The Big Brother 18 Live Feeds remain on blackout this morning as the game moves on inside with an eviction and at least the next Head of Household competition having taken place. Without the Feeds our usual source of spoilers is withheld and we’d have to wait for tonight’s episode unless word leaked. Well, guess what.
Update: Spoilers confirmed. These HoH results were accurate, just as we trusted.
Okay, now these are Big Brother spoilers, but I also do have to caveat them as being rumored spoilers since I can’t personally verify them yet. However, I would not present these to you without a solid source and this source is about as solid and reliable as you can get. Read on if you want to know who may be our new Head of Household and first member of the BB18 Final Three.
With Corey as the outgoing HoH he was ineligible to compete which left the competition up to James, Nicole, and Paul. According to the excellent spoiler source of @MissCleoBB that new winner is none other than… Paul Abrahamian.
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">PAUL WON HOH #BB18
— MissCleoBB (@MissCleoBB) September 13, 2016
Yes, word is that Paul won HoH and if true, which I do trust this source to not throw trash out there and claim it to be true when it’s not, then we can expect him to nominate Corey and Nicole with James left on the sideline. This would break Nicole’s streak of avoiding the Block all season, which is still impressive enough for the first 12 rounds.
Paul winning HoH would mean he has secured himself a spot in the F3, but the real power this week is the Veto. The HoH has no chance of voting even if he wins the Veto, but would instead get to pick which one HG does the voting. If Nicole didn’t win the HoH comp and then neither her nor Corey wins the Veto, which will likely be held on Tuesday afternoon, then one of them will be evicted on Wednesday night. Remember that Tuesday’s eviction show was taped and so that evictee, Victor obviously if Paul is around to win HoH, is already gone.
We’ll keep watching for any more leaks or other details today, but general rumors on social media can be tricky as people love to throw stuff out there and see what sticks. I really do trust this source though as Miss Cleo has been at the BB spoilers game for a long time and has been extremely accurate.
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What do you think of these spoiler rumors? Would you be happen if Paul really did win or were you hoping to see the Sitting Ducks picked off two in a row? Who do you hope gets evicted next? Share your thoughts below then join us back here for tonight’s show at 8/7c to see the confirmed results.
Awww yeah! I’ve really come around to liking Paul now. Plus I have a bet going with a coworker for a Chick-fil-a lunch if Paul wins.
I don’t like Paul at all & hold he doesn’t win! Blauuuck!
And what is a Chick-fil-a lunch please?
I’m with you there! No Chick-Fil-A where you are, huh?
It;s a popular chain but I never eat there! Google it.
If you don’t have a Chick-fil-a where you live then its time for you to move. You are missing out :)
It’s really good! A Chic-fil-a sandwich with honey mustard..mmmm! :-)
Love Chick-Fil-A – yum!!!
The absolute best little REAL chicken nuggets available in fast food. I told my grandchildren once that chicken nuggets were chicken’s nuts and one of them wouldn’t touch a nugget for over two years. Show how impressionable children really are. :(
You are soooo baaaad! I won’t tell my grandbaby that as it might backfire and give me food poisoning through osmosis! :-)
It did backfire because that was my one picky grandchild and chicken was the only type of meat he would eat back then. I paid for that one. “food poisoning through osmosis!” hahahahahaha, Joni
Haha K! That’s hilarious! …And they do have the BEST chicken nuggets :)
I eat at Chik fil A at least once a week. That’s the only way I’ll go to the gym.
Funny because my husband takes our granddaughter to the gym late evenings with him and then they go eat at Chik fil A or Arby’s afterwards. I guess that’s better than drinking a large milkshake on a warm summer night.
I simply do not go to Chik-fil-A. Nothing wrong with it but I just don’t eat it.
Vegan? They have good soft serve ice cream, too, and sweet, sweet, tea. :)
Tooo sweet of tea for me! I like their shakes better to go with my sammich! :-)
they have really good lemonade that’s my fave place to get one
I go to the fair for my lemonade! LOL
omg the fair…FUNNEL CAKE!!!!
No, Elephant Ears!!! LOL
Yum funnel cake
Can tea be too sweet?
Heck yeh! Almost as similar to putting too much salt on your pork! :-)
Ummmm, pig!
Not a Vegan, I just don’t care to go there. Like here some do not care for the White Castle’s but I love them.
Hubby took me to WC on our second date. Yummmmm! Of course we’d been drinking that night too…WC is great munching food! :-)
No White Castle in my area, but it is probably similar to a Handee Burger.
Miniature slider burgers there?
More like a Krystal if you have them in your area.
Yes, I like Krystals. I always order extra pickles.
You get an ‘up vote’ for the very mention of pickles. I just started to salivate texting about pickles! OMG….. So amazingly tasty!
You’re so crazy, Tink, the kind of fun crazy. Here’s to pickles!! Cheers :D
OMG I love White Castle and miss it!!! It’s been years since I’ve had it
You know ice cream isn’t vegan, right?
Never cared. :) I’ve never had a close friend, relative, or worked with anyone who is vegan, so I’ve never needed to research it.
How many grandchildren?
6 :)
No thank you! And I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about having that many either! LOLOL
I understand. I love ’em, but that’s enough. I hope my children teach them to be responsible and not expect they are entitled to anything in this world, because they will not be living with me if they are lazy. I understand things happen beyond someone’s control, but laziness or irresponsibility, I do not support.
I don’t support disrespect either, which my daughter and son-in-law possess and they wonder why they’re already having trouble with a 2 1/2 yr old. I keep my mouth closed, since I know why they are, but they’re not listening to it anyway. Why bother? They’re the type that will learn the hard way in every situation where respect is lacking! :-)
Yes, I’ve learned it’s always best to zip it unless asked and even then a person has to be very careful with their words.
I’m not an interfering, meddling in-law unless they slide too close into my own personal space! :-) My time with them is somewhat limited too! Best to walk away than give those kind a piece of my mind! :-) The day will come when their youngens will want to run away and come to my house, which they rarely if ever bring the current one to! :-)
Sometimes we as grandparents just need to make sure our conscience is clear and proceed with our life. They know where to find us. :D
Aweeeee! So jealous! My daughters getting married next Sept long! Whhoot whoop!
It’s work if you care enough to be an involved grandparent. Lots of cooking, attending school functions, supporting sports and other activities they pursue. It can get overwhelming if you let it. I understand that both parents have to work sometimes, but other people shouldn’t be raising your children. That’s just my opinion about it.
Enjoy the planning. Hope it only happens once for her. :D
She’s a wedding planner so she isn’t including me in as much as I’d like but she says she wants to surprise us too. She wants us to see her work so I say, ok! What else can I say? She fupills me in here & there.
I’m visiting her right now. She lives in Whistler. Not sure you know where that is but whistler held the last Winter Olympics.
We live about 1.5 hours away which is great. Her fiancé works across Canada in New Brunswick & flys in every 2 weeks.
But now they are moving in Jan to Kelowna which is about a 4-5 hr drive from our place! Whaaaa! ?
You are visiting a beautiful place. My husband has skied in Whistler. He does a bit of everything, including climbing and biking the Tetons recently. Your daughter will be able to splurge more seeing that she is doing her own wedding.I’m sure it will be marvelous! 4-5 hrs away is not that bad, you think?
kelowna is gorgeus!!!
Southern chain – it’s great
Not completely southern. I don’t see them in Kentucky but I have been to one in the Cleveland, OH area. I will go there or Popeye’s bit not KFC. Sadly, the worst KFC I’ve ever had is in Kentucky. The fried chicken from the deli at Walmart is much better.
It’s here on the east coast too! Headquarters is in GA!
I am from Kentucky and we have Chic a fila, that my daughter favorite place to eat!
