Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Who Went Home Last Night? First Eviction Results Plus New HoH & Noms

Big Brother 18 continued its two-night premiere with the first eviction spoilers and results of the summer when someone from Team Nicole was sent out the door in what’s already the fourth comp of this barely-started season!

Julie Chen at Big Brother 18 premiere night
Julie Chen at Big Brother 18 premiere night – Source: CBS

We watched as Veteran HG Nicole’s team lost competition after competition on Wednesday to end up in the position of facing off against one another where tonight’s loser will be eliminated. The survivors though will be left with the power to crown one of their team members as the first Head of Household and name the first two nominees.

There’s just one hour of Big Brother ahead of us in Thursday’s show then we’ll hit our regular Big Brother 18 schedule with Sundays (8/7c), Wednesdays (8/7c), and Thursdays (9/8c) live eviction shows. Ready to get this party started? With so much to cover there won’t be much time so let’s go!

Big Brother 18 – Round 3 of Premiere Competition:
Who do you want to see eliminated from Team Nicole tonight? They’ve got an island themed competition ahead where it looks like they’ll be climbing up and down a palm tree to collect 15 coconuts then place them on the SOS wobbly island below them and then grab a flag.

Glenn is having trouble and can’t get one of the far out spots. There are 5 spots to fill in each letter. Tiffany is in the lead and now Glenn is catching up with Nicole and Corey.

Wait, wait… Nicole takes the lead and finishes first! The three newbies remain and, shockingly, Tiffany says she’s freaking out.

Tiffany is safe! Now it’s down to Corey and Glenn who both have all their coconuts in place and must now rescue their flag to be safe… It’s so close! Big Brother says it’s a photo finish and Corey wins. Glenn knocked several coconuts loose when he went for the flag.

Glenn Garcia has been evicted from Big Brother 18!

Big Brother 18 – Week 1 HoH:
One of the surviving three members of Team Nicole is about to become our first Head of Household for BB18. Two will have to be willing to yield to the third for this decision to be made.

Nicole is working on Tiffany and Corey to get them to hand over the power and they agree!

Nicole Franzel is the new and first Head of Household for Big Brother 18!

Back inside Paul is throwing a fit at Corey about giving Nicole the power. Corey is getting worried. Terrible strategy, Paul. Now if Corey is worried enough he may suggest to Nicole to get Paul up and out with her noms.

Nicole is working on her plan for noms when Victor first reveals to her that Jozea is coming after all the Vets. Then Jozea tells Da’Vonne that he’s coming after all the Vets, minus Day of course. Well that makes this choice easy, but who goes up with Jozea?

I thought Paul would get himself in to this mess but instead Nicole decides to go with Paulie as a pawn. As it was pointed out on Twitter, Nicole only knows how to play with pawns in the Battle of the Block. This is a terrible plan, but Paulie agrees to it. Nicole should have instead put up two solid targets and been happy with either one leaving. Terrible plan.

Big Brother 18 – Week 1 Nominations:

  • Jozea
  • Paulie

There’s a new twist competition coming up soon and it’ll be part of Sunday’s show, but that also means we’ll get those spoilers soon thanks to the Big Brother Feeds!

Once tonight’s episode ends on the west coast we’ll be jumping on the Live Feeds launch for the Big Brother 18 season. You can get one free week of Feeds here so click below and sign up now:

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    • I haven’t had time to rewatch the debut, so I’m going to be even more confused before the night is over. But I’m raring to go!

      • That’s ok, I’m still confuse a bit with all the action that happened last night.

      • I just could not keep up. This two finger typing and slow mind and the pace of the show did not mesh well. It was fun, though.

      • I hate that my puter is in a different room than my only t.v. with cable hook up is! I can’t even access this blog on my Kindle Fire…so no two fingering for me! hahaha

      • Trust me, I’m being very safe. Most of the people down where I live…practically the sticks, are very low-key and nice! Had a great last two days…made about $28 hr. Loved that. I planned on working an afternoon beer fest, today, but none of my riders wanted to go anywhere near that…so that worked out wonderfully for me! :-)

      • HA…………….the “gangs” all here for another season of sceaming, lying, backstabbing insanity AGAIN! Glad you’re here now lets have a 18th BB season to remember……………..fingers crossed. 4 ULTIMATE HOH, I am Nobody!!!

