Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Week 7 Nominations Revealed – Updated

Last night on the Big Brother Live Feed we saw a returning player win HoH again for the sixth time in the endurance competition “All Washed Up.” If you missed those Big Brother 13 spoilers, then check out who won HoH for all the details.

We watched some surprising discussions this afternoon in the lead up to the nomination ceremony, so these spoilers shouldn’t catch anyone off guard.

Big Brother 13 Week 7 Nominations:

  • Kalia
  • Porsche

For more punishment fun, Jeff got to handpick 3 HGs for Have-Not status. No surprise here. He picked Daniele, Kalia, and Porsche. They’ll be eating jalapenos and hard-boiled eggs this week.

Jeff and Jordan have been discussing their options for putting Daniele up as a renom on Monday and then getting her evicted. Flashback to today at 2:23PM BBT for all the details. Later they agree they’d be fine with either Kalia or Porsche leaving instead if things fall apart on that evict-Daniele plan.

The Power of Veto competition should be held on Saturday, so stay close and check back for those spoilers too. Join us on Facebook, get our free email updates, and grab our free app to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.

Update: The Live Feeds went to Trivia which usually indicates a competition. Could this be another attempt at a late night fake out for the Veto competition?

Update 2: Live Feeds are back. Veto players were selected. Everyone but Rachel will play. Rachel will be the host. HGs suspect it could be a late night comp.

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