Big Brother 17: Da’Vonne Rogers Uncovers Twin Twist – Updated

Hurray for Da’Vonne Rogers! She’s uncovered the Big Brother Twin Twist featuring Liz Nolan and her twin sister Julia. Now if only she could have put the pieces together just a few hours earlier.

Julie Chen with Big Brother twins Liz & Julia
Julie Chen with Big Brother twins Liz & Julia – Source: CBS

Monday afternoon the twin sisters made their swap and that window gave Da’Vonne the chance to see both faces in a short amount of time. Her immediate reaction to the realization that something was off took her to find Jason where she alerted him to the suspicion. After that the pieces really started to come together.

Flashback to 3:23PM BBT 7/6 Cams 3/4 on your Live Feeds (get your Free Trial now). Da’Vonne goes to Jason in the Have-Not room and tells him to watch her face and the changes in it from day to day. This is true. Julie and Liz have enough difference in their face that it’s noticeable in the picture above.

Next the house goes on lockdown and that puts Da’Vonne and Jason on the couches running through details. Flashback to 3:46PM BBT as Day tells Jason that Liz/Julia forgot about throwing a pillow and then tried to act like she remembered. That’s just one example.

Day starts running through other details and physical features that are different, including the different amounts of their roots showing and face size again. Jason says he thought it was interesting how production took note that BB5 was his favorite season. That’s the original Twin Twist season.

Jason even recalls a conversation from just a big ago this afternoon. Houseguests were recalling their casting process and being grouped with other finalists, some of which are now in the house. As everyone says who they say we hear from “Liz” that she didn’t see anyone. That’s odd. Was she isolated? Was the other sister going through the process instead? Jason wonders about Liz’s comments.

They go on and on while Da’Vonne becomes more convinced and Jason is starting to buy it too. So what does this mean for the Twin Twist? Well nothing yet. Day hopes she’ll get a super power if she goes to the DR about it, but that doesn’t seem likely. According to Julie Chen, Liz & Julia just have to make it past the fifth eviction. They do not have to go undetected.

Unfortunately for Da’Vonne the Veto meeting is over and Liz didn’t go up against Day. Instead we’ve got Meg. So that’s no good for Day blowing it up to put the house against her, which I think would have totally worked. Instead she could decide to blackmail her for support and that could net her a few votes from Liz and allies. Hmm. Interesting.

Houseguests are still on lockdown, but once they’re back in the house we’ll have to see when Da’Vonne can investigate more, go to the DR, and spread the word. This could be an exciting night so let’s keep watching and see what happens! You can watch now for free & keep it for $5.99/month.

Update: Overnight the Twin Twist discovery spread like wildfire. Instead of Day being able to use this as leverage we watched as Jason ran the news around the house and nearly everyone knows now.

Jump to 3:25AM BBT 7/7 to find Day, Jason, Meg, James, and Jackie are hanging out and going through all the twin details. Shortly after Jeff runs the info up to Shelli & Clay so they come down to join the house. At 3:50 AM BBT almost everyone in the house is there at the Memory Wall comparing Liz’s picture.

At this point everyone but Audrey, Austin, Becky, John, and Vanessa know about the Twin Twist. I imagine it will trickle over to them, but those in the know really want to keep it from Liz that they’re on to her. They’re planning to do lots of questioning to catch them.

Tuesday is going to be a lot of fun as the investigate. Keep watching with us!

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  1. Da’vonne is giving me life!! How in the world no one else has noticed anything yet is beyond me, especially Austin who is with them all the time and especially when Julia keeps messing up and saying stuff like “Liz will clean it/do this”. Finally! I’m hoping Da stays because a house without Da would be boring, in my opinion.

    • We have a lot of character in this house this season. I don’t think we’re going to miss her that much.

      • Lies, she is a GREAT character. Most of the over houseguests are mayo in my opinion.

      • I say Lies whenever I don’t agree with someone. Don’t take it personal it’s just a joke.

      • I don’t find it funny. Learn to express yourself in a respectfull way. Please.

      • I wasn’t being disrespectful. It’s not like I am attacking you. You shouldn’t take things online personal.

      • Joey, I also took offense when you did the same thing to me. Words do matter. When you say,”Lies”, to me you are calling me a liar. That is not a joke. But I’m sure since you know that people can be offended by it, you will take that into consideration before you do it again.

      • I guess what people ultimately are trying to say here (in fairness to both sides) is that semantics matter. What people mean matters (I admit I’ve got quite a few friends who say ”lies!” in a joking manner all the time which is how I read Joey’s words), BUT what people hear also matters (so I don’t think Capt & KSJB are being overly sensitive, they’re just hearing the word as it would be meant by people who aren’t joking…for them it IS disrespectful)…

      • Where I live, I have NEVER heard anyone say that unless they meant it literally, so I appreciate your explanation, Matt.

      • Yeah I have a bunch of friends (who admittedly make me laugh) when they say ”Lies!”… it’s their way of jokingly saying: ”How can that be true?” or a playful version of ”I don’t believe you!” …I can’t remember which great 90’s comedy it was now but there was somebody who did it there… Homer Simpson also did something like that in a couple episodes… Maybe it’s a new modern slang. ;)

      • Don’t get me wrong Capt, I agree with what you heard. It’s just that the word he used also means something else… :)

      • You’re so diplomatic….but once in a while Matt, I want you to go to the

      • Hah! Have you forgotten those times in past years when I’ve had enough of people who are intent on promoting hatred through racism, sexism, or elitism? I’ll scruff it out, but most times I prefer to speak from compassion instead of passion. ;)

      • I remember you so well Matt, way back. When I need a back up, I call you. lol

      • And being the great guy that you are, I’d always be willing to back you up my friend! (Now can we please stop this before our mutual friends start peeing themselves from laughing at us so hard?) ;)

      • “I hate seeing good people get upset with each other. :)”

        Best comment. Matt, you win the internet tonight!

      • @Joey N I have to agree with you people can be a bit sentsitive when it come to thing like being called a liar. But you were not really calling them liars you just said LIES. It was just a joke and if someone said that to me I would laugh (not have and internet fight!!!)

      • We say “liar” not lies in a joking manner with smiles and everything, and in person. I’m a joker, but I wont use “lies” posting, unless I’m serious…you know what I mean?..Now I know it’s a joke. He explained it.

