Big Brother 17: Vanessa Threatens Clay Over ‘90% Sure’ Vote

The next Big Brother 17 vote has been seemingly decided for days but thanks to Vanessa Rousso constantly picking at the situation it’s yet to be finalized. Last night she was at it again.

Vanessa & Shelli debate the vote with Clay
Vanessa & Shelli debate the vote with Clay – Source: CBS All Access

Jeff hasn’t given up even with the numbers stacked against him and maybe that’s because he keeps feeling like he’s making progress as he appeared to do last night with Clay Honeycutt.

After lengthy pleading by Jeff we found Clay upstairs talking with Vanessa and Shelli as they continued to count the votes. Flashback to 9:04PM BBT 7/15. Their confident they can keep him from getting to six, but can’t understand why he keeps working at it.

Vanessa wants to know what Clay told him and why he hasn’t made his decision final and known to Jeff. Vanessa fears that if enough of the “I’ll vote with the House” sheep start to think Jeff has a chance then they may go with that choice.

Clay admits to Vanessa he was only “90% sure I’m voting against Jeff.” Uh oh. Vanessa doesn’t like that at all and immediately jumps on him. Not literally, of course. Clay defends himself saying he wanted to talk with Shelli first since they hadn’t discussed it. Shelli rejects that saying anything he wants to say with her he should say in front of Vanessa too. Way to stand up for your closest and strongest ally, Shelli.

Vanessa reminds them that she did this for them. She wanted to get out James but instead put two big targets up and made a larger enemy out of Jeff when she didn’t have to. Shelli deflects that saying this was Austin’s idea (she’s right) and had Austin not thrown that Veto comp then this wouldn’t be an issue right then. Smart reminder.

Should Clay continue to entertain this idea of voting to keep Jeff then Vanessa threatens him that all trust will be lost between them. They’ll be done.

Shortly after, 9:20PM BBT, Shelli is telling Clay that he’s running the risk of ruining their trust from Vanessa. Things are shot for Jeff and Clay better not do the same with Vanessa and them. Clay promises to go back and smooth it over.

Jump again to 10:24PM BBT and you’ll find Vanessa venting angrily to Austin and Liz over Clay’s audacity to consider his options. “You want to act like you have some sort of choice??” questions Vanessa. Austin uses this opportunity to again suggest they need to expose Clay and Shelli.

Clay tries to right the ship with another talk at 10:55PM BBT in a full HoH room. “Is this funny to you? Cause I’m not laughing. I’m scared,” says Vanessa. Clay promises her he’s only thinking of Jeff on a personal level. He confirms to her that he’ll vote out Jeff and later tells James the same thing.

Well I don’t think there’s any chance of Jeff staying and I really don’t think Clay has any intentions of doing a sympathy vote for his former close ally. Vanessa played tough on this one and she one, but did she play too tough? The real error here could be from Clay for exposing his uncertainty in her leadership and Austin may continue to capitalize on these opportunities.

Once we find out who wins Head of Household tonight the real fun begins. Lots of options out there after a stressful week made all that much more so by an erratic reign by Vanessa. It’s nearly time to see if her gamble paid off.



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    • Only if it means they go home one after the other. She gets on my nerves and he’s gross and conceited.

      • No love for the twins? The Twins are getting Matty’d, Shane’d, Nick’d, and Amber’d by Austin and Jeff. Vanessa is only making it much, much worse. Their alliance with Vanessa and Austin is bringing the twins down. It’s too bad. I really like them. Especially Liz.

      • I agree with you Oliver. I don’t like any of them. Day should be glad she is out of the BB house.

      • Really? I think this has been a really likable cast so far. The only people I’ve disliked so far have been the 2 who got the boot! Still can’t decide who to fully root for because I like players on both sides of the house.

  1. Clay showed last week he likes to be a leader in the house, so maybe he’s not comfortable letting Vanessa be leading things.

