Big Brother 12: Week 6 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Tonight on Big Brother 12 the results of the latest live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the seventh HoH competition. While we wait for the results be sure to Fan us on Facebook and join in the fun we’re having there!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results. Have your live feeds ready to go as soon as the broadcast is over and the live feeds are back!

Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!

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Big Brother 12 Diamond Power of Veto:

  • Matt just used the DPoV! Ragan is nearly crying. Brendon and Ragan are safe. Matt names his replacement nominee to be… Kathy!

Big Brother 12 Week 6 Live Eviction voting:

  • Hayden: evict Kathy
  • Enzo: evict Kathy
  • Ragan: evict Kathy
  • That’s it. Kathy is officially evicted.
  • Matt: evict Kathy
  • Britney: evict Kathy

By a vote of 5 – 0, Kathy has been evicted from Big Brother 12!

Big Brother 12 Week 7 HoH Competition – ‘Big Brother Says’:

  • Round 1 – False – Ragan and Hayden are eliminated
  • Round 2 – True – Matt eliminated Smiles at cam. He threw it.
  • Round 3 – False – no one was eliminated
  • Round 4 – False – Lane eliminated, Britney and Enzo remain
  • Round 5 – False – no one was eliminated
  • Round 6 – True – no one was eliminated
  • Round 7 – True – Enzo eliminated, Britney wins!

Britney is the new HoH! Congrats to the only woman remaining. Julie announces that next week we will finally have that Double Eviction night!

Matt lucked out with Britney winning over Enzo. He had already turned on Matt and might have considered keeping Brendon over Matt. Now Britney should have no problem going after the last half of Brenchel. We’ll know on Friday!

Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on and we’ll have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house, unless it’s an endurance competition again this week and then we’ll be up all night! You won’t want to miss it and the only way to watch it uncut and unedited is with the Big Brother 24/7 uncensored feeds.

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  1. I want ENZO to go pleaseeee
    Matt dont be blind and turn on the brigade and ally with Britney, Ragan and Lane

  2. i hope enzo was dumb enough to tell matt. it sounds like he was.

    as i wait these 8 min for the show to start, im watching hawthorne. damn jada is fine.

  3. i so hope enzo, haden, or kathy go home its gonna suck if britney goes it will be so boring to watch!

      • i know i think if lane britney and ragen go there would be nothing to see lol i like haden too but yeah hes boring and im tired of enzo (running the house) lol!!!

    • Marcus It all depends on “If” enzo really told matt or not, If he did, bye bye enzo. kathy will vote with matt

      • yep Enzo’s talking to matt and say’s “If you were to go home this week, you still want the ber-egg to go on” How stupid can you be.

  4. I am in California. I love to come on here & cheat myself to find out eastcoast time what results are! Ba-bye KATHY!!!!

  5. “enzo u always talk about dropping grenades, but lately u have been dropping bombs in competitions…. ZING!”

    -ZINGBOT 3000

  6. I want to see the house flip but if Matt use the diamond veto and put up Kathy it really ain’t that big of a deal because she goes to whoever has the power. If he puts up one of Hayden or Enzo that would be a big change but I don’t think he would do it atlease if he puts up Kathy he probally would still have both alliance.

      • rude sir!

        i hope not so their. i stick my tongue out at u.

        “erin, ur username is 25, but… like are u trying to confuse me to make me think ur 25? u could be like a really old person, so its like… ‘is she 25, is she not’ u know?…ZING!” LOL

        omg lane’s mom looks like a cracked out lesbian.

        nothing wrong with that by the way. but she kept shaking

      • Yeah Im 25 lol and I’m ten times hotter then Britney. But I guess ur happy the two face gets to stay!!!

      • lol at marcus and how horrible he was trashing her because her homophobic statements to ragina… pot meet kettle…

  7. Whats going on, did Matt use DPOV and who did he put up!!!Im laid up in bed with just a computer no TV…INFO people :) please

  8. I think Enzo is gone. Ragan continues to be a sniffling cry baby! I wish he was gone!!! Sniff Sniff cry cry LOL

  9. PLEASE BBN please post a pic of all the HG’s faces when the DV is used…PLEASE DO THAT..

  10. It looks like Kathy not talking to Matt about Rachel’s pretzel message and the house’s suspicions about her being the sab will doom her…

    I Hope Matt doesn’t choose her!

    • In the end Matt will play the game. I don’t think he will pick Kathy now that Julie announced the SAB is no longer “active” his putting out the SAB will not be a big deal now. I think he’s gonna get Enzo Kathy can go anytime

  11. Wow, Enzo is an idiot.

    S for sheriff?

    Hahaha how dumb does he think a saboteur can possibly be?

  12. Since the Sabs reign is over, maybe Matt won’t feel the need to put up Kathy after all??

    Lets hope so.

  13. WoW Julie shouldn’t have told the house guests that the saboteur’s rein of terror was over, right before the eviction.

  14. Why would Brit’s mom support Brit’s relationship with Lane where ever it goes if she’s engaged.

  15. Boo Matt and you claim to be the genius of the house. Why would you put up Kathy. She suck at everything she do you can take her out at anytime. Why you are you such a F’in idiot now. Stupid dumb***.

    • Why do he keep on getting these power. When he was HOH he did sh**, and now that he gotten DPOV he wasted it on Kathy, like wtf. If you are such a genius then you should stop being so dumb and making retarded moves.

      • And what exactly should he have done? Broke up The Brigade when he doesn’t even know Hayden and Enzo are stabbing him in the back thus angering Lane and the remaining member of The Brigade that was not voted out so they could team up with Brendon?

        This way he still at least has Lane in his corner because Lane has not gone behind his back.

        Kathy was useless at everything and was never going to win anything so it’s not like she could have helped to protect him.

      • Okay yeah, Kathy was useless and will probably not be able to protect him. But using it on someone who is useless is kind of a waste of DPOV. Sure he got himself of the block but if you have to choose between Kathy or Britney who do you think would be the better choice? Someone who you know is a competitor and will win a veto or HOH or someone who will not.

  16. wait a minute? HER BAGS ARENT PACKED!

    she has to get the sponge, the 409, windex, and rubber gloves!!

    dont let her forget her items!!

    • Wow Marcus u r just super nice eh?
      Kathy would have been better to keep around she could have been used later on…But whatever Matt is a LOSER who lies about his own wife he makes me sick!!!!

      • Agreed Erin…Matt is a joke…And BB Production’s obvious staging has become so ridiculous the program is really not even worth watching anymore..

      • What do you think is staged ?? That was Matt’s easiest option right now. This way he’s still has the brigade on his side and he still has Britney and Ragan for now, until Brendon is gone for sure, which looks like it will be next week since Brit won HOH. BTW, didn’t Brendon look like he wanted to cry all night. Boo-hoo for him. That’s what he gets for listening to Bozo’s message written in pretzels.

    • Kathy wasn’t even smart enough to lie and say she was throwing the competitions. She actually is that bad at things.

      • Nooo, way. The last comp Lane and Brendon were pretty much tied till the very end. Kathy and Enzo were tied for last. lol

    • Yeah she was useless, that you could use her, and get rid of her when you wanted to. Why would you want to evict someone who is useless and not someone who is going to backstab you when they wanted to. I so hope that Matt gets backed door now.

  17. Stupid move, Matt… You could have really thrown a grenade by ousting icky Enzo and saved the Kathy eviction for later… Duh Boor-gade was about to throw you under the bus, and don’t think they won’t the next chance they get!

