Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 4 ‘Roadkill’ Nomination Results

We just got our Roadkill spoilers earlier tonight on the Big Brother 18 Feeds now we’re back with more results and this time it’s the nomination from the not-so-secret winner of the RK power.

Big Brother 18 Roadkill nominee spoilers

The nomination ceremony came less than 30 minutes after the Feeds returned from the comp so there wasn’t much time for the winner to make the decision, but now it’s over and we’ve got your results!

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 4 ‘Roadkill’ Nomination:

  • Tiffany secretly put Corey on the Block

This had been Tiffany and Frank’s plan all day to get Corey up there as Tiff didn’t think they had the votes to get her out. We saw a little bit of panic on this plan as Tiffany wondered if she was making the right choice. She made Frank swear he wouldn’t tell anyone then Tiffany immediately went and told Da’Vonne that Corey was going up! Okay, at least she didn’t say she won it and Corey was going up, but still pretty close.

Paulie was sure the RK winner, which they figured was Tiffany, would put up a weak player to make PoV easier on her to win. He was wrong on that one. Paulie also got very cocky and said Tiffany would never, ever beat him in a Veto comp. Of course she did just beat him in this comp, but okay tough guy. The pressure is on!

The Veto comp will be held on Saturday so get ready to find out who ends up getting drawn for the extra two spots.

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  1. #CalmYourNipplesPaulie is devastated.

    Devastated Paulie means good feeds. And good feeds means good TV this Sunday.

    Thanks BB! :)

  2. Yee-haw! I could care less about Corey, but I hope Tiffannoy does not win the veto and she goes home. I know she’s worth her weight in drama, but she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and now will be even more so.

  3. According to the tweets, Tiffannoy is already grilling the troops – just like Vanassa – getting in James’ face and “requiring” him to answer her question as to whether or not he knew about the vote flip. Vanassa did the same thing – intimidation and threats – that’s not fun. And then she tells him it’s okay for him to use the veto on Nat if he plays and wins it. Well, thaaaaaank you.

      • And Tiff has every right to do what she does. Her ass is on the line. The same thing with Paulie demanded everyone to stick with voting Tiff out just a few days ago.

      • You are so right .. I just don’t like it if in the same fashion as Van did … she was really aggressive and intimidating and it made the other players and watching really uncomfortable.

      • Van or not Van, almost everyone uses scare tactics but with Tiff somehow she’s put under a microscope just for being Van’s sister.

      • Again, I agree 110%. I get so annoyed and i feel really bad for her when she gets unfairly judged and compared to Vanessa by the other HGs…or by anyone really. She is her own person and it sucks that she has that stigma attached to her. :(

      • Exactly!! I’m watching feeds and I honestly am starting to feel so bad for her! I kind of wish they would vote Corey out just to rattle things up!! Plus I can’t stand him!!

      • She’s not just sitting in a corner crying as expected. I’m glad she’s not playing that game right now.

      • Completely agree! And what do the other HG’s expect? They are actually the ones who made her this way. They alienated her after week 1, actually Day started that ball rolling, but it sure did pick up speed fast. She was already on edge because of EVERY comparison to Vanessa and trying to live up to that, so people fed off of that as well saying she’s “paranoid “. Wouldn’t they be too? It was like she had no one to talk to without being judged for her true thoughts. I think all the HG’s have a case of the “mean girls”.

        I have been saying exactly what you just said for weeks now! But nobody (well hardly anyone on here) agreed with me! Now people seem to be seeing it that way! So thank you thank you thank you :-)

      • Lol you’re welcome! =) I have been running into that “don’t like Tiffany” wall on here a lot too! I think only 2 or 3 others on here agreed with me about the wrongful treatment of Tiffany and the unfair comparisons to Vanessa. Trust me, I should be one of the ones hating on her because I absolutely HATED Vanessa but I could see their differences on Day 1. So I wanted to root for her after that and then especially after I saw how she was being treated. I feel bad for. SHE is definitely the true underdog this season, imo.

