Big Brother Spoilers: Week 3 – Battle Of The Block

The Battle of the Block is over and we have the latest results and spoilers from inside the Big Brother 17 house as this week’s four nominees competed for safety.

Battle of the Block
Battle of the Block – Source: CBS

Nominations are in after this week’s ceremony earlier today as those in control plan for a big move to split up their opposition. Ready for some Battle spoilers? Read on.

John & James lost the Battle of the Block. Vanessa remains HoH while Austin is dethroned letting Meg & Jason escape the danger zone for this week.

John and Vanessa agree that James did so poorly that it seemed like he was the one throwing the comp while it was planned for John do to the throwing himself.

Austin and Vanessa are thrilled with how everything worked out and they’re plotting out the rest of the week. Lots of chickens being counted right now as they work through Power of Veto scenarios. The Veto comp should be played on Saturday so more spoilers soon.

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  1. I sure hope this doesn’t backfire and John gets sent packing this week. He’s playing a good, yet dangerous game right now. Let’s hope someone other than Jeff wins that POV and James or Jeff can get sent packin’! Get those pigs outta the house!

    • So far, this season seems to be breaking the Curse of the Pawn (which Steve has reminded us of in his DR sessions every time they tell him he’s going up), so John might be okay. He’s pretty well liked, I think, so he should be safe.

    • My main worry for JMac is that some players won’t take to kindly with the idea of him throwing competitions. So if for some reason James stays and figures out JMac was willing to throw the comp just to stay on the block James might come after him in the future. It’s always a gamble to throw comps. Remember last year Pow went home after she threw the comp like Devin told her to do.

      • Good thing James was horrible anyway so John wouldn’t be caught by him trying to throw it, just as it’d been with Day and him together..LOLOL

    • I’d rather Jeff go first before James since James really hasn’t formed enough friendships to save his ship from sinking anymore than Jeff has. I am beginning to like Clay after all. He just seemed to come off as cocky to me. But time will tell what he’s like when he’s on the block or “possibly” gets backdoored (if Audrey ever wins HoH that is). He definitely seems to know more of what’s going on in the house than Vanessa does and is being helpful to her game play.

  2. Jeff is a big fish, (and so as James) I would be impressed if they can execute this with no glitch.

      • And we don’t really know who won that said twist. Is it Austin who had the original best score or Vanessa who ended up with the highest score of them all during the tie breaker ?

      • The BB takeover twist that this football player (from a team I won’t name) announce just before the HoH comp. He said something to the effect that win of that comp would come with another twist.

      • Exactly what I said a football player (from a team I won’t name). LOL BTW Cowboys is America’s team.

      • But that was on a tie-breaker. So Austin finished first. Vanessa beat James and “Liz” to get second.

      • Yeap, that’s the questions. Did Austin win because he won the 1st round ? Or Vanessa won because she had the highest score of them all ?

      • It would be far more fair if the one with the highest score be the recipient of the twist regardless on who became HOH first.

      • That’s not how tie-breakers work. You’re saying that it’s fair that Vanessa wins because Austin did better at first and she got a second chance that he didn’t get. No. It’s a universal fact. Austin got first. Vanessa got second. It wont matter though. There wont be any special twist this week. Especially not based on who won HOH.

      • We just have to see though how production translate that situation into who should be the recipient.

      • No, it was said during the broadcast, that winning the comp would bring a twist to that person.

      • Can you quote that? Pretty sure whatshisface just made some stupid lead-up to the HOH comp by saying something like “I don’t like have-nots. I like winners. So go win this competition.” No twist.

      • I think Rob placed some subtle hints on his announcement. He said: “But what I do like is winners so you may wanna try to win the competition this week which starts right now”. It could be nothing but then again, the last two guests gave out hints of power and immunity thus far.

      • That’s it. And what kind of a takeover would it be if he just make a speech. There has to be more.

      • I think you’re expecting BB to actually deliver a bit too much. I expect at least a fourth, if not straight up half, of these takeovers to amount to nothing. This one included. Unless you still think something is going to happen in the next 25 hours?

      • The best thing Big Brother did this season is the BB Takeover. It keeps the game exciting. The Battle of the Block is lame. Hope they make the BB Takeover a part of Big Brother from here on in.

      • All they announced was no have nots. Last week they gave a clue about the last laugh. Wonder if there will be anything else this week.

      • Quite a few people are drunk right now on the feeds. They were all drinking while the feeds were down. Jeff is being a disgusting pig right now.

