Big Brother 18 Recap: Episode 10 — Bridgette Continues To Be Frank’s Puppet

Frank continued to pull all of Bridgette’s strings in the Big Brother 18 house Wednesday night as the week continued to go exactly has he planned.


The episode picks up right after the Roadkill reveal and Bronte speeches at us in the Diary Room that she feels terrible and wants to run and hide. She thinks that it was Paulie who nominated her because he’s still upset over things that happened weeks ago.

Of course it was Frank who put Bronte up, but she’s not the target. That’s still Tiffany but Tiffany still isn’t exactly aware that she’s actually at risk this week. Bridgette gets like her second DR appearance of the season by telling us she’s super upset a fellow Spy Girl is up and could go home under her HOH. Still no word of if she knows what HOH stands for. Or that she’s currently in California.

And now for the most shocking secret of the season. Bronte decides to spill her guts to Bridgette and Natalie. She lets her girls know that she is the SECRET NERD OF THE HOUSE. She’s an aspiring mathamatician who even knows …wait for it … calculus. . And she thinks she’s given the Spy Girls a super duper secret boost and are now stronger than ever!

James lets Da’Vonne know that Frank is trying to pull Natalie and Bronte on his side. Day said they can’t let that happen. James decides to let Natalie know that Frank won the Roadkill and is the one who nominated Bronte. And Natalie isn’t happy. But I’m not sure it really registered with her until she realized that she could go up as a replacement nominee after the veto.

Natalie tries to plant some seeds with Bridgette over Frank, but she’s too wrapped and isn’t hearing it.


It’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Joining Brdgette, Tiffany and Paul in the competition are Natalie (via’s Bronte’s choice) and Paulie. Frank isn’t thrilled that Bronte picked Natalie over him because if Natalie wins veto, that blows his replacement option.

And we waste no time getting to the veto competition. And it’s that memory competition that results in someone getting some junk blown up in their face. Also at stake, is some steak, via Outback Steakhouse. Bronte and Natalie are out the first round. Now most of the house can relax.


The next person out is Paulie. He is followed by Tiffany. That leaves Paul and Bridgette. And Bridgette continues her winning streak as Paul gets a face and beard full of glitter and Bridgette gets the veto and steak dinner. Oh, and her third or fourth DR of the season. And, thanks to Frank, a sprained ankle. Good job, Frank.


Bronte asks Bridgette if she can still take her off the block even though Tiffany is the target. Bridgette asks Natalie if she’s OK being at risk of going up and Natalie says yes. But then she tells them that she knows she’s going up but can’t say how she knows. Bridgette and Bronte gets suspicious and know that James must have some information. So Bronte goes to James to find out.



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  1. The pace was pretty slow on this show. Quiet here and quiet on twitter.

    That Australian chef, is he somebody known ? Or like me, it’s the 1st time you see him.

    • I agree, the show is pretty boring since the feeds and BBAD show a lot of it already. I just seen him in the Outback Steakhouse commercial.

    • Didn’t recognize the name but felt I should have. Oh well. I was thinking I read that Dan joined them. Maybe that was someone’s joke???

  2. I kinda wish they next cast understands the show before applying. And if they say they don’t know, that can be a strategy.

    This is why I’m not too fond of most of the newbies- barely any of them know this game.

    • At least two players failed to understand that the veto winner, if he/she uses the veto, can’t be put up as the replacement nominee.

  3. This may have been a slow episode that had a 10 min Outback commercial in the middle, but I loved it. James and Natalie aren’t playing too dumb, which is refreshing.

    When Frank tells an obviously drunk Bridgette (must have been the bloke beer with her mates) that he had put Bronte up and then also he put Bridgette herself in week 1, that was some excellent TV. Frank’s expression honestly looks like the alpha lion having just conquered its prey. All Bridgette can say is “you’re a beast, Frank” before snuggling in even more. Her false bravado from last episode totally evaporates and she accepts that she’s hitched her game to his, Spy Girls be damned.

    Frank’s manipulation of Bridgette, James and Natalie’s quasi-showmance/alliance and Paul’s Frankie joke all made this episode one of the better episodes this season. Without looking at the spoilers, I honestly don’t know who is going home tomorrow.

    • Glad they showed Frank playing her like “a little fiddle” – and telling her it was him. It was always him

  4. Common Bridgett wake up. Act like a grown ass woman. Why u acting like a 6 years old. Gosh?

  5. I’m sorry but I found this episode hilarious. The fact that the more Frank tells her the closer she gets to him. He has Bridget more brainwashed then Dan had Danielle. ROFL

  6. It’s also worth mentioning that the night Frank told Bridgette about his 2 Roadkill nominations, she was drunk out of her mind. Hence why she was so out of it on the show during that segment.

