Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 12 Tuesday Night Highlights


The Big Brother 16 Live Feeds finally made a comeback after the feed outage and it sounds like we have a good idea of who the final three will be following tonight’s live eviction and the latest Veto Ceremony. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, September 16, 2014:

9:03 PM BBT – Feeds return. Derrick is in the HOH room alone. Cody and Caleb are talking in the living room.

9:27 PM BBT – Caleb asks Cody if Victoria has talked to him about his vote (indication that Cody won the Power of Veto).

9:30 PM BBT – Cody mentions he hasn’t been called to the DR yet. Derrick tells Cody they always save the winner for last, confirming Cody won the Power of Veto.

9:35 PM BBT – Caleb is laughing at the fact that Victoria is going to campaign to stay. Caleb acts like this is all a done deal.

10:30 PM BBT – Cody and Derrick talking about things Frankie said before he left. He asked them why they should have his jury vote and also claims that he can get the jury to vote how he wants them to vote.

10:40 PM BBT – Derrick tells Victoria that she has a good shot at staying. Derirck isn’t telling her anything for sure, but he said Cody has a big opinion on why it wouldn’t be good for Caleb to stay. Derrick says he pushed Victoria staying to Cody.

10:44 PM BBT – Now Derrick is coaching Victoria on her speech to Cody.

11:11 PM BBT – Cody and Derrick talking about evicting Caleb. Cody is trying to figure out what to say to Caleb. Sounds like he’s toast.

11:30 PM BBT – Derrick doesn’t want Cody to mention the Hitmen, but Cody says he already put it in his goodbye message.

11:38 PM BBT – Caleb practicing what he’s going to say to Cody in the final veto ceremony.

11:48 PM BBT – Everyone hanging out in the HOH room. Not a lot of talk going on.

1:30 AM BBT – Cody says he doesn’t think Victoria would take him to F2, but he’s okay with keeping her because she’d be easier to beat in F3.

2:15 AM BBT – Derrick again telling Victoria that he doesn’t know what Cody will do but he has been helping her case with Cody.

2:20 AM BBT – Victoria doesn’t think she could beat Derrick at the F2, but he’s suggesting it is possible if she wins some of these last comps. He points out it’d be hard for her to beat Cody though since he has so many wins.

2:40 AM BBT – Victoria tries to suggest she’d give Derrick some of her prize money if she won, but he reminds her you can’t say that.

3:30 AM BBT – HGs are finally out for the night. Big day ahead of them tomorrow.

It sounds Caleb will be the next person headed to jury, which almost guarantees us that Derrick will be in the Final Two. Cody will probably join him, unless something weird happens during the final HOH.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Matt, just wondering if you have your questions for Frankie’s eviction interview lined up already? I’d be curious if he thinks Team America missions hurt Zach more than any other house guest, and if he has any remorse towards those mission strategies hurting Zach’s game so much. Given Zach’s social game, I’m not convinced he would have gone much further anyway, but Zach’s game may have been altered by the manipulation of TA.

    • I had to submit my questions early on Monday so I didn’t get to adjust them to his final speech & exit talk w/ Julie.

      That would have been a great question for Frankie regarding his TA missions. I did ask Frankie why he used Zach as a punching bag for those tasks, but he didn’t really cover that in his response.

      I’ll have the interview posted in a few hours though.

    • I’d have liked to ask about his comments regarding the fact that he couldn’t turn on his allies because that’s just not who he is. Maybe we should ask the other detonators that left already… mainly Frankie’s boy Zach. Frankie was always the first to throw an ally under the bus to save his own skin.

      Yes, it is Big Brother. That’s the game and I totally get it. But be a man and admit that’s how you played. We’re not idiots!

      Lie to the house guests if you must. That’s fine. Just don’t lie to the fans who you think love you so much!!!!

      • I asked him about his repeat abuse of Zach’s trust in the game, but he brushed it off as Zach being too unpredictable. Pffft. He did ‘unpredictable’ things that TA put him up to and Frankie went after him well before that.

        Unfortunately with a by-email exchange there’s no chance to challenge ridiculous responses.

      • I know you couldn’t but, I would have loved if you had been allowed to ask ANYTHING! Like calling him out regarding his comments about suicide, violence against women, beheading, lesbianism and rape. And, if he thought those were appropriate comments coming from someone whose sister has young, impressionable fans. Unfortunately, you had a gag in your mouth or I’m sure these would have been among your topics. I want to thank you for your hard work on this site. You are always polite and informative even when confronted with comments that are rude toward you and BBN. Good work and thanks again.

    • This is exactly why I’m voting for Zach for AFP. He was by far the most entertaining HG, and he got screwed by the TA missions. Also, I really think he furthered anti-homophobia by showing that straight men can have affectionate relationships with gay men and it is absolutely OK! Frankie didn’t deserve Zach’s love, but I love that Zach was willing to give it anyway.

