Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 7 Tuesday Highlights

It’s that time of the season when we’re down to only a couple HGs and the feeds slow and the games show up in the storage room. WAIT. There are still nine houseguests left. Why are the feeds this slow and why do they already have Jenga? Luckily, Nicole did decide to start campaigning heavily, so the Big Brother 16 Live Feeds weren’t a total loss Tuesday.

Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, August 12, 2014:

9:13 AM BBT – Feeds cut for wake-up music.

9:30 AM BBT – Feeds return. HGs are getting up. Some move about but go back to bed.

10:30 AM BBT – Nothing at all going on.

11:30 AM BBT – Still no actual activity.

12:30 PM BBT – Christine has the HOH camera. She’s taking some pictures (mostly of herself and sleeping HGs).

1:15 PM BBT – More HGs up. Some taking pictures with the HOH camera.

1:50 PM BBT – Donny and Nicole are the only ones talking. They have  a long conversation about the others.

4:19 PM BBT – Frankie, not up long, is called to the storage room where he finds some games, including Jenga.

4:30 PM BBT – Nicole, Donny and Frankie play badminton.

6:36 PM BBT – Zach, Nicole, Cody and Caleb are now playing badminton.

7:15 PM BBT – Cody and Victoria are talking about Nicole being on the block. Victoria wants her to stay and says Donny is a bigger threat. Cody tells her Nicole this week, Donny next.

7:50 PM BBT – Nicole pulls Christine in the fire room. She says she has to do what she can to try to stay. She’s making her case and saying that Donny should go over her. She says that Donny will probably team up with Zach and Caleb to get Christine and Cody out. Christine tells her she’s fine with her staying, but she basically says she has no control over what the guys want.

8:15 PM BBT – Nicole continues her pitch. She says she can be used to get people out Christine wants out without getting the blood on her hands.

8:31 PM BBT – Christine is preceptive to the idea. So Nicole moves on to Derrick. She tells him that she thinks Donny and Zach are working together and they will probably have Caleb on their side too. He tells her if she has the votes, he’ll vote to keep her.

8:54 PM BBT – Derrick tells Christine that it doesn’t matter to him if Nicole stays. He says it’s her call. They decide it’s best she goes. Derrick plans to tell Nicole later tonight it’s a lost cause.

9:15 PM BBT – HGs are playing Jenga.

9:40 PM BBT – Cody is annoyed that Donny is still getting by. He says they send home all his allies but not him.

10:13 PM BBT – Nicole tells Cody that he and Christine are Donny’s main targets.

10:50 PM BBT – Cody taking part in his favorite pastime: Bashing Zach.

12:53 AM BBT – Nicole and Derrick are talking. She tells Derrick that Cody wants to keep her. He says he does too.

1:25 AM BBT – Nicole talks to the camera saying she knows she has little chance of staying, but a good player gets out of bad situations so that’s what she’s going to try to do.

1:50 AM BBT – Nicole is looking for a way to bait Donny in to saying he wants Frankie out so she can use it against him (Donny).

2:40 AM BBT – Nicole is working on Derrick for support, but it’s not going anywhere. He reminds her how many HoHs she’s won. Nicole says she hopes it’s Hayden that gets to come back in to the game instead of her.

3:10 AM BBT – Caleb and Frankie discuss how Christine and Cody are all over each other. They think it’s strange and inappropriate.

3:20 AM BBT – Nicole tackles Zach and gives him a major wedgie.

3:45 AM BBT – Zach is trying to get information out of Nicole in exchange for considering to keep her. He wants to know about the alliance Haycole made with Derrick and Cody, but she won’t name it. Nicole tells him it was Christine and Frankie’s idea to get him out.

4:05 AM BBT – Nicole and Zach continue to discuss the situation and if there’s a way to save her. Nicole says he won’t go much farther without him. He says he’ll think of a plan.

5:00 AM BBT – Nicole, Zach, and Victoria still having a strategy session in the Hive. He’s working to get her to spill the beans on everything she knows. Zach says he’ll help save her, but that’s yet to be seen.

Nicole has her work cut out for her if she wants to stay. At this point last week, Zach was a goner and he got his miracle in the 11th hour. Can Nicole?

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