Big Brother 17 Twist: Da’Vonne Warns Twins Their Game Is Up

When Da’Vonne Rogers first discovered the Big Brother 17 Twins Twist I thought she’d use this knowledge to give herself an advantage in the upcoming eviction vote. Well, she’s finally doing it, but not in the way I expected and only after word had spread through the house.

Julia Nolan & Da'Vonne Rogers on Big Brother
Julia Nolan & Da’Vonne Rogers on Big Brother – Source: CBS All Access

Can a Houseguest apply pressure for support when the threat of information has already flooded the game? I’m doubtful, but Da’Vonne isn’t going to let that stop her from making another move in her bid to stay in the Big Brother house.

Flashback to 9:52PM BBT Cams 3/4 (get a Live Feeds Free Trial) to find Da’Vonne sitting down with Julia, Liz Nolan’s twin sister. She’s about to break the news to her that their Twin Twist secrecy is over.

Day tells her Houseguests are saying “something is going on with you. A group of people are saying you are a twin and they’re trying to say periodically you’re swapping out.” As Day explains the situation Julia sits there patiently listening before finally adding a “whaaaaat?” but it took a little while for her to do that.

Now as for the “group of people” there’s no denying Day launched this revelation, and good for her in figuring it out, but now nearly everyone knows and I’m not sure how helpful this could be to her anymore. Day does the best thing she can at this point though and goes straight to asking Julia for her’s and Liz’s vote (well, one combined vote).

Julia promises Day she has her vote since she protected her with the Fast Forward. Speaking of, boy I bet Day wishes she had used that FF protection on Shelli because I’d wager she would not be in this situation right now if she had. Shelli was still bringing it up just a few days ago.

Da’Vonne warns her that HGs have noticed Liz is more “bubbly” while she, Julia, is more low key. “Get bubbly,” suggests Day as she pleads for her to keep this reveal between them. Day is worried that telling her could come back to bite her and push her closer to eviction. Julia says she’ll work on getting Austin’s vote as well, which might be possible, but overall I do not think it’s going to change Day’s course at this stage.

Julia asks her who is saying this about her being a twin. Day says she can’t reveal that at this point, but they’ll discuss it. Of course we know how that happened since Day told Jason and excitement took over leading to a widespread discussion.

So now Julia knows and she’ll tell Liz at the next swap out, but you can be sure the twins will be high on the target list for the next eviction. Jason has warned the house that it’s likely if they survive the first four or five evictions both twins will enter the game. He’s right on the five count which is three long evictions away. I don’t think they can make it that long. Do you?



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  1. Jason has a mouth that just won’t quit. He is like Audrey. My hope is that they both go home soon. Preferably back to back after Da’

  2. Day may be learning a lesson too late. Jason is a professional gossip. She specifically asked him to say nothing. Not only did he blab, he didnt even share the source and insinuates he came up with it. If the hgs figure out what is good for them, they will boot him ASAP.

    • Right, I see everyone blaming Day for leaking the information about the twins but it was Jason!!

  3. Well, there goes my dream of a good set of twins for this game. Oh well…

  4. Big Brother has become a bit of a catch 22. The only excitement comes from the people that you really don’t like. So, do you want to keep the people you like around or the excitement?! *sigh*

    • I was a fan of BB up until last season. I think the show has run its course. I hate the “dual HOH” idea. It’s just a stupid idea. It’s a poor attempt to keep the ratings up. I also hate that ,as a gay man myself, BB always picks the queens as the token gays. Not all gay men act like the ones they pick. For people who don’t know a gay person, it seems to put a stereotype on what gay men act like. I don’t believe in this day and age that there is anyone who dosent know a gay person, whether they realize it or not. My partner watches still, but I usually listen to my headphones and High Resolution music that he dosent care for anyway.

  5. She was given all the tools to save herself with the power of vetoing three votes and the Liz knowledge and she still blew it. Not smart.

    • I don’t think she blew it. Blackmailing Liz/Julia most likely wouldn’t have worked. Day used the twin twist way better because now she is seen as an ally in helping them get farther in the game rather tha a villian using the knowledge against them. This would get Liz/Julia to want to save her and get other votes.

      • Or else make the twins determined to get her evicted since she’s aware of their deception.

      • Well, everyone is aware of their deception. If Day could help Liz/Julia get farther it makes more sense doing it the way she did.

      • I thought Da’ said she wouldn’t tell anybody else about the twin twist? I don’t have the feeds although I do know Jason told the whole house already – does Da’ know that he’s done this yet?

      • She does know and she couldn’t do much about it, sadly. Audrey, Vanessa and Becky were in the dark but Steve told them recently.

      • Da’ learned too late not to trust Jason with a secret. I wonder if Julie/Liz will be the next to go now.

      • As of now, Julia told Vanessa who had permission to tell Clay/Shelli and they all said that they want to keep them safe so I doubt it now.

    • Instead of Da asking Liz not to nominate her if she won hoh this week she should have asked her to promise not to vote her out too.