      • I too have friends that say LIES! jokingly usually while pointing at you dramatically.. But I can hear their tone and see their facial expressions to know they are joking whereas in type you have merely words with no expression outside of maybe caplock for excitement or yelling. Probably more than half the internet arguments happen over misinterpretation of what someone said or meant. The only options we have are don’t assume people will pick up on humor/sarcasm or a little well placed
        “lol” could make a difference

      • I don’t think Joey meant to be hurtful he was just joking. If thing like lies upset you on the internet then why be on the internet? You will just be upset. CONSTANTLY. Like seriously have you seen how mean people are on the internet LIKE REALLY!!! You are being a bit over sensitive I think you are taking the comment wrong um sure he did not mean to be hurtful to you and if he was then I’m sure he did not mean it. So let Los stop fighting in the comments guy and talk about #bb17. #TwinTwistisEPIC #LuvBB17 #favoritehouseguest? # Julie Chen

      • lol… you’ve directed your comment at the wrong person Tswift… read again to see what I posted IN SUPPORT of Joey & Capt. :)

      • This topic you’re mentioning was done 24hrs ago. It’s been finished…everything is ok now.

      • Wow KSJB and Captain so affected by a word. You two should never ever ever consider going on Big Brother if that one word causes you so much grief. It’s kinda funny how bent out of shape about it you are. So, how do you guys stand up straight with no spine at all?

      • When you get the backbone not to go incognito, “tooh”, come back and we’ll have a proper conversation. I’ll be here.

      • I’m getting tired of all this BS. Don’t know if I’m going to continue. It’s not fun when you have to constantly defend the kind of person you are. What happened to talking and debating about the game. Thanks for always having my back.

      • Lavendar I would definitely miss you if you left… I hope that a few incidents here and there don’t cause you to make such a decision… There are those of us who consider you a BIG part of this community! :)

      • Awe thank you so much Matt. I’m just kind of hurt and upset right now. I don’t like when people assume what I think and feel.

      • NO!!..who do you want me to choke? MMA style. I think you’re doing just fine.

      • Haha you and a few others is why I have so much fun here. I hope you get a Facebook page soon. I would miss you.

      • If it makes you feel any better, our friend decided to quote me and add me to the list of those who use a racial double standard… Then the coward backed down and says he didn’t use me as his source… Obla-di-obla-da… It might just be an off day for him, so I’ll have to try and give him the benefit of the doubt, but he’s really not helping himself…

      • What you don’t know is Captain was already on BB. He won. He just uses a different name here.

      • Joey just ignore people who have no sense of pop culture. They will never get it.

      • She’s a great character alright. But she’s got a bad attitude and thinks everything revolves around her. Maybe if she learned how to speak to people she wouldn’t be in this position. Bye Da don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

      • and the other would be back doomed for being “PO’d” about it. That’s what BB is coming to.

      • Just think if you two were in the house one would be going home for saying “lies” and the other would be getting back doomed for having a problem with it. That’s what BB is coming to.

      • I wouldn’t say Day’s attitude is the reason she is leaving, her and Shelli had a shaky relationship ever since Day didn’t use the FF on Shelli. Add the fact that Audrey is spreading false info about Day to Shelli makes it worse. Had Da’Vonne had a better social game there is a chance she wouldn’t be in this position, but I am convinced that the mistrust between Shelli and Day (because of Audrey) is the reason why Day might leave.

      • Says the Aaryn fan… ;) I recall you defending her to the dead end though she had one of the worst attitudes, to say the least, that I can recall in recent years. Including mean-spirited remarks toward the lovely host of the show, Julie Chen. This is no attack on you, but an observation. ;) Cheers

      • Are you serious? Get your facts straight. I was never an Aaryn fan. Boy I should be honored that you think you remember who I like and dislike. Didn’t know I was that important. Too bad you don’t know me or my thoughts. When you get your facts straight then comment. Until then find someone else to arrack!

      • You’re on this blog every year so you’re kind of hard to miss… not to mention a disagreement we shared about Aaryn & your support, even if not a fan… I also recall Matt S. then attempting to ‘make peace’ between us two. ;) It wasn’t an obnoxious or horribly heated argument but I was taken aback by your unwavering Aaryn support, at the time. You thought she’d been ‘done wrong’ or treated unfairly, somehow. For the record, ‘ignorance’ is calling people names & using playground rhetoric, such as ‘get a brain’. ;) Besides, it’s a blog…. there’s no specific formula for how one spends their time on one…other than to read & become part of the conversation…. which I do. We ALL comment on what another says at some point, don’t we? Your lesson is unneeded & not exactly accurate, but thanks for the input.

      • ….and the other ‘regulars’ charging you up won’t make you right. ;) Bless…

      • Sorry but I have not been on here every year. Once again you’re wrong. You started this entire thing by commenting not about the game but saying I was an Aaryn fan. And it was the way you commented. If you would of stated why you like or dislike someone, why you like or dislike someone’s game play, who you’d like to see go, etc., etc. then I would go back and forth with you. I’ll agree or disagree about game play all day long but you took it to a personal level. And yes when you piss me off I’ll will come right back at you. Was it right doing a little name calling? Maybe not but if we weren’t on a censored site I might of said worse. When you want to debate on game play I’m ready but as long as you make it personal I’m done with you.

      • If not YOU, someone using that handle has been here steadily for the past few years, at least…. along w/a handful of others (at least). You mean to tell me that I’m ‘wrong’ about that too?

      • I do comment on gameplay… but I sometimes find the comments more interesting… & I’m allowed… just as I’m allowed to agree or disagree w/folks… just as you are… but I attempt to do it w/civility, which may or not always translate. That’s your cross to bear, though, not mine…. & feel free to be ‘done with’ me. ;) I prefer dialogue w/a more interesting, less knee-jerk & name-calling ‘type’ anyway. Not those who agree with me… but those who can get a point across w/out juvenile language. Ultimately it’s your right…. have at it.

      • And here I am again! ;)

        ….at the end of the day (no pun intended to MommaD), does it really matter what happened in the past and who’s memory is more ”right” than the other? You’re BOTH trusted and valuable parts of this community… If you remember it differently then might I suggest to agree to disagree on this one and fight about something this season! ;) Heck if you both want somebody to beat up you can pick on me because I WAS one of the people who didn’t support, but I was empathetic to Aaryn whom I suggested is merely a product of what she (and her community) must consider ”normal” behaviour….

        Let me relate it to MommaD from this season. There are those posters on here (like me) who feel MommaD’s attitude and actions are the reason she is in trouble. But there are those who so passionately support her that they feel I am completely off base… Latifah & I disagreed completely on this one, but we both agreed to disagree and moved on (and heck I even still LIKE her views even if I don’t agree with them)! ;)

      • ….and THIS is the Matt I recall from before! ;) lol I appreciate your comments… & I ALSO recall your empathy for Aaryn, which wasn’t necessary to mention as I was directing my pov at Lavendar. Thanks for being honest & standup enough to admit your position…. it’s to be respected. ;)

      • I appreciate that (even if yes I’m in the minority in not wanting to skewer Aaryn and want her blood like so many others did)… ;)

      • …as you pointed out, even then. ;) I may be over 40 but senility hasn’t overtaken me, yet. :)

      • What ? And I thought you would drive with us to LA and go slap her silly. LOL

      • Nope truth is I’m still a bit disappointed in our ”gang lust mentality” that so many people cheered for Julie when she went to town on Aaryn, and yet felt that it was acceptable to have an audience WITH supporters for Amanda, GinaMarie and so many others who were no less guilty than Aaryn… I’ve never been a fan when people selectively villafile another group of people or individual….

