Big Brother 16: Final Four Looks Ahead To Final Three Scenarios

Tonight we will officially meet the Final Four on Big Brother 16 and with the first eviction plans set for the Hitmen there’s little doubt on who will make the cut. But what about beyond that? Which of the F4 will still be around come Thursday morning? It could all depend on the Power of Veto.

Caleb Reynolds may go nuts at Final Four – Source: CBS

The choice was simple for the Hitmen and by the time you read this Frankie Grande will have already been sent out the front door. I have no doubt, but we’ll see it confirmed tonight. As for who moves on, the odds look rough for one of the F4.

Caleb, Cody, Derrick, and Victoria will make up the Big Brother Final Four this season and the one who wins the Veto will, along with the next HoH, be guaranteed a seat at the F3. Not only will the next Veto winner be assured to move on, but he or she just might get to pick who goes along with them. Let’s run down the list of possible Veto & eviction scenarios

Caleb – He might not realize it, but this PoV is the only way Caleb stays in the game. If he wins the Veto he’ll also be the only HG voting since he can not be the HoH again. As long as Victoria didn’t win HoH then I think he’d send her home. Should Vic pull off a shocking HoH win then say goodbye to Cody in this scenario as Caleb believes his best odds are against Derrick.

Cody – If Cody wins the Veto then Caleb is gone. Even if Cody wins both HoH and Veto then he’ll position things so Caleb is on the block and Derrick will vote him out.

Derrick – Same as above. Should Derrick snag the Veto then Caleb is done and gone. If Derrick isn’t HoH then he’ll be the sole voter, otherwise I’d expect him to have Cody, not Victoria, do the evicting.

Victoria – Hey, it could happen. Technically. If Victoria pulls off the Veto win… take a guess. Caleb will head to Jury. She’ll follow Derrick’s lead. Even though she might not like Cody, we could hear Derrick tell her they have an easier time beating Cody in the F3 HoH comps than Caleb, or something like that.

Caleb is in a bad spot and he doesn’t seem to sense it. Sending Frankie home made his odds even worse and he just might see the effects of that. He hasn’t won a Veto yet, but neither has Derrick. Okay, well Caleb did win a Veto competition, he just didn’t win the PoV with it. His chances are strong, but there’s no room for error here.

Remember, the Veto competition will have already taken place by the time the Feeds return on Tuesday night, but the Veto Ceremony will likely be part of Wednesday night’s show. As soon as we have the comp results though I think that’ll be enough to confidently predict the F3.

What do you think might happen with the Final Four when it comes time for the F3 eviction?

Update: Per a good comment in the discussion below I went back to see what the recent F4 Veto comps entailed. The last three have required a strong knowledge of dates & events through the season. Past two alone had the connecting web style with HGs as the answers. Here is last season’s F4 Veto comp.

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