I’m in California now, and miss all the good southern food
They have in Lexington, KY. I know what you mean about some KFC locations. I didn’t know they had in Cleveland
Ok if you say so & if you made a bet for that it must be yummy!
Lololol yep
It is a privately owned by a Christian family and they have pretty good food. My daughter loves to go there and another bonus for their employees is they are closed on Sundays.
And although they are closed on Sundays, they are still a very lucrative business. I wish I had started the franchise in my city. It is packed from opening to closing. They have the most courteous employees you will ever deal with.
Absolutely the best and friendliest employees. I love when they say, “my pleasure”. Customer service as its finest!
Who do you want to win and what do you base it on?
I agree, never did like Paul
Love your ‘name’ and avatar, poor Hodor :(
Agree. An unnecessary death.
awww hodor…now i miss game of thrones…
Best show on TV. Imagine what could happen if the HG’s had swords
LOLOLOLOL they would all be stuck in meech…each time she cried or complained or whinned or basically any time she was awake we would all be saying ooo here comes another one lol
Wonder if she’s a screamer as well. :-)
well her tantrums weren’t exactly screamy per say but i would venture to guess that was because of the cameras…i bet she is
Meech would probably try to eat her sword, lol
Hmmm……. Ice Hockey. Love the sport. Fistfights. With sticks too. The audience gets to drink beer. All of the above combined the grace and elegance of ice skating.
Said in jest of course. I find the fights unsportsman-like.
Plastic floaty ones? Lol
Can’t stand the Megalomaniac Paul and his spoiled rich kid who still lives in his parent’s large home routine. It seems that the producers know what comps to throw up at what time to secure the best HoH for their TV show. This season seems so rigged.
Lol. Awwe, too cute. I had the same experience watching Paul. He deserves to win. Nicole and Cory haven’t done anything but lie to people and lye in bed more than half the season. They showed no loyalty at all. I dont like players like that. I didn’t care for Vanessa, Steve, or Liz but i respected the way they kept an alliance down to the end. I have no respect for Nicory. I hate when slimy players win. It makes my blood boil. Vanessa was pretty much a straight shooter, I wasn’t a fan but she earned my respect.
I am just confused about how the information is obtained. Does production or staff tell them?
I don’t know who the man behind the mask is (perhaps some people do), but for all we know MissCleo is Les Moonves himself. ;-)
They could of been at the taping.
I read somewhere that whoever is evicted tonight, presumably Victor, won’t go to the jury house, but will go to a hotel. Is this true, and if so, why?
Nope, from what I understand(unless they change it up) Victor will be the last jury member going to jury house. But the person who is evicted next, finishing 4th, they stay in a hotel until finale night.
I’m not exactly sure why though. Someone on here must know??
Maybe to keep jury from trying to decide who to vote for. One more will come out but they don’t know who so votes would have to be try again. Just a guess.
Because of timing I believe. The segment where the Jury discusses who should win is taped in advance. Can’t remember who said it, James or Nicole. Apparently the HG that finishes 4th shows up for the taping of the Jury discussion and then all Jury members are sent to hotels so they can’t discuss their choices further
Yes, that’s correct. the 4th place finisher shows up right when the round table jury discussion is going on and after that all of the jury members are sent to hotels, I forgot about that part. Thanks for the input.
Right! It is timing and location
James said on the feeds a week or so ago that the jurors all get separated with a week to go , so they can’t all decide on who wins the game before the finale
All the jurors go to a hotel the last week. So whoever is evicted after Victor will go there also.
I think Nicole had mentioned this to them.
Way to go Paul get Nicole out she said that she hasn’t been on the block yet burst her bubble and send her out it will be up to James to send her out the door.hope he does.
If he can get Corey out, he has a good shot at that.
Not necessarily. Remember, Steve won last year and he was not athletic at all. The last comp is mental so he may be better off going against Corey than Nicole.
Even if the first comp is physical and Corey wins, Paul then faces off against James who he has a great chance of beating. Then Corey and Paul face off in a mental comp about what house guests may have said. I think Paul is much more perceptive about people than Corey so he could pull of a win in that final comp for HoH. Then Paul evicts Corey an its him and James lobbying for votes.
I think you are correct. Paul spent all summer talking to and manipulating nearly everyone in the house while Corey was canoodling with Nicole. Therefore, Paul knows the houseguests better than Corey and could beat him in a comp about what houseguests said.
Exactly! This will be Nic or Corey’s downfall of their “sleep through the game” strategy. Plus Nic didn’t get to know anyone else besides Corey and Paulie.
So true why Cory won HOH because he is so tall didn’t
take much to put his hand get it last time they played when
Victor was still in the house.
I hope is true, even though I don’t care for him to win.
He may put up Corey since he put him up and possibly James.
Victor and Paul planned to take Nicole to final 3. I hope she goes to jury right behind Victor.
Either way , no combo is taking Paul to F2 .. He has to win the final two comps of the summer to get a seat in the end
I think Paul may be more strategic than we think. He wins when he needs to – and has played a good social game
How by calling Michelle the “C” word good social game there.
its not its bad manners
Serves her right. Don’t go picking fights with people and expecting pleasantries in return.
Absolutely! I would have called her that and a bitch! She should keep her mouth shut! I dont see how people view things the way they do. The thing with Michelle was an isolated incident, had nothing to do with his social game. She bit him and he bit her back harder! Also, your comment about Nicole never getting to know anyone but Cory and James is so true! Wow I never realized that. Thats a GREAT point that the jury should hold against her. I know she sucks already, but that point she really sucks. She shouldnt win.
I TOTALLY AGREE!! Sure, it is a harsh word in and of itself…BUT she was being an antagonistic immature bitch, and just like Paul called her out: She kicks people when they’re down…Then cries when things don’t go her way. Even when she was immaturely berating Paulie (who sure, was a douche), it seems like she would only get a big mouth when she thought was in a big group of people who felt the same way as her. She kind of seems like a bully…tough when she thinks she’s “safe,” then cowers away when being stood up to.
Boy, I hope Snakole is evicted Wednesday. But Paul may see her as the easiest to win against out of her and Corey. Which is a toss up in my opinion.
Yesterday before feeds went down Paul was telling James it would be stupid to take Nicole to F2 because she would win. Now I don’t know if he was just telling James that in case James won.
I completely agree with Shirley and Carla above. I’m way beyond pisssssed, if this is true! He is the most disgusting, foul mouthed, vile, crude, rude, loud, dirty, mean, lying, nasty, arrogant, obnoxious a**hole!
Anyone who believes half of his “stories” then I’ve got some land to sell you. And if he’s only 23, I must be 93 then! Yes, hoping the “gift” Jeff presents him with is a huge bar of soap! Ha! Ha! I don’t even want to know what’s growing/hiding inside of that ridiculous beard either. Ugh!
lol. I don’t like Paul either, but from the remaining HGs, he’s the one who deserves to win.
I disagree.
All of the remaining houseguests are awful people, but Paul has played the best game which is why i’m rooting for him.
I agree – he played a great social game. My fave was Victor tho
Me too.
I wanted Victor in F2
Same here!
Vic played a heck of a game!
He sure did! Hope he gets rewarded in some way!
vic was my choice i don’t care who gets what at this point…
I don’t either – I don’t like Nicole, James or Corey. I guess I’ll root for Paul, but Victor had to fight to stay in the house. He deserved the 500,000. He didn’t scumbag his way thru this game
Mine too! Vic was a comp beast, thats why no one wanted to go to the end withhim. When i heard he got betrayed by Nicole & Corey Iwas so hoping that Vic would get Nicole & James to understand and believe that Corey was just using her. It would have gotten him the 2 votes to stay tonight. Oh well, let’s just hope he gets AFP!