      • Yea, right, those convo are coming back to me. It was the Julie thing that got to you. Got it.

      • Lavendargirl was NEVER a fan of Aaryen, as we both called her back then.

      • As I mentioned…. if ‘NOT’ a ‘fan’, she was a ‘defender’ at a point…whatever her reasons were. I only recall because we had a disagreement, of sorts, over it…as I posted earlier. Again… not an attack… as she did with me… ;) but an observation. Found it interesting her thoughts on Day’s bad attitude when she seemed to sympathize w/Aaryn, on some level, who aside from being a bigot was a beyotch…. period.

      • You can insist that… I know you seem to be one of the more ‘reasonable’ posters here… we’ve had respectful & agreeable interactions here, even when we disagree… which is how it should be. With that said, I remember that name, specifically, & though not word for word responses, the crux of her comments. Again, maybe ‘fan’ was too strong a word… but there was some empathy.

      • I’m not talking character-wise more strategy. She seems like the only one putting pieces together, she’s been counting stuff in the house since day one, she stares at the memory wall. It’s that, that will be missed.

      • I do agree with you there Latifah. MommaD is probably the most observant and meticulous of all the houseguests. In the first week she was my favourite player before she let her angry side out on everyone.


      • Woah Caps lock malfunction… ;) Yes you’re right, she wasn’t mad at everyone (I was using the hyperbole of the meaning)… :) And yeah, I think she did freak out on Clay, Jeff, Shelli & Audrey unnecessarily in week #2 which is what has precipitated her being viewed this way…

      • I wouldn’t say she let her angry side out on everyone. It was only Audrey and she a right to be mad. But the house meeting screwed Day even though it should have screwed Audrey more. Life is unfair and on it goes.

      • Hmmm, didn’t you see how she flipped out with full temper tantrum on (in order): Shelli/Clay/Jeff… then Jeff… then Clay… then Audrey? I think she really shot herself in the foot because the relationships that were supposed to be her alliance, she instead freaked out on them…

      • Temper tantrum? I believe she had a right to be upset. They (Shelli/Clay) did indeed tell Jeff to see what she was doing like Day going into a room was suspicious when they had no right to. Everyone is allowed to be everywhere without being accused of doing something shady. Also, the Clay/Day relationship was already broken beforehand because of Audrey and Shelli never trusted Day so I don’t see how any of those relationships were broken because of that incident (especially because Clay/Shelli/Jeff were in the wrong).

      • Hmmm, I really do have a different perception of the incident involving those 4… I hear what you’re saying (which is what MommaD said in the DR), but I can’t say I like it when anyone shows that degree of anger and aggression – black, white, woman, man, tall, short or otherwise… As you wisely said though Latifah it’s one of those things that everyone will see a bit differently I guess… There’s far more exciting stuff to talk about now that she has won the 7th call reward from KathyG! ;)

      • You’re right. Moving past this is inevitable as way more interesting things are going to go down soon :)

      • When blacks get angry, they have ‘bad’ or ‘aggressive’ attitudes & throw ‘temper tantrums’… didn’t you get the double-standard memo YEARS ago? ;)

      • Oh my… Accusing ME of all people on double-standards? Sigh… I’m hurt by the accusation because I was fairly certain my actions on this site have always been that of a peace-maker, team-builder, and objective reviews… but I can move past this… Take care my friend.

      • I, myself, called out your peace-making, team-building qualities… and good on you. ;) That doesn’t, however, make one ‘Jesus’… lol Perfection isn’t a quality of Any man/woman, as far as I know… I can speak to my own short-comings w/out reservation. To be fair, I didn’t name you… was speaking to the issue w/out personal accusation…. again, to be fair. ;) Thanks Matt S. #Friend :)

      • To be precise you quoted me (WITH quotation marks) and used that quote to say that it is a double-standard of race.. To now back down and say you didn’t reference me doesn’t look so good RVolpi… If you disagree then by all means disagree, but please don’t make accusations of me then back away and claim you didn’t… I have ALWAYS tried to be a peace maker and ”bridge” between people on this site who would attack each other over race, gender, or morality… For you to be the RECIPIENT of my effort then stab me in the back by saying I use race based double-standards? sigh…

      • Did you use the words ‘bad’, ‘aggressive’ & ‘temper tantrums’?… and if you used them all then were you the sole user of those words as a poster? If so, then perhaps you can accuse me of quoting you specifically, or solely…. but I guarantee if you go through the threads, starting from the top comments, you’ll see that these words have been thrown around plenty, in reference to Da’Vonne…..not to mention my twitter experiences where I see it quite often, along w/one’s favoring her. So NO, it wasn’t a direct jab at you. Now if you choose to pick a ‘fight’, after I’ve sung your praises on your respectability, peace-making ways on this site, that’s unfortunate. Again, nO one is perfect…. but also, it wasn’t a direct jab…. you can see it how you see fit. I have no reason to lie to you… as you may or may not have noticed, I’m pretty forthright in my views…. like them or leave them.

      • Latifah, you’ve been on point… period. On another note, why do they preface the black characters of the last 2 seasons w/’momma’… we know they’re literal ‘mothers’, but the ‘Momma J’ & ‘Momma Day’ pet names are a little played, putting it mildly. When Clay was pissed w/Da’Vonne, he threatened to make everyone stop calling her that because HE, Captain Bland, ‘created’ that name for her!!…. lol As if he’s creative OR did her a favor…. give me a break.

      • Clay irks me so badly. There was one time where he was with Shelli and Jace and Jace said that he likes black women and Clay was like “WHAT?!?!? REALLY?!? and Jace said “yeah, I’d marry one” and Clay looked flabbergasted and then said “the dark ones or the light ones” and I just don’t see him the same anymore.

      • I saw that on Twitter. I was never keen on him. After watching his pre-interview w/Rachel Reilly & hearing his responses… favors Jeb Bush (Really? After the second one sent us into the tailspin of our lifetimes?) of course he’s allowed but that shed some light on some potential radical ideals/influences he may have… & the racial tweet which was found after the cast announcement (joke about blacks not being able to swim)…. I’m not overly sensitive yet after a while the messages around you become pretty clear. He plays nice-guy very well while harboring bigoted positions/ideals toward a people. Not that he’s an outright white supremacist… but he doesn’t have to be. His apparent views are damaging enough… no matter how much he tries to hide them. C’est la vie….

