Big Brother 19 Jury: Bitter Jurors Could Sway Vote

Between a reliable source and details straight from the top of Big Brother production, it sounds like we’re in store for what could be an incredibly bitter Jury. So much so that it could end up costing a top player his chance at the win yet again.

Paul Abrahamian has disappointed me in the style of his game this season, but it’d be hard for me to argue that he still shouldn’t win if he reaches the Final 2. I’m not on the Jury though and that choice isn’t up to me. As for the people who are in control, it doesn’t look good for Paul.

When we got our first serious look at how the Jury was forming during Thursday night’s episode there was plenty of arguing. Raven was driving full speed down Delusional Lane while the other HGs were discovering just how much Paul worked them over in the house. You’ll remember Josh was adding to that awareness with his carefully crafted goodbye messages and we know those were delivered to the house for any Jurors who didn’t get to see their own.

Now as they’re coming to the realization that their “Friendship” was very much one sided it seems they aren’t taking kindly to it and in fact their conflicts with Raven and Matthew are only making it worse.

In another interview last week, Allison Grodner told cartermatt.com just how bitter these HGs had become:

Carter: From everything that you’ve seen, plus the segment we saw tonight, how would you describe the mood in the jury house right now?

Grodner: Bitter…I don’t remember the last season where every single juror, with the exception of Cody, was clueless on the way out only to realize the truth about their eviction once in the jury house. Not only are they upset to have been played by those remaining in the BB game, they are very upset with the delusions and the mere presence of Maven.

Add that with what hamsterwatch.com reported from a reliable source and Paul sounds like he could be in serious trouble, at least as of last week.

A little birdie told me last night’s [Friday night] jury round table was a whole lot of bitter, so much so that only Matt and Raven planned to vote for Paul, should he be in finals. Of course that could change by Wednesday, but it’s interesting to say the least.

There will be nine votes and you need five for the win. If only Matthew and Raven currently, as of last week, planned to vote for Paul then he’d need at least three of the others to come around. If Paul gets to the end against Josh, like he hopes to do, then would all of these upset Jurors really vote for Josh?

Kevin should have joined the Jury by the time of this round table so I’m surprised he’d be going against Paul after his comments to Julie about Paul doing what he needed to do. I have a hard time thinking Kevin would vote for Josh over Paul.

If we put Kevin over in the pro-Paul column along with Matthew and Raven then Paul would need just two more HGs to vote for him to win. Earlier in the season Cody and Jessica discussed voting for Paul if he got to the end which seems far more likely for Cody to do than the alternative of voting for Josh. That’d put Paul just one away from the win.

Now I don’t doubt there’s a serious potential for a bitter Jury, but with enough time they might still calm down and consider their choices here. Or maybe Paul really will get to F2 and lose yet again. What do you think will happen?

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