After a few days of watching Da’Vonne Rogers in the Big Brother 18 house plotting her big moves against Frank Eudy things sped up today on the Feeds as she has put her plan in high gear.
With the bug in Frank’s ear that he needed to target Tiffany for immediate eviction it was time to set the other side up for a balanced fight but now it looks like she’ll be standing next to Tiffany to target Frank.
Previously Da’Vonne had convinced Frank that it was Tiffany and Tiffany alone who was coming after him even though it was the whole Fatal Five alliance. Da’Vonne planned to put the full blame on Tiffany if they were busted in the process. This afternoon Da’Vonne had a new plan.
Flashback to 2:10 PM BBT 7/5 on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial).
Da’Vonne and Zakiyah are discussing how they need to take Frank out immediately. No time to waste. Here’s what Da’Vonne suggests: they need to get Corey to win HoH, then they’ll fight for Roadkill, win Veto, and get Frank on the renom for a Backdoor.
Next week there will be nine votes so five will do it and that’s the Fatal Five in action with the votes to evict Frank. They want Corey as HoH because if they use one of their own then that member of the FF can’t vote.
Day also discusses that if they can’t get Frank out then maybe they should force him to be HoH so he can get “blood on his hands” because, yeah, that’ll show him! These are two very different plans, but I didn’t hear her mention this one again so it’s probably out.
Jump ahead to 2:40 PM BBT as Nicole is now warning Corey that Frank has F2 and F4 deals with everyone around the house. She lets him know there’s a plan building to evict Frank but he has to promise not to let this get back to Frank or they’re toast.
At 3:30 PM BBT we’ve got Nicole going back to Da’Vonne and agreeing that it’s best to get Frank out quickly. Nicole believes she can convince James to join their vote party, but thinks Michelle will be a hard sell. This would let them swap James vote in for Michelle’s if she’s not willing. But wait, there’s more!
Well…that big alliance crumbled fast….
Thanks to Day playing too hard to fast the alliance will crumble.
I hope it does
You mean thanks to Frank playing too hard too fast. Frank is the one going around dictating to the girls what to do and who to evict. Guess it’s okay for Frank to play hard, but not Day. Yeah right…
There will never be another brigade. No alliance is as loyal as they were. BB is a joke now
Just a matter of time before the girls figure it out.
I’m glad. It makes the game more interesting, hopefully.
Me too …it’s not going to be like season 16.
This reminds me of Season 13 when Daniele played too hard too fast as well when she had safety for weeks because her dad got pulled out of the competition. She screwed up her own game when she was sitting comfortably with an alliance of veterans that were winning everything.
Yup. Made a move too fast.
Day is going to get herself evicted – I have to say she has worked hard for people not coming after her
Nicole is already backing out. She is the one I thought would have a problem with the girls. D’vonne should not wait for the roadkill, especially since Z and her are weak players. Frank should be backdoor ed.
Exactly. Her plan has far too many variables and it will backfire.
I hope Day goes home – next week
Hope Frank is evicted next week. It’s time for a girl to win Big Brother.
She is my favorite right now. I hope Tiffany, Frank and possibly Paulie or Bronte go home. D’vonne is making the right moves because Frank is trying to play like Derrick and having others get “blood on their hands.”
Natalie might not be great at this gsme, but she’s my outsider pick now…. seriously, no one is targeting her she’s not caught up in this 8 Pack Day and Frank mess…she’s going to just slip through the cracks while 8 Pack continues to attack itself ..
So I’m assuming her entire plan was to make a huge move on Frank, but wanted to make sure his sights were dead-set on Tiffany so when/if something did get revealed, he’d blame Tiffany instead of Da’Vonne?
This is total assumption here. And I’m so glad the 8 Pack is over, I liked everybody but this is the kind of entertainment I want to see!!! Da’Vonne is going to have to fight though and make sure Frank is evicted because there’s no going back, and if she fails, she’ll likely be the first vet out
That makes sense!
I hope she’s out before Frank or Tiffany
Day and Frank are playing the same game. Day is running her girls alliance and Frank is running his guys alliance and although I like Day, I don’t like the players in her alliance with the exception of Michelle. Hopefully Frank confronts Tiffany and they both fond out Day is lying and Frank somehow comes up with a plan to save Victor and get rid of “The Bully” or “The Crybaby”
yes! Save vic and let eight pack ruin itself.
One can only hope lol
I hope Frank catches Day and she goes home
I just don’t want Frank gone anytime soon
Hoo gurlfriend is amping it up and I love it! As much as I love me some Day, she’ll likely go down in flames if just one part of her plan fails. Sure does make for some good bb viewing tho!
Perfect!..Bring the house down!
How about whoever wins the HoH next puts both Frank and Day up, let them battle it out hehehe.
I guess the only chance of that happening would be like Bronte winning HOH? idk, I think the boys and the girls are divided now
Sounds like Corey and Paulie know about the plan now so its only a matter of time before it gets back to Frank. Hopefully Frank & Tiff will realize Day is screwing both of them!
Does anyone know what tiff was whispering to Nicole last night after nic asked if she like Paulie?
In a fight between Frank and Day, my money is on Frank. But stranger things have happened in this house.
I think Tiffany was telling Nicole that she was in a long term relationship with a man like her sister Vanessa, but is now into girls. So she is not into Paulie, but pretends to be. I was all in that conversation and tried to figure out the whispering, plus tiny clues in between to Nicole and what Nic was saying to her. I am speculating, but feel that’s what she told her. Tiff has not told anyone in the house that she likes girls, so she probably confessed it to Nicole.