      • Right, I’m not overly sensitive either but you’d think Big Brother would do a background check of their cast beforehand. Look through twitter and instagram as a houseguest from last season had incredibly racist posts on both.

      • It was. I watched the video again afterwards and my jaw literally dropped. Clay/Shelli acting like black women are aliens and couldn’t possibly be seen as attractive to a white man. Insane!

      • I’d like to know what day and time because I missed that. I want to flash back.

      • I finally had the time to watch that. It was no big deal. They were playing a game about what you like with food and went into a conversation about dating a black woman or white (which Jace was doing the majority of talking) all Clay said was I could see you with a black girl. Then they say I could see you with a Brazilian girl. Jace asked Clay if he ever dated a black girl and he said no it just never came about. Just so you know I’m not defending Clay because I like him. I don’t care if he stays or goes. Shelli is my favorite. But you shouldn’t assume racism by an innocent conversation. That’s how rumors start and you’re crossing a fine line. Please don’t take my comment the wrong way because I’m not attacking you. I know you LOVE Da. Lol. Clay even was upset when Audrey tried to make Becky look like she was racist. He said you don’t go there. JMO

      • I’m not saying Clay is racist because of that video. But he did show extreme surprise that Jace would even consider dating a black woman which is distasteful. I know everyone has their preferences but to be surprised a white man would date a black woman is not okay. He also said the “dark ones or the light ones” that is also not okay. He’s putting them down to a choice like ice cream. He isn’t a racist I just think he needs to think before he speaks.

        What I do find racist were his tweets and that together with the video doesn’t paint a nice picture but I don’t think he’s a bad guy or that he means to sound prejudiced but he did and that’s not okay. Everyone has and will say things that are prejudiced or racist but that doesn’t mean that they are racist I just think people need to realize what they say can hurt even if it’s unintentional.

      • lol What’s up? Karen, Let me ask you. Do you think my joke have crossed the line sometimes? seriously.

      • Not the ones between us, if that’s what you are asking. We get each others humor, though. I’m sure at one time or another, many of us have unintentionally and unknowingly offended someone.

      • Ain’t that the truth ~ and I sincerely apologize for unintentionally and unknowingly offending anyone.

      • Are you kidding. I love your sarcastic humor. I told you half the time when I’m reading your comments I’m laughing out loud. But I’m also a liar!

      • No way Da’Vonne, should definitely stay she is so smart and she knows this game, if she’ll wouldn’t have got man crazy on the first day things could b different, come on da flip them votes so u can stay

    • Like I said before, Da’Vonne is VERRRRY perceptive. Had she had a better social game, she would be a great Big Brother player. I really hope she stays in the game somehow.

      But I agree with Matt, I hope that Da’Vonne blackmail’s Liz into voting for her. Sounds kinda mean but you gotta do what you gotta do.

      • By “social game” do you mean being a little more tactful in her interactions and revealing the things she observes?

      • By social game, I mean forming trust and bonds with other people besides Jason, Meg, and James. I also agree with you when you said being a little more tactful in her interactions. Similar to Donny last season, also perceptive but poor social game.

      • Well I wouldn’t say Donny had a poor social game. Nobody wanted to vote him out unless it was unanimous! Everyone loved that guy which is why he was such a huge threat. Sometimes being ”too good” at social skills is a weakness (as was the case with Donny, but definitely NOT the case with MommaD)…

      • I think Donny had a bad social game, he never really tried to talk to other people. Maybe it’s me but I feel like he alienated himself a little.

      • True if you only watched the final 2 weeks he was on the show after all his allies & friends had left (and he was only extended a week because he won a pov)… Not sure if I would agree he was this way 90% of the time. He was a target because he was liked. Yes he eventually became a person without an ally, but that happens to EVERYONE (except the final winner)…

      • That is so important. I don’t see how you can expect to live in a house with that many people and not have tact or just know when to shut your mouth and let it go.

      • Yes and since it’s a game I think the twins would understand… U save my butt and I’ll keep your secrect safe! ^_^ That’s that

      • I know right. I be feeling the exact same way. I wish she knew what her supporters were thinking.

      • Perceptive is a matter of opinion I guess, she may be observant but I have heard her interpret what she sees so totally wrong on many occasions. She is sure she is right, like when she said there was no way John was a dentist.

      • That’s only 1 vote. And if she gets Jason that’s only 2. Even if she wins the twist and eliminates 3 votes she still goes. Nobody will vote Meg out. That’s why it was smart for Shelli to put her up instead of Liz.

      • I hope she blackmails too even though it is immoral. You do have to do whatever you can to survive. Blackmailing is the right move, and just let her know that you’ll “blow her cover” if she doesn’t successfully do it.

      • She can’t blackmail now because she and Jason have told the ENTIRE WORLD. Now, Liz needs to go to Shelli and Clay and tell them if they keep her around tip Jury, they will have TWO votes (hers and Julia’s) for EVERYTHING they want.

      • No point in talking to Shelli and Clay. They have no power anymore. Need to talk to the next HOH.

    • Haha yes me too…and I have absolutely no clue how no one hasn’t catch on about the twins yet??! But leave it to DA to figure things out that others are to blind to notice their selves! Which is why DA needs to stay because if she doesn’t than the others would continue living cluelessly and unaware of their surroundings…which would be like watching paint dry since the evidence is clearly right in front of them! ^__^

      • Indeed, indeed, indeed! I feel like the season would go down hill. Everyone minus Day and Jason seem to be going to Clay/Shelli/Jeff as a threesome with all the power and that is getting annoying really quickly (as it always does).

    • Not sure I’d agree with missing MommaD (a bit too brash for my liking), but I do hope she does some interesting stuff with Liz before she is voted out this week…

      • That I like…The interesting stuff she does with Lilia. I wanna see what she can come up with.

      • To each their own :) I’m getting tired of Clay/Shelli so anyone targeting them is good in my books.

    • Its hard for those of us who just watch the shows to know what all they mess up. But just going by looks and mannerisms they were different. I don’t really like Day’s attitude but she is interesting to watch.

      • Watching Day on life feeds or even just following a live feed blog and one could see that Day doesn’t have an attitude. She got mad at things she had a right to be mad/upset about and that was it.

      • So I think I need to hear more from your perspective then Latifah, because I honestly don’t know how anyone could feel MommaD is anything less than angry & volatile after throwing a temper tantrum (in the 2nd week?) on Clay, Shelli & Jeff… What did they do aside from giggle at her oddly going into their bedroom to count things? She attacked them pretty hard even when they went to go mend the possible rift caused by her anger…

      • I don’t think it was a temper tantrum, honestly. Being accused of being shady for walking into a room, a room she has a right to walk into was wrong on their part. They didn’t know she was counting things. I found it disrespectful on their part to be weirded out that she went into the room. She’s a houseguest just like them, allowed everywhere.