  2. Frankie thinking that he can get the jurors to vote how he wants is hilarious, memo to Frankie nobody gives a rat’s ass about you.

    Unless something totally unexpected happens Derrick can start thinking about how he is going to spend that money.

    He has played the game as well as anyone ever has.

  3. Does Victoria know Derrick from another life? Willing to evict herself… willing to give him money if she wins… who is she playing for?

    Either way – I don’t think Derrick will try to win the F3 HOH – if he does, he’ll have to pick between Cody and Victoria. If he loses, both are going to take him over the other to F2, so he’s set. Winning would put that blood on his hands and he won’t want that.

    • Derrick is not going to leave this to chance. He does not want to be up against Cody in the final 2. He wants to be up against Victoria. He crossed Caleb to take Victoria and he will cross Cody too. Derrick is playing for $500,000 not second place.

      • I agree. Derrick knows the path to 500G is through Victoria. He wants to make it very black and white who the winner is when it comes voting time.

      • I totally agree – but I think that it would look really bad to the jury, which Derrick thinks about more than everyone else, if Cody were to show up and say that they had a final 2 deal the entire time that Derrick blew up. I also think he’d lose respect from the jurors (knowing that some of them are basically children) if he chose Victoria over Cody.

        I’m not disagreeing – I think it would be smarter to take Victoria – but I wouldn’t be surprised if he “lost” the HOH comp so he didn’t have to be the one making that call.

      • I completely agree. I see him “losing” the comps as well as a way to not make the decision since he assumes both will take him. I don’t think he will, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
        What I’m confused about is why Cody isn’t considering taking Victoria. Yeah he thinks he could beat Derrick (he won’t) but if he wins final hoh he really should think about how well Derrick played the game. The jury knows because they’ve been out of the house, had time to reflect, but Cody needs to try and think about just how many votes he will get compared to Derrick.

    • I just shook my head when I read that Victoria would give some of her winnings to Derrick. That girl!!! OMG!!! I had held on to the hope that this self sacrificing attitude of hers was just a ploy in her game. She never doubts a word Derrick says to her. I want to shake her and tell her that this infatuation is not mutual! I would so suck at this game because I couldn’t even see that Victoria really is as clueless as her face often shows her to be.

      • Just a thought, but what if Victoria is playing Derrick? What if she is using him to drag her along just like he has used others? I have heard Victoria in the past talking to Nicole and others about Derrick and Cody. Maybe Victoria is not as out of this game as we think.

        What if Derrick takes her to final 2 and she argues that if Derrick is the best player in the house and she played him to get to final 2 then she deserves to win. And adds that she never won any comps and had to overcome that tremendous liability? I don’t think she is smart enough to make that argument but she is clearly using Derrick to move forward in the game.

  4. Its not guaranteed that Derrick is making the final 2. Cody could win the last HOH and take Victoria. Think about it. You have a chance at $500,000 or $50,000 and the $500,000 is guaranteed if you take Victoria. In the minds of Cody and Derrick its a toss-up if its Derrick vs. Cody at the end.

    But at the same time, they both know no one is going to vote for Victoria to win HOH. Why wouldn’t Cody cross Derrick or Derrick cross Cody to ensure the win?

      • Agreed. I’ve been saying for a few weeks that it would be great if Cody won the final HOH and chose Victoria in a complete blindside. As much as I would like Derrick to win, if Cody did that, he’d totally deserve it.

      • If Cody could pull that off, he absolutely deserves to win. But he won’t do it. He didn’t get Caleb out early in the game and he had all kinds of support at that time. He even called himself a p*ssy for not getting him out. I doubt he’ll take that risk at this point in the game.

      • Agreed! They keep talking about how they don’t want to make a big move because if that person isn’t evicted, they’ll be coming after them… NEWSFLASH: It’s the final 4 – everyone is coming after you. Dumb.

  5. this is big brother not big loyal buddy. They’re all in that house to win money. Derrick will do what he needs to do to win. Cody or Victoria it’s a matter of strategy not personal.

  6. I am pulling for Derrick or, er, Victoria, to win the Final HOH.. I think Derrick is set, but i am not so sure Cody wouldn’t take Victoria for a guaranteed $500K. Go Derrick!!!!!

  7. If Victoria makes it to F2, she may get some votes from the jury. Nicole has already said she would vote for her and some of the Non-Detonators like Hayden, Jacosta & Donny may vote for her b/c they don’t want the guys to win. They would rather have someone who was honest win the game. The guys screwed them over and the jury may be bitter.
    Derrick’s best chance is to have both Detonators up there; I doubt anyone would vote for Cody over Derrick

  8. Cody deserves to be in F2. However, Derrick is so calculating and manipulative, if given the chance, he will take Victoria. He would win against either one of them..if I were Derrick I would throw that last HOH and let Cody, if he’s there, pick who goes.

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