Big Brother 14 Episode 14: Week 5 Nomination Show Tonight

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

It’s nearly time for the Big Brother 14 nomination episode tonight on CBS (8/7c). We’ll watch along as Frank, the new HoH must make his decisions and set in action the potential eviction for the week. If you can’t wait, read Frank’s nominations now.

With the house divided in to two sectors, the Silent Six + Ian and then Team Janelle + Jenn, it shouldn’t be surprising which direction Frank decides to follow. Of course there have already been several discussions about turning on his own alliance, but I don’t expect the time is quite right for that.

CBS will catch you up on the events surrounding the nominations, but the Big Brother 14 game has already moved on well past that. Last night in the house a familiar guest returned to the game and hosted the Veto competition. We’ve got those Big Brother spoilers for you when you’re ready.

The real BB game continues to be on the Live Feeds with plenty more drama than CBS can fit in to three hour-long episodes. Want to see what it’s like to watch the in-house cameras, listen in on the HGs private conversations, and see who is doing what? Then get your free trial of the Live Feeds and see what you’ve been missing.



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  1. Not much to say , no drama going on everything is pretty boring now, I know it won’t last so come on with it already.

  2. Janelle don’t really have team Will wanted her out day Joe and Will never talked game and Ash she just started lately talking game with Will.
    But the truth t be told (Will, Joe, Ash) must leave they add nothing to the game at all

    • It was simpler to write “Team Janelle” than Wil, Joe, and Ashley. They were all on a team together before and since they don’t have their own alliance or group name this was the best identifier I had available. That’s all I meant by it.

  3. If CBS doesn’t do something about these stupid feeds being off this time more than on, they are going to lose alot of revenue from this show..feeds have sucked this year.

  4. I think if there is a DE Thursday, Frank/Boogie might turn on the Silent Six.   Unless one of them is nominated, which would prevent that.   It would be a good chance to rid the house of Dan or Brit by Frank and Boogie.    That being said, it would also be a good chance for the newbies to get rid of Boogie or Frank…therefore getting rid of their greatest competition.   Nothing is set in stone in this game.   I just hope the newbies recognize a chance when it presents itself.

  5. I am a huge fan (almost obsessed) of the show but this season is soooooo boring. Nobody can make a move on their own. They all rely on the douchebag Boogie and the coward Dan. Everything is so preditable : nominations, competition winners, eviction… no fun to watch.

    The wortst part is that the productions include useless players such as Jenn, Ian, Joe and Ashley. They add nothing to the show. A waste of space.

    I don’t want to spend anymore my summer watching only 2 HGs playing… Bye Bye BB14, see you next year

  6. Too bad they can’t bring back Janelle to shake them up. Boogie would have a BM in his pants.

    • LOL…Boogie may have a BM in his pants anyway.   Sooner or later Frank will turn on him.   And you know how he whines when he doesn’t get his way.   Actually they ALL whine.   Except for Dan and Ian….they’re not really whiners but more logical thinkers..   It can get annoying but thats part of the game i suppose.

  7. We are barely on Week 2 after the reset and people are complaining already?
    Janelle just got evicted in a backdoor in what is just Week 1 of the reset and
    that is pretty good drama right there! Janelle fans are probably complaining because who am I going to root for when Janelle is not in the game? Well,
    there are 11 house guests remaining so, take your pick. Lots of drama coming
    just don’t expect it to be the same each and every week. Don’t like it, don’t watch it for real! Nobody is being forced to watch Big Brother and there are other reality shows out there! 

  8. Danielle makes for great viewing with all her craziness……especially after finding out what her BFF said about her today. 

  9. From live feeds, Dan and Boogie talking: They both think that if either of them go to the end w a newbie , that they would not win again. They both say they need to go to the end together to have a shot. Of course this whole thing can change.

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