      • I accidentally deleted mine and fell asleep while rewatching. I did remember I didn’t like jozea and Paul

      • Am so with you guys on Paul and Jozea. There are always abrasive types we love to gripe about.

      • Hi, Jason. I’m not sure if I have seen anyone pulling for those two, but I’m sure someone loves them. If there were people who love Frankie then there will be those who will love Paul and Jozea, too. Just not us, right?

      • my dtr is gonna kill me. she was coming over tonight to watch. i feel bad–a little. it’ll be on demand or youtube eventually

      • If it’s like On D in my area, it is sometimes days before the most recent ones show up. Hope your programming is better and you find it so ya’ll can watch together.

      • sounds like its the same. i put tonight, but it really was in the day-meaning we wont watch together, but she can when she is here to do chores while im at work. she is in her first yr of being out of the nest and, well…long story short, she is working off $ owed. let me just say…she is 19-aka, omniscient. lol. she hasnt figured out that she’s doing it the hard way yet.

      • well zakiyah hasnt shown me any thing ugly yet. im hoping she sees her initially knee jerk action of hooking up w those fellas in the first hours as a huge mistake and turns on them.

      • Watched “BB After Dark” and noticed when ever Da’Vonne left a room, Zakiyah would also leave to follow her.

      • sounds like she’s separated herself from paul/jozea, so that’s good for her

    • James, I’m sorry, but every time I see your name now, I think of sparkplugs for some reason. :)

  1. She does sound like her sister Vanessa, but she doesn’t have that heroin addict so I guess she’s ok.

  2. Looks like the show went back with its BB13 theme song. Not exactly my favorite post-BB6 theme song.

  3. Tiffany can’t go home.
    She’s crying already. Hilarious. Just like Vanessa. So cool!

  4. She looks and sounds just like her sister!! How can no one realize this? Oh great, look… the waterfall of tears and freakish mood changes.

  5. These comps are super Survivor-y. I’m impressed. That being said, I sure hope Nicole’s got what it takes to get through this.

  6. Nicole and one of the newbie?..what’s her name. Different voice pitch,..not sure who’s more annoying now. lol

  7. A coconut tree is a giant tree that has a giant nut. When you eat the nut, you get very fat! :D

      • I know we’ve had beef last year about Vanessa.
        I can’t help it, I’m sorry. I liked Vanessa a lot, so by default, I like Tiffany.

      • Oh I was also very much on Vanessa’s side last year… Some people felt her anxiety was fake and/or deserved, but I can relate as I’ve seen many people suffer the same mannerisms when they have a relatively high intelligence.

      • Well, perhaps she did play up to the cameras at times, but EVERYBODY does. With that being said, I do think her high anxiety and stress was real as well. I can already see Tiffany behaving the same way, but it doesn’t bother me. It’s hilarious.

      • I didn’t care for Vanessa last season but for some reason I like Tiffany.

  8. I wonder if people will cry “riggedy rigged” just because Nicole is safe. lol

  9. Nicole made the choice to play and play she does. I think she surprised herself

  10. Glen did seem like a nice guy. Who knows, he might get a chance to come back this season.
    Last year of Big Brother UK, Simon got evicted first, but he was able to come back.

    • Simon “Showbiz” getting evicted on launch day was kinda suspicious from the beginning.

      I feel bad for Adjoa.

      • I LOVED Adjoa. She got a raw deal, for sure.
        I am glad of the outcome of that season, though.

      • Poor Adjoa. So misunderstood.

        At least after 17 years of permanently evicting female housemates first, a guy finally takes the bait and didn’t come back this year. hehe

      • Yes, she was definitely misunderstood. She was hilarious.

        I was so glad when Marco got evicted. FINALLY, a male housemate is gone first. Most people want to look at Laura as the bad person, but Marco was just as responsible as her. He was literally like a female version of a slag. Natalie better get evicted tomorrow. She is working my last nerve.

  11. Shut up, Paul. If a newbie does go home, I hope it’s you! He’s so obnoxious already. He seems like he’s going to be a DR hog.

    • Both him and Jozea think they’re running the house. Jozea more so and I can’t wait to see the look on his face when the blindside Frank is hoping for pans out…time will tell…but another 4 days can change things a lot!

