Big Brother 17: Vanessa Commits To Targeting Austin

Things rarely go to plan on Big Brother and that’s been causing some heartburn for the already strung out Vanessa Rousso who now finds herself in a rough spot. Stick to the plan and be held responsible or ditch it and risk exposure?

Vanessa Rousso considers her options on Big Brother 17
Vanessa Rousso considers her options on Big Brother 17 – Source: CBS All Access

After discovering Austin Matelson had betrayed her trust Vanessa set her targets on sending home the lovelorn wrestler at the next opportunity. Lucky for her a window opened but nothing is that simple.

Having planned to let Jackie remain Head of Household and do the dirty work for her that plan was scuttled last night when Liz managed to win the Battle of the Block to keep Vanessa on the throne. So much for having Jackie take care of Vanessa’s Austin problem. Would she then stick to the plan or wait for another opportunity?

Vanessa sat quietly in her HoH bed for several minutes contemplating the situation before going to talk with Shelli. Flashback to 6:59 PM BBT 7/24. She tells Shelli she’s going to stick to her promise of going after Austin, but she can’t believe how things fell apart on them.

Jump forward to 7:25 PM BBT as Vanessa does her speed talking routine with Jackie. “Everything I said I would do I’m going to do,” Vanessa promises Jackie. She says they still have plenty of justification to go after Austin so she’ll just be ready. Of course she makes a huge deal of it saying she’s about to take a swan dive in to a huge pool of blood. Good grief, HGs. Own your moves and take credit for them so you can cash them in later.

Okay, so what does this mean for the rest of the week? Austin is the target and if he doesn’t get picked to play in the Veto then he’s as good as dead in the water. Now if he is drawn or picked to play (I don’t think anyone will use a HG Choice on him.) then he’d still have to win it which me may not be pressed to do with Liz no longer in danger.

Austin thinks the plan is to Backdoor Steve and that everyone is on board. The most interesting course of events for us could be Steve playing in the Veto comp, winning, and saving Clay, as he said last night he hopes to do. Either way, Austin has no idea he’s the BD target and he’ll be shocked.

If Austin does win the Veto then it’ll be used and Steve could end up going home, but Vanessa doesn’t want that to happen so I’d be surprised to find Steve going up as a renom. We would likely find some other scapegoat for Vanessa and it’d be the end of their run.

What do you hope to see happen today with the Veto competition? It should be held sometime on Saturday and we’ll have the spoilers and results as soon as it’s over. Want to watch along today with us? Jump on the Live Feeds or get the Free Trial going for a week of free access.



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  1. The odds are Austin will not be picked for veto but as we have seen in previous BB seasons, defying the odds is not that unusual.

    I’ll have to watch the BOB competition tonight but I cannot imagine how Clay and Becky could lose a comp that James was trying to throw to them. This reminds me of the comp Caleb sat out while Frankie won on his own. Maybe it was another comp that was easier with one player than two trying to do it together?

    • I remember that one. Caleb told Frankie off and then throw the Battle of the Block only to find out that the comp was more for one person than two people because he had control everything himself. Caleb even tried to re-enter the comp and BB said no.

      • On that partricular comp, the apparatus was really designed for two but it wasn’t necessarily impossible given its design for one to do it on his own. That would just mean Frankie had to excert twice as much to make up for lost time and leveling the playing field against Donny and Zach.

        Those two were not coordinating well enough to score enough points to win that week’s BOTB.

      • I think the design for that comp worked better for one person. It was actually an advantage for Frankie to compete alone. Production pulled that one out of their pocket.

      • Competitions are usually planned far in advance, ahead of the season. If there’d be any last minute changes to accomodate or favor a houseguest, there would be too little a window to do so (like mere hours before nominations and BOTB), at the expense of unnecessary manpower and resources that’s better off spent on the next comp.

      • Of course they are planned and created and tested months in advance. But there is nothing to keep them from changing the order in which they are played. That’s what I think happened.

      • Depending on the theme they are going with. During that particular BOTB week, it coincided with the start of CBS’ coverage of Thursday Night Football so the comp was in keeping to that particularity.

      • you should also remember that production actually changed the competition to one that could be played better by one person than two just to keep Frankie in the game. We saw on TV Calab sitting down but he was originally going to play and throw it. Production then wanted to be sure Frankie stayed so they made Calab sit on the sidelines and then made the competition in favor of Frankie–the most outrageous manipulation of resuts ever

      • Even though Frankie was consistently in the bottom of the polls BB thought we really, really liked him.

      • None the less, production were adamant that we were gonna love him and he wasn’t going anywhere.
        I have yet to see any BB HG as self absorbed as Frankie and it was horrifying to watch personally.

    • The comp has something to do with identifying houseguests from previous seasons, and the super fan Clay had a hard time figuring it out. Find it hilarious that this plan didn’t work out. I think Vanessa will probably want to try to figure out a way to target a Becky or Johnny Mac, putting Austin or Steve up exposes too many of her secrets. Should be an interesting POV.

      • From what I could gather from watching the tail end of this morning’s AD, based on a discussion between Clay and Shelli, is that they had some sort of white board, and had to find letters for 3 specific Big Brother House Guests ??

        Apparently, Clay did not figure out that it was 3 specific names vs random names, based on the letters that had to be found ??

        Ha !!!

      • Now that Austin is stating his loyalty toward Clay I kinda don’t want to see him go…

  2. Austin has a 10 percent chance of being picked to play so the odds is still in Vanessa’s favor at the momen. As long as that 10% doesn’t come striking her down then it’s buhbye to the Wrestling Judas.

