Big Brother 16 – Week 3 Nomination Anticipation

We could finally settle in to our regular routine for nominations in the third week of Big Brother 16 now as Houseguests made it through the night without a ceremony and now prepare for a busy day ahead. But who is about to have a bad day? Let’s discuss.

Nomination Anticipation for Big Brother 16
Nomination Anticipation for Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

The new Heads of Household are Derrick Levasseur and Nicole Franzel after last night’s competition where these two earned top scores in the “Underwater Polo” challenge. After a night of discussions their goal is confirmed and most everyone seems to be on board.

Following his disastrous turn at the helm, Devin Shepherd is the main target of the house majority. He immediately went in to action last night talking with Derrick in a bid to earn a spot on the block from the start. Derrick and Nicole are no dummies though and know that would give Devin two chances at securing his safety this week. That’s not going to happen.

So while Devin might be the main target, he will not be going up on the block just yet. Instead four carefully selected pawns will be put in to play as the HoHs move the pieces they need in to position.

Derrick’s nomination plans have been made clear. He needs to make sure everyone in the house will use the Veto so Devin can be backdoored and the only HG that is making him nervous about that right now is Jocasta. So she’s going up on the block to make sure it gets played.

Beside Jocasta will be Caleb. Derrick has convinced Caleb this is a great idea and a courageous move sure to show Amber how much he cares about her. Why’s that? Let’s move on to Nicole’s noms.

Nicole is putting up Amber. She has an easy excuse: you did it to me last week. But if Amber is on the block, then won’t she, gasp!, be in danger? That’s why Caleb is so willing to go up on the block opposite her. He’ll throw the BotB competition and secure Amber’s safety. In that way Caleb will also be guaranteed a spot in the Power of Veto competition in case Devin draws a chip to play.

To be clear: Amber and Caleb are completely in on this plan. Their opposing nominations have been discussed together before Nicole and Derrick. There will be no surprises on their nominations or Caleb’s role in the situation. Well, unless Devin wins the Veto and Caleb suddenly becomes Plan B while stuck on the block. That might surprise him.

As for Nicole’s other nominee, she’s waffled a little on the pick. She’s going between Donny and Victoria. She is hesitant to put up Victoria because of how it could impact their relationship and trust in the game. It’s really a toss-up and I don’t see either being worse or better in the plan to get Nicole dethroned. Both Victoria and Donny have won a competition to secure their own safety.

Update: Nicole told Derrick she’s more likely to go with Victoria as the nominee.

Yes, Nicole is hoping to be dethroned. She has said several times that she doesn’t want any blood on her hands and Derrick is definitely interested in getting the Devin feather in his cap.

Nominations are coming up later today in the Big Brother house. I’ll keep an eye out for the spoilers and let you know what happens. With the HGs still on lockdown it wouldn’t surprise me to get early noms and then an afternoon Battle of the Block competition.

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  1. So I assume that when Devin wins POV and the only votes Caleb gets are from Amber and Frankie, that Caleb will be surprised? I am assuming they are lulling him into a false sense of security to keep peace in the land (and not telling Frankie so he can’t tip off Caleb/Amber…that Jocasta is staying.

      • Esp’ly if he leaked to Caleb he was toast/the target. Then Caleb would make a devil’s bargain with Devin to use the POV on him to make them both safe and out for blood next week on Top Cop. That would be quite the Battle Royale: Derrick & Co versus the Kaiju. Lol. Frankie would be forced to pledge allegiance to the Monster Squad. Actually, if Derrick & Co (Cod/Zac/Don/Chris/Hay) square off against DevCal & Co (Brit/Amb/Fran/Vic/Nic), that would be on (assuming Joc went home this week). Divided we fall.

    • That’s a big possibility. Caleb blind sided, would be a “must see episode”

      • That would be an awesome episode. I want Devin out, although he does make it fun to watch for live feeders, but, i really see Caleb as the bigger threat right now.

      • I love the expression, “live feeders.” Sounds like cannibalism, which in a way, it is!

      • There is a good argument for blind siding Caleb. When else are they going to get him to volunteer. And there will always be Devin around to hate and plot against.

        Imagine, though, the absolute chaos if Devin gets HOH next week!

        This year is so much fun!

    • I would love to see a blindside with Caleb going. He struts around that house like he owns it.

  2. Well, you can’t really blame Caleb for going along with the plan. It’s not like he’s seen anyone else throw the BotB and then end up going home because of it…

    • At least Devin wont be in the driver’s seat this time. Will the show be as interesting without this schitzo in charge?

    • Would have been so easy to exterminate the weak ones first this year. Aughh! But hey, it’s a strategy, I guess. Whatev.

      • Except for exterminating Devin, I would love to see it become a battle of the strong players rather than the ship of wimps we had winning last year.

  3. What? Are ppl actually scheming against the love of a father for his daughter? Shocking!

    • Well, the person scheming also has a daughter, so maybe Devin will understand if Derrick tells him that he had to backdoor him out of love for his own daughter, of course :)

    • I literally lol’d. He is killing me with this “father’s love for his daughter” bullcrap! Geez! Does he know how ridiculous he sounds ha!

      • I’m sure everyone was as impressed as I was with Devin’s impassioned speech of how he would play with honesty & integrity as an example to his daughter.

  4. I hope for once that it all falls into place. Personally I think Devin may be a good person outside but I think it’s only a matter of time before he or Caleb loses it and hurts somebody. It’s a game and I don’t want anybody hurt.

    • Do you mean a physical assault? Id be curious to know what makes you think that. Roid rage?

    • I respectfully disagree, I would be willing to bet that Devin is just as big an arsehole outside the house, as he is inside.

  5. I hope it all works out and Devin goes this week. I’d rather see who will emerge as a target in Week 4 than watch the house go for Devin again.

  6. Why are certain HG’s upset with Donny right now? Did he say something before or after noms? If these HG’s are smart, they will blindside Caleb this week..Devin can always go later.

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