        Honestly, I don’t mean to make it a race thing but primarily black people are accused of being “shady” and “creepy” for doing pretty normal things and I think that’s what she felt.

        Plus, let’s not forget Clay raised his voice also and was only pretending to apologize. Day saw through his BS and shut it down? I like that about her.

      • So when she’s in the DR and she says very cocky with attitude I don’t want to go up to the HOH. And she says I don’t want to talk to people and when things don’t go her way she shakes that finger and bobs her head. Yep she’s got a wonderful attitude.

      • Tons of houseguests in Big Brother have done the exact same thing but they weren’t all seen as having a bad attitude. Everyone thinks the black woman has an attitude because she shakes her finger and bobs her head but that’s how she expresses herself. It’s more interesting and entertaining than 95% of the house.

      • I understand a lot of people do it. I’m talking about her attitude when she does. She flipped out on Clay, then Shelli then Jeff then Audrey over nothing. Well I take that back she had A right to with Audrey. But she caused so much drama over Jeff asking her why she went in the room. Instead of flipping out she could of just said I’m counting things. Instead she gets her attitude and caused all that drama over nothing. Oh and don’t bring race into it. If she was white I’d say the same thing!

      • Jeff didn’t have a right to ask her why she was in the room though. She had every right to walk into that room and not be questioned over it. Whether she was walking around, looking for something, or counting things. They had no right to see her as shady or creepy for going into the room. I believe she could have handled it way better but she had a right to be upset and I’m standing by that. To each their own :)

        PS. I don’t mean you’re bringing race into it. I meant in general, that’s what she is seen as. I’ve read a lot of Big Brother comments on different sites, twitter and tumblr. It’s rampant.

      • I didn’t really think she over reacted that much. I do think she should be more taactful but I didn’t see an issue with her calling out the people that she called out. I was glad somebody did but gamewise I do think she should know when to call people out and when to discuss things in a less emotional way.

      • I am surprised by all the responses about DaVonne. She doesn’t have any more of any attitude in the diary room than a lot of gay men. Look at Audrey and Jason and their attitudes/personalities.

        I hope DaVonne can stay. She is smart. I think Clay was a total jerk when he went upstairs to talk to her. He had a major attitude and it really made me look at him differently. You can tell how much he cannot stand her – who in their right mind would give Audrey another chance? Audrey would turn her back on anyone. If DaVonne goes then I hope Audrey gets rid of Clay. He would deserve that.

        Where I think DaVonne messed up was for not choosing Shelli or Audrey in the beginning to save. But it was so stupid for any of them to form an alliance after 10 minutes. Why do all these people do this? It never fails – within 5 minutes of meeting they are all so desperate to form an alliance. It’s old and predictable.

  2. Day is my favorite female in the house, and I’ll be sad to see her go. I’m not one bit surprised that she was the first to uncover this twist, as she seems to be paying the most attention out of all of the house guests! She is (was?) my female pick to win, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think getting her out would be in everyone else’s best interest if they want a shot at a win!

  3. Oh wow!..Dayday could have capitalized on this discovery. She has to think deep now.

    • Why didn’t she go to Liz and say listen, I got this on you. Switch your vote and Austins or I will spill the beans. But no! Why did they tell everyone?!?!

      • That’s the reason I want her out, she doesn’t think ahead and instead tries to spread the word. She was sitting on an opportunity to stay, but instead she told the whole house and revealed her hand. (Bad metaphor incoming) For a poker dealer, she isn’t that good at poker.

  4. da’vonne needs to bathe she is so dark that she looks DIRTY all the time, and yes i realize she’s black but come on she looks like she hasn’t bathed in weeks on camera.

      • I’m not agreeing with it! Can’t you read! I said she’s been putting cream on and that’s probably what it is. She even said on the feeds this makeup is driving me nuts I don’t know how girls wear it all the time. “but” if not she shouldn’t be always saying things about Clay. Learn how to READ before you comment!

      • “BUT YET SHE TALKS ABOUT CLAY” That was your response to a very negative and vile comment by a very nasty person. Da is always saying that your Clay is dirty, your comment is totally in agreement with this nasty minni person. Birds of a feather.

      • I’m just stating a fact idiot. She DOES talk about Clay. But that’s okay right? Your favorite biatch Da.

      • I will not come down there to the gutter with you. Stay there it fits you and minni.

      • Then quit commenting on me and stick to the game and the people playing the game. You crack me up thinking you’re so high and mighty. Glad you’re so perfect. Bye

    • Words cannot describe the ugliness you have written the ugliness of the spirit in which you wrote it. God change your heart and give you light.

  5. Remember people… JULIE NEVER SAID “Get caught” she only said “SURVIVE 5 EVICTIONS”.. Getting caught means nothing and BOTH Liz and Production/DR will deny it

  6. Julie never said “Survive 5 Evictions WITHOUT Getting Caught” She only says “Survive 5 Evictions… So this does NOTHING to the game

  7. I can’t wait to find out what Day does with this information. Even if she is leaves this week (which will happen) it will be very interesting how the others react.

  8. I really thought someone would figure it out but now its what she does with the info that matters. Some things though like hair roots! Come on, surely they could have made sure their hair was the same, exactly the same, don’t make it easy. So what does Vanessa do all day? She studies people for a living but did not notice so I do give props to D’av for noticing this.

    • You’re right, that was easy to fix before they got in the game. And weeks ago, I did mention that (Production) probably did it on purpose. Leave a few clue to make it fair (or whatever).

  9. Day was my favorite at the beginning, but her attitude got to be too much and I wanted her to be evicted. Now that she’s really playing the game and being perceptive, I don’t want to see her go. This is probably the only time I want Production to intervene so she can answer the 7th phone call. Evict Meg, she’s useless and obnoxious.

    • Da got the 7th phone call, but the problem is Da can’t keep her mouth shut. She could have used the twin twist to blackmail the twins and gain the votes of their allies, but instead the whole house learned. I would like to see her go because of her attitude, but she hasn’t won me back yet.

  10. There you go. I’m reading on twitter that the phone calls happened tonight and Dae got the 7th call. LOL

      • I wouldn’t know about that, but I’m sure the conspiracy theory will be plentiful. And no doesn’t seem to be a joke. Comes from many source.

      • Jokers is saying that too. It’s not hard for the HG’s to figure out who got the 7th call. Steve was talking about “3votes” they know what the power is all about?

      • Yep I just went back on the feeds and there talking about it. They don’t know for sure if Da got it but they’re pretty sure. Clay saying its fixed for Da to get it. I thought the same thing. I thought they will wait until Da is by the phone to make the 7th ring.

