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    • I know, that was disappointing. I hoped she was going to explain the tears were fake to manipulate the HGs which is what most of us thought was happening. I can’t still help but think that is what was going on, but why doesn’t she want to tell us that? Dunno.

      • Absolutely. First season of BB, due to a personal interest. I enjoyed discussions and debates with others on your site. Well done.

      • Exactly. Explain your “dry cry” technique and how to finesse it. I’ll respect that. Game over. Please don’t tell me about your integrity. If we wanted integrity, we would change the channel. Lol.

      • Jason was not one of my favorites, too flamboyant but he hit Vanessa on the head, just wish it would had knocked her out. He seems very perceptive of people I noticed in his short time on BB.

      • NO WAY could she remember all the times. Can’t discount the fact that a lot of us saw it as fake. If the gloves fit you’ve got to convict or something like that. LOL.

      • Sorry Joni, but for me, I don’t believe anything outta her mouth, especially when she stated the game takes you down to your core. Wasn’t this tall telling? ??

        Vanessa is everything we thought and more

      • It was very hard for me to digest all the things she said, did, etc., sometimes unnecessarily! I’m with you on that! :-)

      • You don’t actually believe a word she says, do you, especially when she talked about the show taking you down to the core, which was tall telling!

    • Yes part of what she said was nonsense BUT alot what she said was actually useful info at the end for future Houseguest. Also I did find some the interview to be her finally being her. Being able to talk about her poker world to someone freely and make those comaprisions. Yes the emotions things was a little stretching it. But some of it I would say was real while 90% wasn’t. No one can make it through that game without having a real breakdown or two. Reason say a few were real we saw her in DR breaking down also and no reason fake if there. I think the one from opening night live feeds was real. And Jason kept saying she needed own she hated everyone. I think she didn’t own that as she didn’t hat them as like she said about poker her win was someone else’s lose and that weighed on her. So yeah sure evicting almost everyone after davonne onward took amtoll on her. I am sure she could at times had real emotions and suddenly turned them off too as a moment of clarity struck. I have done that myself but again I agree much of what she did whether she admits it or not or even intentional or not was game play and to her advantage.

      • I’m convince that’s just how she is. Not just in the BB House, but all the time. I can’t imagine…

      • Very VERY disappointed.
        Millions of others would have LOVED the chance to try to get on and
        instead it was given to someone like her????

      • If that’s what POKER makes you, I wouldn’t want any part of it. Just saying it’s not for ME so don’t get all bent out of shape poker-fanatics.

      • Ya, I’ll give her that about someone’s win is another persons loss and she felt bad about it, wah wah wah for about 2 seconds. Each eviction thereafter became easier and easier and easier … Like, Oh yeah, this is what I have to do. Okay, so let me go put some water on the stove to make a cup of tea … Yawn … It’s just another day, errr, I mean eviction.

      • You and me both. Don’t believe anything outta her mouth! How did you like the Austin confrontation?

      • I would have loved it had he pinned her and Mel come running to her rescue, hanging on his back, beating him with her fists and him laughing. LOL… now that’s drama.

    • Vanessa has been on her period half the summer seems like. That excuse came up way too many times this summer with her. She needs to go straight to the gyno today.

  1. Matthew, thank you for your everything you put into BBN! You’re always entertaining—I don’t know how you’re even able to write—do you ever sleep? Thank you, thank you, and thank you. :)

  2. Thank you, Matt! Your site has opened my eyes to more of what transpires on BB than just the CBS broadcast. I enjoy (most of the time – ha ha) logging on here and participating in discussion and reading others’ insights, snark & hypotheses. You do a phenomenal job monitoring the boards and my goodness – diligently posting it “as is” and mixing in your takes. The screen grabs are usually hilarious, too. I can’t imagine the work it takes to put these blogs together so consistently well like you do! Take care til next year and hope to join you guys then! :D

    • bbadboy, I didn’t see you last night, so I’ll tell you now: I’ve appreciated your humor, your kindness and your ability to ALWAYS show class—no matter how you felt about someone or a comment—you responded in a way that was never a ‘put-down’. You’re a lovely woman….inside and out! Take care!