      • Liz is drunk and she needs to be careful. Jeff is also. Feeds are boring right now because most of them in the kitchen. I keep switching them on and off.

      • I hope it’s soon. I’m 3hrs ahead and I try to watch but everything good seems to happen after I go to bed. And I usually watch until like 3am.

      • You’d think liz/julia would try to not become impaired before they can both enter.

    • I’m kind of liking this alliance with the 5. Austin, Vanessa, clay, Shelli and Liz/Julia. Well that would be 6 if the twins survive. I want them both to be able to play.

      • I feel the same way, but I could change depending on how they treat JMac, I wanna see him amped his game a lil bit.

      • I agree. If they bring in John, the alliance could not be any better in my opinion. Well, I mean, I also like Jason but I don’t think he’s getting anywhere near that group so he just needs to hang on and hopefully watch his allies (all of which I dislike) drop off one by one.

      • Now they brought Steve in. I would rather they work with John. Love him. He cracks me up.

      • I suppose John is still in that alliance with Jeff then? I love John too and I would prefer him over Steve in this alliance since he’s so entertaining to watch. I also like Becky and I hope Shelli stays close to her and Jackie.
        The last I heard Vanessa was wanting James out – BOO! I was hoping Jeff was the target.

      • Not liking Clay or Shelli so far, but the rest are ok in my opinion. The only reason I’d root for them is to see Liz/Julia make it past the fifth eviction.

      • I like Steve and Johnny Mac more than Clay or Shelli. We will see how it goes. I think both of these guys are smart enough to play and win Big Brother. Hope to see them deep in the game and make their moves.

  3. Promo for Sunday’s episode is now up on Youtube. I love that the editors were able to actually feature portion of nomination ceremony from earlier today. Check it out: youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Y2HmrfUM62Q

      • Not really, the reason why I want Jeff to win veto is because I want to see Vanessa scramble to find a new target. If Jeff wins veto I expect him to save James and now both of Vanessa’s plan A and B is off the table.

  4. remember last year when BB refused to let Caleb play in battle of the block because he was going to throw contest and get Frankie sent out the door? Even though that approach was used earlier and now again at least 2 weeks this year –BB didn’t want Frankie gone so they forced Caleb to sit out and then redesigned the competition so that a person playing by himself could do better than a team of two playing the same game. How blantantly controlling is the BB staff? This year they controlled Davonne getting the last laugh power and tried to counsel others in DR to save her–but it just didn’t work.

    • Davonne wasted Liz’s vote because she tried to blackmail her after the whole house knew she had a twin. If she kept her mouth shut, that would have been one extra vote for her. She blew Liz’s game without helping herself. Big Brother is still a social game like Survivor. Those disliked the most, usually get an early exit.

      • Minorities have almost no chance in this game, it’s the same every year. Minorities rarely ever make it jurory anymore. Next year cast all ethnic people and 2 white people and see who goes 1st.

      • I’d like to see a one-eyed one -horned flying purple people eater, Yeti, Loch Ness monster, alien, unicorn, and a mermaid, but I’ll settle for any and all humans if none of the above apply.

      • Well the point should be to represent america so when it comes to how many black people should be involved they actually do well as 1 black man and 1 black woman should be included (although this year they are missing a black man). The asian minority is usually correct at 1 male or female and the gay population is always included usually over represented. Where they are lacking is the hispanic population which is under represented and they are always, although it is getting worse and worse each year, choosing only young people where all ages should be included. The point of getting people who know how to play the game is spot on no more recruits.

      • Diversity is always a good thing. I understand that. I think they’re doing their best. Maybe not good enough for some people, but I do understand too, that they’re running a business.

      • you want it to be diverse (I think it makes it much more interesting), but like you said they are running a business. If the ratings are better with more young and white people than that’s what they will put. So, I assume based on the cast this year the ratings are best when there are young white people involved.

      • How would they know if it would or wouldn’t work with more people of color when they’ve never tried it? I would definitely like to see at least 25% be people of color.

      • Danielle & June were b4 Producer Allison Grodner came on board to Big Brother. Since she took over Minorities don’t stand a chance in the big Brother House, the deck is stacked against them. Not to mention that every year they cast Black people who have never watched Big Brother, and don’t know how the game is played.

        Their 1st exposure to BB is in Sequester, & they Cram to learn the game via DVD. Its really pathetic, when there are thousands of young black 20 somethings that do watch BB, & know how to play the game?! I have yet to see a African-American Super Fan on BB, and I “know” they are out there!