  18. I absolutely hate this. Kathy’s going home! Ugh!! This season is awful and it seems to scripted!

  19. Rachel is going to be sooo jealous of Britney now. Britney is the only woman left in the house now. That’s what Rachel wanted to be.

    • You think he would be able since this diamond pov made his HOH week completely useless. It’s pretty unfair

  20. These people are sick… although I was never a Kathy fan, I hope she watches the JOY her “friends” had in voting her out. What a chump she is, and LOSERs they are!!!

  21. I was starting to respect Matt, but what a dumb move. He realized Enzo was willing to vote him out, but still pansied out. He was given a power that is almost never given (and for no reason) but bent over and let Enzo have him. I think I respect Brendan more than Matt.

    I hope his wife leaves him, so he’ll spend the rest of his life touching himself.

    • He realized Enzo was going to vote him out because two members of his alliance were up. That doesn’t mean Enzo would vote him out if he was up against someone not in their alliance.

      He doesn’t know about Enzo and Hayden’s dealings with Brendon.

  22. The diamond POV was such an unfair advantage. It pretty much made Brendon’s HOH completely useless. No matter what he did, Matt controlled who would be evicted.

    Like I stated yesterday, Pandora’s box should NOT have such powerful items. It shouldn’t of been in the game, or it if was in the game, it shouldn’t of been given as a pandora’s box item.

    • The same unfair advantage also applies to the Coup de Tat that has been used in previous seasons of BB

      • I totally agree. I forgot how the coup de’ tat worked though. Was it given to the HOH? Or was it some kind of america’s vote thing?

      • I agree… pretty much they are letting the boring negative crappy Britt/Ragan/Matt control the game… not really game play at all!

  23. Kathy going helps out Regan because everyone seems to think Kathy was the Saboteur. I would have liked that Enzo went up. It would have been more dramatic. OH Well.

  24. Kathy “its OK” – Can big brother actually cast some people that want to play the game!!?? WTH?!

    • I think she was trying to float by the entire game, hopefully making it to the final 2. At that point, she would play the “I been loyal, honest, and played with integrity” card.

      She was pretty useless…but this was the worst possible way to go. It’s like a backdoor, of the backdoor

  25. she is 200 years old and breath’s smoke but she dresses like a south atlanta hooker.

    anyway ITS A QUIZ!!!!! C’MON BRITNEY!! c’mon ragan.

    u got this!! plz dont fail me now!!

  26. Reagan is the biggest whimp in BB history!! (I wanted to say something else but felt like it was inappropriate!) He acted like a little teenage girl that was glad to see her boyfriend return home from a grueling vacation when Matt saved himself!! Geez!! Is he there to get a boyfriend/be bff’s with everyone or win the game of BB!!

    • I sure do agree. I have nothing against gays, unless they are flamboyant. Then, I can’t stand them. I hope that Ragan uses his $20,000 to get some serious therapy, cause he sure has a problem with being a victim. Before you acuse me of being a gay basher, I want you all to know that I was a big fan of Kevin last year, and wanted him to win it all. The look on Brenden’s face was priceless when Matt used the POV. I have wanted Matt to win from the beginning, and still do, even with that awful lie about his wife. Why? Cause he is a player. I got to say that Kathy went out with class.

  27. Brenda can’t play for HOH. Awesome maybe his partner will win this one oh wait she is in the jury house. Haha

  28. It is Enzo’s week to be put on the block..possibly with Brendon..Matt is saving Enzo’s fate for a reason…

    • Yup… He could be setting up to toss the Boor-Gade out one by one then expose it and send the rest of the HGs (probably poor Ragan) on their way to the jury with enough ammo to ensure that the jury votes him the $$$… Now he has to make sure that he picks the right floater to take to the final two…

  29. @erin25 im just playing wit u.

    im ina good mood. now im in a better mood.

    i agree that matt has to lose points for lying about his wife, but actually now that i think about it, its big brother. nothing is safe

    • Thanks!! :)
      I know its bb but for real that is just low that is bad karma he should have just said it about him self not his Wife..What a jerk!!

  30. I say this week, give Brendon what he wants and send him to the jury house to be with Rachel.

  31. stupid brenduh! you should have put Britney up. you know that little troll is gonna stab you right in the back!

  32. Im so mad how Matt is being such a jerk to Brendon like dose he even realize that when it comes down to it the brigade isn’t loyal to him, man is that guy dumb!!!

    • It’s easy to say that when you get to see things in the house a normal person wouldn’t thanks to a bunch of cameras.

  33. I just got home, what was the hg’s reaction when Matt whipped out the dpov?

  34. I think Big Brother is hand-picking who they want to succeed. They gave Matt an uber-power when he got Pandora’s box, and gave Brendon THE SHAFT when he opened it. Why not just pick the winner, then randomly introduce powers for that person to guaranteed they’ll win everything? What a ridiculous power to give.

    • Actually Julie announced that the HoH that Matt went on to win would be the most powerful of the season before Matt won. So brenda had just as much shot to win but she was just too weak to hold on. Kinda sucks that Matt threw this comp felt like he and Britney were last ones competing. Also what Britney should do is nominate Hayden and Enzo for eviction. If anyone other than Brenda wins PoV backdoor him. This is best because if she nominates Brenda and he wins PoV she will go home the week after. This way she possibly gets rid of her main target and f not gains an ally.

  35. This season sucks! Brendan can’t even compete for HOH now. I am not a Brenchel fan but they could have at least let him compete. Especially since the DPOV was so similar to the coup d’ etat!!

    • I agree with you 100% I think Brendon may have won that comp the way he was studying the past two nights. I also think he should have been called a big dummy on national tv

  36. i totally called this! i knew Matt would put up Kathy and she would go home!! I just wish Matt goes home next week.!!

  37. Does it really matter who wins HOH? We know Brendon is the target.

    Next week Wednesday’s episode will be more exciting…the POV competition.

  38. Everytime Ragan cries, I feel like I’m watching a soap in the feed… wth Ragan, man up… or at least do your best to kind of man up. I think Matt is going to be on the block unless Ragan wins the HOH.

  39. Thanks!! :)
    I know its bb but for real that is just low that is bad karma he should have just said it about him self not his Wife..What a jerk!

      • i don’t think he did. why would you not want another hoh to ensure you stay? doesn’t make sense

    • I’m guessing because Brendon couldn’t play in it so, if Brendon survives this week he wants to be able to play head-to-head against him in the next HOH competition in order to protect himself from being put up.

    • I wonder if Matt throwing the competition for HOH will be on the tape that Kathy takes to the jury house, they usually show the HOH competition on the tape.

      • all the guys will be on the video and be shown throwing the comp…It was set up that way earlier today..except Enzo was gonna change the deal and try to win.. but ..keep

  40. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go britney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WOOOOOOOO pig sooie!!!

    wait… what did julie did say?

  41. Can’t believe it… I’m sick not b/c it’s Kathy but b/c it’s NOT Enzo.

    Plus I just lost my house b/c I bet it would be Enzo… guess I’ll be sleeping in my tent for awhile. LOL!!!

    Matt just made winning the $500T harder doing it this way, maybe he wants more of a challenge.

    In hind-sight I think he’ll be sorry he did not get rid of a Brigade bro.

    Matt will be sorry when one of his bro’s wins HoH… oh crap, now I see what he was thinking.

    Too bad, will not the Brigade just pick off the other Hg’s now… HOW BORING.

    • i couldn’t agree more, Greg…

      DAM IT MATT…
      i don’t know WHAT he’s playing with when he has his hands in his pants all the time – cuz he definitely has NO BALLS!
      that was a p*ssy move if i’ve ever seen one.

      grrrrrrrrrrr – i’m SO pissed.