      • Exactly!!!! The rest of them are truly turning me off!!! They are being such bullies!!! Nicole is the biggest let down of all!! Can she not survive without a man???

      • Yes!! I was excited when I saw Nicole taking charge at the beginning. I thought now we can see what kind of player she can really be. I was all for team Vets (mostly just Nicole lol) + Tiffany & Paulie Then she started getting awe-struck by crazy eyes Corey! Oh I was so disappointed. Then she started trying to play both sides and still is. It’s just hard to follow her now. My whole made-up team is obliterated and now I’m only able to root for Tiffany and Tiffany only. I hope some of them do a 180 and change quick.

      • I wasn’t a fan of all of the Vanessa’s gameplay & emotions however I do know her personally and I defended her all last season. I defended her true character because she is a very very kind, quiet, sensitive, compassionate & caring person! I saw just how much the game can do to a person stuck in the house for that long. Especially someone who is a gamer! Who plays a game for a living. It was impossible for her to ever turn it off! But I did understand where people were coming from last season. And I have been watching big brother since season one and all of big brother Canada & last season was the first season I actually knew someone on it and it gave me a whole different perspective of how the game is. And it’s not meant for everyone! Clearly LOL

      • I agree with you too! Sad when others take to believing lies, especially when they come from a vet.

      • That is exactly what I said yesterday about Tiffany! She doesn’t owe anybody anything and she has the right to do whatever she wants to do. No one has her back so good for her! Just like the Veto when they told her not try and Win It, good for her for trying to at least! She doesn’t owe anybody anything, they turn their back on her weeks ago. She’s not stupid! Yeah sure she’s paranoid and upset but who wouldn’t be in her position! She was never given a fair shot from the very beginning and now everything she does is under a microscope because of who her sister is. I’m not saying she’s playing a perfect game, not by far! But had she be given a chance in the beginning and everyone was not making assumptions that she is a duplicate of her sister then perhaps this game could have been a lot different for her and others who could have aligned with her! Or who initially did! The second her Alliance of the 8 pack felt she was a little paranoid they immediately turned their back on her! Which again she’s not stupid and she obviously knew something was up there for became paranoid. We see paranoia run rampid on Big Brother every single season! How can you play that game and not be paranoid? Anyway, you’re exactly right! She owes nobody nothing! Not even the people that just saved her and voted out Bronte instead. Those people didn’t save her because of her, they saved her because they wanted Frank out! And they wanted to Blindside Frank! And she knows that. She’s no dummy! Anyway LOL Blahhhhh blahhh

      • Matthew Boyer, thank you so very much for all the info you give us that don’t have live feeds!! Awesome, thank you, you do an wonderful job!

      • THANKS MATT! All these assumptions just because she is Vanessa’s sister! Or everything is x 10 what she does just because she is Vanessa’s sister! Thanks for clearing that for everyone :-)
        At least people listen to you LOL

      • Matt- Is there a reason why the shortcuts are missing from the bottom of the updates? It was very convenient to click on Comments and get directly to this area of your site.

    • It’s pretty clear everyone is holding the girls to a different standard than the boys. The girls are expected to be quiet.

    • It looks like she is giving James a lot of info about how he’s being used which is something Van didn’t do.

      • I still think she has extreme ups and downs and can’t be trusted and I don’t think it is strategy. She’s up right now and you know what happens to what goes up … “What goes up, must come down, spinning wheel, got to go round” … Linda! Stop singing!

      • Noone can be trusted, seriously. This is one person’s game, not a group hug.
        Nicole lies. Day lies. Frank lies. Paulie lies. Who hasn’t lied?

      • True, true .. I meant you can’t trust her state of mind because she doesn’t always manage her emotions very well and then she blows and then she cries and then she sleeps, etc. and you cannot rely on her to be an ally or make plans with her.

      • and Nicole as well and Paulie just blew up on her. She’s a human being in a stressful situation.

      • Everyone in the house want’s you out just as you want everyone else out. Trust is an overly used word in this game but it has to in there for you to get far. A necessary evil as I call it.