Paul has been OTB the most and never evicted. He’s spun his way out of every hairy situation thrown his way. Stayed loyal to his alliances when they were loyal to him. Won when he needed to win. Paul has played a masterful game.
I TOTALLY AGREE!! Sure, it is a harsh word in and of itself…BUT she was being an antagonistic immature bitch, and just like Paul called her out: She kicks people when they’re down…Then cries when things don’t go her way. Even when she was immaturely berating Paulie (who sure, was a douche), it seems like she would only get a big mouth when she thought was in a big group of people who felt the same way as her. She kind of seems like a bully…tough when she thinks she’s “safe,” then cowers away when being stood up to. And I actually liked her at the beginning of the season.
Corey is disgusting with his echoing of Paulie’s misogynistic comments and behaviour, James is pathetic for a 32 year old male still playing pranks and running after women who aren’t into him. Nicole has shown some game play recently and Paul has played the game throughout the season. Paul for the win!
Nicole is just as bad. She has no morals.
Why do you think that?
Probably b/c she slept w/ Corey the entire season. Not judging her, but I think that’s why she is looked at that way.
Nic plays innocent but on the feeds she was on top. Just saying.
It used to be called “whore”..
But guess if you get 500,000 it’s called playing bb.
Her poor mom.
Nailed it. My biggest thing with Snakole is the fakeness. She plays dumb and acts all sweet and innocent. When everyone knows she’s boning Corey and using people (just as much as Natalie used James) to stay in the game.
So a young single girl doesn’t have sex? What world are you living in? And you were under the covers with her so you know for sure.
But how do YOU view her?
She ahhh played married people games in bed with Corey, the abuser of goats .. Neff said.
Oh I forgot about the goats. Corey acts like he’s not all there – the whole ‘visualize’ his mom says and he and his sister both bought into – didn’t that go out years ago?
Why because she’s single and young and in a showmance? Wow she’s going to hell.
James is a ridiculous man child
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL that made me choke on my coffee…so freakin funny
What kind of coffee do you drink? Flavored, black, take cream, with or without sugar? hahaha
regular coffee and i take it muddy :D
So the spoon can stand up in the cup? hahaha
Lololololol sorry – I can’t with James
Yes! Thank you!
My pleasure! Good morning
Paul for the win, and Vic for AFP!
Agreed – since Vic was voted out. Watch that toad James get it again
Get what?
Paul for the win!
Ugh Buford!
I’ll second that!!
Shhhh…he doesn’t know my married name is Anderson! :-)
Utter nonsense! lolol
I’m with you! I can’t stand James or Nicole – don’t like Corey
Haha, the funny thing is, he would be so happy to read your post! He was saying he wanted the “villian” edit…
Guess it’s goodbye to Corey (if he does not win veto) because James will not vote to evict Nicole! That is if the leak is true and Paul did win HoH! :-)
Agreed! James won’t vote Nic out & I doubt Corey would vote out James… Hmmmm! Vedy interesting! Lol
If Paul wins veto, one of those two will be evicted, mark my words! hahaha
yea i dont see him changing his own noms
Well ya! Silly girl…. Lolo lol
teehee! Sarcasm does go a long way sometimes! :-)
Toodles Corey!
The next veto will likely be mental/memory so I don’t see James or Corey being as good as Nicole at that.
Not if Corey wins veto
True! So then Nicole better win veto!
Be interesting to see if she sent Corey home over James
She wouldn’t be doing the sending, though!
Whoever wins the veto , unless it’s Paul , is the only one left to vote this week . Paul can’t vote if he’s HOH
I know…so let’s say Nic throws it to Corey, he wins veto, he comes down, James goes up and Corey will vote out James! So Nic, Corey and Paul will make F3!
Unless Corey is smarter than we think and votes out Nic.
DOH! :-)
I hope James is evicted
That’d be okay with me too!
If it means getting rid of Snakole or Corey. I’m rooting for James to stay in that house. Time for him to PUT UP or SHUT UP.
i am definately down with him shutting up lol
If she won the veto she would have the only vote for eviction
True! But that’s because she’d have no choice in the matter. You think she’d throw it to Corey?
Not with a 2/3 chance next round of getting 50K or 500K on the line . There is no reason too
lol I don’t know, I know at this point I wouldn’t trust anyone.
i think nicole is playing to win now, she won’t throw it to corey and she knows james won’t vote her out unless all other choice is removed and if corey comes down she knows he won’t vote her out either so even if she is on the block she will be ok, paul had to win hoh to stay so i’m sure he don’t care who goes where he knows its not gonna be him…
Yup! :-)
I’m not so sure that Corey would save her. Think he also is playing to win now and he has a better chance against James than Nic. Of course, he hasn’t shown a lot of intelligence but his competitive side should kick in
I agree
Never. She’s a player and she’s going to save herself.
Paul is an HOH follower & I just don’t get how ppl think he played a strategic game? He didn’t get anyone out cuz of his ‘brilliant’ strategy. He’s won one HOH big whoop! He’s sat in the HOH room annoying everyone and wouldn’t know his ass from a tea-kettle!
Just saying.
And shave that disgusting beard wacko!
Awwww….you seem bitter! :-) Too bad Vic lost, huh? :-(
Not bitter at all. It doesn’t affect my life. Haha! I just think the guy portraits lack of play by sticking his head up someone’s behind…. IMO ??
So that’s why his hair is dark! LOLOL
Pretty shitty, eh?
Don’t forget stinky! :-)
Good one. Love it!! Hahahaha!
I’m bitter Victor was evicted
That is Paul’s strategy. He does follow the HOH and then he heavily influences their actions, thus keeping the blood off his hands. Some people may not admire this strategy, but it has certainly worked for him. He is at least playing a game and not laying about all season.
Yes, he has shown a bit of Dr. Will’s strategy in influencing the HoH’s actions
I agree! He has played a good game socially
I think the only HOH he’s influenced is Victor.
Thank you!! I couldn’t agree more!
And the other three have done what????
well let’s see…james lost his buffalo nickle, then there is that iffy soulmate situation and he got a pair of flip flops…corey got advice from harry potter and apparently had his snake charmed..nicole went to summer camp and learned to be a snake charmer…i think that pretty much sums it up
You hit the nail on the head! :-)
I have a feeling she already knew the mechanics, but she just got a lot of practice. If my husband acted as unimpressed/unaffected about the goings on undercover as Doofus seems to, I think I’d go take classes. :(
Can you imagine that voice during the undercover happenings? Ugh
Nope, not gonna. Blargh!
Would hate to hear what she sounds like at her ‘peak’ so to speak. Oh Coreeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy screech.
Why do you torment me so? :( hehe
Cause I care, lol
Good answer. :D
Ohhhhhh K. LOL!!!
Accurate and very colorful commentary! :)
Very, very good summary!!
Stayed in bed, and had a showmance
Stayed in bed and had showmance
Well let’s see, Nicole held back & watched everyone else be put up, or shut up from the rest of the house & when it came time to be strategic & win comps: she did just that. Perhaps she gave Corey the same advice cuz guess what? If worked!
James, I think he remained under the radar as well. A good game strategy IMO.
I think it’s pretty impressive all three of them, Nicole, Corey & James were hardly on the block at all this season.
Paul on the other hand was expendable becuz he was on the block multiple times & becuz of bigger threats he didn’t go home but the potential was always there if the house wanted to vote that way.
Nicole, Corey & James were smart to lay low & watch the rest go at it! I think that’s brilliant.
Pauls only plan was to sit in the HOH room with some floaty-pelican attached to his waist like an idiot! After Victor returned he played Vic’s game or sat around the HOH thinking he was awesome & that the audience thought he was another ‘Evel Dick!!’ Ohhhhhh aand that we were all a fan of his beard and that somehow the world now says ‘friendship’ instead if… Ohhhhhh I don’t know…. You fill that one in! Hahaha!
