Big Brother 18: Frank & Da’Vonne Plan Next Eviction Moves

We still haven’t had our first eviction vote of Big Brother 18 but the Houseguests who know the game better than the rest are looking far out ahead and planning for the days and weeks ahead.

Frank Eudy has a plan for Big Brother 18

This afternoon Frank and Da’Vonne met up in the HoH room to reaffirm what needed to be done this week and their best options for the next several weeks. Some of those plans even include an ally on their list that they’re willing to cut to move forward.

Flashback on your Live Feeds (Free Trial) to 4:10 PM BBT to find Frank and Day upstairs alone.

First up is Day’s concerns over Zakiyah and Paulie getting way too close and flirty recently, but she doesn’t want to lose her ally in Zakiyah. Frank isn’t quite ready to get rid of Paulie and suggests they’d do better to stick with the plan of Jozea this week then Victor followed by either Bronte or Pauli.

Day is worried that the longer Paulie stays the worse it’ll get for Zakiyah getting entwined with him. She wants to protect Zakiyah, but not at the risk of her own game over their potential showmance. Frank says they can get Paulie out to stop the showmance, but they need to stick with their larger targets for now.

Should either of them get the Roadkill win again then using Paulie as a pawn wouldn’t be such a bad idea, Frank suggests. They might even use him as fodder for the other side.

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Frank thinks that with Victor and maybe even Bronte gone then they’d be able to get Paul for themselves. Wow, can you believe Frank is contemplating scenarios with using Paul while ditching Paulie? Maybe he’s just placating Da’Vonne, but if her concern is that she’s losing her ally in Zakiyah to Paulie then shouldn’t Frank have the same reverse concern? Don’t do the showmance, kids, just don’t do it.

As far as Victor’s nomination, Frank wonders if he would lose his head if that happens. He doesn’t want to see someone go over a forced removal, but says he’d take it. As far as breaking Victor, Da’Vonne’s plan is, if she gets the chance/choice, to put Team James on Have-Nots so she can weaken Victor as much as possible. Not a bad plan.

What do you think of the Vet’s hit list? Do you think Frank would really cut Paulie loose this early or does he secretly want to keep him around for the long run? Jozea, Victor, and then Bronte. They could do it, but that’s a lot of perfect weeks in a row to keep control. Better not count those chickens too soon.



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  1. I’ve never liked the showmances. They usually, not always, play a huge part in helping to justify one or the other being eliminated. If you are interested, that is understandable, but keep it in your pants and above the covers until the show it over. Otherwise, you are most likely digging your BB grave.

  2. I’ve never liked the showmances. They usually, not always, play a huge part in helping to justify one or the other being eliminated. If you are interested, that is understandable, but keep it in your pants and above the covers until the show it over. Otherwise, you are most likely digging your BB grave.

  3. I really hate that the vets don’t want to work with Paulie and left him out of the Eight Pack. To me, my top six is Nicole, Frank, Corey, Paulie, Michelle and Tiffany. Five out of the six are part of the eight pack. If you want to keep your ally and kill the showmance, then send Zakiyah home.

    • The other morning Frank mentioned (when camtalking) that he really wanted Paulie in with the 8, but he wasn’t there when it formed and missed the chance. That makes me think maybe Frank is just trying to calm Day by saying this. I can’t tell for sure just yet.

      • It would make sense. We won’t know unless he cam-talks about it or they air this conversation with a Frank DR segment.

      • Paulies more of a comp threat, I would think, than Z. She’s fit but we know Paulie has the benefit of Codys experience. I’d like to keep both awhile, as long as they’re loyal to the team. They have bigger fish to fry first. I agree with their immediate priority list.

        How would Z react if they sent her boy home? Better tread carefully if they start that. Could blow up in their face. Right now they have the numbers so use that. They need it right now.