      • Tiff said if her jig is up she is blowing everyone’s game up before she leave out that door! I really don’t blame her, I probably would do the same, especially how Paulie acted towards her.

      • It could be risky though since if she won Battle Back she would have a lot of damage control to do.

      • True, but they would just send her right back out the houz. They don’t have anything to do w/her anyway or don’t treat her like a human being now, so she really don’t have anything to lose.

      • Tiff wouldn’t know about the Battle Back until after she spoke to Julie, if she is voted out.

      • Yep. And I’m still confident at this point that with either 7 or 8 votes Natalie walks out the door to join her former Spy Sister Bronte on Thursday.

      • I am not so sold on that one just yet. Let us see what the POV brings then go back and rethink it.

      • I think voting Natalie out is such a waste of HOH, what has she won? I definitely don’t like to watch or listen to her, she’s so immature

      • It would be a waste for them to get rid of Natalie. It should either be Corey or Tiff. I’m hoping it’s Corey.

    • Sorry, but that is not how I see it. Wanting to talk game with someone is not an interrogation.

      • You are right … I misinterpreted the tweets. I was not actually seeing the conversation on feeds and the wording of the tweets made me think it was a really aggressive, in your face type of thing. Matthew clarified for me.

    • Yep what Matthew said!! I actually went from finding her so annoying to actually feeling a little bad for her!!

  4. Okay Paulie should really bring it down a NOTCH! He might just turn the target on himself if he doesn’t be careful and he sure is helping Da look less of a threat.

    • He has already a few people targeting his back.
      Jozea/Victor/Bronte if they win the Battle Back.
      Frank & Bridge.
      Natalie (because she wants a female winner)
      James (to keep Natalie safe)
      Day (could be, given a chance)
      and of course Nicole.
      Paulie only has 4 solid stans: Corey, Z, Paul and Mich (in this precise order).

    • I could not stand there and look at this wanna be Derrick all night talk crap because someone else won a game! Look who he is aligned w/they are all weak players on his side! No wonder he can just tell them anything and they get in line.

      • Team Frank has won more comps than any other team so far. To say they are better at comps is kind of confusing because as we all know how things change in that house over time. He just needs to chill a little bit and accept the fact that she won it.

      • It’s like he was throwing a tantrum. These people better start turning tides and looking at Paulie in a different light because he really shows them who he is when something is not what he says or not go his way! I wonder which one will have it in them to start going after him?!

    • Oh he is. Frank is now saying if they get rid of corey/Paulie their side won’t win comps.

    • As well as he should have a target. Bigger question is, can the other house guest see what we see?

    • Cody and Derrick have to be watching this at home shaking their heads. I was just telling someone the other day that Cody knew when to shut up or tone it down and if he didn’t he had Derrick there to chill him out. Paulie needs to take a few chill pills. I think his first mistake was turning on Tiffany.

  5. Paulie and his cockiness tonight… WOW! He says he’s cool, calm and collected… NO! He’s a ticking time
    Bomb trying to act calm. He was one of my favorites but after his cocky attitude the past few days I’m REALLY finding myself not liking him very much.

  6. Paulie had been playing a solid game up to this point, but man, just like others have stated, he needs to slow down or he’s going to end up being someone’s target real quick. You would think he would’ve taken his brother Cody’s approach – lay low and come on strong down the stretch. Instead, Paulie is coming in hot from the get-go. I think it’s going to rub people the wrong way.

  7. What is Natalie doing?? James wouldn’t never believe it! She is over there running her mouth. OMG!

  8. Okay Paulie did you not learn anything from your brother Cody? You’re trying way too hard to be him and it’s not working. You need to have a subtle game.

    • He’s trying to be Derrick but is actually Devin. I really can’t stand Paulie and I don’t understand why he has so many fans. He’s neither as good-looking or as savvy in the BB game as his brother was, and I wasn’t even close to being a fan of Cody.
      Paulie’s arrogance has turned me off so much, I don’t even wanna watch him anymore.