      • Da’vonne had a talk with Liz/Julia (it was Julia) just last night in which she said she wouldn’t vote her out because she gave her the pass.

  6. Da is going home even despite her advantage. So, I hope Meg, James or Jason win HOH this week. And they can nominate/backdoor Shelli and or Clay. They should leave Audrey alone and let someone from the other side of the house nominate her, then they should make a deal with the twins.

    • It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings! I’m in such denial about Day leaving, hahaha. There is hope (if Clay/Shelli slip up to Vanessa and she becomes suspicious of them). But if Day leaves I want it to happen as you said with Clay, Jeff or Shelli going home.

      • Haha I know how you feel.

        Do you think that Jeff and Jackie are still aligned? I ask because I read on another BB update website that Vanessa said that Jackie never talks game with anyone and she isn’t sure whether or not that’s her strategy or if she is just a floater.

      • I think so. He wanted to be cool about it. But I do think while he’s still “with” Jackie, he also has alot of irons in the fire.

      • I literally have no idea because Jackie does not talk game at all. I forget daily that she is even in the house! Plus, Jeff seems closer to literally everyone in the house other than Jackie.

      • As much as I dislike Shelli/Clay, I think I would first go after Audrey (which the house can agree on except Shelli) purely for strategic reasons. Without Aud there to make Shelli too comfortable, she isn’t going to be as brave as she would having both Clay and Aud with her. I think Austin has to become a target soon. Otherwise, he may lay low til like Week 6 and then be a comp beast. And the twins…competition is fierce enough without adding duplicitous another competitor to the batch.

      • Shelli is now on the Audrey train and said that she regretted her nominations and she tells Clay on a daily basis that she cannot be trusted but I still think she’s going to continue to slide by with the house going crazy over the twin twist.

      • i think shelli’s loyalty to audrey will eventually get her and her bae evicted. it just puts a target on her back to still be aligned with public enemy #1 since week one. its a dangerous move in this game that i don’t think shelli realizes.

      • i don’t think this is true, but is clay a recruit? i remember his interview with matthew and he was saying he had been a fan for about 4 months before he was recruited? if so, that obviously explains his lack of knowledge of the game. him and shelli are probably the houseguests i’ve hated the most on big brother and it just makes me sad that true fans aren’t being chosen, but recruits are. dissapointing.

      • I bet BB wants Clay and Shelli to last as long as possible so they can hail them as the Jeff and Jordan 2.0

      • i didn’t like jeff and jordan too. coincidence? i think not haha

      • Me either! I remember watching the feeds and Jeff had such a potty mouth! Literally every other word he said was a profanity. And I remeber that spelling competition they had when Jeff chose Technotronics as his words! LOL And he worked in advertising! And that’s the best he could come up with! Jordan wasn’t too bright either and she had a sense of entitlement.

        Are they even married yet? I’m surprised they lasted this long but I guess their relationship still gets them publicity.

      • They’re currently on Marriage Boot Camp ~~ publicity, plus they get paid.

      • they’re not married, and they’re on marriage boot camp: reality stars (very entertaining drama-wise hah) for communication issues or something like that. to be honest, the whole technotronics thing still cracks me up to this day as one of the worst big brother fails of all time. jordan wasn’t bright, i agree, and how she won over the other girl still confuses me . i just wish that history doesn’t repeat itself this season with clay and shelli.

      • He is definitely a recruit, as is Shelli which I also hate. I would prefer people who actually applied to be chosen. They deserve it much more.

      • I think Clay and Shelli want Audrey in the house because as long as she is there they think they won’t be looked at as the biggest threats in the house. I think Shelli’s only true loyalty is to Clay. And Clay’s true loyalty is to Clay :-)

      • let’s face it, he ran shelli’s hoh this week. now i’m wondering what other dumb moves he’ll make over his hopefully short stay in the big brother house.

      • He seemed a bit obsessed about getting rid of Steve at first. But now it seems that Steve is their minion. So maybe he wants Jason gone next

      • i like steve in both his socially awkward yet not too over the top social game, and jason is like our gay bff that we adore haha

      • I think Shelli does realize Audrey’s not to be trusted but she also realizes DaVonne can be worse for her game.

      • da’vonne is a threat to her game, and getting her out would be a smart move on shelli + clay’s parts.

      • I hate to “waste” an HoH on her but it needs to be done. I just want them to do it strategically and not just for pure revenge…but I won’t shed a tear for her when her day comes.

  7. Awww ~~ too little too late Da’V. Even if Julia keeps her word and/or gets Austin’s vote, it’s still not enough to save yourself. Sorry to see you leave …

  8. If HG’s were smart they would work to align with Liz because of the twin twist so that when the twin enters they have an extra vote with them on their side!

  9. Assuming Liz/Julia or Audrey don’t win HOH then I would nominate them both on different sides. That way a big target will stay on the block. Yes either could win POV but that is a risk I would be willing to take

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