      • Yes I’m here here….oh wait, you meant something else… ;) Well if I don’t get a chance to say it elsewheres, I wish you the very best K! As always you remain one of my fave people to talk to and get support from season after season on this site… Hope all is well and continues to be well until we come together again next year.

      • Uh-oh, K…watch out for Mr. Smooth Talker. Ha! Matt, hope you and your lovely family have a great winter.

    • Definitely agree & well said, Matt was very insightful & on the button most of the time. I for one was thankful of the info & his opinion.

      Job well done, Matt… Thanks.

  3. Something I am having a hard time drawing a fine line on is AFP. I am not aiming at piss ing any fans off, one way or the other but to me, James was a lock for AFP. In fact, he was the most entertaining HG the entire time he was there. That includes BBAD and feeds. His pranks were big fun, expecially on Julia, my adorable easy target. He won hard coming out of the gates and was in an underdog aliance while still being funny. He befriended the worst gamer, ever, possibly all round. (Joking Grandma) and stuck by her due to a cute crush. Now Jmac murdered the DR’s. He was energetically, electrifying, to be a little generous. And that’s it except his Venezuelan praire Yac, laugh and the much discussed sleep and dissappear act. How does the argument for Jmac stand? At all? And I do like the all American smile cool haircut blue eyes slim beard and Rockstar persona. I still can’t qualify him over James.

    • That’s your opinion, and I respect that. I didn’t enjoy the pranks, so much, and so I didn’t find James as my pick for AFP. I did think that Jmac played a better game in the middle but some of that was out of his control.

    • I appreciated that while everyone was banging on Audrey for her crazy behavior, James took her that omelet, game set aside, because he had empathy for her. Classy!

      • Good call. He had decent person all over his face, to me. Plus his 6 vs 1, chance and skill veto win was epic. His tweet to his daughter. “They tried to take your dady out but he’s just not built that way”. While he held up the veto chain. James is a good person. And no I don’t know him.

    • I was kinda disappointed JMac didn’t win. After reading this comments, I realize James did deserve AFP. He was funny, goofy and caring. I’m glad he won.

      • Hey that’s why we glean certain tokens of info from one another. I like I can depend on others ideas myself, when a good statement is made. Apreciate u.

      • I agree w/Eclectic plus I think the piece they did on James’ baby girl endeared him to a lot of us. He could have walked away but he fell for that little girl & his obligation for his part in bringing her into this nutso world.

    • James won it, right? Hey, I hated JMac at first, he just grows on you… has a quirky sense of humor. I agree about the laugh though, he needs lessons on how to laugh.

      • I did not like John AT ALL at the beginning. Being Shelli and Clay’s puppy was not a good look for him. He definitely grew on me after he started sharing in the DR that he actually knew what was going on in the house. I loved his comments last night, they were spot on.

    • James actually seemed to care about people. He was a pretty thoughtful/sweet guy when he wasn’t staring at breasts. He also made what was seen as a HUGE move at the time in putting up Clay and Shelli. He was a tad bit aloof at times but he wasn’t afraid to make big moves. Plus he had a child, so I was happy he got it.

    • Someone – in many, many boards ago was talking about the perception or popularity of the players regarding TV viewers only versus forums (like this), BBAD, and live feeds.This website did a popularity poll and it looked like Jmac was way ahead; but voting by America – the majority of TV-only viewers – apparently won out. I know there were issues with the voting website, but I just can’t go there since we are now at the end of the ropes for this whole season. James got it, but hey, there was praise-filled recognition to Jmac and Jason. (Thank God, one of the top 3 wasn’t V as indicated on this site’s poll! although V’s %age numbers were like .003% or something very low.)

    • I feel like JMac was the most real out of all the houseguests, both in the house and in the DR. Did he have what it takes to win? No. But despite not liking him at first, he just grows on you. He seems like a genuinely good person who was a LOT more perceptive than any of the houseguests gave him credit for. Example, he was one of the first people to figure out just how dangerous Vanessa is and how she works, and unlike a lot of the other houseguests, if he was backed into a corner, he would pull out all the stops to survive just one more week. Him being real also is a big thing. With John, you always knew where his head was at, and if he had a problem with someone, he wasn’t afraid to tell them. And as you stated, his DR sessions were some of the best in years.