  12. Who is he? Choke him Corey, wait, no. You will be evicted…and I don’t condone violence…. Tell him to shut up!

  13. Victor the playboy. Poor Nicole. He may be “sexy” but an idiot. He should have thrown out Paul’s name also.

  14. Nicole needs to talk with Jozea. Bet he would throw Paul under the bus in no time flat.

  15. I don’t see Tiff, she must be hiding so people won’t see her Vanessa side. Either that or no one else in the house watched last season. we only see her in the diary room.

    • I really think he does. He suggested she go after Jozea…who he “claimed” was his friend. Nicole sent Day to him! LOLOL

  16. I’m not rooting for anyone yet, but I’m enjoying watching game strategy at play here.

      • sorry to bother, but I’m lost as to where to go for help. I got live feeds this yr, but it does not look like it did last time(2 yrs ago). it’s not orange and it does not have calendar or anything to click so I can flashback to watch things you type about. my feeds page just has bb logo at top w Julie, then 5 screens(1234&quad) to choose. nothing pops up and there’s no link I can find to allow me to flashback. am I in the wrong spot. can u help. ty

      • Are you watching on a tablet or iPad?

        I don’t have the feeds since they went to All-Access. But LavendarGirl had the same issue last year and found out that was because she was watching on an iPad. On a laptop it doesn’t do that.

      • oh. I did just get a cheapy tablet, I think. not to hip w tech. it’s supposta b a tablet but has keyboard, so it’s a laptop???. I think I can pull it apart but I haven’t read the book and it works just fine as is. it’s not Apple. it swipes up/down not side/side and screen looks different than iPhone or Windows. I tried on iPhone too I’ll try big pc. thanks

      • So it’s an android tablet. That’s why you get the flashback option. You need to be in a Windows environment to have the flashback.

      • Not that I remember, but the issue is time, Capt., I just don’t have it right now, but when I do, I’ll be looking for that info.

      • Yeah, I’ve been meaning to watch BB Canada as well for the longest. I’ve seen a couple of episodes of the first season, but that was like a year ago. I’ll get into it soon, I’m sure.

      • If you want to binge watch, email me and I’ll give you the access to a google drive, the whole season 4 is there.
        captain555 at hotmail dot com

      • I completely spaced out. I realized that this website I go on all the time to watch BBUK has all the seasons of BB Canada on there as well.
        Thanks for your suggestion though.

      • It would be cool if they could do one nomination week the way BBUK does it. They each go to the diary room and pick two people to nominate. Whoever has the most nominations will be put up. I know BBUK is based more off of popularity, whereas the US version is a strategic game, but it would be interesting to see how that would play out on this US BB.

      • BBUK can be great at times. I absolutely love the way they do the evictions! There is a lot of drama on that show and sometimes it makes it seem like they are creating the drama at times. Especially this year with some of the housemates having significant others and enemies in the house.

      • I just hope this season’s BBUK stick with traditional nominations. Last season, they’ve been so inconsistent with how they do them that it rendered the shock of one-offs like face-to-face noms ineffective, especially when Helen “Evil Reborn” Wood was brought back to wreck havoc.

      • I couldn’t stand Helen. Still can’t believe she won over Ashleigh!
        Last season was just a jumbled mess, but it did end well.

  17. Both Nicole and Paulie made mistakes. I am sure the whole house would vote Paul out. I hope Paulie doesn’t leave!

  18. So on the feeds tonight we should know who won POV right? Or haven’t they played it yet?

      • On TV. But in the house, as the schedule was last year, nominations is on friday, they play POV on saturday and the veto meeting is on Monday.

      • Hi, all! : )))

        That’s my only concern – the new comp & new ceremony will be happening PRIOR TO the POV comp (because they want it to air on Sunday’s show & they need time to do the comp/ceremony and edit for tv), so it’ll almost have to happen on Friday nights like BoB did, right Captain? Then they’ll play POV on Saturday and have Veto meeting on Monday like always? That’s the only thing I can figure will work when it comes to the house/tv schedule.

  19. Tiff leaves the table and faces the mirror, checking out to see if anyone is checking her out. She’s a slinky cat , just like her sister,, She’s gonna lay low as long as she can.

    • They should wise up and when it’s made public she needs to be next to go. Vanessa was a nut job and I think her sister didn’t fall to far from that tree

      • She’s gonna wait until real alliances are formed and play betwteen the two. I see a repeat. This will all crash if she is found out.