Paul’s just not a winner in my eyes! IMO
let’s leave pablo out of this….
Snakole HOH wins were both handed to her. Oh yeah, she won one POV that she should have won since she played in the comp before. James not winning doesn’t count since he and Snakole are a packaged deal. Her winning is the same as his winning.
Actually they weren’t. The first HOH she was very strategic how she got it. She made them think she didn’t want it. The second HOH James only made a deal because he was ready to fall. Anyone could clearly see that. Nicole could of hung on for another hour. She earned that. And she’s won TWO POVs which the last one she won helped her follow through on evicting Victor. She deserves to win.
As I’m sure you know…I’m just happy she’s FINALLY going on the block. Should have already been up there many times before NOW. Gonna love watching her squirm!!!
Yep but she went the entire game not being nominated. When there’s only 4 left odds are you’re going up. She’ll just win POV and take herself down. ;-).
Not exactly! She didn’t go the ENTIRE game without being nominated. The game is still in FULL swing!! Everyone will be fighting HARD to win POV this go around. Yeah right, she’s so great at comps it’s guaranteed she will win POV. Just like she won HOH last night, eh!!!
Excuse me wrong choice of words but you get what I mean. She’s stayed off the block for 99% of the game. And she’s better at physical comps and mental comps then the others. She has a great chance. By the way we don’t even know yet who Paul nominated. We’re just assuming. So she still could be off the block! And as far as HOH last night I don’t think anyone is going to win every HOH. I’m sure production fixed it for Paul since everyone seems to think Production is fixing everything for Nicole.
Very true…she could be safe, although I hope not. Guess we’ll know for sure tonight, right??? By the way, I’ve enjoyed our FRIENDLIER hashing back and forth, a lot more. Until tonight then…keep your fingers cross….LOL…cuz I’m anxious for her to be on the block and evicted!!!
I know you are. Lol. Yeah it’s interesting to see how other people feel especially when they voice their opinion on game play and not personal. If we all liked the same person it would be like crickets on these sites.
And don’t forget that she was the first to finish in that 1st HOH comp.
I couldn’t agree with you more on everything.
Very well written and so true about everyone
Hey, now thanks. Darlin’ lol
I find it funny that you think that Nicole and James played a great strategic game but Paul just happened to make it to final 4. I think Paul deserves to be there because despite not knowing the game like Nic and James and being a target early on, he was able to regroup and stay in the game and influence it. I can’t remember one instance aside from the last 2/3 weeks where Nicorey or James influenced the game.
I couldn’t of said it better. Thanks.
It’s funny, if you like the person their lay low game play was a great move, if you don’t like the person the lay low strategy makes them a floater!
I don’t think he’s strategic, as much as playing a good social game. He has managed to stay alive to F4
Yep he does a good job of following and running his disgusting mouth.
I heard this last night and hope it’s true! Time for the snake and the snake charmer to sit next to each other OTB.
Bear with me here, Buford, please. I was having a hard time figuring out which is the snake and which is the charmer. Since Dingus is a snake, as has been decided by multiples of posters and HGs, I assume Doofus would be the charmer. But, she has been charming his snake for a few weeks, so she could also be considered the charmer and him the snake. So, to put this to rest, I envisioned the deadly hooded cobra as Dingus with her messy bun(hood) and Doofus as the guy playing the pungi, basically because I couldn’t imagine what a whining pungi would sound like. :(
LOL You are described them perfectly and I can tell you thought it out way more than I did.
Lol I’ve had a similar thought but I like yours better. ???
That messy bun was a mess – she sure didn’t perfect that ‘do
You are a roll today my friend!. Heheheheheheeheee
Yeah bruh! Oh How I hate when Corey says that… :)
Sounded like Bra to me! LOL
He DOES say Bra and Bro … I have no idea what the distinction is and probably don’t want to. Not sure why slang speech is sooooooooooo irritating, but it is. It just seems lazy, careless and disrespectful to me, but I don’t know why.
I try not to let it bug me too, but it does.
It’s a surfer term originated in Hawaii means pigeon. Derogatory term depending on the inflection in your voice when saying it. Not a socal phrase in origin. See the movie North Shore for better context. It’s not a good thing
Thanks – appreciate it. I admit I am kind of persnickety when it comes to grammar and language and I have a hard time getting past that sometimes.
Forgot to define the bra also is like using bro (brother) Brah is the previous def. All depends on Inflection. Same as when you say bro it can mean brother or if you say it with a mean tone it’s kinda like f you Charlie. Anyway with those knuckleheads who knows but its been around forever.
Thanks! Knuckleheads – right.
Me too! Like nails on a chalk board ?
He’s so dumb – I think he has the Harry Potter robe and wand (whatever it is), and ordered it from Disney store
well halloween is his favorite holiday lol
I thought Christmas was! :-)
so did production but corey got miffed about it and said he doesn’t know why they do that halloween is his favowit howiday
He’s the one that told others how he felt about waking up Christmas morning. Otherwise, how would they know? hahahaha
Looks like Paul might pull this out! I’m not saying I’m a huge fan of him personality wise, but he I do think he played a better game than those that are left…especially James, who I think Paul would be stupid not to take to the F2 with him. In fact, any of them should take James to F2 to ensure they win.
Nic or Cor needs to win the veto. When they do, that person would be the controlling vote. James would be up and out. This is probably a much better scenario with Paul winning HOH. Had Nic won HOH it would have set Corey up to leave for definite unless of course he won the POV. More chances with this.
Nah, any of those three would send Paul packing if he was on the block. HOH was his only chance of making F3.
I agree – they’re not sure they can beat Paul in a F2
Not sure what you are saying here. Had nothing to do with what I said. I was giving the scenarios of Nic or Cor winning the POV and then James would go home in 4th place. Paul has already won HOH per this story.
Oh, I see now. I misunderstood your sentence that begins “Had Nic won HOH…”
Paul or James need to win veto and send out hopefully Snakole. Oh what karma most in the jury house would have to see her walk through the door.
I’m trusting MissCleo to not let me down!! Go Paul! F3 secured. Keep it up!
Who is this MissCleo and how does she have the inside scoop? Does she work on the show?
She probably has a studio pass! I think I might know who she is! :-)
Do tell then.
It’s someone on live feeds that I chat with who told me she’d be at the show yesterday! Said she’d rather be chatting with us.
You’re like a mole!!! In a good way! Spygirl2.
You could say that! I won’t tell you her nickname, though! :-)
It’s you, I know it’s you! ha-ha, JK.
Can’t be…I live no where near LA! LOL
Must be the wrong person then because MissCleo is a he.
She is a he.
Okay. I get it now!
At least that’s what I’ve heard. He could be posing as a she or vice versa. Lol
i admit it….it’s me…
Finally I know!!!
Haha. I said below I don’t know who the man behind the mask is, but I just googled him which jogged my memory because he got into some trouble last year. He’s just a guy who’s gotten to know some people connected to BB and has some sources in production who leak info to him.
More than likely, no, it’s not him…they call him megaphone guy on the feeds and he’s not allowed on the lot anymore.
I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. More than likely what’s not who? MissCleoBB posted the spoiler, Sophie asked who that is, and I told her what little I know about MissCleo.
The masked man is not MissCleo!
That’s a figure of speech.
MissCleo is a male, though, right? Idk, there are YouTube videos.
Well she plays a darn good male then, since I have been chatting with him/her for the past three years! LOL
Maybe you’ve been catfished. lol
I’ll tell her you said so! hahaha
On Redditt they refer to Miss Cleo as a him. I personally don’t know, I just hope he/she is right.