      That being said, being disappointed JMac didn’t win doesn’t mean I’m not happy James one. He was a VERY close 2nd in my book, and if John couldn’t win it, I’m glad James was the one to take it.

  4. It seems like Shelli and Clay are not on the same page about the future of their “relationship”. #Awkward

    • I found Shelly the darkest of all, the way she talked and move around to see where the camera was at all times seems to me very unnatural

      • Very true Shelli was all about the cameras and her attempt at being 20 something failed miserably… It was soo obvious And Shelli and Clays interviews differed as to an after the show “relationship”. Time will tell…

      • Shelli & Clay, Liz & Austin – just get NO sense that this is going anywhere. Macranda lasted about 3-4 months after BB15… Which was a surprise but still just as nauseating as the Troll thing. Clelli not as nauseating but so NOT substantial … Just weird – can’t find the right word for it.

  5. I would love to know if Liz is ashamed of her inappropriate behavior. How do she, Julia and Austin feel about America’s general dislike of them? No, most importantly, are they ashamed of the way they talked about Steve when it was Steve that ultimately put $50,000.00 in Liz pocket?
    Also, I would like to know how BB justified the twins twist as being fair? As I have said from the beginning, they got a break… They weren’t locked up with those people 24/7 like everybody else was. They didn’t have to participate in every competition… How was this fair?

    • I have to agree 100% it is not fair the twins get 50k when they were not 100% of the time in the house.

      Austin Liz and Julia will realize soon who awful they were portrait in national TV

      The majority of the public do not approve all the bullying they did and you are right, th aka to STEVE they made 50k lets talk about KHARMA

    • Austin will probably be the only one who cares that he is disliked. He was hoping on being one of the favorites and getting a lot of opportunities after this. The twins will just think people are jealous of them lol.

    • I thought Austin seemed surprised when they announced the top 3 vote getters for America’s Favorite and he wasn’t in it!

      • I didn’t see anybody there for Austin last night,did you? I guess maybe his girlfriend would’ve gone, but oh yeah, he cheated on her! I’m anxious to see how he fits in with the Nolan family. I’m sure they are very proud of Liz and Julia.

      • Yeah, it was like “… The hell?” It gagged me when he was telling Liz she (and maybe Julia – don’t remember) HAD to be America’s Fav(s) … And here we all sit and watch trying to keep our gag reflexes in check! Can’t wait for the Austwin reality check!

    • As to your 1st para: Christ, Austin runs up to Liz during her Jeff interview, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and she turns to the cameras and says: he’s a Keeper. (Sorry, I’m vomiting in my mouth right now.) I REALLY do not sense anything there … By Liz saying this kind of superficial crap now, justifies the Troll-thing (Liztin) that went on in the house. Urk! I simply cannot suspend my disbelief (like you have to when watching a play on stage real-time) and accept these two as a couple. #DoneDealIn2Wks

  6. Vanessa has to have more than a couple of mental illnesses. This woman is so hyper and unable to accept her choices and mistakes. I predict that she won’t stop talking or apologizing to the HGs. Her interview was longer than anyone else’s and not necessary.

    Julia and Meg were the funniest.

    • Loved Becky’s interview. Is Van one of the fastest talkers? She thinks her moves were the best, I don’t… the worse which she’s thinks was good was letting Julia in the House. That created the strongest alliance/force in the House, the Austwins which took a lot out of her in the end. Of course, you can say that’s easy in hind-
      sight but the fact is, it’s fact.

      • Van thanks Poker for her training and her winnings from it should pay
        for all the money she’ll shell out to her shrinks the rest of her life.

      • I
        watched her interview, it was hard but how do you learn about her if
        you don’t… counted at least 12 times where I said “SHUT UP, Vanessa”,
        my God, someone need to knock her out… she interrupts, talks over the
        other person. She wears me out just listening to her. Those that like
        her… they can have her.