      • I think he is trying to calm Day as it would be better for him and the Vets to hold onto Paulie atleast to the halfway point! There are enough newbies who want to eliminate the Vets so that would be dumb! I can see Frank and Paulie making a final 2 even if showmance does happen. Even if you are just talking to opposite sex people will say stuff so you are screwed either way. Easier to say when not trapped in a house for weeks or months at a time with no cell tv computer etc! With Jozea Victor Bronte and Bridgette gone the game can be quite interesting then with possible showmances and where things will lie Vets vs Newbies. This season way better than last year even without Roadkill twist! This twist takes BB up a notch.

    • Ya I agree with you those players are my top six and I hope that they stop their showmance if it’s going to hurt Paulie’s game. Honestly he is my favorite ?

  4. It’s okay to start thinking long term, but at this stage, it’s usually best not to get too attached to these kinds of plans. Things change quickly in the BB House. You can be HOH one week and on the block the next. Hell, you can be the outgoing HOH and then on the block within an HOUR during those infamous Double Evictions. So, okay, they’re planning ahead, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exercise caution.

  5. Be loyal to the alliance and keep it strong. stick to the plan of getting victor, paul, bronte out, then they can break up the showmance. i am pretty sure frank was thinking about protecting his ally just as much as Da was, but the alliance is “8 pack” and paulie isn’t in it. they can throw paulie up as a curve ball to the other side once they get at least 2 of the before mentioned out. i liked paulie’s brother a lot better than i like paulie, but i dislike paul, victor, and bronte more. im disappointed bronte went nasty and mean w her comments towards others.

  6. I think Paulie is a flirty kind of guy, to girls and also to boys I suppose. He seems to be into Tiffany and in some way is also kinda flirty with Corey. Remember when he squeezed himself between Tiffany and Corey in the BY hahaha.
    Also he was also close/inseparable with Glenn before the live feeds started (according to Nicole).
    That’s his nature I guess altho I believe he genuinely likes Zakiyah, but nothing serious will come out of it.
    Mama Day starts to think too much. She should be careful not to stir/upset things too early.

    • Yes, remember his brother Cody was just as flirty, and always put the game first… I think its too early to tell if Paulie and Zakiyah are so stuck on each other

      • I only started to watch BB last season so I wouldn’t know about Cody. Altho look wise I prefer Paulie haha, but that’s besides the point :)

      • If you have time you should seriously watch season 16 because if you like Paulie I think you will like Cody to.

      • Bingo! Paulie is just Cody-ing with Zakiyah. Don’t think it’s going any further than light petting.

      • Agreed, but it might cause him trouble as Zakiyah, is getting quite attached to him.

      • At least Paulie has better flirting partners than Cody did with Christine (shudder).

    • I understand Da’s concern since that got her burned last time. But I think Frank was just assuaging her for now. His antennae are probably up but he can probably put a bug in Paulies ear.

    • Oh this makes sense. I thought corey was straight but everything about him has me thinking he’s gay. Has he come out as gay?

      • Honestly I don’t think Corey is gay. He’s just an ignorant bloke who keeps on giving insensitive comments, probably in his frat days or whatever that’s the norm in the way they speak or something.
        Like his comment about the foreign pedicurist just tonight … urgh!

  7. This is the exact reason why I’m not a fan of bringing players back. At this point it feels like all of the focus is upon the vets crafting plans. I know that can change on a dime but I much prefer it when everyone’s on the same page experience-wise.

    Some might be big fans of the game while others have no idea about it at all but it feels more evenly weighted when everyone’s a first time resident.

    Just my opinion.

  8. I could be wrong, but it seems Frank has no intention of pushing out Paulie. Just the other morning he was giving the dude advice on how to approach the game. Frank obviously has a ton of experience on how to handle the pressure of being on the block, so he definitely is giving good help. He might be trying to groom Paulie into an F2 type of player. Nicole & Corey seem to have something going on, Day & Z (possibly Day & James as well). Frank needs to find someone or he could be the odd man out.

    Seems to me that he probably looks at Paulie a similar way that Day looks at Z. Might be something to watch out for in the coming weeks, those two (Paulie & Z) might very well break the veterans up…

    • To me Frank and Paulie are Derrick and Cody Part Deux.

