Big Brother 18: Da’Vonne Turns Vets Against Frank

Last night on the Feeds Da’Vonne Rogers continued her demolition of Frank Eudy’s game in a sweeping series of moves to erode his support and set him up for immediate eviction at their first clear shot.

Big Brother 18's Vet HGs Nicole, Da'Vonne, & James

After watching Day work through the house yesterday where she brought Tiffany back in to the Fatal Five it was time to make sure the last Vet, James, was also on her side of the divide she was creating.

Nicole had already heard Da’Vonne’s story for the plan to get Frank out over all his deal makings, but James still needed to be caught up on the latest. Flashback to 1:27 AM BBT 7/6 Cams 1/2 on your Live Feeds. Get the Free Trial now to watch.

Da’Vonne pulls James in to the Lounge and wants to know if Frank had been making F4 deals with him. James confirms he has and she explains how Frank set them up with everyone around the house. She jumps right in and says Frank needs to go right away. “Frank Frank?” asks James. He’s shocked.

Backstory: Read how Da’Vonne has been turning the house against Frank.

Day tells James the women are feeling mistreated by Frank with his spanking of them and rude behavior. She says it’s rubbing the women the wrong way and they want him gone.

James sees that Frank was using them to do his dirty work. He explains how Frank wanted James to take out Corey and Paulie for him along with his insistence on others throwing comps so his team could take it and be safe.

Day says she thought the four Vets would work together but instead she keeps seeing Frank make selfish moves to put his game ahead of theirs. She says it’s time they fixed the problem, but when they take this shot it has to be a sure thing. No swinging and missing so she wants it to be a Backdoor.

James wonders if they’ll still have a team with Frank gone. Day says it’ll be him, her, and Nicole. Oh, and Zakiyah, she adds. No mention of the Fatal Five though as Da’Vonne is keeping her side alliances secret from James. This of course being one of Frank’s game sins that she doesn’t like, which is totally fine, but funny in this scenario.

Day circles around and goes back to detailing Frank’s F4 deals. James says he only ever heard from Frank a F4 of the four Vets. He adds that Frank has been worried that an all-girls alliance could be coming together. This will only add fuel to Day’s fire to get Frank out if he’s catching on to what’s really happening.

They’re still talking at 1:59 AM BBT when Nicole is pulled in to the Lounge. Day lets her know that James now knows everything. They all agree that they can’t throw the HoH comp to Team Frank like he’s been suggesting.

Eventually the talk breaks up around 2:14 AM BBT. James says he won’t tell Frank anything else anymore. Da’Vonne says she’ll only talk to Frank about Tiffany. James jumps up and exits the room leaving just Nicole and Da’Vonne to continue their talk.

It looks like Day has been successful in turning the house against Frank for the most part. Now we have to wait and see how long before Frank catches on or what James and Nicole discuss separately. Nicole has already told Corey that Day was lying to Frank about Tiffany being the one targeting him (it was a group, but Nicole didn’t admit that). She’s a little wary of Day and if she puts her head together with James they may decide neither Day nor Frank can be trusted.

Fun times ahead on the Live Feeds so I highly recommend giving them a watch. We’ll have some potential today for activity on the Feeds as Victor’s eviction creeps up. This next HoH comp will be in full go mode and I can’t wait to see what happens.

What do you think of Da’Vonne’s aggressive strategy? Does it make sense to break up the Vets already? She’s now targeted Tiffany heavily then Frank heavily as she shifts her target even though neither was putting her in imminent danger. It’s been an effective plan, but I’m just not sure if it’s been a smart one. We’ll see though. Either way, Team Feeds is sure to win!