      • I think Paulie is losing a lot of fans that he had when the show started, myself included. He is playing way too hard too early and wanting Tiff out mainly because her sis is Van is a really stupid way to play the game.

  9. Is Paulie going to end up like Frank? Playing too hard where it bites him in the butt?

    • It seem like he already won the game, everyone is scared of him! Funny, how everyone is running back and forth to him for thim to pat them on their head and say good job!!

    • Paulie’s basically a nice kid and a stand up guy, but it looks like he may just not be able to play well under the kind of pressure that comes with serious game play such as we’re seeing now.

  10. All this talk about how Tiffany is under a microscope for being Vanessa’s Sister has me wondering this. Why does the HG’s not put Paulie under the same microscope? After all, his Brother not only got to F3 just like Van (far be it less of the way Van did it), he did in fact walk away with 50 thousand dollar’s. Paulie has the means to get to that stage as well as even getting the 500 thousand. It is just a matter of time before they figure this out too.

    • I think it’s because Cody was liked more than Vanessa. She was HATED for the most part whereas Cody had haters but wasn’t overall despised or hated. Also Tiffany is like a Vanessa twin and Paulie barely even resembles Cody. So when they look at Tiff they see Vanessa.

    • I cannot believe they don’t see how Paulie is running the house and everyone is scared of him! He knows they are scared that’s why he acts the way he does! Wait until beast mode Frank turn the tables it’s going to be war!!

    • Then again, Cody made one of the all time idiotic moves in BB history by taking Derrick to the finals instead of Victoria.

      • And I loved him for it …. partial credit to his own integrity and partial to Derrick for setting up the whole scenario.

      • That’s what I was thinking too. And I also think Derrick assured him he would take care of him, which I believe he has. So Cody didn’t lose out that much I believe.

    • Paulie is being a gigantic hypocrite. I don’t get it either why HG’s are not giving him all kinds of crap for being Cody’s brother…they have been brutal to Tiffany about being Vanessa’s sister. She has had to fight that ever since she walked in the door. I really feel bad for her..they are treating her terribly right now.

  11. It’s funny, I have been saying so much of what people are saying today about Tiffany, for weeks now! Tiffany owes nobody anything! Tiffany was never given a fair shot! Tiffany had every right to be paranoid when the 8 pack started turning their back on her because she’s not an idiot and clearly felt alienated! And now others are starting to make those same comments. It’s nice to see people in this discussion seeing it the way I’ve been seeing it for weeks now. :-) thank you all LOL it’s nice not to be alone anymore LOL

    • I also posted comments like that and had many disagree with me. So you weren’t alone!

    • You are not alone…I have been saying the same thing! They have totally turned on you said..she owes no one a thing….when Corey said she should be thankful for them saving her I wished I was there in the room so I could smack him upside his head! I really hope he goes home this week..but, I don’t know if they can get James and Nat to come over to their side. Paulie and Corey were all of the sudden interested in talking game with Natalie last night…now that Corey is on the block…let’s see how paranoid he gets this week. Michelle and Zakiyah have been the worst to Tiffany.

      • That got my crawl a bit too! Miss Giggles is getting on my last nerve too. If she didn’t have her cuddle buddy, Frank, she’d be in the same position as Tiffany is in now.

      • Yes!! I liked Michelle as a background kind of player but wanted to see her come out of her shell…. please go back in that shell!! Lol! Z has pretty much been forgettable to me but lately her little miss Queen attitude has worked my last nerve. Them 2 have to be the worst “mean girls” in the house right now.
        Corey does need to go home ASAP!
        And has anyone noticed that Natalie is soooo Victoria?!?!! Smarter but still playing Victoria’s game nonetheless.

  12. These people drive me crazy! Get rid of the potato chips, all of that crunching is almost unbearable. Ready to see Corey and Zak go, he’s a bully and she adds nothing to the game while acting as though she’s better than the others.

  13. I hope he does not get evicted but I hope Vanessa gets evicted because she told everybody to not move for Corey but she’ll probably get evicted

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