    • earlier today brittney was asked by matt and Enzo if she wanted to be HOH.she aid sure…and both said u got it…BUT the kicker is that Enzo was gonna back out of the deal..Matt Regan Lane and Hayden knowingly gave a wrong answers but Enzo was gonna try to change the deal and go for HOH..Shows lane Matt and Hayden that Enzo has 2 sides….keep

  42. Well I’m happy Brittany won! She did make that deal with Brendon, so hopefully she won’t put him on the block. But I bet he’ll get backdoored if not.

    Either way, this will decide if Brittany is my favorite or not. If she keeps her word with Brendon, I’m all for her. If she lies then she deserves to go home.

    • Hello it is a game big brother people always make deals, you think that Brendan kept his word, he was going to put her up but the pretzels made him change his mind…..schmuck

  43. Yes, the princess wins. I frickin’ love Britney! I am so excited for the up-coming week. YAY YAY YAYYY!!! Good bye Brendon or Hayden or Enzo. (Brendon as long as he doesn’t win PoV.)

  44. BB Production is quickly losing thousands of viewers…That was the most grossly unfair HOH week ever broadcast…If Brendon goes on the block in any way this upcoming week I am done with this program…That whore Britney just won HOH…See you guys..I’m done..This is BS

    • Uh…isn’t the slogan “expect the unexpected”?

      Moreover, how was that more unfair than the coup d’etat?

      • Brendon stil lgets the poV so its not like he has no shot of staying in the game had Matt not had DPOV he would not have any guarantee of staying since he wasnt in Hoh or Pov comp

    • I seriously doubt that they are losing viewers it is getting exciting I think they are getting more viewers. Every year you have to hear how it is rigged or isn’t fair. I am sure to a certain point it is ratings man. ratings. I know I am hooked

  45. Oh yea, Bratney, you’re so classy!

    she was talking about how nasty it is that Brendon sweats & you can see the sweat marks on his shorts. So it is super gross to sweat while wearing sweatpant shorts & working out, while she is wearing her hot pink short shorts with no underwear, and showing us her gynecological regions, which has a million Britchney Vaginal shots on the internet!

  46. OMG!! I hope the twist is a game changing power. I am so sick of the Brigade, cry baby Reagan, and princess Britney!!

  47. so happy for her!!!!!

    she should be like “i did it for monet, and i did it by keeping my word!!!”

    its gunna be a good week. however she will after this lose any votes in jury. kathy, rachel, brendon wont vote for her. enzo wont cuz he is a jealous sucker.

  48. It wasn’t a stupid move on Matt’s part it was the smartest for him at this point b/c it was safe. Eliminating Kathy won’t cause sparks or make him a target. So he lives to fight another day w/ his alliances safe for the time being. Plus now he can out the whole brigade or just Enzo anytime he wants now.

    Kathy’s strategy of throwing comps to make herself look weak was bound to catch up to her sooner or later, I know lots of other HG’s have thrown comps this season but at least they waited longer than @ mintune before they do, b/c it makes it look like they’re putting in an effort. Unless your Enzo & just expect your alliance to carry you & are just plain lazy.

    Kinda glad she’s gone, nothing personal just found her boring & didn’t care for her game play, just not my style.

    Does anyone if/when the double eviction will happen?

  49. brit the shit is hoh! here comes you knofe in the back Brenduh! you never should have trusted her. Matt, you suck. Yeah you thru another competition! really? i don’t think so. you wanted hoh don’t pretend you didn’t! you’re worse than rachel with the camera time you demand!

  50. matt is a stupid ass he had every chance to get Brit out, now she is HoH and kathy woul not have won…. so… what a idiot…

    i think she will put up brendan and matt or brendan and enzo next week, and sorry i am rooting for the under dog, and i hope brendan wins pov and hoh next week, that would throw the house on its ASS

  51. Nice results this week. Can’t wait to see this for west coast later on!

    Congrats to Britney! Enzo and Brendan, better run!!

      • Wrong, they can backdoor Brendon by not putting him on the block and then not choosing him to be in the veto comp. So backdoor this week. This is why Matt asked Brit if she wanted HOH this week. It was game, it wasn’t just because it was nice or he wanted to.

  52. oh snap!!!! dbl eviction.

    britney is ALREADY in trouble.

    she is the best gamer in the house. 4 wins. she must win POV next week.

    did anyone see ragan at the end? lol

    • Yes Marcus….That whining freak is now intolerable…If Brendon does not STAY this week then BB’s manipulation has become too much to endure..

  53. Because of that veto I can not say that Brendon will be gone next week but for sure he is going up.

  54. YAY! Double eviction next week! Does that mean that whichever two nominees Britt puts up automatically go home, or…? How does that work?

      • So next Thursday = live eviction, HoH competition, HoH nominations, POV, 2nd live eviction, new HoH competition? If so, that’s nuts!!

    • Thats means thats who ever brittany but up goes home and who ever win hoh going to send someone else packing that same night…this is getting fun….

    • Nope…Brittany’s nominations stay, and someone goes home. Right after that eviction, they play HOH competition, and then they immediately do nominations, and do another eviction within like 10 minutes.

    • no, it means she gets to evict someone and then as soon as the HOH comp is over two more people will go on the block that same day and someone will be evicted the next day. Hopefully its her.

      • I agree, I would love to see Enzo go up. Matt should have taken the opportunity with the diamond power of veto.

  55. If Brittany doesn’t keep her word and nominated Brendon, I hope it plays out like this…

    Brendon wins POV, Brittany replaces with Hayden…bye bye Hayden. DOUBLE EVICTION, Brendon wins HOH…nominated Brittany and Matt, bye bye Brittany.

    It would be the ultimate revenge. Come on Brendon!

  56. lmao im so happy. brit did lie to brendon. brit will put him up. does tht make her a bad person …hmm lets see….who bullied her? brendon. who argued with her..brendon…and who called her out at a veto meeting sayn she was a spoiled brat…brendon? three strikes hes out. Matt is a boss for his speech lmao i loved how he called brendon out “close but no cigar”

  57. Britney is a lying moron, so of course she won’t keep her word to Brendon. He was very nice to her when he didn’t have to be, he didn’t put her up and trusted her, which was dumb on his part, but I remember the days of BB when people used to make deals and actually stuck by them. Most of the players these days are just liars and back-stabbers. It’s nice to find someone with integrity, but there aren’t many. Britney will back-stab Brendon, so I hope he wins POV and they all turn on her and get her whiny shrieky butt out of the house next week!

      • Well he should have. He hasn’t gone back on his word, so no reason not to get rid of her. She’s an awful person. I don’t want her to succeed in getting rid of Brendon just because I don’t want anything to work out for her. I really hope they get rid of her next week.

    • Big Brother you are supposed to lie I would have made same deal as she did. I hope she does not nominate him initially but backdoors him. Because if she nominates him he wins POV she is in trouble. If she does nominate him he loses Pov he goes home no trouble. If she does nominate him he wins POV she gains an ally.

      • Well damn… I was really pulling for Enzo. I’m a huge Britney UNFAN! I won’t sink to her level and badmouth her like she has, my mom always told me to be nice. So……

      • And just how will brendon be an ally, if she puts him, and he wins pov, If she puts him up that’s going back on her word, I don’t know about you all, but, “My word is my bond” I don’t go back on it, too meny people use an excuse to break thier word. But we all, an excuse is like and as4hole, everyone has one.

    • I hope Matt gets evicted this week double eviction and then Brendon wins HOH and Brit goes home. Matt and Brit go home this week. Matt is evil for lying about his wife to win the game and Brit is an evil little witch also. They both need to go this week.