      • Van is disgusting. That is a FACT. She claims she’s so good but didn’t even place in the money. James was correct, she played too hard. Finishing 3rd is the worst spot. Good for Steve to oust her. Made my week.

      • It funny Vanessa had a big hand in creating the monster of the Austwins and b/c she used a lot energy to rid herself of the 3 headed monster. 1 head remained and took a place in F2 that could have been hers.

        She played too hard is totally correct, she probably would have beat anyone in F2… did anyone notice how euphoric she was after winning R1? She was running on fumes… then champagne & drugs to celebrate. With nothing left in the tank for R3 and still took it to the final question.

      • Up until last night, Vanessa ousting Austin was my #1 move of the season. Last night that was kicked back to #2 after Steve evicted Vanessa. THAT was the move of the season.

      • I didn’t say it that often, but I did as well.

        Joni, shut my mouth

        Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha

      • She just tried the same technique with Jeff that she tried with the rest of the HGs all season: baffle them with bullsh*t.

    • Is a menstral cycle a mental illness? Hey. Since I’m a woman I can ask/answer this question. Nope, not really, but to use a 28 day cycle as an excuse is cray-cray. All I can say to Van is: hey, DUDE, get over it. You don’t think Carly Fiorina didn’t wear a tampon every month while running HP? (Sorry guys, don’t mean to be gross but this is woman talk! :) once again, she is either in denial or trying to buffer her image when she re-emerges into the world. Mel, hope you’re carrying a stash of Adderol.

      • I found that offensive. I am a woman and have never used pms as an excuse. Didn’t think an intelligent woman would say that.

      • I also found it offensive. How many women were in that house the entire time and how many times did we see the rest of them cry because they were on the rag? That hormonal excuse is just crap. Jeff should have given her a bottle of Midol or something.

  7. Personally I think itโ€™s a disgrace that CBS and Big
    Brother execs would even allow Vanessa to have been on the show taking the spot
    away from some โ€˜normalโ€™ human who could have really used the money or at least
    a shot at winning the money. Hell she
    proclaimed to everyone on national TV that she had earned over 4
    million??? In her career??? Then what the hell did she even need to be on
    the show? To her ยฝ a million is chump

    Very VERY disappointed.
    Millions of others would have LOVED the chance to try to get on and
    instead it was given to someone like her????

    • It’s the not really knowing about Big Brother that ticked me off more about her making it on there. After she reviews her actions in the house, I feel she should write an apology to each of her victims. JS!

    • I actually thing they shouldn’t discriminate in who they cast based on your income.
      The hole idea of BB is to bring under one roof people from different backgrounds .

      What I have a problem with is when she started bribing HG’s with money and she did not get booted out.

      The fact that she was obviously helped by production in at least 2 occasions to advance in the game and that is not right.

      I do agree she took the spot of a more deserving HG’s like JMac or James.

      I wonder if all the bitterness some of the HG have is because of that.

      In top all that her constant bullying to Steve it jus seems over the top and shouldn’t be part of the BB game

      • Yes you’re right there shouldn’t be bias towards who gets on the show, but right now (and for the past 6-7 seasons) there has been an incredible bias towards people in their 20’s, with modeling, acting, or athletic careers, and coming from an affluent background… I am hoping the past few seasons of who has won AFP will wake up these producers and get them to see who the public enjoys watching.

    • It is disappointing, but not any moreso (for me) that Austin, Liz, Julia, Clay and others are quite well established in their financials & careers and they should be cast into the show… I’m happy James won AFP, and that Jason & JMac were the runners up. It shows who people gravitated towards this season.

  8. I thought it should have been enlightening to the Vanessa fans that she didn’t shed a single tear when she was voted out, no tears when Austin and John made it very clear they were glad she was booted out. If she is so emotional, like she faked all season, then where are those tears? She’s a fake and I’m so glad she didn’t make it to F2. I can’t imagine how terrible Steve would have felt to take her to F2 only to find out she doesn’t need the money. And how greedy of Vanessa to want to take the money from people who don’t have anywhere near her wealth. Yep, pretty sure my opinion of Vanessa will always be that she is a disgusting human being.

