Team America Unite! Who Won The Vote On Big Brother 16?

Team America might end up being the more peculiar twists of the Big Brother 16 season, but as we’re still weeks away from seeing it all come together it’ll be a slow boil until we get some action.

Team America's Player on Big Brother 16
Team America’s Player on Big Brother 16

Julie Chen explained on the season premiere of Big Brother 16 that the viewers would be voting over the first few weeks to name 3 individual HGs to become part of a secret alliance, Team America. This team of players will then go on to complete secret challenges and tasks.

Viewers had the chance last week for just one day to vote with only these instructions to guide their choice: “If you had to form an alliance with one of the Houseguests, who would you select? Choose wisely, your vote will impact the game.” So with little information, viewers voted away.

During tonight’s premiere part two the HG with the most votes in last week’s poll will take the first seat in this trio. But just as the MVP twist last year was handled, this will be a secret appointment. By Week 3 we should have all of the Team America’s players identified and assigned to the team.

What happens next is anyone’s guess and it’s quite possible that Big Brother production hasn’t even officially decided. They could always wait to see what sort of HGs get selected to tailor the tasks or challenges heading their way. At least I hope that do.

While some past twists have been a flop, this is one that I actually think could be a lot of fun. Remember Dan’s tasks back in BB10 when he had to hug Jessie and we saw him smile up at the camera. It was hilarious and there’s a lot of potential here if we get the right people on the job. It also wouldn’t hurt for them to take a peek at how Big Brother Canada handled Marsha the Moose tasks. Those were quick, simple, and usually pretty fantastic.

I’ll keep this article updated each week and refreshed with the latest reveal of who won the Team America vote and was added to the trio.

Team America’s Players:

  1. Joey Van Pelt – Joey was 1st evicted HG
  2. Donny Thompson
  3. Derrick Levasseur
  4. Frankie Grande

Wow! I did not see Joey coming as the first public vote pick. I hope she’s good at this, but wow I really did not see this complete non-fan getting support from Big Brother fans like that.

Okay, so now that Joey was evicted Big Brother will replace her with an extra member of Team America. So keep voting!

While we await more names from Julie, who do you hope will be added next to Team America?



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  1. Derrick would be a natural. Police Officer etc. Hope it’s not Cody. Heard about his racial and homophobic remarks that he posted awhile back.

    • Have you checked his Twitter account to see if it is true? Can’t believe everything you “hear”. If it is true, he will be going soon most likely. America is not for racial slurs and the people will find a way to get the bad guys and gals out!

  2. I said it was Cody who made those racial comments..My Bad…It was Caleb. At least that’s what was on a computer site. Matt, have you heard anything about that?

    • Yes, I saw the news about that. I’d prefer to wait and discuss what the HGs do inside the house rather than something stupid/bad that any of the might have done years before.

  3. I’m guessing Frankie, Devin and Donny. I’m hoping there will be at least one girl on Team America. If so, i think Joey will do nicely.

  4. Well said Matt. I think there’s going to be plenty of drama this season with out that!

  5. So far, I have enjoyed this year a lot more than last year already! good to see the new twists added. Not sure I like the HOH not being safe though. A good player might go home because of this.

  6. Have team america convince caleb and devin that Amber is a twin…that is why one flirts with Caleb and one doesn’t

5 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother Live Recap: Season 16 Premiere Episode 2 | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Competition Results | Big Brother 16
  3. Big Brother 16 – Team America: Vote Now For Second Alliance Member | Big Brother 16
  4. What Happens To Team America If Joey Goes Home? | Big Brother 16
  5. Big Brother Spoilers: Team America United – All Three Members Revealed | Big Brother 16

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