    • Lisa THAT is what I miss. When deals were made with enemies but maybe for one week and those deals were kept. Not this season. There is no doubt in my mind Brit will put up Brendon and I think Enzo. Who else is there?

    • I agree Lisa…Britney is such a spoiled brat. And Matt just made the dumbest move by putting Kathy up. If he was playing smart he would of put Britney up. Dumbest player. I don’t know who’s going first next week but with the double eviction I hope either Britney, Ragan or Matt go. They are disgusting players.

      • it’s funny how brit is now all smiles when she an regan cried like babies this week.true she got the power do she know what to do with it. matt made a stupid move listening to enzo saying kathy was the sab, he killed his own game. is enzo and hayden going to trust matt after finding out he had the dpov or will they think he is still a snake

      • Now Matt has Kathy’s vote in the jury if he needs it. If Matt had put up Brittany she would have felt betrayed by Matt and not give him her support. Remember, Regan, Brit, and Matt seemed to have their own alliance.

    • I wholeheartedly agree, it sickens me to watch these lying morons win, strictly based on lies. Sends a poor message. If Brendon leaves I will not watch another episode this season.

    • I cannot stand Bratney either. I just think the way she dogs on everyone that she should be gone. And Ragan I don’t like her either. Yeah I said her. She’s a whiny little biatch. He cries about everything. No matter who Rachel and Brendon put up on the block they are cowards. When he talks he thinks so long and hard about what to say and then the stupidest things come out of his mouth. He thinks so much of himself, very cocky. I hope Bratney and him do not make the final. And one more thing. How come no one talks about Lane not winning anything, he has no game at all. The only thing he wants is to get into Brats pants. By the way what the hell is she doing when she bites the sides of her fingers. She does it constantly. They should be bleeding by now. I don’t think there is a Nick. Why wasn’t he with her family tonight and they never mentioned him. She thinks everything she says is so funny. I am shocked she is still there. I thought no one really liked her the first couple of shows. Now they all love her. I feel she caused most of the drama especially with Rachel and Brendon. But no one realizes it. Brendon and Rachel have no clue how much she hates them. She had so many comments about Rachel’s looks. I think Brat also has implants. I thing her lips look like they have been blown up. She looks as though she has big caps on her teeth. Her front two teeth look like one big one. And she has an overbite. Just pointing out a few things on her that look fake since she had so much to say about Rachel. The comments she made about Rachel being a hooker are way out of line. Vegas is a whole different vibe then the rest of the country. Being a VIP cocktail waitress is a very good job there. It’s not a big deal. People that live and go to Vegas don’t look down on them like it’s a sleazy job. Besides she is working to put herself through school. An escort in Vegas is not the same as an “escort” in other states. OK well I’m done ranting. Does it seem like I don’t like Bratney and Ragan? Your right. Bratney is a horse tooth jackass!! Just like Ba Ba Booey. HS for prez!!! Peace

  58. Ragan out on the 1st question a HoH Comp… what the hell. Did winning the $20,000 take the fire out of him?

    I actually thought he had another week to go… that 1st week of SAB w/him was so lame I guess.

    Can’t believe how close Enzo came to winning HoH… has he been laying down?

    So Lil Dolly Parton wins HoH… she’s got game, will she honor her promise to Bren? That’s about the only excitement for next week.

    Btw… where was Brit’s fiance when they went to her town & family and who was the guy sitting next to Mom, her bro? The fiance may be in school and/or lives out of town or state.

    I definitely was wrong about Matty blowing up the Brigade… safety in numbers, they say.

    They also say No Risk, No Gain. Ho, ho.

  59. I hope Britney honors her deal with Brendon and gets rid of Enzo or Hayden. Those boys (the group of four) are more dangerous with Brendon, and I think she’s thinking about jury votes. If she gets rid of Brendon, she loses his vote and Rachel’s unless she’s up against Ragan in the final two.

    • Jesse I highly doubt Britney would honor any thing and sorry to say but it looks like it runs in her family! It didn’t even seem like her Mom cared that her daughter acts like a sl** !
      Blows my mind!

      • I agree, Britney is a two faced little bitch. Matt should have put brit on the block, wth can kathy do?

      • How does Brit not act like a slut? The way she is all over Lane? The way she wears those short shorts and you can see things YOU shouldn’t be able to? If that is not a slut what is? RAchel is called a slut for what she wears, so come on. Atleast she stayed with one man and she is single, what is Brit, engaged? Yet right……..

      • I apologize for that statement. Should never call a woman a slut no matter how much I dislike their character. Brit is not a slut. If she is that is not my business to say.

      • A s!ut would be a girl who has sex with a guy she’s known from a reality show for 2-3 weeks.

        Or should I not talk about Rachel like that?

      • That whole segment they did on Lane and Britney’s “relationship” was pathetic. They were just looking for something to fill what time they had to fill, though I agree that it was odd that her mom didn’t care if Britney cheated on her fiance…

      • Good old fashioned slut shaming :( Britney is a mean liar, but she is definitely not a slut.

        And Dylan, are you really so pig-headed that you called a woman in a monogamous relationship a slut? There is nothing wrong with 2 adults having sex with each other, but if there was, both would be guilty of whatever misogynistic name-calling you feel like, not just the female.

    • Right on, Dylan that’s the correct call.

      Trish, I’m glad you pulled back, I did not want to say something nasty to you b/c you are right so much otherwise.

      Jesse, personally I loved the relationship piece… I remember thinking at the time, hey Bren & Rach THIS is how a relationship is built. And I think their back & forth humor is hilarious and it was quite endearing.

      I think I’m tearing up… no, just got a bug in my eye.

      B/C of that relationship growing between Brit & Lane, we’re getting to know Lane (I like him, he’s a good guy) and we’re seeing how caring Brit really is and that’s the true Brit with Grit, spunky feisty gal.

      • Yeah I had to pull back. I didn’t want to come down to that level. I was over heated from Brit winning. LOL

  60. Seemed like Matt didn’t want to win HOH. His gaming is off. He should have evicted someone other than Kathy. She’s not a threat to anyone. I think Ragan needs to go. A sniffling cry baby

    • I agree with you one this one just smiling like he has done something I mean really with all of those whack sabatoge messages how boring they should have brought Annie back at least she keep you on to toes

    • Because he knows the double eviction is coming. He’s safe with Brit. Play to fight another day. Next week is more important for him, Ragan and Brit.

    • I agree!! Britney Is not a slut! I have had close guy friends to! I hope brenden goes, then Hayden! I love matt Britney lane and ragen!!

    • His gaming was right on. The only person in the house who would nominate him right now is Brendon. No reason for him to win this and have to put up 1 person from either one of his alliances

      • Matt is stupid that’s why he lost. Then he played it up for the cameras so it looks like he threw it…

      • The only thing I have against most of the HG”s is when you put someone up they get offended. I mean really? Matt put up Brendon and RAchel, so Brendon puts up Matt as a replacement and Matt was pissed? I don’t get it. I liked Brendon’s statement to Hayden outside while playing pool, he said he is done crap talking about others. If they put me up then they put me up. I want to enjoy the rest of my stay. If he keeps his word the rest of the house could learn something. Ragan needs to really get off his high horse and stop the Brendon bashing, it is getting too old.

    • Agreed, but ah well… He would have created a huge target on his back if he chose anyone else, so maybe it was a good move.

  61. I hope they show Matt throwing the competition for HOH on the tape that Kathy takes to the jury house, they usually show the HOH competition on the tape.