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  1. I hate Day. She needs to be evicted next and go home take more notes on how to wait for the right moment. They just evicted their first Newbie and already shes trying to get rid of a Vet and the person that can quite possibly help all the vets get further in the game. DAY CANT WIN COMPS and Nicole Barely does, James has yet to prove himself… although I enjoyed watching him throw the comp this past week, but still hes not the sharpest tool in the shed in my eyes. I hope Frank catches on quick and who knows, maybe take those newbies under his wing and get rid of all the DAY weight…. (dead weight joke kinda? im not a comedian)

    • I’m hoping for the opposite. Frank is gross, spanking Natalie and Zakiyah like a perv and screaming at James and Nicole over a freaking pizza. I want him gone and I hope Da’Vonne is the one to do it.

      • I get it, but as a person who likes to think outside the box I dont think Frank would smack these girls asses unless he was led to think it was okay at one point or another. He never did so on his season, so why would he start now? I hate pervs, and men who degrade women, but being as close as i was to my Brother growing up I also know just how one sided certain situations can be.

      • I don’t think Frank meant anything bad by it, but doesn’t their discomfort with the spanking make it clear that it’s not okay? How could they have led him on to believe that it was? The only side of the story I need to hear is that they don’t like it. In this situation, it’s hard for them to speak up without being “punished” in the game, so production has a responsibility to tell him to knock it off.

      • My thing is why cant they speak up? Whi are they sooooo cool with talking in th DR sessions but cant tell him to his face? Im sure he would stop. Thats the problem nowadays with some woman, its ok to speak up when no ones watching, its ok to speak up on your statuses etc… but you cant speak up to the person who is causing all this drama? or disrespecting you? And in regards to your question “How could they have led him on to believe that it was?” in my experience growing up I witnessed girls flirt and use their bodies to gain attention, but once that attention shifted to more than just flirting it became a problem. Men tend to be oblivious to women (lets just face it lol my bf is oblivious to alot of my crap) so a simple look of disgust or huff n puff wont do it, you literally have to spell it out for some men in order for them to get it. Im not saying they threw themselves on frank or anyone to deserve the treatment that they oh so despise now all of a sudden, but there’s a reason hes not spanking any other girls in the house. Its not like hes going around spanking anyone who comes before him is it? Sorry for the long paragraph but I saw my brother go through so much crap cuz of girls like that. they love to tease they love the attention but dont realize that it all comes at a high price. what do u expect a guy to do? just sit there and do nothing? anywho their grown adults who are perfectly capable of speaking up if they dont like something. The beauty of this situation is that its all on tape so they shouldn’t feel like they need to prove anything, so whats stopping them? they just want more attention and I cant feel sorry for people like that.

      • It’s pretty obvious that speaking up in this situation could hurt their chances of winning the money. Anything you do to stick out can be a reason for people to vote you out. And men shouldn’t have to be told not to smack women’s butts or call them sluts.

      • I get that that’s what they think and feel, but honestly if its that serious and your truly upset about someone over crossing boundaries (and its totally understandable because its her body) the game should not influence peoples morals on whats right and wrong. I’m sure a lot of the Hg’s would agree with her and it wouldn’t make her the martyr for it.

      • Frank spanked Natalie’s butt not once but twice. I’m sorry but the people in my circle know not to do that to me unless I’m breaking it down on the dance floor. I love Frank as a player but he needs to have more friends to understand what is acceptable and not acceptable. ESPECIALLY since he has a GF – that he talks about all the time.

      • Hows about they put on their big girl panties and speak up to him instead of not saying anything? What good is it to talk about this in DR sessions ad not to the person who is directly disrespectful to you? Ive had male friends who never ever disrespected me because from the very first moment they met me if i didnt like something id tell them. Its as simple as that.

      • I absolutely agree. There really cant be any playfulness between guys and girls. There must be absolute puritan rules so that nothing playful will happen.

      • I agree. The one thing I don’t like about these girls is that they put up with the guys rude behaviors and laugh at their crude jokes, then go to the DR or a corner and start talking about them! Like stop being a victim and stand up for yourself instead of laughing it off like it’s okay.

    • Day just needs to chill but Frank has been a true disappointment to me. He’s playing way too hard too fast I had high hopes

      • I agree Jackie. Last time around the audience complained that Frank was lazy and sat on his butt until it was too late so he’s trying to adjust his game. Maybe it would’ve been better if he had played the laid back game he played previously.

