Big Brother 14 Casting Website Now Open

Big Brother 14 casting

The Big Brother 14 casting website is now live! Throw those paper applications in the trash and check out these details on how to apply online for Big Brother.

The application website offers a brief form to complete with these basic instructions:

  • Fill out the application form in one sitting
  • Make sure you have a RECENT picture of yourself (no hats or sunglasses)
  • Make sure you have a video ready to upload that’s less than 3 mins & 30MB

You’ll have to provide easy details like your full name, address, relationship status, and familiarity with Big Brother. You’ll also get to add a short bio and when I say short I mean 70 words or less short. The video clip has to be 3 minutes or less and they even provide some excellent tips on what makes a great video.

If you’re not hip to the Internet or making videos then Big Brother 14 open call casting events will still be held. No event details have been released so far, but we’ll continue to monitor and provide information when they’re announced. Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Email updates to receive that info sent when it’s released.

Casting indicates the deadline is set for May 11, 2012. Callbacks will be held during May and June 2012. If you don’t hear back, then get ready to apply next summer.

Will you apply for Big Brother 14? Let us know in the comments below. Best of luck!



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  1. if im 20 but i turn 21 in may.. can i still apply right now? Ive been waiting my whole life to beable to apply!! its so close yet so far away.. :(

    • The requirement that you must be 21 years old at the time of application is not a joke. So seriously, you must be 21 years old at the time of application.

      If you turn 21 before May 13th, then submit your application the day you turn 21. Applications are due on the 12th. ย If not, there’s always next season.

  2. Same here….I’m Canadian and have watched BB right from the first season with Chicken George. ย Every year I have been anxiously waiting for some rules to change so us Snow Bunnies could apply…I will keep wishing and of course watching….I love this show!!!……

    Best of luck to all who apply. ย  ย  ย  :)

  3. Dangit didnt know you had to be “21” :( I don’t turn 21 until August…. Well maybe next year ugh sucks.

  4. I applied the old school way,ย answeredย an completeย questioner of my deepest darkest secrets about my family and personal life. Then Iย recorded my first dvd ever. Somebody besta be calling me for atleast a CB….LOL ย ย ย 

  5. I love big brother please make a show for your canadian neighbours. i have watched since day one and would love a chance on the show. i can be like evil dick. lol

  6. Would love to apply but unable due to being handicapped… I think that’s totally unfair but understand.. They don’t want to be sued and I don’t blame them.

    • WhiteMan,
      ย ย  I am Handicapped and I did apply!ย  I am going to do whatever, sign whatever and find a way to get on the show (hopefully).ย  I have alot to prove to alot of ppl.ย  I plan on teaching kids as well as adults that just because ppl are Handicapped we can still do the same things as anyone else…it’s just harder for us.ย  Kids, use your mind to be creative & solve problems just like we do!ย  My fav. quote and I live by it 100% is:ย  “I am pushed by those that believe in me but motivated by those who don’t”.
      I have many friends & family believing in me across the Country & yes, many that don’t so I want to prove them wrong!!!ย  ALWAYS BELIEVE!!!

  7. made semi-finals a couple years ago…ย  After taking a break I’m applying again this year and am gonna make it biatches!ย  $500K is mine!

    • I’m applying also Kramer so if we both make it on BB 14 I might be giving you a run for your money!!!! LOL :o)

  8. To all the BB Fans,ย ย  I am Handicapped and I did apply to be on BB 14! I am going to do whatever, sign whatever and find a way to get on the show (hopefully). I have alot to prove to alot of ppl. I plan on teaching kids as well as adults that just because ppl are Handicapped we can still do the same things as anyone else…it’s just harder for us. Kids, use your mind to be creative & solve problems just like we do! My fav. quote and I live by it 100% is: “I am pushed by those that believe in me but motivated by those who don’t”.I have many friends & family believing in me across the Country & yes, many that don’t so I want to prove them wrong!!! ALWAYS BELIEVE!!!

  9. I’m fully submitted all of the requirements and hoping to be the first transsexual to appear in the Big Brother house for #BB14 – Patiently waiting for a response.

    • Jeanette, have you went to a casting before? I was wondering if the open calls are any different this year since the application process is alittle different. I went to a casting one year in Cincinnati and saw Ronnie from season 11, were there any former houseguests at the casting u went to ? Good luck to u!

      • ย Tayoranne Yes, I went casting call for 4 years and sorry can’t say more . Thank You

  10. I really want to do this. I have some physical issues and take routine meds. I am going to try and see if I can be a candidate. I not only need the money but I think this would be a great opportunity for me to get healthy and lose a lot of weight. I’m an unemployed RN and have bankrupted my family. So I would begin fat and poor and I could transform physically and end up stunning and rich!

  11. Yes I applied in Dec the long way ,and then on line to update changes I made. It is nerve racking waiting to see if they call, I don’t think my video was funny enough like I usually am, I showed a calm demeanor and a lot of physical capabilities, guess they could read my posts on FB to see confrontations, morals, and what I believe, which is good for the house but it makes me nervous not knowing what they are looking for to bring in the season. Those open call lines were pretty long maybe I should have gone in person, maybe they will still call for an interview, still hoping anyway, I check emails, phone messages everyday waiting and hoping. Thank You for being here so we can air out lol


  13. I’d like to apply for BB but i dont know if i could be away form my wife and son that long but I would like to it looks like it would be fun.

  14. I have been trying to find where and when i can send in my audition dvd to apply for the new and up and coming season of Big Brother Canada. My dream come true. Just wondering if anyone can help me. TY

  15. they are having a canada one in 2013 but dont know how to apply for itย 

  16. Good show but yet one cann’t help but wonder why they don’t change the rule of HOH to allow everyone to compete in every HOH and not have to sit out true competition would happen and if someone wins every week they deserve to be HOH. This having to sit out weakens the show, gives an advantage to weaker players.

6 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 14 Casting Website Early Details | Big Brother 14
  2. Big Brother 14 Application – Apply To Be On Big Brother | Big Brother 14
  3. Big Brother 14 Casting Events | Big Brother 14
  4. Big Brother 2012 Auditions: Big Brother 14 Casting Locations | Big Brother Access
  5. Big Brother 2012 Casting Locations Updated List! | Big Brother Access
  6. Big Brother 14 Premiere Date | Big Brother 14

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