Big Brother 18: Guys Debate Next Target – Michelle Or Bridgette?

As the men continue to tighten their hold on Big Brother 18 they’ve begun to look past this week’s planned eviction and debate which of the women need to go next.

Victor talks with Paul and Paulie on Big Brother 18

Paul, Paulie, and Victor gathered in the backyard overnight for a pool table meeting where the debated the advantages of whether next week they should send Bridgette out the door or keep her in favor of another target like Michelle.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to 1:00 AM BBT 8/2 Cams 1/2 to find the discussion ramping up.

Paul is feeling a little dismissed over seeing Bridgette stick around this week after expecting her to be the top target to go up and out. Now with Da’Vonne heading for eviction he’s working on making sure Bridgette isn’t far behind.

Paul suggests that if Bridgette doesn’t win HoH so she can target the girls then what is the point of keeping her around. He thinks this would be the time for her to go if they’re taking care of her tasks themselves. Victor counters that Bridgette would be a vote in their pocket, but Paul points out they don’t need her vote. (If Da’Vonne doesn’t come back this week then seven votes total next week and four to evict. If one of them is HoH they could use the extra vote, but probably wouldn’t require it.)

Paulie starts to take Victor’s side of the discussion and notes that James would take out Bridgette for them if she’s around but Bridgette wouldn’t target any of them three or even Corey should she win. Paul doesn’t like this and says if they keep her around too long it’ll bite ’em in the rear.

Not only does Paulie think they should keep Bridgette but he wants them to go after Michelle instead, especially if it’s a Double Eviction. Paul isn’t impressed and says they need to be getting out strong players like Bridgette who has been repeatedly performing well instead of a weak one like Michelle or Zakiyah.

Paul’s concern here is that Bridgette is a free agent with no anchor. She was close to Frank, but now he’s gone. She’s got no one and could take a shot at anyone while Michelle could be pressured. Now I imagine Paulie isn’t worried about Bridgette because Frank advised her to trust Paulie in his outgoing advice talk with her. Then you’ve got Paulie driving a plan this week that’s saving Bridgette. He’s probably feeling pretty good about her right now.

Victor still doesn’t think they need to go after Bridgette though and suggests she’d sooner put up two girls than guys. Paul notes that if they get out Da’Vonne this week and another girl next week then Bridgette’s girl-target pool is quickly shrinking and she may easily swing wide and target one of the guys. Victor pushes back saying they should at least get out one more girl before her. Heh. Victor isn’t listening to Paul at all.

Paulie starts to turn the corner and see things Paul’s way. He says maybe if they do this and get out Bridgette then it’ll lower the guards for the other ladies and they’ll have an easier time taking care of them.

The three of them agree on a plan. Bridgette goes up against anyone they want out. If she comes down then that’s okay and they’ll try again later. But if Bridgette remains on the Block at the end of next week then she’s done and gone.

What do you think of their idea? Paul is actually making good points, but I can’t help but think Paulie might undermine this one when the time comes just as he did this week to get his preferred target, Da’Vonne, out the door. Bridgette is a bit of a free agent, but like everyone else in the house she may feel a connection to Paulie and could follow his lead rather than setting her sights on him.



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  1. Victor is being smart and strategic for his game by suggesting they keep Bridgette and send Michelle packing. Paul wants to keep Michelle bc he can manipulate her and she has been flirting with him. Another possible late showmance??? Yuk!

  2. Paulie will undermine it because he knows Gigglette is in his pocket. Paul was ignorant to allow Paulie to manipulate him into changing the target to Da. If he was smart, he would be having a lot of second thoughts and put his foot down about it. I think he would have the votes to get Bridgette evicted if he did. Paulie threw Paul a little bone when he started to “see things Paul’s way” to keep him content until after the vote.

      • Haha Josea was once the leaders of the newbs I guess he died and got reincarnated becoming one with Paulie :D

      • My thoughts exactly! This season is slowly starting to become predictable and at this point we should all be expecting Paulie to win the half mil with a bunch of utterly clueless houseguests in jury! *Sighs* these houseguests are hopeless to watch. :(

      • I have never been so disappointed in a season since this show began. There have been some iffy seasons too, but this one is bad

      • He shoots other people’s ideas and opinions down all of the time and no one questions him. I find myself shaking my head in disbelief when I read this stuff.

      • It’s unbelievable they just go along with Paulie. All he needs is a ring for them to kiss

      • They made him the boss. I mean the Tiff vote flip almost didn’t happen because they didn’t have Paulie’s approval (even if they had the numbers).

  3. Watching Paulie and Paul and Victor talk was like watching a very unfunny Three Stooges episode. Paulie is Moe. Paul is Larry and Victor is Curly or Shep, depending on which ridiculous hat or headband he is wearing at the time.

  4. To BB Female HGs:
    Once Bridgette goes, as Natalie asked out loud, “Who’s next?”

    leaving pool of 3 nominees unless one of them wins HoH:
    1. How sure are you that you won’t go on the block as a pawn or a target?
    2. How safe do you really feel?

    • They aren’t thinking ahead making them terrible BB players, but we knew that already.

    • It’s all pretty much a crap shoot from here on out with the Golden ticket and all the Care Pkgs! Right? With that stacked against them, it’s pretty hard to really plan ahead no matter who wins comps!

      • True. Think the catalyst is Paulie. IF they rebel and get him out, then it’s a new game. But if he evades the block, he’s still running game, I think.
        I doubt Paulie gets any care pkgs.

        Who got this week’s pkg – 2 votes to eliminate?

      • Da has a 1 in 11 chance of having the r/t ticket. I would put it to her “allies” like this, if I was her.

      • Na, as they are keeping her in the dark, so should she do to them. She owes loyalty to no one.

    • These idiots acted like after frank was gone they would all split the 500K. What did they think would happen once Paulie got out the only real threat to his game. During Paulie last hoh was the time for house to band together. Paulie could not play and only Paul would have been a threat. James ended up winning and the house should have BD Paulie. Now, Frank is gone and Paulie has too much momentum. Only way he goes is if Paul and victor sandbag him

  5. Paulie told Bridgette he promised Frank to take care of her. She’s probably devoted to him privately now. Paulie is going to deserve winning this but I still can’t root for him. He’s actually one of the most boring people in there to me.

    • I’m looking forward to this, just not sure hubby will be…then again, it will free up the t.v. for him it could be a win/win situation for both of us! :-)

  6. I would say target Michelle, because I can’t stand her. But it would be smarter to get out Bridgette. Michelle is a good person to take to the final 2.

  7. Let’s all pray that Da’Vonne has the roundtrip ticket and either her or Michelle wins HOH. This season needs a shake up. I’m tired of these majority alliance planning their entire eviction list for the season.

  8. If Paul is feeling a little dismissed, he brought it on himself by letting Paulie run his HOH.

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