‘Big Brother 20’ Finale: Did The Right HG Win? [POLL]

Big Brother 20 Finalists Kaycee and Tyler

The Big Brother 20 winner was revealed on Wednesday and delivered our fourth straight upset victory at the feet of the Jury. With another Jury Blindside it’s time again to ask the question: did the right Houseguest win Big Brother 20?

While Kaycee thought the vote was closer than she expected our readers were solidly expecting a Tyler victory. In our series of polling for “Who Should Win?” between Tyler, Kaycee, and JC we saw Tyler take it with 61.5% to Kaycee’s 33.3%. Then with “Who Will Win?” between the F3 our readers projected a Tyler win at 61.1% over Kaycee’s 37.3% of the vote. Clearly, Tyler was the expected winner but it didn’t happen.

The last time we saw the season’s frontrunner or expected winner make it to F2 and take home the crown was Big Brother 16 with Derrick’s victory over Cody which was nearly a similar situation this season. Cody won R3 and picked Derrick for the loss when he could have taken Victoria for the win. Kaycee could have cut Tyler for the easy win over JC but she stuck to her loyalty but unlike BB16, she managed to pull it off.

Back in BB17 we saw the surprise cut on finale night of Vanessa by Steve who made the right choice for his win over Liz. Had Steve kept Vanessa I think he would have lost to her, but we’ll never know for sure. But after that we’ve had a rough stretch.

Big Brother 18 gave us Paul losing to Nicole in the F2 with questionable motives by the Jurors only to see it repeated the next summer. BB19 gave us the “not again, not again!” as Paul lost to the not-Paul alternative, Josh. Then we were teed up for the easy win by Ross on Celebrity Big Brother this winter only to see his tagalong sidekick Marissa handed the victory. Yikes.

Now the thankful difference this season is that Kaycee did play a great game with her own style, moves, and resume to back up a win. But should she have won over Tyler? Nah. So while I’m content with a Kaycee win it’s still clear that the majority of at least our readers here agreed that Tyler deserved the title and prize money.

In the backyard interviews by Ross & Marissa, we heard some interesting explanations from the Jurors. Scottie claimed to have decided when Kaycee won the last HOH round even though he earlier spent his time praising Tyler for his strategic moves and domination. Tossing that away for a tie-breaker number guess? Ehhh.

Then Sam talked about feeling more for Kaycee’s backstory than Tyler’s so she wanted her to have the money instead. She also spent the season on Tyler’s hip only to be discarded when no longer needed. Maybe Tyler should have rethought that explanation to the Jury on how he used Sam to his advantage. That was a poor choice of words but maybe she was decided a week ago.

You should watch the full run of interviews but the trend we’re seeing raises some interesting observations. BB10’s winner and BB14’s runner-up Dan Gheesling asked if the classic puppet master role has been officially killed off:

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With Tyler not winning I think weโ€™ve seen the death of any sort of Machiavellian style game having a chance to win.

The game and format has evolved to make it very hard to win playing that style of game. #BB20

— Dan Gheesling (@DanGheesling) September 27, 2018

It’s not a bad thought really. Kaycee played a low key, uneventful game. She showed up, punched her card each morning, played nice with others, and won a handful of comps in the second half of the game. Kaycee was barely on the radar for storylines this summer which might not make her an exciting player, but it made her a winner. Compare that to Tyler who had the pedal down from the start of the season and worked it until the end. His constant activity raised so many interactions that his risk of exposure and opportunity to anger his opponents ended up killing his game. Totally different styles and as we’ve seen for four straight seasons, being the dominator maybe a death sentence by the Jury.

What do you think? Did the right or “best” Houseguest win last night between Kaycee and Tyler? Vote now in our poll below and share your thoughts and reactions to last night’s BB20 final results.



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