      • This is what you call “Productions Preferred Outcome” You want drama?..that’s it!


  11. I just hope Liz/Julia stay. I wanted to see both of them in the house and how they would play the game.

  12. OK, from what I can read, everyone that answered the phone got zing by Kathy G. Only the 7th was the twist but nobody seems to know that. Dae was more than likely told not to reveal anything. So the twist is still a secret to the others HGs.

      • It will create suspense for the people who only watch the broadcast show. I doubt it is enough to save her. But then, it’s only Monday.

      • Can Da lie and tell the HGs some bs about her superpower? Like say she can swap places with someone who votes to evict her….it that she can reverse 5 votes…etc? Then she isn’t telling (the trut) about the twist? Do you know?

      • From what I can read, the story is already out, so I doubt she can lie about the twist.

      • If she could do that, that would be genius, but the cat is already out of the bag.

      • I think you never know. It depends on how many she can wrangle and which votes she can cancel, the perfect combination has to occur. Its possible imo.

  13. yea for davonne answering the call! She should take away Clays vote, James vote (I like Meg but no way is James going to vote out Meg over Davonne), and Audrey’s vote! But sadly I still think she will be evicted unless she pretends she has some other power than the one she has now.

    • they may add a twist to the twist…,,,,like the power to nullify and switch the votes….

      • Even if she had the power to switch the votes, I think she would still be voted out. At this point, Jason is her only vote to stay.

  14. Just read on twitter: Dae caught up with Juliz and ask her something about last night, (seems they were playing character in a podcast), before Juliz could answer, Jackie walk by and answered for her. Fail.

  15. So Shelli pointed to the memory wall and said she (Dayday) got the 7th call.
    source: Jokers

    • They seems to know what the twist is. I read that they are discussing which vote will be killed.

      • Oh yeah! If they reveal it (the result) during the live eviction, like BBC, wouldn’t that be more dramatic?..I don’t understand.

  16. Let’s get this party started… Is it just me who’s a bit upset at the obvious lack of diversity in this year’s cast? An overwhelming majority of the cast seem to be white, upper-middle class, part-time models/actors, who are only in their 20’s & 30’s…. Am I the only one who wants to see a bigger more diverse group of people rather than all these frat kids who likely already have too much in their lives to be thankful for? (Yes, hyperbole incl.)

    • I think the same can be said about many seasons. It also bugs me they don’t pick more older people. Its to me all about who looks best in a swimsuit at times or who will create controversy but if there is too much controversy then we get a boring cast the next year.

      • Yes they’ve been going younger and hotter for the past 8-9 season’s now… It’s funny if you actually look at each season’s cast picture starting from the first season til now (I did) and the difference is HUGE (and obvious)! :(

      • They have to be doing a lot of polling to find out what is better for their ratings. Let face it, it’s all about ratings.

    • Maybe they could have an all minority season of BB? This sounds like a good solution to me.

      • On my ‘wish list’ posted here on 6/5/15: 3) Make more of an effort to create a melting pot of nationalities (people who have migrated from other countries and are now US citizens).

      • Maybe the BET network could have a minority version of BB? This would be fun to watch :D

      • But what about the other races then i.e. Asians etc? I want to see BB with a diverse cast group :-)

      • I’m sure the BET network could include other minorities too so that problem would be easy to solve. I’m sure they would all get along together fine.

      • I’d argue it probably defeats the point if it is a ”special version” broadcast on BET… but I hear what you’re saying. :)

      • Would adding a few white HG’s into the mix make it more diverse?
        I thought the complaint was that there were too many whites on the CBS version. Now I’m confused…

      • Check out the first few seasons (in pictures) of Big Brother… Up until maybe season 7 or 8 we had a good cross representation of old, young, black, white, Asian, poor, rich and all those people in-between….. I’m not in favour of ”no white” people, or ”no rich” people, just I’d rather see a diverse mix of people that isn’t a ”special twist” in the show… This of course would be a change in our culture as a whole, but heck a guy can dream for a better day right? :)

      • Have you ever heard of the expression: “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it?”
        As long as the profits keep pouring into CBS I doubt they will change their winning formula.
        Do you remember a few years ago when another network had their new version of Big Brother? I believe they incorporated the diversity angle you mentioned above but apparently nobody wanted to watch that version and was quickly cancelled.
        I think we are all dreaming for a better day but I’m not sure your version of utopia is the answer to all the world’s problems sadly. :D

      • Yup but sadly the moniker has been ignored… They HAD a great show with Big Brother, and opted to go the same route as The Real World where boobs & butts mattered more than character & quality…. One of the reasons I like Amazing Race so much is that most of the teams are still ”everyday people”. :)

      • I wish BB would still let the audience vote on who’s evicted too.
        If boobs and butts bring in the ratings I doubt CBS will have any incentive to change things.

      • Yup… and let’s be honest, even those of us who don’t like how things are going don’t mind watching the pretty people on tv. ;)

      • Idk about the pretty girls, a lot of female viewers seem to be very jealous of the pretty ones sometimes.

      • Very true Matt, the Diary Room also didn’t get as involved with the HG as much either, trying to manipulate the game. You are correct tho, up until about BB9 the show was excellent! I believe after that is when the current BB Producer, Allison Grodner came on board, and its been down hill since then. This current group of House Guest Suck, they cast them SAME PEOPLE every season!! The only HG I like are Jason & Da’Vonne, and Day is good as gone.

      • Well you may have learned by now I’m not a big fan of Jason or DaVonne, but I totally agree that it feels like we have the same house filled with part-time models & actors trying to make a name for themselves… I really do miss the show’s former glory of WANTING somebody’s life to be improved as a result of the attention & prize money they collect. As it is right now (in most cases, not all) I don’t know of anyone who really deserves to be on there except that they had a good plastic surgeon…

      • No no I’m just desiring a season where we see more than 3 ethnic minorities, more than 2 people older than 30, and more than 1 person who doesn’t go home to a 5-bedroom, 3-story home…

    • Yes I agree with you. I remember Audrey saying that she didn’t anticipate Jason putting her up because she and he shared a common bond. What other house guests do James and Davinne have in the house to naturally bond with? It’s not really fair.

      And instead of an all minority season of BB (which i would have no problem with) why not have the majority of the house guest be minorities? I’d love to see Native Americans, Asians (of all descents) Indians, African Americans of all shades, mixed race, Latinos etc.

      • You’re right it’s totally not fair… but not just culturally biased. What about the fact that there’s no poor people in the home who NEED this money desperately? There ARE good looking poor people, and people from different ethnic backgrounds, and middle-aged people… it’s not only young people who look good.