    • I thought Paul & Bronte was Terrible, but now it’s Day that I want out right away. Keep Frank & Tiff for now.

    • I also liked Frank in the beginning but after seeing him on BBAD I just don’t trust him. He seems like he can be a loose cannon.

      • He got advice from boogie, and i can tell. Alot of his game play thus far is pretty similar to that of Season 7 all stars where boogie and will knew they were targets from the gate but they knew just how to manipulate situations and people. Franks laying down the foundation right now.

    • Isn’t this what people want, is for the houseguests to cause drama? This is good, if it gets her evicted so what. There can be only one winner anyway. Hate is such a strong word though. Chill she’s human too.

      • I know I know, I dont really hate her, I hate her game play…. Im chillin tho. I just wish she would’ve waited a lil longer to break up the vets alliance. I was really rooting for them 4, and for a while there it looked like they had the house in the palm of their hands.

      • Lol but that would be boring! This is what we want. We want people to make stupid moves and blow up the house. We want to see alliances torn to shreds. We want drama! Not a repeat of season 16 and 17. Where the same folks are running stuff for weeks. People say they hate but they love it lol

  2. Da’vonne is super slick and i wonder if it will work for her or will it backfire!

  3. Day isn’t very smart… I agree that it’s best for all of the vets if they get rid of Frank sooner than later, but to already turn on your own is impressively stupid. Yeah, the dude is making deals on the side… so what? You could literally expose this whenever you want.

    Remember that time when you couldn’t keep your mouth shut and it got you evicted ONE YEAR AGO?!

    I mean come on, how can you have not learned anything from that experience? I honestly thought Day was going to be smarter than this, but she just effectively broke up the vets and took what looked like a guaranteed chance for all of them to make jury and threw it in the trash.

    Fact of the matter is that Frank can win comps, something that you’re going to desperately need should any complications arise with one of the newbies because he’s the only one of the vets that has proven that he can consistently come through under pressure… and Day just decided to make him enemy number one, all while causing several other houseguests to become suspicious of her as well.

    All it will take is Frank catching wind of this and to confront the situation and Day is screwed. Let’s also not forget that Frank is Grodner’s golden boy and the fact that Day isn’t aware of that is truly sad. If Frank is in trouble pre-jury, there WILL be a Pandora’s Box.

    Day may be sinking Frank’s ship, but this isn’t BB16, he’s not going down without bringing someone with him.

    • This is exactly what and how I was thinking, but I got on the keyboard and let my hatred for Day’s stupidity take over. Well articulated, and right on point!!

    • I think over the past years we have seen that “the leader of the resistance” player is never the one to win the game. The target on their back would be very big, their enemies would be gunning for them as soon as they get power and the “followers” of the resistance are always waiting to take a stab at them as well. We’ve seen from both the episode DRs and the feeds that Day is making Frank’s mistakes of getting ahead of herself and thinking that she runs the house.
      As for Grodner’s golden boy, I think production knows by now that Frank isn’t going to win. So I think it’s better for them to let him go out pre-jury and play in the battle back rather than trying to keep him until jury.

      • Production couldn’t care less who wins, what they care about is making the more interesting characters stick around if they can help it. And truth is that Frank is polarizing, people generally either love him or hate him. I seriously doubt Grodner takes the chance of letting Frank go within the first few weeks.

      • Makes sense, I see your perspective. But still, Frank is going to remain as a target as long as he’s in the house. So he’s not going to last long. Maybe it’s time for him to leave the house so that when he goes back people are already more focused on other people rather than him.

        Also, I think when a houseguest is a “Grodner favorite” (tinfoil hat on), production “wants” the game to be smoother for them

      • Well yeah, but you’re pointing out precisely the reason for why they’d want to keep him around. It’s effectively a repeat of his own season where everyone was out to get him. It’s really interesting to see an entire house try to get out one guy only to fail time and time again because he’s just that good at comps. It’s one of the main reasons that I enjoyed BB14.