    • I think he has a better than 1/3 chance. There are 12 players in the house and 3 will automatically play the veto comp. Then 3 more out of the remaining 9 will be chosen.

      • Oh gosh, I did my math wrong.

        You’re right, a third of a chance actually makes it seem even scarier than a tenth.

      • There is also the possibility that Liz and Austin are both picked to play and I am not sure Liz will use the veto to save Clay or Becky. She may decide not to use it to protect Austin from going up.

        I just have a bad feeling Austin is going to be saved this week. If that happens I wonder who goes home, Becky or Clay? Clay has a few votes but will Jackie, James, John, Jason and Meg vote to save Becky?

      • Meg should stay as Julie may announce “By a vote of 5-4 or 6-3, Clay you are evicted from Big Brother House.” Things will get interesting on a goodbye message by Shelli in tears if he were to be in a hot seat like Audrey was last week.

      • In that scenario,I would love to see Clay voted out and would hope the HGs have enough sense to see how smart that would be.

      • I agree…given the chance what house guest would not want to break up that showmance and evict Clay if it was Clay and Becky left on the block. They would be dumb if they didn’t.

      • Ah, Foxfire, I know you are joking and realize this is just a game, unlike others who take things personally if someone disagrees. I love that you know you can play with me, though. Much more important things in life to be so serious about. It’ll be fun to see how things end up. I may be congratulating you on being so perceptive all along.:)

      • Since this is about the only time we’ve ever disagreed I think I’ll survive this bitter disappointment :D Anyway, I’m hoping you will grow to appreciate Shay and cross over from the dark side…
        Who are your faves anyway? Johnny Mack? I would like to see more of Becky because I think I’d like her but her below the radar game has been oh so successful so far.

      • You know, Foxfire, I would probably have given Shelli more credit if she wasn’t in a showmance. It’s not that I dislike them, I’ve never embraced any HG that chooses to have a showmance; pet peeve I guess. As of now, JMac is my fav. Hope he doesn’t agree to going up on the bloc again or that is subject to change.
        Sorry, that reply took so long. My husband woke up and I needed to get him off to work.

      • I tend to view showmances in a different light. Everyone in the house needs to have one person that they can trust and relate to as this helps them deal with the stress of the BB house. Couples then have the option to form an alliance with another couple and can soon control the votes as the 6th sense alliance is now doing As long as Shay are keeping their relationship clean for the cameras I’m ok with their showmance. Amanda and McCrae were another thing altogether…
        As long as Clay is around he will always be a bigger target than Shelli so I’m not so sure this is a bad move for her at all.
        I’m rooting for Johnny Mac too and I’m hoping he will last a long time.

      • Liz won’t be playing it will be Julia. They switch before the veto. And Julia hates Austin and knows the plan to backdoor him.

      • If Meg is relieved from being nominated, we could see two men on the chopping block between Austin & Clay as it will be a very close call on voting by houseguests.

  3. I hope Clay does not win the veto but Jackie that was dethroned as HOH. Should that happen, Clay may be facing the similar situation that Audrey went through last week if he disguise himself as Slim Shady in a hooded sweatshirt and be sent to sequester instead of Audrey.

    • Maybe Shelli will not show up like what happened to Audrey at the veto meeting if he stays nominated for eviction. She will be crying constantly in the diary room by not feeling to show up at the meeting.

  4. Wouldn’t it be great if Austin does end up playing and does end up winning, decides to use the POV and takes one of them off (most likely Clay as they are in the alliance supposedly) only to be put up as the replacement INSTEAD of Steve.. that would be the play of the season.

      • I thought if he isn’t using it on himself? Ahh yes, I was thinking of the Marcellas incident but he won it and then didn’t use it on himself.

      • A replacement as a pawn to sit next to Clay (should the veto winner takes Meg off the block) will not be a bad idea to set up of him going home.

      • As a Clay fan it’s nice to see Austin, Steve and the others wanting to see Clay stay and willing to use the POV on him if they win. Clay seems to be playing an excellent social game at least.

      • Yep it’s not all about winning comps. It does help though. And everyone in the house likes him so I’d say he’s doing pretty good.

      • I’m still worried about Clay and I hope he never AGREES to going on the block ever again. Hopefully now that Vanessa made this move Clay and Shelli will feel comfortable putting her on the block if and when they win HOH.

      • I thought the same. And if this was to happen and they ask Vanessa to volunteer watch her flip out.

  5. I want Austin gone but it would be so funny if austin was picked and won cause I cant stand vanessa and shelli and clay who can’t seem to win anything lol

  6. How and why does everyone seem to know that production does this or production does that??

    • It depends on how long you’ve been watching BB. The longer you watch the more obvious it becomes.

  7. I’d like to see Vanessa win POV then she really has to get her hands dirty. But I’ll bet she throws this one.

  8. Really hope Austin goes home. I’d prefer Clay, but let’s just be real. No one is smart enough to target Clay/Shelli yet. And Austin has outstayed his welcome. He made for a fun little underdog at the start after Jace went home, but now he’s just an annoying, creepy idiot, so I’m fine with him going and Julia pretty much taking his place.

  9. Shelli, Liz, and John are competing in the Veto comp with the noms and HOH today.

  10. Vanessa is a stone cold killer. She is playing a character, similar to what Austin does at his real job. Her mind moves even faster than her speech. She is playing brilliant Game Theory Optimal. There is almost no way she can lose. She will probably be donating her winnings to charity, most likely research for the kind of cancer that killed her ex-husband. Check out the You Tube where she takes a $92000 dollar pot from Tony G and watch her face. Stone Cold Killer

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