.

    8:30 AM BBT – Kaycee and Tyler have a quick check-in in the Storage Room as Tyler lets her know he’s got big plans for his situation.

    8:50 AM BBT – Angela tells Sam she’s going to say she doesn’t want the Veto used in the hopes that anyone who gets pulled to play will not try as hard so they won’t win it. Kaycee joins the talk and Sam leaves. Angela lets Kaycee know that Sam offered to save Tyler if she wins the Veto.

    9:30 AM BBT – Feeds go down.

    9:46 AM BBT – Feeds return from picking the players. RS is upset and says no one playing would save her.

    10:00 AM BBT – Haleigh is annoyed with JC and asks him to stop making comments about things that aren’t happening between her and Faysal. JC says he’s just joking, but Haleigh doesn’t like it.

    10:50 AM BBT – Angela and Kaycee wondering if they can convince Scottie (playing for Veto) to save Brett by acting like they’re mad at Brett.

    12:00 PM BBT – HGs are lounging or napping. Quiet midday.

    12:20 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.

    2:35 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Angela discussing with Kaycee how she gave up $5K to Scottie to get the Veto and save Tyler.

    2:40 PM BBT – Scottie and Tyler discussing which side Scottie is on. Scottie is upset that his side keeps making him swear on the Bible and doesn’t trust him.

    2:50 PM BBT – Tyler and Scottie go up to the HOH room. Angela promises Scottie he’s safe and won’t go up and she tells Tyler she’s going to save him. The talk goes on awhile as they try to persuade Scottie over to their side.

    3:20 PM BBT – Haleigh is up in the HOH room talking with Angela and telling her how it’s great she won the Veto so she can reclaim her power against whoever it was that took it away with the Hacker Comp.

    3:25 PM BBT – Downstairs Brett reveals to Tyler that he’s not mad at him about taking the Hawaii trip away from him and was just pretending to seem apart from their group. Brett wants to try and convince the other side that he’s open to working with them so he can find out what’s going on over there.

    3:40 PM BBT – JC lets Tyler know that Bayleigh seems worried and probably can figure out the danger she’s in this week.

    4:05 PM BBT – HGs discussing how Jessie Godderz was there to host the competition.

    4:15 PM BBT – Bayleigh comes to see Angela and discuss what she’s considering doing now with her Veto power. She knows Angela promised Scottie and Tyler both safety, so who is her new target? Angela deflects and says she isn’t sure yet.

    4:50 PM BBT – Tyler and Angela laugh over how well this is all turning out to be for them as the other side scrambles.

    5:05 PM BBT – Angela, Brett, and Tyler go over the votes and are confident they’ll have 4 over 3 even with the Hacker taking away one of their votes.

    5:25 PM BBT – Brett and Angela wonder if they’ll get the first unanimous vote with Bayleigh’s eviction.

    6:00 PM BBT – Faysal, Brett, and Bayleigh wonder why Tyler didn’t take the Veto from Angela in the comp. They speculate Angela wanted it to regain control over her HOH. Bayleigh wonders if Angela is going to renom a big player. Brett suggests Tyler will be coming down.

    6:05 PM BBT – Tyler and Angela are worried Bayleigh can still use her power (she can’t) so they consider having Angela tell Bayleigh that Tyler is the target to keep her offguard for her renom.

    6:10 PM BBT – Tyler worries that Scottie might be running info back to the other side and could end up telling Bayleigh before the Veto meeting.

    6:20 PM BBT – Kaycee tells Tyler that Bayleigh is pretty worried about getting BD’d.

    6:40 PM BBT – Angela confirms to Kaycee that she’s definitely still putting Bayleigh on the Block as the renom.

    7:20 PM BBT – Haleigh is pushing to RS and Bayleigh that it seems obvious that Scottie and Tyler are working together now and probably have a F2. Group says if any of them wins the Hacker they have to tell each other. Haleigh agrees.

    7:30 PM BBT – Haleigh, Bayleigh, and RS want to try and restart the girls alliance.