    • I will disagree and say Day is too smart for her on good. She caught on very quickly to Frank’s game while everyone else was just ready to fall in line. She spotted Tiffany as Vanessa’s sister within minutes of being in the house. What I will say is that she lacks patience and doesn’t know how to use the information she gathers to her advantage. Which will more than likely lead to another early eviction for her.

      • Anyone with a brain could have spotted Tiff as Vanessa’s sister (especially when you were on the same season with her just last summer), I don’t give her much credit for that. Additionally, Frank hasn’t exactly been subtle in how he’s doing things.

        I don’t give people credit for being able to add 2+2, and that’s what Day’s done up to this point in the house. It’s not that Day is brilliant or anything, it’s just that most other houseguests are supremely lacking in critical thinking so we don’t really have a solid point of reference. I maintain that Day’s decisions have been incredibly stupid. Sure, she managed to gather information, but she’s also handled it about as poorly as humanly possible.

      • Yes, I’m aware of that haha. I’m just explaining my perspective on things is all, no need to take it personally.

      • Funny, I haven’t heard anyone else noticing Tiff being Vanessa sister.

      • I think Day’s big mistake is that she thinks she’s so much smarter than everyone else in the BB house – which will lead to her early demise once again.

      • I can relate to your comment TX, but these other comments on their”hatred” of Day is just too much. It’s s game people. Geez!! I agree she moved too fast too soon!

    • This is what I said She is playing to hard to fast Shes going to get knocked out of the game Just like Frank is for playing like its the middle of the game already

      • Them of all people because they have played before should know better. Its funny how fast they have forgotten

    • Well said, as long as the target is on Frank its not on you. Use him until he is no lo get needed. He can win comps .

    • She does need to chill out. I also don’t think they need to rush to next week. Paulie is surprisingly super smart (a way better player than his brother) and his idea to wait it out and make Frank feel safe is smart.

  4. I agree that Day is putting her game in jeopardy. I also think Frank is too. Frank’s ego has been rubbing people the wrong way and now Da’Vonne is becoming reckless. Honestly, the fact Da’Vonne has managed to get James to go against Frank, especially when all this talk of how the boys need to stick together has been happening, is pretty slick of her. I just think she should’ve waited a bit before doing this. Honestly, I feel like Nicole is the veteran with the best chances to win at this point. Day and Frank are too threatening and James isn’t the brightest tool in the shed

    • Yes, Nicole is just sitting back and watch Day and Frank destroy themselves. It might be in her best interest to let Frank know what’s going on though – the vets really need to tolerate each other a little bit longer before the inevitable warfare breaks out among them.

      • It’s too late I think. Frank’s ego has done rubbed Day the wrong way and Day has done went too far in trying to get him out to turn back now. I kinda think Nicole and James need to stick together and leave Frank and Day out to fend for themselves because Nicole and James might get too much heat for being associated with Frank and Day

    • I agree with you about Nicole, she seems to be in a good position. I think she should take James and a few trustworthy allies and try to stay away from the whole Frank/Day drama.

      As for James, while he isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, once he catches on, he’s willing to make a move. Remember the Clelli thing? If he had more of an understanding of what’s going on, he would think better.

      • Oh I agree completely, but James also made that move due to influence by his peers. When Becky had Vanessa on the block against Shelli, James thought it was a good idea to vote out Shelli instead of Vanessa which was a horrible move and it ended up getting his partner Jackie out later on. Like you said, I was James was more game aware because he could easily also be in Nicole’s position!

  5. Finally they broke up. Now they are going to end up take each other out and newbies will end up finishing them off

  6. Day is getting ready to be kicked out… same thing again.
    Now she thinks she has a big defense that is Zakiyah (the dead weight in the house). So she wants to jump ship right away. Big mistake that will blow on her face later on. James was right and he will get Day out due to those things…

  7. I would have thought that Frank would have known better than to go around the house making all of these side alliances. Then, making others on his team take the HOH if they win the comp..he wants to keep his team intact and let the others get blood on their hands while he just sits back and infiltrates himself with every single person in the house..except Tiffany. Frank knows the game well enough to know that even after a couple of weeks, people start talking and noticing. Not smart game play on Frank’s part.