      • Maybe she’s banking on that being like her sister is an asset. for whoever joins forces her. I don’t think she will go undetected past week 2 or 3

      • I can’t take another season of she’s like her sister. I barely made it through the last one lol

      • But you have to realize that these people are different people than the ones in the house last year. It might not go that way for her. Tiffany’s in the game and she has to work with THESE people. She does seem more level-headed than Vanessa, though. But let’s just see. We can’t criticize her game-play yet, because it’s too early.

      • Well, I don’t think she should be next to go just because she’s Vanessa’s sister. Same for Paulie. They should get a fair chance at the game.
        Vanessa was a smart nut job, who did almost win if it weren’t for that last HOH competition between her and Steve. She might be crazy at times, but she ruled that house last season.

      • It took me five seconds by looks. and three words by voice. then the mannerisms sealed the deal. She has to be hiding all the time

      • Scary to think there are that many people in the house who don’t observe any better. That’s a huge part of the game; paying attention. And in the case of Tiffany, it doesn’t require that much observation or attention.

      • Rushing through AD on DVR, I saw where James was giving a shout out to Van while he was sitting with Tiff. That’s one more who knows.

      • Yes, they had a 2 minute segment dedicated to Michelle and Tiffany talking about it. Tiffany was going to not admit it at first, but Michelle already knew. I mean, for goodness sake, they look the same, they sound the same, they walk the same, they cry the same! lol..they seem more alike than the twins, Liz and Julia were last season, and they aren’t even twins.

      • Or perhaps some of them didn’t even see last season, which I doubt. But that could be a possibility.

      • Lord help, Jasmine, I couldn’t imagine going into that house without watching at least a couple of previous seasons. But I know it has happened.

      • I know, right? They’d be idiots not to. They should definitely watch the season before theirs for sure.

      • its funny my mom was kind oof napping and she spoke and she shot up her chair and said OMG she is back lol

      • They will..she’s gonna start wearing those hooded sweat shirts, and dark glasses…you watch.

    • Which could work well for her. I mean, the object of the game is to outlast everyone. It’s basically the same premise of Survivor: Outwit, Outplay, Outlast.

  20. Nicole is a moron. Why would she put up Paulie week 1 if she wants to work with him in the future?! If he wins veto he’s going to be an easy person to throw up in the future since he’s been there already. If he loses veto he’s going home for sure!!!! Like damn how stupid is she?!

      • Lol I’m sure she’s smart medically but game wise her decision made no sense

      • She looked so unsure the entire time. I hope it works out. She was trying to keep from making enemies this early and becoming a certain target. The vets have no idea just how big the target on their back already is.

      • Agreed. I just worry that Paulie won’t want to work with her now, I mean I surely wouldn’t after that. The chances of him going home are high and even if he doesn’t think week he’s an easier nominee to put up. Im rooting for Frank this season.

      • I watched a few minutes of AD last night and I really like Paulie so far. I hope he stays around for a while.

  21. Is the “Team” concept going to show itself for each HOH contest, or does anyone know how it will work? Again, the newbies get played. If Corey would have taken the HOH, a veteran would have gone home. Instead, he says he didn’t want blood on his hands, but he would have done what the other 11 newbies would have wanted. I don’t get it. And Paulie better win the Veto or I think he will go home.

  22. I’ve changed my mind about Da’Gone. Jozea this week, Paul next week. Or vice versa depending on the veto… I don’t friggin’ care as long as those douchebags go first.

    Da’Gone actually seems to have changed her tune since yesterday — I might be able to stand her in the house now.

    • She is a card dealer, used to being in control. maybe it is sinking in that she has to work with others. If she could, and hold her tongue, she’s smart and could be dangerous. That’s two big challenges for her to over come.

    • She doin much better this time round. That Jozie boy is just downright “overzealous” shall we say?

    • Check Hamsterwatch dot com. On the left side, a little bit down he has “east coast streams”. There’s 10 choice there.

    • If you can wait a couple of hours, the episode should be on this website called thewatchseries dot to

      It will soon have a ton of links so you can watch tonight’s episode or previous episodes, or even previous seasons.
      The best links come from vodlocker.

    • Seriously, the watchseries dot to is your go to website for all kinds of shows. It even has other versions of Big Brother: UK, Australia, Canada, Celebrity UK version.
      If you watch Survivor, it has almost every season of Survivor on there. I only mention Survivor because I’m in love with that show as well.