      • Well, Dvonne was thinking she was a queen and everyone else where slaves for her. ThatĀ“s why she was sent packing… not because her skin color. If she thought she was a Diva and having a little girl would take her into the prize, kicking everyone around her… she got her answer.

      • I think the only people who truly think they are royalty in that house is Clay and Shelli.

    • They didn’t force Caleb to sit out. Caleb sat down and refused to play. Then changed his mind when Frankie was doing well by himself. BB refused Caleb’s request to join in after the comp had started.

  5. Jeff has played so badly. So many alliances formed and forgotten. So many promises broken. Now he has no one to save him. Bye. Bye.

  6. Why does Vanessa want James gone? So he lied to her once about backdooring Jace…that was week one…move on…geesh! But I am glad Van wised up and isn’t counting on Audrey coming through in voting James out this week, but rather flipping it to whoever’s up on the block next to him. I so wished she’d put Jeff up…as some hgs are on the same page as me, that he just won’t shut up. Sooo annoying.

    • She wants James gone because he wins comps and is in the other alliance. He’s a bigger threat to her game than Jeff.

      • Jeff is his own worse enemy. If he doesn’t go, he’s still a bigger target for next week.

  7. Just a thought…Gronk said he likes winners, right? So what if this week’s twist is the return of the Diamond Power of Veto, and James wins it, removes himself, and renoms Austin?

  8. GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY! What is it with all this racist talk? Are there individuals being paid to spread that garbage all over this site? We all know racism exists in many forms and fashions, but if you are trying to do some good in the world and change things, go post about it somewhere else. We have racist and bigotry spewing, people trying to force-feed you their opinion with disrespectful insinuations of lack of intellect if you don’t see things their way, then there are people like me who post off-subject way more than I should….. I’m apologizing for that and will improve.We are adults and need to learn to edit ourselves appropriately. I love this site. It is entertaining, thought-provoking, and informative. Keep up the good work, BBN.

    • I don’t think we can say who can write what if we don’t agree with what they have to say. I’m not a big political person so I just don’t read those comments based on race etc. if had known what you were going to say I wouldn’t have read your post either. So why don’t we just ignore political posts instead of try to censor them?

      • Haha, but you did read it and you got the message, like it or not, “Keith”. LOL

      • Lol I wish I hadn’t ksjb aka redroses. And as long as this country’s been here race has had something to do with politics and it certainly does to the I hate race batters people.

      • I am not KSJB. I only have one discus account. I do realize that race issues influence politics, but it is really its own issue. I don’t vote based on race issues, but I do stand up for the belief that we are all created equal. People are people, regardless of the color of their skin, gender, age or any other nonsense that people discriminate against. Diversity should be celebrated, rather than bashed.

      • Geez, Cyril. If you’re going to impersonate me, at least show a little more personality.
        Since I’m leaving tomorrow for a few days in the mtns., I’m trying to get caught up from this past week. I’m torn between wanting Jeff to play in and win veto for the entertainment factor of it all, or wanting him to be completely locked out of any chances.

      • I won’t be totally upset either, if he wins Veto. I can see the entertainment factor because he will declare war. lol..So is this the Zip lining you’re talking about? GO!..that should be fun. Say hi to your GS..I have a “monkey” for them.hehe @(‘.’)@

      • Zip lining! That’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Karen, maybe I’ll meet you down there and we can really be one person for a few days. LOL

      • I declared war myself for the next week…no electronics. We’ve decided to try Foxfire Mtn. instead of the other one. Boys are excited. They went home last night for the weekend.
        I’m hoping to come home and the BB house has blown a fuse. I’m ready for a surprise and lots of drama!
        I’ll yodel to you from Mt. LeConte.

      • Wow! They named a mountain after me? I know I’m moving to the Smokies now.
        You’re a brave one to try Zip lining – y’all have fun!

      • Thanks, Foxfire. You should look up Foxfire Mountain. There are many things to do there. I’ll for sure think of you a few times that day. Post a few for me.

      • Hold on… Ok, kiss on BOTH cheeks! I had to brush my teeth first, although I doubt it helped. I was eating homemade salsa with chips. If I see a snake in the mtns., I will say “There goes Cyril”.

      • I will certainly do that K. so enjoy yourself and don’t even think about BB if that’s possible.

      • Howling with laughter after reading Keith’s comment. It’s pretty obvious that you and KSJB are not the same person :D

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