Brittany Martinez
Age: 29
Hometown: Long Beach, California
Living: Torrance, California
Occupation: Event Coordinator
Marital Status: Single
Brittany Martinez – Big Brother 16 Interview:
Brittany is a complete recruit and a fresh one at that. She mentions having been drawn in to the process just a few weeks ago after being overheard at a bar. Brittany might have been there working because she’s an “event coordinator” and promotes Patron.
I’m not convinced she knows what she’s getting in to and we could be looking at early season cannon fodder here. Though with such crazy twists maybe not knowing what’s usually going to happen will be an advantage.
Brittany is stepping away from three children and she’s quick to remind us of what a sacrifice it is she’s making. I actually had to edit a lot of that out to make it fit my time target as we had a very long interview.
As for an alliance, Brittany wants a meat shield with a strong male combined with a weaker ally she can pick off later when the time is right. Sounds like an idealistic approach to the season so I’m excited to see if she can pull it off.
Watch Brittany Martinez’s interview with Big Brother Network to hear the rest of what she had to say including why you should root for her on Big Brother 16.
Check out the rest of the Big Brother 16 cast interviews & bios here.