  23. absolutely loved this episode. very impressed w Nicole’s game play. actually all the vets. they were working paulie good. perfect outcome for me this week would be Paul and jozea as final noms of the week. very eager to learn about this new comp.

    • I agree! Nicole has stepped it up this season… I also am enjoying Da’Vonne more this season than last season!

  24. Nicole found herself. But should have lokked outside group for other nominee. But maybe not . Nominees are in for POV. non-players ( paul, hopefully) are not.

  25. Gawwwww I so hate distractions when it’s BB eviction night! Oh well, I finally made it here…2 hrs late it seems. So sorry to see Glenn go, but he did lose fair and square. I’m doing a happy dance seeing Jozea up there. I feel, though, that Paul should have been the one put up next to him instead of Paulie. Maybe they’ll backdoor Paul if Jozea wins Veto! But Jozea was getting just as cocky as Paul has. If they both went home, I wouldn’t be sad. Was laughing my butt off over that convo he had with Day. Of all people, he should have just kept his mouth shut! Funny how Victor sent her right to him as well.

    • Paulie going up was a mistake. If noms stay same, house might decide to send stronger player home

    • Tiffany (Vanessa’s sister) and Paulie (Cody’s brother) need to “keep their mouths shut” about their backgrounds and especially their relatives else it will be a early “Julie Chen interview” for them. 4 ULTIMATE VETO POWER, I am Nobody!!!

  26. I’m checking twitter. Matthew think Glen is gone into sequester. He has to do his interview by email.

  27. Hey all I am glad to be back :) I am liking this season so far I am not a fan of Paul and Jozea I wish the vets would bring in Tiffany ,Cody, Paulie and Victor it looks like they want to work with them as well then they would have the numbers I really hope Paulie wins the veto and then Nicole could put up Paul

  28. I am hoping and praying that the new comp gives someone the power of the DPOV to safe and replace. I want those returnees gone since they did not play good enough games to return.

    Hoping and praying the final 11 are all new players. Rooting for Tiffany and Paulie at the moment

  29. Happy summer everyone! I was screaming and laughing at Paul when his plan fell through. Ha! Ha!

  30. Nicole wasted her HOH. She really should have put Jozea and Victor. He would have FOUGHT so hard to stay in the house. Then she could have put up Paul or something so the house would be split on who to vote for.

  31. Watching the feeds right now. The Vets are smooth, Each of them working to increase their numbers.

  32. Bad move it could be for Nicole and Paulie. I think she should have thought about Paulie being in a similar boat as the vets. Van I mean Tiffany needs to come clean with her team it will come out. I’m surprised Jozea is up there tbh especially when Paul is rallying the troops against the vets! At the very least Paul should have been up there but I totes would have put someone like Bridget or Bronte up next to Jozea. What are they going to do if Paulie can’t win it and if they take him down who is going to replace him. I am curious about this new comp that can change the game, it better not be drop teams and do BoB cause I’ll be pissed. Hopefully it’s something good since I am digging these comps. Btw Tiffany I’m surprised you’ve fooled people this long. She really is a carbon copy of Van. She even is wearing the bandana the way Van did and looks identical how is no one noticing event James and Nicole! It’s crazy. I still don’t like Da but if she can get out Paul I’ll be happy. He is a douche. Way too cocky. I’m also surprised Cory didn’t mention to Nicole about him. And I’m so surprised that both Victor and Jozea spilled their game and plans like wtf that is stupid. Don’t tell the person in power you’re gunning for them lol

  33. Just finished watching both premiere episodes!
    Oh gosh nooo Nicole, wrong Paul !!!!
    I really like Paulie, he seems like a nice guy. And Corey as well. Paul the Beard is so cocky but his goodbye message to Glenn is kinda sweet, so I wouldn’t mind him to hang around a bit.
    Glad that Tiffany hangs around for now.
    Bad Nicole … very bad!!!

  34. Corey is trying to play both sides with his quickly acquired Nicole alliance vs. being a newbie. He has already pissed off a few new players by not grabbing HOH. Bronte, based on her voice alone, ought to go soon.

  35. Wow that was a terrible nomination decision. She needed to pit Jozea and one of his closest allies against each other to divide their alliance. Then if he comes back, at least he has one less friend to help him come after Nicole. That was such a bone head move, why didn’t James or Frank set her straight?

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