      I’m not a Corey fan. His story about the goat was disturbing.

    • Paulie is obviously Alison Grodner’s “Golden Boy” for this season! He ain’t going no where for awhile – maybe not until the double eviction week, at least – for drama! Corey is definitely a “wash”, as AG’s original choice for her “pet”, especially after his nonchalant re-telling of his frat boys animal abuse story! I detest animal cruelty and those who perpetrate/instigate it! Get em out!

  9. I’ve never known Frank to make any definite plans too far into the future. Maybe to throw certain people off, maybe, even other vets? He was best at playing in the moment and alone than with a big alliance. We shall see. He’s matured some since Season 14. I’m liking this calmer version of him! And funnny too! I think he’ll want Paulie for the long haul too, but doesn’t want the vets to know this. He needs to get HoH first!

  10. I’ve been watching Frank quite a bit and he seems to have the ability to appease other HG better than he did the first time around. That can go a long way in this game if you use the right approach. I agree he has mellowed since his season which can only be better for his game. I also think he’d like to keep Paulie around without giving that away too much to Day. She is working toward making the same mistakes she did the last time by trying to control what everybody else is doing. That will go against her if she doesn’t chill out.

    • I think that Frank had a good mentor in Boogie and learned a lot about playing the game, but because they were pretty much attached at the hip and Boogied did not want to be there, and disliked every one and every thing it kind of rubbed off on Frank and he really didn’t get a chance to play his own game. Plus the fact that it is four seasons later and Frank has matured and grown up a lot.

  11. Pauli is ruining his game by getting to close to Zakiyah :( Showmances are more often than not terrible for your game, especially this early on

  12. Frank knows better than to voice his want to have Paulie around when that could give others ammo to vote Frank out.

    • You pulled out words from my brain haha. Been thinking the same, because of those beard I suppose.
      Paulie also looks a bit like James Wolk (Zoo Season 2 premieres tomorrow night at CBS), altho I guess Alejandro from current MasterChef more looks like him hehe.

  13. Not that there’s anything wrong with it but it seems like corey is gay. All I hear out of him is like him saying how he has like gay interactions with Jose. Or the story he told about vic n him in the bathroom how it looked gay. Or tonite he tells a story of how natalie was flirting with him and he seemed put off by it. Just real weird reactions almost like he is so over compensating whenever something like that comes up its all he thinks about and talks about for that matter. On the late night feeds. I don’t think they’ve shown it on the nornal broadcast.

    • Lol. I just commented the same thing above. I have seen Corey gives the “I want you” looks to Frank and Paulie while they are walking around shirtless and on BBAD he gets a little too close to Paulie while they are hanging out outside. I am 99.9% sure that he is and the girls flirt with him, but they get nothing from him.

  14. They should remove Paul and Victor next! Both have said they will remove the veterans so, they should have every incentive to remove both! I would go after Paul first because I think he really has it in his mind to target the veterans! Paul and Jozea wanted to take out from the game, Nicole right from the get go! Remove those two to weaken the newbies and make it more an even game!

  15. Is Corey hiding something??? He’s always got this look about him like he’s hiding something. Just my observation. As far as noms I would like to see Josea leave, then Paul – can’t stand him and his nonsense, or Bridgette! That girl has gotten weird with all her comments about Michelle.

    • Cory is gay. Have you not seen the looks he gives Paulie and Frank. I’m not sure which of the two he is into more, but watch his face when they are around him.

  16. Is there something going on between Paulie and Zakiyah? I thought Paul liked her.

  17. Thoughts:
    – Only very few showmances worked (Will/Boogie, Boogie/Erika, Jon/Neda, and Emmett/Jillian) so I doubt that Paulie/Zakiyah will work either.
    – Also is it me or is Frank playing more strategical than last time? I think he’s grow up since Season 14. This is good, so I think Frank might have a shot to win as long as he can remember that playing to hard to fast can make him a target.

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