      • I say this with the utmost respect, Matt, but it seems CBS doesn’t like to cast poor, unattractive, older people. Case in point: Donny. Please don’t get me wrong; I happened to find Donny attractive—but he definitely wasn’t attractive in the conventional sense. Also, the people who really DO need the money never win. I’ve seen it season after season. However, like you and many others, I would love to see a more diverse cast.

      • Well I’m not sure I’d totally agree with that… Donny the simple caretaker didn’t win the game but Americans LOVED this guy. Was he good looking? Young? ”Good for tv?” Nope. He was a plain, simple, hardworking guy with the heart of a saint… He ended up winning the favourite player award (and for a man like that it’s like winning the lottery!) There’s a reason he was the unanimous fan fave… We LOVED this guy! :)

      • Oh, I totally agree about Donny! I was overjoyed that he was at least able to get $15,000 in cash from being on Team America. And, yes; he absolutely was beloved. But that’s my point…it’s painfully obvious that the casting dept. has a bias when it comes to age, race and looks. They’re trying to reach a certain demographic—they’d have a conniption fit if they realized the median age of those of us who follow the game so closely! Anyway, It’s not like the old days of the show. It’s all about gaining fame—which is ironic, because as you stated, most already have a modicum of fame!

      • Thank you! Hey, will you do me a favor and read all my posts on this thread? There seems to be some confusion about a comment made. It starts with a comment by “Mr.Good Taste.” I truly think he said something inappropriate and I commented on it. I still think I was right in my assumption. If I”m not, I’ll gladly concede! I need a third party to read it all. It’s gotten pretty convoluted. Thank You!!

      • Sharona I will respond,but can I go back and do it in a very old thread so that it’s only us talking? I know you trust my judgement and wouldn’t want other people adding to the conversation with criticism…

      • You called it right. Obviously, that’s what he meet. You wouldn’t be on Facebook by any chance.

      • Thank you Captain!! Jeez., I thought I was going out of my mind—second guessing myself. No, I don’t do Facebook…I take it he’s posted similar things there?

      • That’s one reason i like Jason. He represents a lot of Americans right now (not Clay because both everyone has a huge farm and takes in raccoons as pets, in fact does he even have a real job?? He’s 23 but I he looks much older than Shelli!) he’s a grocery store clerk and needs the money. Steve also looks like he needs the money as does James (who’s in retail). Dayvonne needs the money too as a single working mother.

      • True, can’t disagree with his ”need”. I don’t really like his attitude, but yes, I guess in fairness he IS the type of person I’d support having more on Big Brother.

      • I overall agree with you, Matt. At the same time they seem to be trying to eradicate the representative male contestants. We have basically odd characters that the average guy can hardly relate to. We have pretty boy model type Clay who isnt too bright. James is the Southern hick stereotype (is his Asian ancestry supposed to “cover that base?”), the man-child surfer, PeeWee Herman, Steve who is surely on the spectrum, the freakish ex-professional wrestler, and the dentist who we would think was on the spectrum if we didnt have Steve to make him look socially well-adjusted. This leaves us with Jeff who has so little personality and so little game.

        Who is a regular guy supposed to relate to here?

      • I don’t particularly like when they have a bunch of people who whine about needing the money desperately. Its a game, not a charity. And those that feel they need it usually feel like they should get a pass because of that fact. It also makes me wonder why people who need money so bad are taking 4 months off of work to be on tv instead of just going to work.

      • They make a $1000 a week on that TV show. If they make it to jury, that’s $14,000.

      • Perhaps CBS would lose many of their loyal fans if they start changing a winning formula.

    • I agree, I would like to see more diversity but to play devils advocate. Kasting needs to put on a TV show. They don’t want 16 boring houseguests, they want to entertain the viewers of the show. I would rather watch entertaining houseguests than a group of boring blobs. Maybe the other applicants of different diversity (age, race) are not good TV or maybe there aren’t that many applicants of different ages/race. Despite this seasons cast being predominately white, people are praising Kasting for her choices. We all know that Big Brother and other reality shows lack diversity. I’ve learned (as a hispanic male) to accept that and move on, not much we can do about it.

      • Ah this is where we definitely differ then… I LIKED the first few seasons of Big Brother that DID have a much more diverse cast without as many part time models, party girls & rich kids… I can accept this might be the way it is, but I will never accept this is the way it HAS to be. :)

      • Do you think CBS uses a ratio to decide on how many minorities to cast? Say the percentage of the black population in the US is 15% of the total population so statistically that might warrant only 1 or 2 black HG’s per season? I’ve heard a rumor that this was how the reality shows were cast to reflect the true face of America.
        Native Americans are terribly under-represented too.

      • True, and usually it’s the young kids that can take off for the whole summer to go on BB. Most adults have to work unless they are retired or rich so perhaps they don’t make the most riveting HG’s.

    • I miss the lack of age diversity. It seems like they are casting the “Real World” instead of BB. I have wished for many seasons that they would split them into 4 groups like they’ve done before but the groups would be 4 in theirs 20s, 4 in their 30s, 4 in their 40s and 4 in their 50s.

    • No, it’s not just you. Your comment hit the nail on the head. While I think this season is one of the best ever, in terms of immediately going to DEFCON4, I haven’t been able to really get into the players like I did in previous seasons. I know who I don’t like, but no one has jumped out yet as someone I really want to win. Give it time, I guess. These are still early days.

      • Yeah I’ve been feeling this way for the past 8 seasons so I’m doubting I’ll soften on this point, but I hear what you’re saying about enjoying the season for what it is… And I agree. :)

  17. Knowing about the twin twist makes it a lot easier to spot the differences. I noticed they have moles or birthmarks on their upper chest areas that are in different places. But you can also see their faces are different.

    Da and Jason were stupid for letting this info get out. A blackmail scenario to flip the house would have been very entertaining. I think Shelli is getting mean and Clay is just a toad. Flipping the house would have sent a chill up the spines of Shelli, Clay and Jeff.

  18. My mother always used to say, “Loose lips SINK ships.” Da’Vonne should have sat on the twin twist revelation and attempted to use it to her advantage. However, tell a gay, you tell the WORLD. And that’s PRECISELY what has happened now, so EVERYBODY in the house knows about the twins. I hope Liz or Julia goes to Shelli and Clay and tell them if they vote to keep the twins ’til Jury, the twins will give (2) votes to WHATEVER plan Shelli and Clay hatch throughout the game. And that once in Jury, if Shelli and/or Clay make it to the end, one will receive BOTH their votes, or if they’re against each other, the twins’ votes will be split for each of them. THAT’S how you turn this twin revelation around to the twins’ benefit.

    • What do you mean by “…tell a gay”? That’s highly inappropriate if I think I know what you’re talking about.

      • Maybe he mean’t tell a guy… or so I hope he did. Because than the sentence would not make any sense.