    7:40 PM BBT – Tyler talks with Haleigh and pretends to be confused as to what Angela is going to do.

    7:45 PM BBT – RS approaches Angela about the all-girls alliance. Haleigh joins the talk and is pushing that the guys are having a lot of private meetings that worry her.

    8:22 PM BBT – Kaycee is back from DR with her Fitness Nut (peanut) costume. She’s dressed as a giant peanut and has huge fake barbells.

    8:30 PM BBT – HGs got the backyard back.

    8:45 PM BBT – Bayleigh tells Haleigh that they can get all the girls to vote together if there’s another guy on the Block against one of them. She plans to use her power next week unless one of them or Faysal gets HOH.

    9:25 PM BBT – Angela and Kaycee agree to play along with the girls alliance proposition and pretend it’s a real thing.

    9:30 PM BBT – Bayleigh approaches Angela and Kaycee about Angela’s plans. She offers that if Angela wants to make a big move then she’ll back her up by using her power next week and changing the noms. Angela suggests she might take down Tyler, but doesn’t offer a renom idea. Bayleigh makes suggestions but Angela says she is undecided and just wants to get the least blood on her hands from the move.

    9:50 PM BBT – RS is back from DR with her chef’s outfit. She’ll be doing Jessie Godderz’s fitness and healthy eating program. RS reads her instructions which include making a smoothie, running laps, and jumping hurdles.

    10:30 PM BBT – Angela warns Sam that Bayleigh, Haleigh, and RS are trying to form the girls alliance again but without Sam. Sam wonders why they didn’t ask her. Angela tells Sam that she and Kaycee have her back.

    11:00 PM BBT – Bayleigh reports back to Haleigh that Angela was very receptive to her offer of working together.

    11:10 PM BBT – Haleigh pulls in Faysal to make a deal with her and Bayleigh to not target Angela if she agrees to work with them. Faysal points out he’s not going after Angela anyway but notes how Tyler and Scottie are getting in good with everyone.

    11:20 PM BBT – Bayleigh goes to Angela and says she was always the F2 she wanted. Angela plays along and says she only teamed up with Rachel after Swaggy pulled Bayleigh away from her. Angela suggests she wants to break up Tyler and Scottie. Bayleigh promises her support along with Faysal’s.

    11:35 PM BBT – Haleigh is pitching to Angela to renom Scottie next to Tyler (after saving RS). She suggests it’d be the easiest renom with Scottie since he was already on the Block this week.

    12:10 AM BBT – Faysal is excited and tells Haleigh that if Angela renoms Scottie next to Tyler it’ll be the biggest move in Big Brother history. Haleigh feels like this plan is going to work. Haleigh believes Bayleigh really would use her power next week to protect Angela if she makes this move.

    12:50 AM BBT – Faysal tells Haleigh he wants Brett out for spending too much time around Haleigh and touching her. Haleigh says she allows Brett to touch her and she touches him too. Haleigh tells Faysal if they were out of the house then everyone would know they (Haleigh and Faysal) were together.

    12:55 AM BBT – Haleigh says it’d be better to get rid of Scottie over Tyler because Tyler is easier to manipulate and the weaker player.

    1:40 AM BBT – RS realizes she’ll have to make her eviction speech while dressed in her costume.

    1:45 AM BBT – Faysal mentions looking at Kaitlyn’s memwall photo after her eviction speech and realizing she looked a little crazy. Haleigh agrees she was off.

    1:55 AM BBT – RS asks Sam if she voted out Rachel, but Sam won’t answer more than that she loves Rachel.

    3:00 AM BBT – Faysal and Sam are still awake and chatting in the kitchen.

    3:30 AM BBT – Faysal wanders the backyard alone playing corn hole.

    4:00 AM BBT – HGs are all in bed.

Big moves ahead as Angela prepares to save Tyler and renom Bayleigh on Monday. Bayleigh’s Power App is simply too strong and dangerous for them to leave in the game, even if she now promises to use it in Angela’s favor, an idea that could change in a moment. Loose lips sunk Bayleigh’s ship on this one.

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