  62. ok vrit, nominate 2 bra-gayed members thinking you’re gonna backdoor brenduh. brenduh and one of the brigade, (maybe enzo) will go home. I see her winning the whole thing. I don’t like her and i am also replused by regan so i need to root for lane at this point!

  63. Whatever that sucks!!!!!! Didn’t want her to win. I may change my mind if she keeps her word to Brendon, but I am sure she won’t.

  64. I love Britney for winning, but it’s a shame it was this week. This means that next week, she’s going to be hanging there when Matt decides it’s her time to go.

    • I’m not so certain Matt is fully commited to the Brigade as he was 2 weeks ago. He already had the feeling that Enzo and Hayden were going to vote him out. But, lets see how buddy, buddy Enzo and Hayden are towards Brendon this week.

      • Those two kiss@sses will no doubt hang closer to Britney, or at least Matt. They know that the social game is their only way of remaining.

      • Agreed. Enzo is the new Kathy. If Brit upholds the agreement with Brendon, Enzo or Hayden will go. Enzo is the first “East Coaster” not able to back his sh*t up. Cracks me up.

  65. Wow this is officially a SAUSAGE FEST!!!
    Britney is the only girl left!!
    but yet she won HOH!!
    So FINALLY a guy will go next

      • Sorry, Cyndigwc

        But that was totally uncalled for. There’s no need say things like that because he’s gay. I know this is the internet and we have places to hide, but gay people read this to and to have that being said ruins what should be a respectful place.

      • i think it was more referring to Ragan’s never ending crying and moodiness, combined with his Rachel Bitch Fight that got cyndigwc to call him a girl. It might not still be okay with you though.

  66. HELLO PRODUCERS. BRENDON IS THE BEST HOUSE GUEST. Give him some sort of power…

    That’s bull that Matt saved himself from the block. he was the least deserving.

      • Brenden needs to stay in the house and if Britney is smart she should get rid of one of the BRA-GADE. Maybe Lane her best boyfriend will advise her.I hope Brenden wins some power in a comp to protect him.I don’t want him to go to jury house!

      • And your a troll Dougie. It’s one thing to talk about the show, but picking on a poster? Get a life.

    • sunshine….Like I’ve stated…Production had better get there shit together quickly…Thousands of viewers are tired of this crap..

    • Brendon being the best is your opinion, and not even half of the viewers can agree on that. Brendon doesn’t need power, he kissed and secluded himself to this point. If he branched out and didn’t jump on Rachel from Day 2, he wouldn’t have such a problem.

      Needless to say, I’m against Matt having the DPOV, especially after it was wasted on Kathy.

  67. I like matt the best. I liked him from the beginning and I think that out of everyone that’s in the house he deserves to win. He’s the only one who’s ever done anything for the “brigade” alliance, and I think he should smarten up and not pull them through the whole game. I like britney too, because she’s actually playing the game well and winning things instead of relying on other people. In big brother you have to look out for yourself because you’re given the opportunity to win a half a million dollars, so who really cares about personal relationships? Its a game, and that’s why I couldn’t stand brendon and rachel.

      • Matt hasn’t done anything this season, Now I know you are going to say. but he won 2 HOH’s, Did he, If you saw ragan tonight, he all but said that because of Matt’s wife sickless, He wants him to win, also he said that at the HOH comps, that he let Matt win.

      • Can’t argue that point but he did play Regan with his sob story so in the end he created the situation for which he could win 2 HOH

      • @ Mykes so very true people may not like the way he is playing but its working and that is what matters

      • There’s a chance that was a deciding factor, but it’s not fact. It didn’t appear that Matt was falling off anyway.

        Matt isn’t too good at the game though. First of all, he had a power that guaranteed safety dropped on his head for no reason. Then there’s his arrogance. When he got Brenchel to nominate him, he had the nerve to tell everybody he was mad at them. Also, his DPOV was not hidden very well, if he had not spoke a word, he could’ve seen Hayden and Enzo’s true colours. In stead, they get suspicious lay low.

        As a last point, his hand is always down his pants. I’d love to see Julie pull her hand away from a handshake when he goes out.

    • Agree completely. If anyone but Matt or Britney win I will be upset (for about 15 minutes). I really don’t see how any sane person could like Brendon, Rachel, Ragan, or Enzo.

      • Any Sane person would not like any of the at all because they are all one in the same I mean who makes up a lie about a life threating diesase just morally wrong

      • Exactly Gerald. I don’t think I have ever liked any BB HGs. Producers seem to pick them from the most sociopathic strata of society. I just prefer that the least sociopathic wins.

      • To the contrary, the most entertaining should win, which is why I’m behind Britney.

        Sane people are old news. No one’s sane these days.

  68. Enzo came close to winning HOH because Brendon has been schooling Him and Hayden the last few days. Do you think Enzo (if he had won) would have put Brendon up? What do you think Julie meant about Brit-Brat not the only one who has the power?

    • No, Enzo seems like he was going to turn on Matt. To me the Brigade seem like a three man alliance not a four.

    • She said at the end of the episode that this upcoming Thursday is a double eviction night.

    • she said that because next week is double eviction…so brit will put up two hg as hoh, one will be evicted, then they will play for hoh and the winner will have to put up two hg right away for the other hgs to vote out…

      • Brenden did help those IDIOTS last night. He has been really nice to the other HG too! Hope he don’t get evicted this week!!!

      • He wasn’t nice to Britney, but I don’t blame him, she’s a b!tch.

        When I saw this comp, all I could think was “Damn, Brendan was studying with those two last night.”

      • I know that I am in the minority, but I like Enzo and Hayden for at least not treating Brendon and Rachel as if they have the plague these past 2 weeks. Brendon made the comment that in the beginning of the week everyone came up to his room. Then no one except Kathy Enzo and Hayden

      • If it were anybody else HOH, they’d be avoiding Brendan too. Just last night on BBAD they were discussing when to evict him.

  69. If anyone else was backdoored by a power like that, it would feel like a cheap eviction. With Kathy, no big deal haha. The season is going the way I want it to for once.

      • She didn’t have time to. She was in shock. Rachel cried for many reasons Eileen. She was a fierce competitor plus she loved the game as much as Ragan and Brit. Second she would be apart from Brendon. Kathy didn’t have any of that. She knew once Matt replaced her she was gone. Come on lets be real here, Kathy shouldn’t have ever been in that house to begin with.

      • I will give Kathy props for being so peachy under those circumstances. Rachel was more emotionally invested in this than Kathy though, to say the least.

  70. Why do people keeping on stating that they hope Britney will keep her word to Brendon when she said repeatedly stated this past week that if she becomes HOH she’s going after Brendon?

    I mean, she stated it on camera numerous times after making her little deals with Brendon.

    • Trust me I know Britney has no intention of keeping her word to Brendon…Shes not the trust worthy type her word means not a thing lol.

      • If she don’t keep her word, she loses 2 VOTES from JURY. She needs to think whats best for her not the fake friends that they all are!

      • If people in this game thought about the game and not what the house wanted then I would have loved this season. It goes to show the character of Brendon (who everone loves to bitch about) and how he kept his word against Brit (who i dislike) will not. Her word means nothing and evryone knows that except her to boy-buddies Ragan and Matt.

      • Brendan never even said he did it for the deal, he used that as a fall back because his owner ordered him to evict Matt. I guess he can get the benefit of the doubt, but we’ve seen that if he doesn’t trust someone he’s dealing with (Hayden and Kristen) he declines.

    • Anybody who puts stock in some one word in this game is a fool. Only one person can win the half million.

