Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 13 Monday Highlights


The Big Brother 16 Final 3 are literally counting the hours and minutes until the Wednesday finale and so are a lot of Live Feeds watchers. The season is definitely winding down and the suspense is gone, so we just have to watch the three HGs left play out their final days. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, September 22, 2014:

11:23 AM BBT – Feeds cutting in and out. Wake-up time.

11:45 AM BBT – Cody and Derrick talking about their families coming out for the finale.

12:00 AM BBT – Derrick and Cody are talking about Part 3 to the final Head of Household. They agree it doesn’t matter who wins because they’re both taking each other.

1:00 PM BBT – Victoria and Derrick are talking. She’s still kind of pushing the idea that he will beat her in the final two if she takes him. But she seems to know he’s taking Cody. She tells him they have a pretty bitter jury. He says it’s out of his hands at this point. He can give his final speech and hope they listen. She tells him she thinks he’ll be asked to play the next Big Brother All-Stars.

1:08 PM BBT – They’re still talking. Victoria names off whose votes she doesn’t think Derrick has. She names everyone.

1:27 PM BBT – Derrick shows Victoria his cigarettes. He told her he smokes and has gone 90 days without smoking. He then tells her he’s joking and that he brought he cigarettes in case someone in the house smoked and he need a bartering tool.

3:09 PM BBT – HGs are starting to pack their things, preparing to leave in two days.

4:30 PM BBT – Guys are playing pool as Victoria watches. General chit-chat.

5:30 PM BBT – HGs making tacos for dinner.

6:20 PM BBT – HGs are outside as BB told them the backyard will be locked down later tonight for the remainder of their stay.

8:40 PM BBT – Cody and Derrick are talking about how their families will probably have a party or a gathering to welcome them home. Victoria shouts out to her family to throw her a welcome home party.

9:33 PM ย BBT – BB calls Cody to the storage room. BB gave them some beer and wine.

10:56 PM BBT – Victoria asks Derrick if now he can admit she was right about being paranoid. He said no because they kept her over Frankie and Caleb and she got her shot at making the final 2 (but didn’t win any of the final comps).

11:08 PM BBT – BB calls out to Jeremy and Howard. Then for Judd to keep cigarettes off the grass. HGs talk about what other names they want to hear BB say.

11:15 PM BBT – Derrick and Cody discuss who they think will be out for the finale. They hope to see Michelle Costa and Enzo.

1:00 AM BBT – Victoria speaks to the camera and says she tried, but isn’t giving up hope yet.

1:30 AM BBT – Victoria rejoins the guys as they play pool. HGs trying to enjoy the yard for their final night outside.

2:25 AM BBT – Cody, Derrick, and Victoria lay down in the backyard to reminisce. They discuss all the fun they’ve had out there. Derrick gives a shoutout to Feedsters.

2:45 AM BBT – HGs say goodbye to the backyard as they clean up and head inside.

3:10 AM BBT – Apparently they weren’t ready to part just yet as Derrick and then Cody go back outside for some last few minutes of relaxing.

3:45 AM BBT – HGs all in bed and resting up for their last two days in the house.

The end of the season is nearly here and the Hitmen look set on moving to the end together. The backyard will be closed when they wake up as production builds the final competition set for Wednesday’s finale. Just a few steps left to take on BB16!

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it!

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  1. BBAD was a pretty boring snooze-fest this morning … both Derrick and Cody playing pool and talking about how will cash and spend their respective winnings and what the process is in depositing the cheques at the bank, blah blah blah … Think Victoria was there just listening on …
    Is it just me, or has Victoria gained a few pounds over the past 90 some odd days in the House ??

      • I was just watching AD on my DVR from last night. Vic went from outside to the kitchen. Never washed her hands. Got the bag of wraps, opened the bag got out a couple, put one back in the bag with her nasty hands. She gets the peanut butter and while putting it on her wrap, licks the knife at least twice while dipping it back in the jar. She then goes over and turns the water on and uses a rag( probably germ filled) sitting at the sink to just wipe( not wash) the knife off, and she doesn’t even wipe the handle where her nasty hand held it. I admit to being a little bit of a germaphobe. Is it me or have there been some atrocious habits in that house? Kind of scary to go out and eat these days. Yuck!! So, I thought it would be Vic who put on the most weight and I am shocked about Frankie putting on 30lbs. That’s a lot of weight but it wasn’t noticeable to me.