      • I think he meant ‘tell a gay’…because OBVIOUSLY all gay people have big mouths and can’t keep a secret.

      • Cyril, I hope you’re right. I could be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time! I’m in a lousy mood today…I should shut keep my yap shut!

      • Although, in Matt’s update, he says, and I quote: “Instead of Day being able to use this as leverage, we watched as Jason ran the news around the house and nearly everyone knows the news now.” And that’s all I have to say about that.

      • Matt, I was referencing your quote in reply to “Mr. Good Taste”…then responding to Cyril’s post in which he said that Day told Clay, not Jason. If you read the whole messed up thread of mine, you’ll understand where my comment was coming from. I was in no was insinuating that there was ANY subtext in your retelling of the feeds. If I have misunderstood ‘Mr. Good Taste’s’ post, I apologize. And I in no way meant to offend you. So, if I have made a complete fool of myself, again, I apologize. But if you re-read the entire thread, you may be able to get where I was going. Or not.

      • Thanks Matt. The last thing I would want to do is cause trouble…especially when it comes yo what you write. Thanks for understanding.

      • Oh, I get it! Duh…only took me 7 hours and several times re-reading what you wrote!

      • Sharona, I mean, if you tell a gay a secret, you may as well tell the WOLRD, ’cause HE sure will! :)

      • Thank you!! I KNEW that’s what you meant. I KNEW it. Have a good day, Mr. Good Taste!

  19. So, what does Day do next with the twins..does she go to the DR and rat them out? Do they get evicted.someone please explain. Thank you.

    • If Liz was on the block next Da’Vonne instead of Meg than Da’Vonne could have used that as leverage to stay in the house. But because Liz is not on the block nothing happens. Da’Vonne could try to blackmail Liz to get her vote along with other allies like others have mentioned but I don’t see how that works. The vote is done in secret and Liz can just tell Da’Vonne she has her vote and then go back and vote against her in the end. At the same time it only would have been blackmail if Da’Vonne hadn’t told anyone, instead she went and told Jason and he went and told everyone else. In the end Da’Vonne shoots her self in the foot yet again.

      • So, what is the rule for the twins being evicted…or, is there a rule at all?

      • The twins just have to survive 5 evictions. Even if they are found out, doesn’t mean they go home. If they survive those 5 evictions, then they both get to play the game separately.

      • From what Julie said if they go five evictions Julia enters the house to play alongside Liz. Right now it looks like Liz might get evicted before that.

  20. Day is awesome. I really like her game, Clay and Shelli are so vanilla and boring, really want them gone. but sadly if Da’vonne goes, I may as well. there is really no one else who has her spunk, Jeff and Jackie feel like a waste, they could of found two more interesting personalities, but oh well BB has been good so far, I just really feel it will get boring if Da goes, already contemplating about ditching the feeds if that happens.

    • Don’t give up yet. Wait and see. Somebody else might impress you. You know the saying: “Next batter up”

  21. Anyone who thinks Da’Voone is playing a good game is either not a big fan of BB and don’t watch very much or are blindly saying that because they like her. Da’Voone getting mad at the dumbest things is what put her in this position. Clay and Shelli want her out because Da’Voone was going to go after them next and they had to make the first move which is smart. Da’Voone never really studied how to play the game because if she had she would have known the best thing to do early on is stay low and under the radar.

    • Are you trying to call Da’Vonne a “coon” by being coy with the spelling of her name or can you not spell? Her name is mentioned more than once in the post above…spelled correctly.

      • Accusation of racism based on misspelling seems like a reach at this point. Nothing else in the comment appears race biased so let’s go with benefit of the doubt here.

      • I hope so but I’ve experienced stuff like this before and you’d be surprised the clever ways people voice what they really mean, in subtle tones. I’m not accusing, I was just asking. I’ve never been afraid of confronting this face to face with people and after noticing other posts that stereotype, I wanted to speak up online. Btw, another commenter on here blatantly saying “the gay” is just as offensive as those who type Da’Vonne as a “ghetto b*tch” without ever using those two words. Again, not trying to cause an uproar, just asking a question and making observations.

      • I never called anyone a racist I just simply asked a question. I have that right. I’m glad you’ve never had to second guess the intent of what someone has stated or written. And as for my final statement, I was referencing the problems we face in this world in general, not you personally.

      • Oh, please start! I’m not the only one that has seen some questionable comments in this entire page and has had something to say about it.

  22. I’m kind of torn on who I would like to see leave this week. Personally I like Meg, she seems to be a decent person who tries to live life with a positive attitude, but she doesn’t really seem to be into playing the game. Day on the other hand seemed like she came to play, but whether its a tactic or not, I can’t stand when houseguests say they just want to make it to jury to get the max stipend. I know its not the case, but I would hope most HG’s want to win instead of making a stipend or getting social media followers.

  23. I really don’t think Da was alienated or is going on week 2 because she is black. I think it is because of her attitude.

  24. if you dont like it, dont watch it! you still have the freedom to change the tv station.

  25. I do not have feeds but I seen after dark and read lots of posts.. but from what I seen Da is not fighting to stay.. that is disappointing to see.. the info she had and she shared it with others and Big mouth jason is spreading the word… Da could of used that info and got liz to vote and she could have talked to Austin and since Shelly went back on the Aubrey backdoor she could of had becky.. word is da also got the last laugh call too? from what I seen so far the last call was a big waste.. Seems to me that Da really likes Meg ..

  26. Day and Jason should have kept their mouths shut and not told everyone what they figured out. They could have blackmailed her and some of her allies into to not voting Day out! Why did they have to blab it to everyone, now that can’t happen.

  27. Day is smart. I just want her to have a chance to play because I now she can do some real damage! How many houseguests you know go around counting things etc. this early in the game?

    She is too emotional though. Unfortunately black people are always seen as a threat even if they aren’t one. Whether its a male who is seen as too physically strong or a woman who seems to be too honest and outright like Day… she’s definitely drawing too much attn to herself by letting everyone know exactly how she feels! She should just keep her thought to herself because she is basically always right about people.

    Now, for the CBC thing. You can’t be serious if you say you don’t notice that there is only every 1 black person out of all or America that they pick. I see 14 white people, 1 black person and maybe a visible minority if the other person isn’t white. THAT IS HARD FACTS. Why isn’t there at least 2 black people in this game at the same time? it usually isn’t the case and its frustrating its not like there are black ppl in america to represent or that dont watch.

    and that comment up there about the NBA is very stupid. ppl get drafted based on their skills… chance are there are a lot more black kids playing basketball and they are better. what does that have to do with a show how picks their entire cast? its not like black people aren’t entertaining or have no reality tv presence.

  28. I will miss her because she’s not fake! All of these people look and think alike. Of course, when you have a majority they will take out the minority.

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