      • She said she would say whatever she needed to to him, to stay in the house… he is going up up and away!!

      • Amen. There is little room for honor in the BB game. Its a cutthroat game so if a hg thinks differently thats foolish.

      • When it comes to Jury, Mike Boogie comes to mind. He did not keep his word, yet he still won.

      • If it comes to Matt or Britney I would vote for Britney, now excuse me well I go puke…

      • Bg hey girl. You know this is a game of deceit and back stabbing but what happened to honor among thieves? Dan and his season of 10 comes to mind. Even Jesse from last season was better than this season. You don’t have to like anyone but damn can’t anyone keep just their word for a week? Would be nice.

  71. I loathe Britney and Matt and the gay cry-baby, whatever it’s name is. You’d think he was in the running for high-school drama class the way he spews his diseased ‘tears’ all over the place. I curse Matt and Britney is a shameless trailer park sass.

  72. Will this should make all of you happy, Britney won HOH, and we all know who she is going to put up and that is brendon, But who else? who is going to be happy sitting next to brendon, when brendon could win the Veto comp. here are choices,

    Enzo, hayden, matt, ragan, now I left out lane because we all know that she won’t put up lane.

    If brendon who does she put up?

    If brendon doesn’t win veto then we all know his out, and everyone will be jumping around all happy.

    Happy that is until they hear julie say, HG’s this week will be a double eviction.

    OMG a bomb, Can’t wait until I can see britney’s face, when that happen’s.

  73. Big shocker there. I seriously think this has been the most predictable season of BB I’ve ever watched. I love this show and was so looking forward it’s return, but… this cast is so boring and, as I said, predictable. No doubt in my mind Kathy was going up and going home. The only thing I’m grateful for is the fact that Matt didn’t win HOH. His voice and attitude just gets on my last nerve.

    Anyway, congrats to Britney!

  74. Look at Brendon.. who is the cockroach now! LOL! As* kissing Brittany SOOO bad on the live feeds!

    • Jennifer I don’t get what you are saying, Brendon showed mor class when he gave britney the HOH key and Matt did when he gave it to brendon. but I guess people who like brintey can’t spell class.

    • Um like Brit didn’t kiss Brendon’s azz last week? She went into his HOH first and waited on him and grabbed that tissue before he came in and got her tears ready. BET you money he doesn’t do that. Jennifer get a clue here.

  75. Yeeessssss!!! Britney PLEASE get rid of Brendon!!! He is much better without Rachel, but he was still a horrible monster when she was in the house. He needs to go!!! Way to go Brittney!!!! YAY!!!

      • Oh we know Brendon is up there, my hope is that he wins POV, she puts up someone else as a pawn and then they both go home! They do a quick HOH comp and Bren wins again! Woot Woot!

  76. I love that Britney won. Now she doesn’t have to act like she has the power because now she actually does. I like her best and I know she can win this, along with Ragan and Matt.

    Enzo needs to go next. He’s a waste of a houseguest. He thinks America is all in love with him? Yeah, right!
    He thinks he runs stuff, but he doesn’t. Now he has to kiss Britney’s butt, after talking so much smack about her this week. Ha Ha!
    I still believe that Matt his the best player in the house and he has the brains to win it.

    I am all for the SNAKES. lol.

  77. Kathy went out with class and set an example for the rest of the HouseGuests. She didn’t bawl like Monet or act bitter like Annie. Hopefully Brit keeps her word and a Brigade member goes home.

    • I agree. Kathy was a true lady. If it was Rachel she would have been screaming and crying. I want my stuff. I can’t leave without my stuff. Oh my hair extentions boo hoo hoo

      • Eileen, give me a freak, Rachel know she was go to get voted out, and know she wouldn’t have been up set about her bag, She went out with class, and as for ragan’s remark about no-one got up to saygoodbye, that was miss britney’s doing, The botton line is this if it was me I don’t want the HG’s that just voted me out to come up and say how sorry they are, yea right, the only ones I want to say anything to me are the ones I know votes for me.

  78. Matt,Brit-Brat and Regan make me nauseous. Matt has just been lucky with Regan throwing the HOHs to him. Looked like Matt thru comp this week. Notice how Matt is so cocky to the cameras.

      • They sure do not show the real side of these three (like they are on BBAD)during the show tonight. Most people like Brit-Brat and think she is funny. They don’t even show her “habits” I wonder if she talks like this around her mother and fiancee (if there is one) I thought it was funny how Brendon and Hayden said she wasn’t their type and Enzo said something to the fact she could “satisfy” him. I am putting it politely!

    • I so agree! I hate to say this but even Nat the Rat is looking better than those three……….OMG ……I gotta go puke!

  79. This is the lamest BB ever. I watched every year but one, and this is lame. The house guests are almost all dummies, and you’re like who cares about this bunch of losers. I don’t like Matt, but he seems to know how to play the game. At least I thought so until tonight. Looked like he blew the HOH comp. and then putting up Kathy when he could have gotten rid of a true turn coat like that dummie Enso. Matt better shape up.

    • I like Enzo better than some of the others, but you’re right. The smarter move would have been to put up Enzo. No one would have expected it. Unfortunately, this group of house guests seem to think that putting up someone who sucks at competitions is a “real game changer”. Whatever. Bring Evil Dick or Chill Town back or actually do something to make me go “OMG”. I haven’t “OMG” the entire season. Nothing has shocked me. You see who wins POV and then you know who is going home. No surprise or doubt.

      • The game has become very methodical which makes sense with how long its been running. HGs have 11 seasons of Bb to watch plus probably survivor and others. People don’t throw out sympathy votes anymore except simpletons like Kathy. Almost every vote is unanimous. Alliances are now as long as they’re useful rather than till death. Chilltown probably wouldn’t last in BB12.

  80. as I and many others said

    if matt wanted to prove he could play the game, you take out brit…why? because she could win the quiz hoh…and gosh golly SHE DOES.

    worst move I have ever seen…take out kathy? why?

    • i think it is because brit knows a LOT and matt knows that keeping her in, is a smart move. she teaches them a lot, like rachel did with brenden.

  81. matt WILL see the block this week….

    brit said something early in the game “I wish I was in the position matt is in” ever since she has tried to do this…and matt just blew his shot to get rid of the person who now holds the most power not just with the HOH, but she has so many side alliances its just sickening

    yeah lets boot kathy who would NEVER win and can ALWAYS be put up without drama

  82. Brit is screwed – if she gets rid of Brendon where does she go for an alliance? she needs to put up Matt and Enzo – this leaves her with Lane and Ragan and possibly Brendon – Lane is not a very honorable man if he fails to tell her about the alliance.

    • see thats my issue…its the “lets get brendon out and talk #### to him game”…WHY???? hes a jury vote, and he wont get more than one, MAYBE two(thanks to matt handing kathy to brenden jury wise)…but thats all he will get…but yeah, lets get brenden out since….yeah…that makes sense…and everyone else is buddy buddy..

      sigh…still no real shakeup in this house and to have a double eviction when brenden is one of the two…lame…if he goes, it turns into a boys club with brit…

    • Lane & Brittney were talking a few nights ago..He warned her to be careful what she said and to whom she talked…He told her to watch her back and watch who she trusted..

      • because they are engaged!! i have been predicting it for weeks now! they have a very strange relationship on the feeds and on bbad! plus, her fiance was not on tv tonight.. come on….

    • Nominate Hayden and Enzo, two floaters. Then, if one gets Veto, she’ll probably nominate Brendan.