I’ve always heard it’s a him
well damn that just blew my cover of being miss cleo…i didn’t know he was a male LOL…ugh this is what happens when you don’t have a dog in the fight anymore…#sadovervic
It’s not that crucial, is it? hahaha
LOLOLOL nope it never is
Good heavens, I admittedly have no idea. Just a computer(and me, an illiterate computer user) and YouTube. We know that is 100% reliable. ;)
I’m sure Cyril will let us know if that’s true! LOL
Maybe it’s Mickey!
Hadn’t thought of that. Hmmm Eyes wide open! haha
Or are you referring to my Les Moonves comment below? I was kidding. :-)
No, I know some other people that might leak the info! :-)
I want to start the rumor that Miss Cleo is actually Paul, and production gives him a smart phone when he is the DR. Now there’s a conspiracy theory!!!!
It’s Pablo!!
yaaaas pablo is the leak…i did think paul was playing pablo’s game all along…
“pablo is the leak”…..hahahahaha…get it……leak? lol
A big holey leak! :-)
You will be quoted on that one for sure!
That’s it’s not that crucial’s words, I just played with them. You know me; always looking for something fun.
Pun fun. Love it.
Is Pablo an inside joke?
pablo is the floatie paul wore around the house…but pablo in my opinion was the best behaved and cleanest house guest lol
Paul will have a lifetime love for pelicans. I can see him starting a “Save the Pelican” campaign sometime in the future.
Oh dear lord! :-)
Don’t doubt me, Miss Joni!! hehehe
Would I do thaaat? LOL
We’d ask the real Miss Cleo, the psychic, but she passed away a couple of months ago.
Oh dear! :-)
Pablo’s the inflatable pelican that Paul wore and Big Meech took!
Thought the only Miss Cleo was the psychic reader who died recently. Apparently there are more…
Go Paul. I wanted he or Vic. Never wanted Nicole or James “the whipped!”
The “game” was disappointing this year, but Paul is more deserving IMO, however, I would rather see James F2 with him and let Nicole and Corey be properly defined losers.
I hope to be smiling from ear to ear if that’s the outcome! :-) Production needs to stop giving it to them!
My sentiments exactly and I don’t want them to be rewarded for their foreplay vs. gameplay.
But it’d be okay to reward them for their foreplay, just not the 500k, right?
Got nothing against foreplay … just not in this game!!
My thoughts exactly! :-)
But you should be happy with production since they just gave this HOH to Paul.
I can believe that too, having watched everything going down since the MacGyver comp!
Paul’s strategic play has been one of the best. Feeds should be fun tonight. I am sure Nicole is just beside herself..if this HOH rumor is true and I sure hope it is!
I hope BB production has learned we’re sick of seeing returning players. Of all the choices, they bring back Nicole and James – two I cannot stand. This season has sucked
Maybe this season can be salvaged after all! I was really hoping that Paul would win!! Yippeee!!! Paul winning this season is the only outcome that will make me feel like I haven’t wasted my time with BB18. I trust Matthew that he would not steer us in the wrong direction!
Oh Gawd…LET IT BE TRUE….LET IT BE TRUE!! Please let Paul win HOH and put up Snakole and Corey. I don’t care who win just as long as Snakole is on the block.
Totally agree.
Put up Nicole and Corey!! You would be dumb if you don’t!! You can’t trust them @ all!!
Nicole has probably already thrown Corey and James UTB!
If James is again the deciding vote, Corey will be evicted. If Corey or Nicole win the veto then James will likely get evicted. Of those remaining, Corey has the most wins. Nicole is see as a snake and already has some jury votes against her. James is rather blah and seems to have floated through everything. Paul comes across as a sleazy used car salesman won could sling enough bull to sway the jury. If he gets to final 2 he will likely be the winner.
Sorry for the typos, Trying to get this done and get to work on time.
It still boils down to the veto. I hope James or Paul wins it to keep Corey and Nicole on the block. But I also think James saves Nicole and evicts Corey which is, to me, the worst outcome. I think Corey is more deserving to win than Nicole.
But I have come to know disappointment with BB finishes every year. If Nicole wins, I will be disappointed again.
James would 100% save Nicole.
IMO James only saves Nichole if he thinks he can win against her or if they really have that oft-theorized pre-game alliance which IMO would have to include sharing $$.
Well, we probably won’t have to be too concerned about it..because James throws every comp he plays..unless it is an endurance and he has to prove his manhood! He wants no blood on his hands at all..but in this game..IMO..if you don’t have your hands dirty..then you don’t deserve the win. James has done nothing in this game but lay low the entire time.
I agree – he did nothing all season, but play telephone with Nat
And the only dirt Paul has is the dirt that come out of his mouth.
At least Paul has played the game. James has not. Dirty language and name-calling has been a staple of this show for years.
Nic’s mom would love that, just as much as she loves James! :-)
I don’t think James is that clever. He will take Nicole, and Nicole won’t take him
Perhaps we will see! I do think Nic will take James because she thinks she can win easily over him IMO.
Or because it is a requirement of her contract.;)
Everyone keeps saying the real power this week is the Veto holder. Am I the only one who thinks HOH is pretty freakin’ important, as it guarantees your place in the F3? It’s true, Veto holder decides who goes home, but as long as it’s not Paul (the HOH! Yay!), I really don’t give a rat’s a$$ who goes.
LOL right?…if your the next one to occupy the hotseat then winning hoh is super important to keep your butt in a seat
It is for those that aren’t HoH! LOL
Well, that’s true, but I’ve even heard people say it’s more important than HOH. When you know you’ll be going home no matter who else wins, I’d say it becomes pretty darn important.
The comps are more crucial to win in F3, not F4 yet! HoH is definitely as important right now. Not like you didn’t already know that! hahaha
Yeah, but now he’s guaranteed F3, and then it will be every man for himself. Had he not won this HOH, he would be going home for sure. Instead, he’s guaranteed F3 and a shot at the $500k. That’s pretty huge.
I agree. All the comps are important, especially now. ???
For Paul winning HoH was essential. He knows he’s going to be F3. Otherwise he would have had to win Veto to stay alive, now he doesn’t have that hanging over his head.
This is a bit off topic but did anyone watch BBAD last night? Since it was actually taped yesterday morning, everyone was basically still asleep but about half way through, Nicole finally got up and eventually Corey too… and the vibe between those two was definitely “off”. She fixed breakfast for the 2 of them and he barely spoke or even looked at her. She then found Play-Doh(& Tie-Dye)in the storage room which only she had any interest in. She asked him what was wrong & even tried cuddling him for
a brief time but he was acting really strange, even rolling his eyes once.
play-doh…definately at summer camp…
Probably was mad she didn’t win HoH like he was hoping for her to do. Waaaaaah
This was yesterday morning before HOH comp.
Velly intellesting then!
I watched a little of it, but after 1/2 hr of watching them all sleeping, I turned the t.v. off and went to bed myself.
I haven’t watched it all yet but I turned it on for a few minutes last night and saw that it was a lot of sleeping. Wow what an exciting episode. Lol So I just went to bed. I was going to just delete it today but now I’m going to have to fast forward through and see what you mean. Lol
Yes, please do. You’ll have to FF through about the first 2 hours until they are both up & in the kitchen together but I’m just wondering if it’s me reading more into it or not. I’m not usually watching these people when they first wake up in the morning so I’m wondering if that’s their usual type of behavior. Maybe Corey just isn’t a morning person or was in a “mood” or perhaps he’s just mentally checking out but his body language and attitude seemed so standoffish.
I will check it out, but I’d bet he’s putting distance between them, because he’s not interested in taking the relationship out side of the house. Here is the time we will all find out if Nicole feels the same way, or if she was just playing it cool hoping she would change his mind by the end of the game.