  8. I wonder if there will be a house meeting ?
    And seriously everyone wants to stop others from making strong alliances, no one wants to see a repeat of the brigade again and be on the outside.

  9. People always make the same mistake every year They play a hard game to early on I like Day but shes going to get burned by all this hard playing so early

  10. I honestly don’t like Frank. Yeah, I’m in the minority, but I don’t care. I didn’t like him in 14 and I don’t like him now in 18.

    • I liked Frank in the beginning but he’s playing way to hard to fast I think. I feel like all he did these last few days should have taken place over the course of like 3 weeks. lol

    • I’m not a Frank fan either. I’d like to see him go next week and then Da’Vonne can follow him the week after that lol

  11. I like this! I like what’s happening…and as usual, James is always the last one to know what’s going on in the game.

    • Honestly I love that the 8 Pack is coming crumbling down. I definitely would much rather see chaos as opposed to another Brigade/Bomb Squad

  12. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t the Vets get together with Frank and discuss all their problems with him before they start picking each other off?

  13. Way too aggressive and full of lies, she’ll be going out the door in no time

  14. Everyone has side deals everyone is lying cause everyone wants to win half a million, so basically it comes down to who can bullshit the best

  15. If Frank is evicted the next week, maybe Da’Vonne could be the next target.

  16. Da needs to go…sorry, but she’s showing shades of the Da we all knew and…well…fill in the blank (depending on how you felt about her_________). I’m not a fan of many of the newbies, and I’ve made that pretty clear: Sparkly Beard Paul being #1 on my list. But I’d rather see Bronte-saurus Blech leave before him—then Da. Don’t be turning on my Frank, Missy. JK! Seriously though…I’d like to keep Frank a little while longer.

    • What about Christmas Corey? Don’t you like Christmas Corey? lol You know he likes making the yuletide happy and bright.

      • He said as his spooky eyes stared into space…
        What is he always staring at? He’s not looking AT any one or any thing. Have you ever seen him focus on anyone? No. You haven’t. He never looks at anyone’s face.
        Is he daydreaming about baseballs?

      • Yeah, Watching him on feeds, the guy is a little strange. Doesn’t know Van in her season, but remembers Clay. Spend 600 bucks on Christmas last year decking his house up…best on the block..he said. lol

      • Lol..I know…maybe he won a prize. Hey, that was funny what you said about the end of the season, Cyrilleelovitch

      • Wait…he doesn’t remember V?!!! He must be jesting. How can he remember Clay…Oh. That’s where his eyes are. Can’t say as I blame him. Wouldn’t care anyway…how in THE h-e-Double L, NOT remember V?

      • Do you rea-lee-y not remember? You, K and I were talking about the end of the season…and you’d write to her during the very last few posts? Cyril-lee-lovitvitch?

      • Because Clay is from Texas and he knows people who know Clay … like everything is small in Texas, right?
        Seriously tho, I think he’s just harmless and clueless guy. Adorkable, some people might call him that hahaha.

      • He’s totally harmless…lol…he’s just, like you said: ‘adorkable.’

      • How do you know that? He keeps staring at Frank’s butt in the shower tho hahaha.

      • How would YOU know that? Are you staring at Frank’s butt in the shower, too?

        I would. ;)

    • I’m going to enjoy watching Day destroy her game at least. Now that she’s on a roll she can’t seem to stop with the drama queen behavior.

      • She’s going to end up going home just about the same time she did before…roughly….hopefully. :-D

      • Day really tried to coast with the 8 Pack until jury but her inner beast couldn’t be contained.
        The longer they stay in the house the more their true self is revealed we see once again.
        Can you even imagine working with Day with her constantly spreading lies about everyone and stirring up more drama?