  83. brenden and enzo are the noms…guarenteed

    one will win pov…and matt will go up

    it WILL happen. And Brit will come off as such a hypocrit in the position of power after mocking it for so long

    matt, you just lost the money by keeping brit over kathy…why? lane…AND ragen are too close to her…oh well

    • Ragan is a useless cry baby. I can’t believe the house doesn’t want him out. Too much drama!

    • Alex, this would be perfect – because they will vote off Matt – then Brendon wins HOH and puts up Ragan and Brit – this in the end will mean Ragan goes home and Lane wanting to save Brit will align with Brendon for the final 3

  84. Matt should have gotten rid of ANYONE but Kathy, then concentrated on winning the HOH. Wonder why he didn’t? I thought he acted strange when he lost HOH. I don’t think he wanted to win. Why? and why put up Kathy? What is he thinking?

    • Maybe he knew Brittany wouldn’t put him up and probably thought the double eviction was next. That way he could play for the 2nd HOH that will happen the same night as the other.

      • Maybe. In other years, couldn’t the current HOH compete for HOH? I could swear in other years some were HOH for two weeks in a row?

      • All the Hg were sayin the DOUBLE EVICTION is coming soon! So I know they won’t be surprised! Matt figured it out & threw HOH so he can go for HOH next week and he feels safe with his BRO’S. They all make me sick!!!!

    • He knew that whoever won would do the deed of kicking out Brendan. He would much rather pass that honour to someone else than miss on a crucial HOH.

  85. I have never seen such an idiotic bunch of people! Did Ragan actually say “My integrity is not for sale… 500k isn’t worth it?” But it is worth 20k to be the sab?
    I have never seen a better example of leading an idiot into an idea than Enzo deciding that Kathy was the sab.
    Ragan has the foulest mouth and his ridiculous crush on Matt makes me want to cry. Britt is not much better and it would be nice to see her keep her word to Brendon as she will go right after him if she doesn’t.
    Don’t get me wrong I don’t really like Brendon either. This is the first season that there has not been a single house guest I could really get behind.

    • I agree. Usually there is one person that all of America could like. Not this season. There was one I could not stand though.

  86. I don’t get why people are upset that Brit won’t keep her word for NOT putting Brendon up.. HELLO? He told Matt he wouldn’t put him up and BAM!! He got/got!!! GO BRIT!!

    • because if you listened to her at all this season you would hope she at least could keep her word…he did NOT put her up with people asking him to…but yeah, when it benefits your fav HG, go ahead, lie away…but its now THREE JURY VOTES


      rachel will be kathys best bud…with brenden, thats three votes…

      you would need only ONE more to win. to throw away those votes is just stupid

      • You can’t trust anybody’s word.. It’s Big Brother.. People would say anything to keep off the Block… Brendon should be evicted just for being annoying!! BUT, that’s NOT the case… Another thing, he should NOT have been making deals w/ everyone to keep himself safe! He’ll get what’s coming to him!

      • LO LIFE MATT PUT THE SHOMANCE UP , so why shouldn’t Matt get his. Matt- I can’t stand you. I don’t care how smart you think you are, but your not gonna win with that TERRIBLE LIE ABOUT YOUR WIFE ! BE careful what you wish for I GUESS you want your wife to suffer!!!!!!!!!!! lol

      • Do you really think that in two weeks, Rachel can get Kathy to be her BFF, especially if ‘her man’ gets between them? Kathy will make her own decision.

  87. I read a comment that said Matt should have put Britney up. If Matt was smart, he would have put Enzo up! He is clearly after Matt. Not to mention gross. I can’t wait until he is evicted. I am so happy that Britney won!

  88. I think they did a fair job in selecting this cast – even with girl that dropped out, who I think would have made this house a totally different story.

    The strongest personalities were evicted too early. But good for Brit. “Big Game Brit” I like to call her. This is why to try to win HOH Enzo and Hayden!!

  89. Lets see if we can predict what happens this week.

    Brendon will go up, probably with Enzo beside him.
    They’ll play POV.
    If one wins, he’ll take himself off the block.
    Hayden will probably take their place.
    Nominations will remain the same.
    Brendon will go to the jury house.
    And we can all yawn our way through another “exciting” predictable week.

      • Great.
        I predict Brendon AND probably someone obvious (my guess would be Britney) will be evicted then.
        Still boring.

        I really hope next season spices it up and picks some players that use to play the game with some backbone.

  90. Now tell me u dont think that Lane is Brittneys real fiancee they are covering it up why else would her mother act like its ok she is flirting with someone that she is not involved with. thats the pair in the house 4 sure. And I am so keeping my fingers crossed that brendon wins this game. he has been through so much abuse by these other ass holes in the game. They so so much to him it makes me sick, he is trying hard 2 fit in and they just wont give him a chance, hope bb gives him a chance at something better the the dpov, and makes matts speach laughable cause he is such a creep.

    • Now that you say that about Lane and Britt… I swear your right especially because Her Fiance would have been there at the house watching and commenting like everyone else for the drama

      • Earlier, a commenter said Nick and Mrs. Brittany’s Mom never met, which is awkward. I could see Brittany ditching Nick for Lane.

      • HI sister, we do think alike my same thoughts after seeing her family and no fiance. Seen britney huggin Lane a few times already before 2 nites show. I hope BB will give BRENDEN a chance to at least play for the POV!!!

      • Oh by the way,after she won the HOH I heard Britney say ” I get a letter from HOME” Why not say from NICK? I bet we don’t see any pictures of Nick & Britney when she gets her HOH room! :)

  91. i hope brit keep her word not to put brendon up and put up hayden and enzo.if she don’t i hope bren wins the pov then one of the brigade will have to go up.then i hope he wins HOH again and send her packing,after all he kept his word and didn’t put her on the block.little do she know she and regan is not safe from the brigade, is matt going to carry them like he did the brigade wise up matt.

    • britney is not thinking about jury votes for sh!t… If was smart, she’d keep her fake alliance to Brendon, because so far, She’s not getting Rachel’s vote, kathy’s vote, won’t get bren’s vote if she puts him up. If Matt is in final two, she won’t get Ragina’s vote. She might not get Lane’s vote, simply because he sides still, more to the BORgade. She definately won’t get enzo’s vote, or Hayden’s…. Dumb lil girl… Wonder how long it will take her to become Queen Rachel now that she’s HOH….

      • that’s because everyone in that house play’s for revenge instead of playing the game it’s time to start looking out for themselves brit bashed kathy every chance she got. hope she sees the tape when she was playing the veto comp how brit was rolling her eyes

    • Lisa, Great Post. I’m with you on that. Brittany makes me sick. She thinks she’s so smart. I don’t believe she will keep her word with Brenden. She can’t see that they are getting rid of females in the house. Just how far do she think she’ll get without allies?

      • Kristin caught on too late. She tried to warn the girls about the “boys’ alliance” (even though she couldn’t quite figure out which boys) and they were too dumb to listen… She predicted that the girls would eventually all be eliminated. I’m surprised that it went so completely over their heads…

  92. This is the first BB show where the goal is to get out one person the entire show instead of playing the game. Remember when BB eviction night was suspenseful because HGs had balls and didn’t vote as a group, kept us on our toes. What a boring bunch of losers. They are the worst cast ever.

    • I know, this is the worse season ever! I can’t believe almost every single eviction was unanimous with an exception of one vote or two… It’s completely predictable this season, BB12 you bore me…

    • According to all the HOH Winners, it’s important to kick out non-game player so the game can get started for real. The only problem is that will only be complete when Britney, Matt and Brendan are left.