Yes, that could definitely be it. Maybe he’s trying to distance himself now because of that or perhaps something happened between them, earlier in the
morning yesterday or during the night. We’ll see.
There was definitely something off. I saw some eye rolls from Corey and he didn’t smile at all when they were cuddling, but Nicole was all smiles. She had twinkles in her eyes. I swear she’s head over heels for him. You can tell by the way she talks to him, smiles while she’s talking to him and the way she says his name. But he was acting completely opposite towards her. I think he is definitely trying to distance himself from her. I don’t even think he said “good morning ” to her when he came down for breakfast.
It’s getting close to the end and he has to cut her before the wrap party.
Yes I noticed that too!
So it begins…the distancing act. He’s preparing to move on now that the season is nearly over.
Bye, Corey.
If noms remain then same yes, but there’s a 50/50 chance James will go home. Paul and Nicole are in F3 regardless who wins veto.
Didn’t watch at all last night. Had no desire
Me neithah!
It didn’t air last night hehe.
BBAD did!
Really? I thought all of it was on Black out.. Including BBAD.
Prerecord prior to eviction
Yep, cuz Vic was still in da house! :-)
Nope, but it was taped earlier, not live!
That means I didn’t turn on the tv to know it wasn’t playing
I didn’t watch the last show, deleted it from DVR, and cancelled all future BBAD and BB. I’d rather talk to you all from here on out. You all are the cat’s meow for me. :D
Agree. Production was way too obvious with Nicole and James this season and it turned a lot of people off. ?
I really hope production listens to our comments, rather than assuming we love certain players no matter what…and assuming that our favorable opinions about a player can’t change from one year to another (I was rooting for James & Nicole in their seasons…now I’m trying to figure out which one I could stand being F2)
Well said Anja!
Would be great if production took a quick skim of all these comments and realized that we are not big fans of Nicole and James this season.
Paul and Vic have made BB18 memorable.
On topic, don’t mention cats to me. I have been chasing up to 5 cats out of my yard. They have been pulling up the pine grass using the front and back yard as a bathroom.. I am too undone! :(
No fun when the neighbor’s allow their animals to mess up your yard. Bad neighbors not bad animals. I’m not a cat lover anyway so I understand. I like dogs, though.
You are so correct. He loves the cats, just can’t control them. They are pretty but act as if they own the yard. They look at me as if they’re saying, what, we’ve owned this yard for the past year and are not giving up our rights.
This house was empty for a year prior to my moving here.
So the cats had taken possession of it. It was their litter box. It can be unpleasant to make enemies of neighbors, but obviously your neighbor has no concern about their cats making things unpleasant for you. I’d call animal control if neighbor is uncooperative. Good luck with that.
Yes, they are squatting. I phoned Animal Control yesterday who referred me to the Sheriff’s office, who told me because the neighbor is feeding, he is now responsible for them. The Sheriff is paying him a visit. When I first talked to the neighbor and learned he had been feeding them, I informed him we didn’t know the sex, he said he did and that they are boy/girl. I said to him – you know we’ll have a gazillion cats running around, to which he had no response. He then asked me what he could do for me not to call Animal Control, my response, keep them out of my yard. Well, we know the end if this story!
That’s all you need; a few more litters of kittens. :(
So if true, then could this be the exact same thing I called last night on another thread? I am not 100% correct on this because in my prediction, Corey got evicted. We shall see how that goes, I also called James winning the VETO too.
This would be FABULOUS! Super bummed Vic had to go but it is what it is. As much as I loathe the idea of Nicole and Corey being in F3, I loathe the idea of James winning $50k more. He’s a lying lazy backstabbing weasel who should have left weeks ago. I hope Nicole wins veto and is forced to send her buddy James home. Good times ahead!
james got a used old pair of flip flops from natalie…i think we can call it good and he can roll on out
Why so much hate in your life?
Haha not hate, loathing. I’m still very bitter at James from last seasons lies and him playing the exact same game this year. Plus who the heck voted for him for AFP?
Psssst! Not me!
Not me either!
Please don’t feed the trolls
James is too clingy and rather than playing the game like Vic and Paul, he hasn’t been doing anything but trying to ruin Natalie’s good name.
Oh ok… Whatever… Haha!
I would!
So i take it you were a Shelli and Clay fan. I get that then.
I was, they weren’t my favorites but close.
I’m with you. James or Nicole going home would be a good week for me.
Vic has my vote for AFP.
Vic totally deserves AFP! ?
Amen! Hallelujah! Yes! I hope others feel the same and vote for him.
Crystal, this would make up for all the lying and backstabbing that James has done on the show.
Love your analogy of weasel. He is‼️
James did no more lying or backstabbing then anyone else, and did less bad mouthing.
He’s the worst, I hope he never comes back and I will vomit if he manages to win AFP again.
If he wins AFP you know that production played a hand in that.
Part of the game, Hon.! Lol
I can’t believe that I was happy when he left the 1st time…now he is one of my top 3 favorite players of all time. I’ll definitely be voting for Vic for AFP this year, more than ever!
Ditto! I was so happy when he left the first time and so sad the second and third. Jozea made us hate him and Paul lol.
Well, Jozea WAS the messiah, and therefore able to cast a haze over our eyes LOL
He sure did. I’m like, are you serious…who is this kid and why are they following him??? Lol Paul caught on in time enough to burn that bridge and start building a new one. I love Vic to peices but he sure is naive and gullible. Its sounds better than saying he’s just plain ol dumb. Lol.
I agree and will be voting for him.
Why? Cuz he got voted out 2xs & only becuz of the twists was back in.
If you really look Paulie jumped from the wall. He could have gone longer. I think they paid him to lose. IMO
Doubtful but anything is possible with this production team which has allowed Nicole (with Corey) and James to sail into the F4
AGREED! I secretly hope that it is enough money for him to be able to move out to LA like he wanted to, and then he and Paul can continue their #friendship lol. And Pablo too!
It was sad watching him talk about not being able to move to LA to pursue his dreams. He looked so crushed and defeated.
Really hoping he gets signed to a good agency because from the looks of it, America really digs him! ?
Ditto! In a perfect world Nicole would go home tomorrow but I don’t think there’s any chance of that happening. Paul can’t vote and both James and Corey would save her over each other, so James will have to do for now. I’m hoping for a Paul/Corey finale at this point but woah Paul will really have to step up his comp game. TEAM VIC ALL THE WAY!
Yes good times are ahead if Paul managed to make the F2
He needs to step his comp game up big time but there’s hope!
Really hope Paul pulls it out. Please production — don’t ruin this for him.
Agreed! Paul is the best person in the house now, I’m really concerned though that production is pushing for Nicole to win. I don’t think there’s ever been a showmance in the finale so they might be pushing for that too for something new
Also I don’t think there’s ever been two vets in a finale so yes prod is definitely pushing for Nicole to win the final HOH
TBH James or Nicole don’t deserve a cent after all the cheating they’ve engaged in and repeatedly. Production has interfered way too much this season; it was more than obvious.
I’m really scared that production is going to put Paul at peril……*chewing fingernails LOL
If he won HOH, he just did step up his game, when it really mattered.
Yeah definitely, but his only way of seeing the finale is to win both HOH comps coming up
I know, I’m skurred! :)
Yeah I could only roll my eyes when I found out in the beginning of the Season that they brought James back.
Many eyes are still rolling (and stomachs are turning.)
The people they brought back were all horrible choices imo and they were really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don’t like returnees, they’ve had their chance, let’s move on to new peeps. I’m nervous about the new season and who the players are, do NOT want returnees!
I usually agree with you Crystal, but on Snakole winning veto…we must part ways. Still like ya though!!!
Don’t get me wrong, in a perfect world she would lose veto and go home, but I honestly don’t see James or Corey voting to evict her regardless who she’s sitting beside. So if she can’t go home tomorrow James will have to do. I don’t like Corey in any way but I can’t stand James and Nicole.