Thanks that makes sense. I thought she was saying something like she knew him before the house or something, I was lost lol
I’m pretty sure she confessed that she is gay and said that production played up the bi part.
I’ve already confirmed my attendance to Da’vonne’s BB funeral before everything has yet to be set in stone.
Who’s with me?!
I am. But hopefully she gets to attend Frank’s before we attend hers
Lol I find it hilarious that Frank thought Nicole, Day, Z, and Michelle would never betray/go against him. SMH boy was he WRONG! Ooo I can’t wait for this all to play out on the feeds!! Crossing my fingers and toes that this plays out to become a boys vs girls season!
I’m crossing my fingers with you. It’s time for the girls to stick together and come up with a solid plan to take down the boys. The boys work together every season to get rid of the girls and win the game.
Exactly! And this looks like the season where the girls can finally pull it through if they could just get rid of their major differences and cattiness they can get rid of all the guys and go at it themselves! Here’s to hoping! :)
women hate each other, it will never work.
I hope Day has a better plan than pinning the blame on Tiffany, even if Frank targets her first he will get around to figuring out his real problem is Day.
It took Dan G. till jury to get Frank out, I don’t think Day will succeed much faster. If she does, more props to her, but I still remember the Frank of yesteryear who was the HG who would not die.
Not a huge Frank fan but the dude wins comps when needed.
The problem with her plan is simple. She’s pulling too many people in at once and that situation could easily backfire on her. I will be surprised if Frank doesn’t get wind of it especially since a couple of the guys already know about it. The guys were having a discussion the other night about which females to get out first so both sexes are plotting against one another. lol
Her best move will be winning something. HOH or Veto.
If Z wins they are both fine, but she is the floater of the season.
That, and there are so many variables. “First so and so needs to win HOH, then person x needs to put person y on the block. Then person y needs to win veto and person z needs to win the roadkill, and when Pisces is in Aquarius on the 3rd blue moon of the Sabbath when the wolves howl, thats we strike. Oh, and everyone stay quiet. And btw, remember how I was hating you, we’ll it’s all good now. We cool?”
Recipe for success!
That, and there are so many variables. “First so and so needs to win HOH, then person x needs to put person y on the block. Then person y needs to win veto and person z needs to win the roadkill, and when Pisces is in Aquarius on the 3rd blue moon of the Sabbath when the wolves howl, thats when we strike. Oh, and everyone stay quiet. And btw, remember how I was hating you, we’ll it’s all good now. We cool?”
Recipe for success!
So funny :D
The 4th of July was Monday, but the fireworks display in the BB house are just starting! Grab your popcorn. I’ve always been more of a fan of nighttime. …goodbye Day.
Frank was upset that Tiff called him a male chauvinist, but he does seem to have traits of that:
1. He spanked both Zakiyah and Natalie.
2. Jokingly called Zakiyah hussy because of the way she dressed.
3. Jokingly called Zakiyah fat and said he jokingly called his ‘old lady’ fat all the time (his old lady must be thrilled).
4. He doesn’t think Michelle has a say in whom she will nominate if she’s HoH because she will follow whatever he says.
5. Screamed at Tiffany because she dared to question him.
6. Stubbornly defends Bridgette from basically almost everybody because he thinks he’s right.
7. He can have a deal with everyone and twists his words but if Tiffany does that she’s a liability.
8. He yells at production like he owns the place.
Exactly!!! It’s okay for Frank to go around making negative comments about Tiffany and whoever else he sets his sights on. He yells and screams at the girls and even at James at one point for taking the pizza out the oven. Tells everyone how to vote and who to put on the block so his hands are clean. Makes final 2 and final 4 deals with multiple people. But Day is the problem. Whatever!!
Frank is reverting back to his old BB14 ways- an arrogant fratboy who tends to believe he’s better. Really I think he’s getting way too full of himself.
And it’s interesting that he lambasts Dan for playing a dirty game, but he’s doing the same thing right now. Only Dan wasn’t walking around acting like he’s the best thing since sliced bread, and he never made any negative comments about people as much as Frank does.
Watching the feeds right now… Wish I could tell Frank to shut his mouth!! He’s public enemy #1 and constantly just giving them more things they can use to turn the rest of the guys against him. He’s making this too easy on Day and the girls right now.
Better get Frank out now and no waiting! Nicole is still just stupid, you would think she has learned somewhat how to play the game! I’m sick of Day always crying when she does not get her way. This house plays follow the leader, no one w/a brain of their own, and everyone runs their mouth and can’t keep anything worth value to themselves!!
Day is the new Vanessa. Funny because I thought we already had a Vanessa in her lil sis Tiffany
They are both sharing Vanessa’s role. LOL
Funny how most have no problem with Frank playing hard but when Day plays just as hard it’s a problem. The girls should just sit back and let the guys evict them one by one. Right???
Double standards much?
I think Day and Frank are just overdoing everything.
Nicole is playing sloppy, which is pretty disappointing.
Heck, I think James is playing the best game out of the returnees. And he’s not even doing much.
As for the newbies I really think Paul, Bronte, and Victor were miscasted. Zak is just Day’s number 2. Corey is just Nicole’s number 2. Spy girls are barely there. Paulie and Tiffany are just pretty much clones of their siblings.
I’ve been impressed with James too. He’s been laying low, staying out of trouble while getting to know all the newbies. At this rate he could last awhile.
I’m a little disappointed in Nicole and don’t understand why she’s believing everything that Day says.