    • I didn’t know that and it explains a LOT! (Thanks for posting that info!)

      • Yeah, if you are only watching the TV edition, the perspective is so very limited to their edited version. There was no evidence of the drunk frat party on TV. Too bad. You also miss all the F-bombs baby-girl talk Bridgette emits.

  7. Bronte’s confession was a joke. She wants to be a mathematician and work for the NSA? The girl’s got postings on the internet about being a model and an actress. She mentions the math thing a bit too much. She’s another one who wants to be discovered and become famous. She can’t go home soon enough. And watching Bridgette with Frank was a bit embarrassing. But credit to Super Brain (Natalie) for keeping James’ secret safe and to James himself for (seemingly) FINALLY nabbing the interest of a female house guest! (He kind of hit it out of the park witn Super Brain.)

    • I honestly don’t know why they even bothered showing that secret nerd reveal. I’m not hash tagging it. Fail.

      • She might have known somehow that a nerd just won last season, hence she called herself “secret nerd” and didn’t disclose who she really was so to not put target on her back.

    • Her stage mom pushes her to do all the modelling and acting. Her interest is Math. She needs the money from BB to pay for the study.

  8. The show tonight was one of the worst, especially the first half hour. I hope I never have to see that again.

    And I read Bridgette’s HOH blog. Guess what? She said she might take Frank with her to Final 2! So much for girl power. Natalie better keep her lip zipped.

  9. Just finally able to watch tonite’s episode. Even tho I knew exactly what’s going on, it’s still so hard to stomach watching Bridgette manipulated by that old man. It’s kinda creepy, it’s like Stockhlomn Syndrome.
    And I really feel sorry for both Bronte and Tiff. This game sucks sometimes.

    • I agree. Frank is way creepy! He’s like a pervert or something. In the real world, people have been fired from their job for sexual harassment for smacking a coworker on the butt. And he says he does it to his mom and grandmother, that’s really disturbing, not to mention disrespectful! He has put Day in a bad spot because she has to just keep smiling in order not to be targeted by him. Shame on Big Brother for not taking a stronger stand against that kind of inappropriate behavior. At minimum, he should have had to make a public apology and also been given some type of penalty, like a couple of automatic penalty votes against him when on the block, or not being able to win any comps for a week. He needs to grow up and understand you need to treat people with respect and dignity…male and female!!

  10. I think everyone is on to Frank except Bridgette. I think if Tiffany goes, Frank will think he’s good with people, and then people can blindside him.

    I think the best move would be to win roadkill and put Frank up. If he wins veto, put Bridgette up. The noms can be Paul and Paulie and since Paul has nobody in the house, he can try to be buddy-buddy with people. And considering no one in the 8-pack (dumb name btw) likes Frank it’s adios for Sid Jr

    • They decide at the moment to keep Tiff. Hopefully everyone’s going to sleep soon so they won’t flop again.

  11. News flash: Frank is gonna sh*t his pants tomorrow. Tiff is staying, Bronte is going. lol

    • Well Nicole might flop again and run to tell Frank. I wish they just all go to sleep now hehe.

  12. Btw the funny clip at the end of the previous episode recap should just be called James’ clip coz it features him constantly. Bet tomorrow they will use his staring at Bronte’s breasts as the funny clip.

  13. Love these last minute flips. So often things are settled the day before eviction.

  14. I love Big Butt and I cannot lie … oops sorry I mean I love Big Meech hehehehe.

  15. Totally agree – Frank is not savvy, but he is playing the game and Bridgette is playing sorority house.


  17. why these house guests don’t clean after themselves. This house looks like a pig pan now.

  18. I can’t find anything about Frank’s confession to Bridgette about putting up Bronte!! First she was SOOOOO angry at “whoever” the roadkill winner was. And how furious she will be if Bronte goes home the week she is the HOH. Trying like hell to figure it out the WHOLE time, and all this Spy Girls power bull sh** THEN Frank tells her in bed that it was him and she’s all like “oh ok, ha ha ha! ” Is she for real? Did she not tell Natalie? Is she not mad and just pretended to be okay? OMG its hard to hate him more than her right now! SO THEN her “best friend” goes home and she BARELY looks even remotely upset by it. I was full on expecting Frank to get a cold shoulder or lashing from her! UGH This is why girls never win BB…. we can never get any girls in the house that will keep their eyes on the prize and not the bods.

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