My hope — Nicorey nom’d. Corey wins Veto, saves himself and votes Nic out. Paul and Corey make F2 so that James doesn’t get the $500 or $50k. Vic wins AFP. The 2 vets don’t walk away with anything beyond their contract and what they won in comps.
At this point of the game this sounds like the best scenario.
That one way to let Nicole know that they will be no romance after the show has ended.
As if America didn’t know. Corey just used her. But she let herself get used.
Unlike James who used his supposed ‘clout’ to try to get Natalie to fall in love with him. Smh
Maybe she’s been using him the whole time.
Why do we got to assume women are desperate for a relationship if they sleep with a guy, or that they are being used.
Nicole is a bright girl, I’m quite convinced she knows exactly what she’s doing.
Before the eviction she started floating ideas to Corey about nominating Paul and Victor, then when Corey wins HOH he starts saying he’s going to nominate Paul and Victor like it was his idea. Then she stroked his ego telling him ‘he’s playing big brother!’ and that he’s so good at this game. Also convincing all the boys she wouldn’t win in the end.
Let’s stop acting like Nicole is this innocent little princess, who is only being used by the cool guy jock. I’m convinced it’s the other way around, and she’s having a good time doing it. Good for her.
If that’s the case then good for her! But she’s been on two seasons now and has been hooking up in both of them.
What does it say about Nicole? A lot or not much.
She’s been saying how she wouldn’t mind losing the $500k to Corey and James. If that really comes to pass and then she’s not the smart cookie you’ve been thinking she is.
Saying she wouldn’t mind losing is a dead giveaway that she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s learned a few things from playing with Derrick. She’s making sure she makes it to final 2, and she’ll solve that problem when she gets there. With the majority being women in jury and the fact that DaVonne wants a female winner and she’s quite vocal and can be quite convincing, I think all Nicole has to do is make it to final 2, the rest will take care of itself.
Don’t get me wrong that would be SUPER AMAZING OMG AWESOME SPECTACULAR, but there’s zero chance of Corey or James sending Nicole home. I hope F3 is Paul, Corey, and Nicole, Paul wins final HOH and takes Corey, Paul wins $500,000 Corey wins $50,000 and Victor wins $25,000.
This would truly be great. Vic deserves AFP more than anyone else.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
Not so sure Corey wouldn’t send Nic home. Why would he keep her? He doesn’t need her and it would be a toss up as to whether he could get the votes over her. James he could possibly beat
I agree with your thinking but I don’t see him sending home his sex buddy for a few reasons that aren’t game smart. He does owe a lot of his progression and safety in the game to her plus that would be one less jury vote, James wouldn’t even be mad.
James smh
Sorry but he must be the worst player this season. He’s turned off so many viewers.
From blatantly lying to Bridgette about keeping her and Frank safe to being the final vote to evict Victor I’m completely done with him. SERIOUSLY WHO LIKES THIS GUY?
Don’t know why BB bothers to give him a favorable edit. Wouldn’t be surprised if others just fast forward him. Don’t even watch him in the feeds.
I like him. Game play no but nice guy.
guess we just have to agree to disagree, we may see him make that choice down the road
Well, Corey, Nicole and James won’t be in F3. One of them is going home #4. And if Paul wins the final HOH, the other two don’t have a choice as to who sits next to him. He could easily choose Corey.
I don’t think Paul wins no matter who he’s against. Especially after what he called Michelle. She can’t stand him and Natalie Already said she won’t vote for him. If he’s against Corey then Corey would also have Nicole, Paulie, James and Z’s vote. Paul loses.
Well let’s look at the scenarios:
Paul and Corey
Day- Paul (not a bitter jury)
Z- Paul (impressed with gameplay)
Bridgette- Paul (they bonded during Z’s blindside)
Paulie- Paul (contrary to popular beleif he does respect smart moves and the fact that Paul outplayed him says a lot)
Meech- Corey (bitter against Paul)
Natalie- Corey (though I can’t see why)
Nicole- Corey (no duh)
James- Probably Paul (because he’d be stupid to)
Paul and Nicole
Day- Nicole
Z- Nicole
Bridgette- Paul
Paulie- Nicole
Meech- Paul (she hates Nicole)
Natalie- Paul (also hates Nicole)
Corey- Nicole ( no duh again)
James- Nicole (No duh)
Paul and James
Day- Paul
Z- Paul
Bridgette- Paul
Paulie- Paul (bitter about James)
Meech- James (allies)
Natalie- James- (no duh)
Corey- Paul (respects Paul more than James)
Nicole- James (no duh)
So I think if Paul eliminates Nicole and wins final HOH, he’d have a grand chance of winning.
You’re forgetting Victor’s vote in these scenarios.
Well Vic would definatly vote for his boy. (no duh)
Paul and Corey. Paulie would vote for Corey along with Natalie, James, Nicole and Z. Why do I think he’ll get Paulie, James and Z? Because Paulie and James are his BFF’s and Z hates Paul and will follow Paulie. Paul and Nicole I agree with all except Natalie. Natalie already told James if it’s Paul and Nicole then Nicole would have her vote. She hates Paul even more then she hates Nicole. Paul and James not so sure. You could be right. But the votes I think are a toss up are Day and Corey. I think Paul might lose in F2. But he might not even get there. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Corey will take James and not Paul or Nic imo.
Paul has to work his magic!!!
There is hope!!!
Some of the commentators here have decided that
Paul should win $500k
Corey goes home with $50k
Vic should take AFP $25k
While this would be ideal for some, there is still one big hurdle Paul needs to overcome and that’s production as they have been favoring Nic and James from Day 1
How can they tinker with it? Unless they make some drastic changes to the three final HOH comps, there’s nothing left to “fix.” They all play the same three comps (two of which are always variations on the same theme, and the last is always Scales of Justice). It’s pretty fair and square.
The timed comps (MacGyver) played individually really leaves room for a lot of tampering. A lot.
Corey definitely got a heads up when he headed towards the wall.
I understand that there has been speculation to that effect throughout the season, but we’re talking about moving forward. Short of giving them each the answers to the puzzle and Scales of Justice questions well in advance, which I don’t see happening, there are too many unpredictable variables to “fix” the outcome.
They can customize a game to the strengths of Nicole/James.
Okay, but that brings us back to my original comment. “Unless they make drastic changes…” They always have (1) an endurance that involves holding on to something while suspended from something and being beaten, dunked, doused, shaken, stirred, etc., etc. (2) a puzzle (often also while suspended, though they did *just* do the BB Comics, which is very similar); and (3) Scales of Justice. Now, if they dramatically change those to favor whoever is left of those two (remember, James, Nicole or Corey will be leaving before that), then I’ll buy into the conspiracy. Right now, I just don’t see it, though.
You may be right, if there is any tampering done by production it be prior. But, you will be surprised what sophisticated intelligence is capable of accomplishing. People dont work for NASA being dumb. I dont know if they do it here in this game but it certainly can be done.
The people that rules this world certainly didn’t get there by a crap shoot. Its fixed!… But thats a whole other conversation though.;-)
No, I’m not the least bit surprised by what intelligence can accomplish.
Says you… Heh heh
Anyone else think that these prizes are a bit antiquated and should be increased?? At the very least AFP should be $50k or $75k.
Ideally, 1st place should be $750k or $1 million (like Survivor), 2nd place should be $100k and AFP should be $125k
Yes! I’ve thought that for a few years now. At the very least the grand prize should be increased if not all prizes.
It’s not like the show isn’t making money. It’s making CBS a fortune.
BBCan, winner 100k and 2nd place 25k. Now thats hurtin.
