Get ready to meet the Big Brother 16 HGs because our interviews will soon be available. I’m working right now to put the finishing touches on everything with bios, pictures, background details, and of course our video content as well.

As soon as CBS gives us the green light I’ll be able to pull back the cover and unveil everything you want to know about this season’s Big Brother cast. The suspense is almost over. Think you know what’s going to be revealed? Just wait!
Thanks again to everyone who supported my trip and work with the new cast by signing up for the Live Feeds through our links. You can still support our efforts and help me pay off the trip and new equipment by signing up now for the Early Bird sale pre-order. You’ll get immediate access to all the preseason content and be ready to go with your Season Pass of Live Feeds. Once the season begins the price goes up and you’ll have to pay more for the same Feeds.
It won’t be much longer until you meet the cast, but make sure you don’t miss the reveal! Subscribe to our daily email updates with all the important Big Brother updates and alerts for the latest events inside the house. You can also join us on Facebook and Twitter for even more.
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This is going to be an awesome summer for Big Brother and I can’t wait to share it with you.
What time are they being posted?
I have to say: the cast reveal is what will determine if I watch or skip this season. If it’s a All-Stars 2 season I’ll be fine with that but there are some former HGs that just bugged me. If it’s all newbies I’ll at least watch at the start.
But after last year’s debacle I’m prepared to jump ship if I find them off-putting.