      • NO, I can not , nor would I want to imagine working with Day. I was suspicious of her from the beginning. I was one of the few who wasn’t happy to see her back.

      • No! Problem with Day, she could and would turn on you if you were wearing the wrong color shoes! LOL!

      • I feel the same way about Day’s being disloyal to everyone. She’s not alliance material and the sooner they realize this the better.

      • Once she leaves, I don’t want to see her again. Wether it be winning the battle of the evicted guest, or seeing her in jury. Oh and not to see her brought back in season BB75. ?

    • yeah she’s really going for broke and obviously can’t seem to control her own momentum. This game is about choosing your words and timing – and obviously your battles – with great care and calm. Like I said earlier, she’s likely to find herself up on the block alongside Frank, and under that kind of pressure, I put my money on Frank to be the one to convince enough voting HGs to let him stay. It’s a shame – I really do luv me some Day, but she lacks critical self-control.

  17. Thoughts (feel free to disagree):

    – What is with people playing too hard too fast? We had Daniele (BB13), Willie (BB14), Amanda (BB15), Devin (BB16), and Audrey (BB17). Now we have Day and Frank. Has anyone ever learned playing too hard too fast doesn’t help your case?

    – Is it me or is James the only sane person on the vets? He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and isn’t either over strategizing nor causing trouble (aside from his pranks, but that’s all in good fun). Nicole is playing sloppy and Day and Frank are just doing stuff just because. At this point I want James to win.

    – I feel like this is a bit of a repeat of BB13 and BB14- the newbies are mostly idiots and the vets are just all over the place.

    • Agree. But I don’t really see James capable of winning tho. If he reaches F2 then yes people will vote for him but to reach F2 is an uphill battle for a “sane” person as you described him. He can’t pull a major backstab like Frank or Day would.
      Besides he plays with his heart on his sleeve, his entire game last year went down the hill when he followed his emotion in targeting Clelli and destroyed Becky’s game as well.
      Of all the newbies, Paulie and Zakiyah seem like they could last. And I keep suspecting Corey to be smarter than what he gives out.

    • I agree except I don’t think Nicole is playing sloppy. In fact, I think she’s got a better chance to win than James. Nicole made a bold move last week and now nobody’s even mentioning her name as a threat. She is also on good terms with both Frank and Day’s sides. The reason I think she’s better than James is because she’s more observant and aware of what’s going on. She’s much more level-headed than he is imo. I still love James though

  18. Btw, Day/Zakiyah/Nicole/Corey/Paulie alliance could be very solid, if Mama Day wants to be stuck with 2 potential showmances hahahahahahaha.
    Like Van last year, Top 5 with a showmance and a nerdmance.

  19. Here we go again with an alliance fighting against itself rather than taking out the other side of the house. It makes no sense to me. They should take out Bronte and Paul before they go after each other and wait until they find out someone is coming back into the house after the 5th eviction!

  20. Day is messing up her own game! She will be gone soon bcz Nicole has now turned on her! Speaking of Nicole, I’m convinced she is just plain dumb! She is still playing the same game! Believing every and anybody! Gullible and annoyiing! Telling EVERYTHING and can not keep her mouth shut!! Rather be in a showmance instead of playing the game. She’s doing the same thing when she was w/Hayden! I will be glad when Nicole exit along w/Day holding hands out the door!

  21. Pretty sure it’ll be obvious to Frank something’s up when he notices that no one is throwing the HOH comp tomorrow night.

  22. So Da no longer is against Tiffany, and now she’s after Frank? Make up your mind.

  23. I do not understand why Day nor Frank couldn’t wait till the other side was gone. I was upset that Frank spoiled Nichole’s HOH by letting the cat out of the bag about blindside. Then pulling Victor aside before the HOH comp. I was one who wanted Frank out in his season. I felt the same about Day. During week one when the vets had their odds stacked against them, I felt I needed to give them a chance. Frank I thought had changed. Day was the same. After the other side is gone, they can trip over each other as they go out the door.

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