  9. Vanessa’s interview was over the top. How many plugs did she make about her and Mel? Getting a job? She couldn’t and wouldn’t SHUT UP….. All the lies, she only owned one thing, guess Jason’s words are lingering in her subconscious.

    She is a royal mess. And her banter with Austin. I declare she evicted him because she hates men!

    • She was jealous about his make out sessions than she was able to have with Mel! Point, blank and the period! Can’t forget what she blamed some of her crying sessions on! LOL

      • Hard to believe she’s 30! years old. A real piece of ____________. You fill in the blank. How many different entries will I get? We should have a contest

  10. I couldn’t help but laugh when Vanessa said who she would stay in contact with. Those whom could not separate truth from fiction.

    • And who was that? Kinda got the impression it was nobody, other than Austin inferring they’ll do Vegas (?). Not sure.

  11. Able to watch some of the post finale interviews with Jeff on YouTube since they are blocked on this site for Canada. Have never seen Jeff Interview anyone before but thought he went awfully easy on Vanessa, not challenging her on anything she said. Is this how he normally handles interviews?

    • Jeff does very good interviews; go to YouTube and search for his LIve Chats. Jeff has done the Chats and Wrap party interviews for years. He really shut down Austin when Austin was going to go into an anti-Van thing. Jeff knows who butters his bread, and he’ll follow format where he is to,d to do so

    • I watched all the interviews above – I don’t have a clap-trAp memory but Shelly, Jackie and James would have voted Van in an F2 with Steve or Liz. Nearly all the Jurors & HGs were raving about V’s game … She would have won if she were in F2!

      • Yep. Swallow that hair ball thing in your throat that you’re feeling and say: Thank God, Steve evicted her butt!

      • I’ve been trying to watch Vanessa’s interview with Jeff but the video keeps messing up. I’ve seen about 5 minutes so far and I’ve noticed:
        Vanessa was not about to give Jeff any control in that interview. First she rudely stalls him for 3 or 4 minutes then when finally cornered she starts blaming being tired and hormonal. Poor Jeff, how uncomfortable that must have been.
        Next, she starts playing pitiful Vanessa, I’m a tired poker player and a weak defenseless woman, don’t you feel sorry for me Jeff and audience???
        Then she won’t shut up or let Jeff ask her a question by monopolizing the dialogue with verbal diarrhea.
        I’m so sick of the sound of her voice- should I continue watching the interview or could you give me a brief synopsis? I doubt she’s going to make any earth shattering reveals here but there’s always a chance she could slip up.

      • See if you can watch on YouTube … Her interview is not out-of-this world; just a re-verification of what we know about her.

  12. OMG! Tried to watch Vanessa’s interview. Made it only half way through. She was talking fast as usual. Jeff’s face through the first part between Van and Austin was too funny.

  13. Vanessa is just a spoiled brat and sore loser – voting for Liz? Just a tad vindictive and had zero to do with “game strategy.” Read that, Vanessa – all that work all summer and you’re nothing but a sore LOSER.

  14. I struggled through the interview with Vanessa including the opening part with her and Austin and her is what I saw:

    Vanessa was not playing in the house. She is THAT person. There was no need to be doing the same things with Austin that she did in the house.

    Vanessa is a liar. She lied to Austin and Jeff about her game. Again, the game is over so there is no need to lie anymore.

    Vanessa loves to talk about HERSELF! In the interview with Jeff she dominated the conversation. Jeff could hardly get a word in. So again, Vanessa was not playing in the house. Her strategy was not to talk and talk until she tired everyone out. She talks like that all the time and her favorite topic of discussion is VANESSA!

  15. And it looks like this will be one of my final comments of the season…To all of you I wish the very best of fall, winter & spring until BBN brings a mixture of old and new commenters next year… And for those of you doing the victory extension lap over at Survivor – have fun, but don’t forget to be good to each other. :)

  16. An amazing season with a great cast. It was a blast chatting with everyone. I don’t watch Survivor, so I’m afraid this is it for me. See you all next year!

    P.S. Thanks for all the well wishes for my mother. She’s doing much better now.

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