      • I never really saw Vic taking alot of showers either. Must have taken them in the middle of the night!

      • I saw that too!!!!!!!!!! yet she is SO ‘healthy’ eating….I did also notice her jaws were very healthy too!

      • I think they are named the wrong thing for her mouth, or at least I haven’t seen the wisdom spilling forth yet?!?

      • I did notice that Frankie put on weight; his abs weren’t as defined as when he came in the house – but I didn’t realize it was 30 pounds. I wish I looked that good 30 pounds heavier!

      • Just watching her on BBAD this morning wearing either shorts or whatever and a shirt .. watching her from the rear side walking to the kitchen, etc … she just did not look like her original 130lbs person when she entered the House …

      • Loved your post. Victoria’s habits bothered me all season. Another one that bothered me even more was Frankie who was constantly running his fingers through his Mohawk and then preparing fish, or other food, for the whole group without washing his hands.

      • Nastiness abounded…from personal grooming habits( I so enjoyed watching them squeeze their zits and especially the zits of others), to ill manners(belching and farting loudly and purposefully,chewing food loudly, snot sucking, interrupting others when speaking, etc.), to disgusting personal indecent behavior(vile talk and actions), filthy food prep and food handling issues.. this was a nasty season in a nasty house with some nasty people.

      • Not in my house. It wasn’t ok for my children and it isn’t ok for my grandchildren. If I don’t teach them how to show respect in my home, how can I expect them to show someone else’s home respect? They can make big, fun, dirty messes, but they will also be responsible for cleaning up. But I will help them. It’s great to be young and carefree to a point, then , we’ve got to add some responsibilities unless we want a bunch of lazy older children, and their children to raise as we get older. And I don’t. :(

      • Wo. I’m sure at their own homes it’s different. They’re not living with 16 people and everyone expects everyone else to pick up. I sure can’t see Derrick being a slob with his wife and baby in the same house. And the same for the rest of them.

      • Of course I have my farting and burping moments! :( But when I was young, it was very bad manners to do so loudly, and believe me, most of the noise can be controlled if you are raised to know it is expected. Of course accidents happen, but when people blatantly try to “enhance the noise”, it is ill mannered. I was raised with very minimal means. Good manners have nothing to do with money. And yes, I admit I am that person who does pick up and make my bed in a hotel, and I ask that room service not come in but every other day. I’ve never been comfortable with someone waiting on me. I’m a little old fashioned, but I can still be rock and roll.

      • Saw what Victoria did with the wraps and the jar of PB and the knife and I almost threw up in my mouth. She talks about how gross the guys are and how she eats Kosher, but she is NASTY.

      • I’m sure others were just as bad or worse, but since there are so few people in the house, we are noticing more individual habits because they are getting more camera time. But yes, nasty definitely is the word.

      • Honestly I couldn’t stand to watch some of the HG’s eat. Victoria would be smacking her lips while she ate. Then about half of them would eat with their mouth’s open.

      • Instead of teaching Beyonce and Miley Cyrus courses in college, it seems it would be more beneficial to require a plain and simple course on good manners. Seems some parents aren’t teaching them anymore.

      • Couldn’t you imagine a person a little older calling them out on their behavior while being on this show. They would be evicted so fast they couldn’t breathe LOL. The older person that is.

      • That’s why we need half the cast to be over 40. Maybe they could stick together long enough to kick some ill-mannered younger butt. lol

      • Not surprising with Nicole losing 7lbs considering the amount of time she was a Have Not and on slop …
        Frankie, only spent a week as a Have Not … and, at least 60 days living in the HOH room, at my last count ..

      • Yup, so far… When the show is over we’ll see how much Victoria really gained. I mean hey I would still love to look like that after gaining weight lol but yes it’s very noticeable because of the kind of clothes she wears.

  2. Seems plain to me. Cody will not take Derrick F2. His dad is a student of the game and he definitely schooled his son on the subject of NEVER take a strong competitor over a super weak competitor.
    Derrick will never see it coming. I’m a Derrick fan and hope this is not the outcome. Why does no one else see this coming?

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