    • The difference between Clay and Vanessa is the Clay was strategic and played a good cool mental game.

      Vanessa is a basketcase and a bully. Her intelligence is destroyed by the fact that she is emotionally imbalanced and leaves a path of destruction in the relationships she previously cultivated. Van is on the warpath to strategic suicide.

      • Agreed. Vanessa seemed likable at first but lately, she’s been getting on my nerves. Her negotiating techniques are starting to look very Russell Hantz-ish

      • Russell Hantz ruled. Please don’t compare the two. Hantz only lost because people couldn’t reward the best player, and that to me is always petty and hard feelings about being out-played in what is a GAME, after all. Hantz made it to the end twice. Vanessa is only 3 weeks in.

  2. I’m enjoying this drama immensely! Vanessa’s ego this week has been even bigger than Shelli’s when she was HOH! And now the six person alliance are battling with each other.

    Intentionally I thought Clay had Shelli brainwashed but perhaps she’s not and is in fact using him just as much as he;s using her.

    Also, on the feeds Shelli mentioned to Clay that BB tried to persuade her to vote to keep Jeff. But I don’t think the two of them are willing to go against Vanessa and Austin’s wishes.

    Now Shelli and Clay are no longer in charge!

  3. Oh great BB Gods, give me the Slay/Twins/JMac/Jason alliance that I want. That I need. Oh and let them stick together unlike every other alliance in this house.

  4. Matt, why did you not tell me!?!?!
    Why did I have to find out from RHAP & YouTube videos that James has a crush on Audrey!?!?!? lol

  5. I find it funny how Shelli and Vanessa are mad that Austin threw the veto comp but so did they!!!!!!

    • Someone should remind them that Vanessa chose Audrey when she could have chosen James/John and Shelli chose Austin when she could have chosen John. Austin knocked out one of the nominees. How many did Vanessa and Shelli knock out? How many did they even choose to face?

      • Vanessa chose Audrey because at that point she wanted everyone to believe she was still going after Audrey.

      • Yeah, I get that. I’m just saying that she expects everyone else to take all of the heat. She could have done her part but no she had to keep up her act.

      • Right! Vanessa was trying to save her own butt but choosing Audrey but when Austin was trying to save his own butt by throwing it to John it’s a problem. Vanessa as HOH is driving me insane!

      • It seems some of these people win HOH and then forget that their reign only last’s a week. They turn power hungry over night and turn everybody against them. STUPID ASSES

      • Me too! Her tough act annoys me because it’s so fake. Either be a boss or sit your behind down. The she gets mad at other people for wanting to look out for themselves. I can’t with her!

      • Me either! She drove me insane as HOH and she’s a lot further down my list of houseguests I like.

  6. I thought Austin was playing a strategic game, until he said, “Nobody comes between me and my twin” Now he’s playing high school version of himself. lol

  7. Shomances rule. Last year Amanda and the pizza guy.
    I go for Shelli, Clay, Vanessa and Austin. The super-couples!
    Cuz the best part of BB are the couples like the Bookies. Then they go to Amazin Race and Survivor. But BB is the best. Really.
    Oh, and he is NOT gross. You can take that back! TheTwins are great too. You can keep James and Jason.

  8. When Vanessa is put on the block and self-implodes, get her a crying towel for that will be fun T.V. I bet some HG will be laughing at her drama.

    At this point no one deserves to be booted more then Audrey

  9. I will just be glad when this week is over. Vanessa is blaming Austin for throwing the veto and it being his choice to nom Jeff, but she’s the HOH. She threw the veto herself and could have nominated anyone she chose. Why can’t she just own her decisions?

  10. I am sad that Vanessa was my favorite going into the house, but after this week she has given me no choice but to hate her.

  11. is it just me or that any time JMac is in the DR, he sounds like Chris Griffin from Family Guy?

  12. Does Vanessa not realize that after tonight, she’s no longer HOH and can (and probably will be) a potential target? Why can these people not think for themselves?

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