Big Brother 16’s Zach & Victoria Selling The Shredded Pink Hat

Big Brother 16 Houseguests and former adversaries Zach Rance and Victoria Rafaeli have overcome their past differences in the name of profit. Yeah, capitalism! Now you can be a proud owner of one of four remaining pieces of Zach’s famous pink hat autographed by both HGs.

Zach Rance & Victoria Rafaeli sign THE pink hat
Zach Rance & Victoria Rafaeli sign THE pink hat – Source: eBay

The feuding duo came together this week to participate in a poker tournament and took advantage of their time together to autograph four individual pieces of the hat that helped defined Zach’s signature look. Well, at least before Victoria shredded it to pieces. Now the hat pieces have been autographed, framed, and are available on eBay in four separate auctions.

All four auctions are currently set to end the evening of Sunday, October 19th and they’re all going for over $300 a piece with the brim piece up over $500. Wow! I’d imagine the profits are being split between the two, but I haven’t seen any specifics on that. Take a look at the photos below to see more.

click images to see full-size

If pink hat pieces aren’t your thing then you can check out Amber’s auction for those bunny slippers we saw become a regular part of Caleb’s wardrobe this summer. Amber says Big Brother saved them for her at the end of the season, but jokes they didn’t receive a stipend of their own. Amber will be donating the proceeds to charity with Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

click images to see full-size

Looks like recent seasons of Big Brother have really up’d the eBay game which usually consisted of selling off their BB bags. Plenty of fun memorabilia items out there to get for yourself if you’ve got the money to splurge. Enjoy!

Source: eBay, Twitter, & Instagram



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    • I’m surprised by the backlash over things like this. They’re selling autographed memorabilia. It’s definitely nice of Amber to donate proceeds to charity, but I don’t see the obligation for everyone to do the same.

      • I don’t know about a backlash. I just think it a nice way to put their new found 15 minutes of fame to good use. Look at what some of the others are doing. Did you see all the money Liza (from BBCan1) is collecting for charity. Just a way to tell fans, it’s not just about ME, ME, ME, ….

      • Agreed. Now if they would’ve won top 2 in Big Brother, then I’d understand why people would be in an uproar.

  1. Amber, that is so awesome of you. It shows you have a great heart. Hope we hear more of Amber in the future.

  2. I would think by now someone would have told Zach that he looks like an idiot in that pink hat .. but come to think of it … he looks like an idiot without it .

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