That’s really bad. Really? Feel bad for them. It’s because they know they can still find people and that’s so unfair. Greedy execs
And in Canadian fund$!!
Could agree more! &25k won’t even pay off school anymore.
Exactly. They have has the same amounts since 1st season while the show has been raking in the millions.
In fact, AFP got $50k or $75k season1 right?
YES! I’ve thought that for a long time. But CBS is cheap. They are trolling the feedsters and suscriber’s to upgrade. When you watch other shows the commericial’s are relentless, so much so that I quit watching other seasons and find other ways to watch them. I’m not paying more, I already paid and we still get fish most of the time.
So true. Tried watching season 1 of BB but the commercials are just too much and refused to pay more for what is a regular broadcast channel like NBC, ABC (who don’t charge a single penny).
From a pure television entertainment standpoint, Paul is far and beyond the best thing to happen to BB18. He’s game smart, but he’s also television-smart: he plays to the camera with a bigger personality than any other 3 HGs combined (except maybe Frank). Particularly in his embrace of the sleeveless-suited, Pablo-adorned BB Secret Service agent, complete with table slides and stream of consciousness as-libs into nonexistent mics, Paul has won the TV game by a mile. I know there are posters that have bristled against his use of profanity, but not only did he get the attention of the viewers but his array of catch phrases actually influenced the way other HGs spoke. I can’t count how many HGs adopted “fool f’s himself,” “your boy,” on and on. Some would argue that he’s single handedly resuscitated a season marred by the most bland and sleepy cast in a long time.
Agree!! Paul made BB great again! ?
Paul for President! lol
i loved what he did with the secret service suit
He took his job serious! lol
Don’t forget “neeever cared.”
‘PISSED’ with ‘friendship’.
Not only profanity but racist remarks. And also you don’t call a woman a c#nt. I think he’s lost the TV game by a mile.
Mech deserved it. Jealous little bitch.
I absolutely hate this word, you really have no idea how much and I think she deserved it too. Meech had been stealing Paul’s and other HG’s personal items all season long.
i gotta say i found the theft thing so strange…i wonder if production addressed that…it’s sort of creepy
Not only is it creepy, it is also called theft. I hope they addressed the issue, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. CBS is proving to be dodgey at best these days.
No woman deserves to be called that. But of course you would think that coming from a male. Do you call your wife that?
I totally agree no woman should ever be called that, but let’s not ignore Meech’s attitude, jealousy (over frank with bridge), pettiness, and constant mouthing off in conversations that she wasn’t even a part of.
Some people just deserve to be called a cunt, just like some guys seriously deserve a punch in the mouth sometimes.
I’m not taking sides or being sexist, just calling a spade ~ a spade.
If I were even half the b*tch Meech is, I’d feel like I deserve being called that.
~If some guy calls me a c*nt, I’ll call him a d*ck.
I know most women hate the word. The meaning & sound of it. But Meech was just a catty jerk. I don’t even care she was called that lol.
“Let’s be blunt
You’re a c*nt”
“I totally agree no woman should ever be called that”
“Mech deserved it. Jealous little bitch.”
So which is the truth?
Lol! The latter definitely!
It was pure aggression on Paul’s part. Remember when Nat put him on the block how he cornered Nicole downstairs and screamed and hollered at her blaming her for her for being nominated? He made sure corey wasn’t around when he did that too.
Paul has his good points but I’m having a lot of trouble rooting for him.
lol. I was thinking it you just said it. Meech pushed and pushed not that he should of used that particular word but she got the point and shut her mouth. Unfortunately that word might be a $500,000.00 mistake
AGREE!!! I dont get why ppl hate his game so much. I dont think any of the players could have survived what he has this season. He has been on the outs of nearly everything all season. Also, the fact that his personality wasn’t palatable to most of the houseguests was also another hurtle to overcome and He’s still there, WITHOUT having a bunch of comp wins, I think that’s genius! Now thats an old fashioned Big Brother winner there!
I don’t hate his game I think he ended up being a great puppet master which is exactly what you have to do to win the game.
Paul has had the same # of HoH wins as Corey and Nic and same # of Vetos as Nic. Really, the first HoH for Nicole was given to her so he’s ahead of her there. And then there’s pathetic James with 1 HoH0 Vetos.
I agree. Paul may be a loudmouth but hey who knows? This could be his strategy. And for somebody who doesn’t know jack about this game he’s doing a great job. Either that or he’s lying about not knowing how this game works to look less like a threat.
Completely agreed! Paul is a very, very deserving winner, especially given the fact that he knew relatively little about the game before entering the house.
I hope and pray that it is true! It will be awesome if it is. Put that pos Nicole up I wish james and her could leave together. Can’t stand either of them
Totally agree. They have made a mockery of this mockery of a show.
Just to realistic and the way production has been showing their cards, Nicole will most likely win the next comp. So if this happens, this means Corey is going home.
What’s even worse is that she will take James to F2.
Let’s just hope production keeps it fair. They have many new viewers – this one included – because of players like Paul and Vic.
Why are lots of people saying that Nic is sending Corey out? Did she finally figure out that he’s a player – albeit a dull one – but still..?
Nicole likes to play for the camera to give production footage and material.
Paul won the HOH and POV now.
He finally put up Nicole and Corey.
This means James has the vote.
James/Natalie have a F2 alliance already.
Paul just made a F2 alliance with James
Natalie may be plotted to betray Paul and take James to the F2
They really have made a joke of this show. Blatantly talking about paying each other money if they get to the end. On the live feed like we are idiots. I would hate to see either of them win. But then again winners are always someone I didn’t want to win. Just once I want to like the winner and not think of them as scumbag
Paul would be someone that earned it.
While sitting his fat ass up in the HOH room? Is that ‘playing’ the game? I think he was just hoping for more TV time. But everyone is entitled to their opinion. Good on ya!
Paul has played a great social game and will always be remembered for BB18.
He definitely stole the show and earned it along with Victor.
Laying low? What’s that?
Actually, if memory serves Paul has won 2 HoH, if the rumors are true and 2 Vetos. Corey 2 HoH, 3 Veto. Nic 2 HoH, 2 Vetos. James 1 HoH. So how is Paul just been sitting on his fat ass. I would call that playing the game as much as the other 3
lol Paul is not fat!
“But everyone is entitled to their opinion. Good on ya!” — If we were in North Korea, you would be arrested for saying that, young lady or young lad!! :D
Good thing I’m not in North Korea!
My favorites never get to the end, in 8 seasons of watching my favorite players always go out around 5th place, it’s very upsetting.
“Nice guys finish last” the saying goes? …Stop liking the best people, Crystal!!! =D
Hahaha I’ll try!
Ah I’m hoping this is true. Even if you aren’t a Paul fan…at least this makes things interesting!
His yelling & bad mouthing is interesting to you!?? Hmmmm! ?
I don’t know why you’re rolling your eyes at me. I meant it’s interesting because personally I think it’s better than having one of the other 3 win, because they all have an alliance.
And….we didn’t see Paul lay in bed all season either hold court, hanky panky or sleeping. He has actually campaigned and strategized the whole time.
Yeeeey! I really wanted Vic to stay but now I’m rooting for paul, kinda hope Nicole leaves…
I saw this last night on Twitter and I thought this has to be tooooo good to be true, but seeing it here really gives me hope. For once in this game, things might be looking up! Paul for the win, Baldwin for AFP
Look at this site. Over 400 comments already this morning. I saw this last night when twitter exploded from this rumor. I hope it’s’re The Bomb..Miss Cleo..Ha!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
thanks cyril i appreciate that….ok ok i know i’m not miss cleo but with vic gone what else am i gonna do…
I know…I’ve been in mourning from Vic’s eviction, lol, but this makes me feel better..believe me!
We all have been ?
Me as well.