      • I have to agree Dylan. They are the main players in the house. Everybody else won’t do anything but keep going back and forth instead of making some power moves themselves. I wouldn’t want to constantly be on the sidelines. Who wants to ride to the top with someone who can’t win a comp? I would take it as a slap in the face.

  93. Britney needs to nominate Ragan. That little weasel would throw her under the bus if he had the chance.

    • he tried to when Brendon was HOH and he won veto. He was trying to save his showmance with Matt.

  94. I was Pissed that Britney won! I was rooting for enzo and even talked to the tv lol. Too bad he didn’t hear me :P But b4 it started I knew she would win. :(

  95. If Brenden gets through next week he has a strong possibility of winning the game…big brother kinda screwed Brenden cause when he opened pandoras box he got sent to the jury house and when matt did he won the excuses but still Brenden got screwed in that situation….

    • I feel the same way. I was sad to see him look all over so happy to see her and it turned out to be a waste of opening the box. She was the reason he opened Pandora’s box in the first place…

    • I thought that was funny. They set him up good by showing Rachel’s picture on the screen. They made sure he was going to open that door.

      • They all learn a lesson from big brother 3, Lisa’s showmance went home early and she manage to win the game. They should have known better but I wish the best for them, outside the house.

    • There has never been a more unfair staged event…This program is losing all credibility..

      • I too wondered about the staging. The DPOV just happened to come into play in a somewhat boring part of the game. It was really the game changer so far. The SAB stuff was lame. Enzo was even lamer for thinking about the S for Sheriff=Kathy.

      • I agree it gives the HOH back to back power. And then to stand up there and call Brendon a big dummy. I still hope the brigade breaks up. Now what Britney chooses who are the have nots.

    • I don’t think he can win the game. People know that there’s a good chance he has Kathy and Rachel, he’s also won a bit of comps. Just like Hayley and Enza said “Let’s evict ____ so we can look better.”

  96. Did anyone notice that Matt covers up his devil tat? I bet some in TV land saw it and compained to the producers who made him cover it.

  97. britney is not thinking about jury votes for sh!t… If was smart, she’d keep her fake alliance to Brendon, because so far, She’s not getting Rachel’s vote, kathy’s vote, won’t get bren’s vote if she puts him up. If Matt is in final two, she won’t get Ragan’s vote. She might not get Lane’s vote, simply because he sides still, more to the BORgade. She definately won’t get enzo’s vote, or Hayden’s…. Dumb lil girl… Wonder how long it will take her to become Queen Rachel now that she’s HOH….

    • If people base their vote on playing the game she has a shot. If they on a personal level, no chance. So far, their is at least one player in the jury house that plays the game personal. Brendon will do whatever Rachel does, pathetic. I think Hayden, Ragan, Matt, Kathy & Lane will vote for game players. Enzo the chump already said numerous times she doesn’t deserve the money because she’s 22. Whatever, who the hell is he? He’s a talking vagina.

  98. This sucks! now we have to watch this miserable be-atch Bratney talking shit about Brendon for at least another week. One day of bratney in the BB house is one day to long.

  99. Don’t you really think it’s messed up that they allowed Matts wife to play into Matts game the way she did through that letter she sent when he was HOH? She admitted right there on TV that she wrote that letter specifically to play into the lie he told. I’m sorry but that to me was allowing the outside world to influence the whole game.

    Just saying….

    • I think Lane will try and tell her who to put up. She’s too lame to decide for herself. She is not a good game player, but Lane is well, lame too!

      • Yeah I am sure ur right Dennis…I am cool with Lane though he isn’t a total douche bag. lol

      • I don’t have a problem with Lane. Except in my opinion you have to win some comps. to deserve to win BB. Lane and all the Brigade so far have been dependent on Matt. Then they turn against him. I wonder if he will find out as this week progresses?

  100. Bratney swore on Nick (if he even exists) to Brendon she wouldn’t put him up or backdoor him,if he didn’t put her up.
    This will show just what a piece of crap she is, when she puts him up!

      • If he were smart he would know the knive is coming…..but then I love the guy he has no common sense so……..;)

      • I’m wondering about that too, she was willing to swear on her relationship with Nick, which either led me to believe (a) her & nick are not really engaged or (b) she’s done with him or (c) nick doesn’t exist! lol

    • actually she swore on nick… now i get it… there is no nick or engagement.

      look out lane or go get it lane… whichever.

      • YES GREGH ..There is a Nick!!!! I just saw apic of him..he’s an average looking guy with average build..No muscles..and not much of a personality according to the blog I read..but can’t be sure..

      • There is a Nick– I’ve seen pictures, not sure why they haven’t had him on the live show but he does exist.

        My dream week

        Brendon & Enzo go up. Brendon wins veto. Brit puts up Hayden. Enzo goes home. Ragan wins the next HOH, he puts up Brendon & Hayden…Brendon goes home!! Summary: Enzo & Brendon out in this double eviction week!!!

      • yeah there could BE a nick, but he could be the BFF not the BF or fiancee that we’re all lead to believe! we all knows that twit lies outta both ears & eyes so it’s not a stretch to think she bought dat ring herself! lol

      • Sorry, my dream week would be Brendon and Enzo goes up (cause I know she’s a back-stabber and will put him up), Brendon wins Veto, Hayden goes up and Enzo goes home. Then Brendon wins HOH, Britney and Ragan go up and Britney goes home! Whoo-hoo!

      • Lisa that is my dream week too! I don’t want Brendon to leave :( Bratney shouldn’t have won HoH, I’m pissed! But she is a backstabber and will backstab Brendon by putting him up.

        I believe that Nick exists, but as a BFF like Janelle said! Lane and Bratty McBratBrat are the ones who are really engaged I bet.

      • I’m thinking you guys are right… there is a Nick… that lucky guy or unlucky guy depending on how you look at it.

        No game or not, if I was Nick I would not be happy about Lane. NO,NO,NO.

        Brit, you have some “x-plane-n” to do!!! She’s pretty convincing.

      • She said she’ll give him her firstborn if she had to (as a joke.) All she swore on was Nick.

      • If I remember she told Brendan she didn’t want to go up on the block and would do anything to stay that week. Then in her DR interview she said she made that all up so she would be safe and would put Brendon up the first chance she got, which will be this week cause she won HOH. So then, she’s a liar and a biatch.

      • Everyone has to lie in this comp. We’re talking half a million! I’d do the same thing to advance myself, that’s what makes it a game It’s not lrts called “Let’s be BFF’s!

    • She is piece of crap, she will go back on her words.bren and enzo will be put up.

      I really hope these hg would grow up and stop the grade 5 trash talking.

      I honestly don’t know how anyone cheers for brit regan matt lane enzo and lane, the way they act is so childish. Bren has done nothing that bad for all of them to be this way, he’s the only mature hg left. Ya he gets whipped but most men do.

      Mats dpov was a joke, all the hg should have had an equal chance at a power like that, bb screwed up. Its now 6 vs 1 what other help can they get to send bren to the jury.

      This will go down as the worst bb ever unless bren can do the near impossible and send each one of them packing.

    • You are soooo right… that googly eyed POS will eventually get whats coming to her… at least I hope… :-)

  101. I miss Rachel in the game because she definately had Balls!! To stand up and go after the big people in the house but Kristen was her downfall. We need a whole season of people that have her Personality!!!

    • Or at least have the evicted people drop grenades like Andrew did (and Kristen nearly did on the brigade.)

    • Really? Ragan put her in her place. She had no answer. You suck at it, is not exactly what I call having balls.

      • That’s just a lack of vocabulary, she’s ballsy, and if not for the massive melons- manly too.

      • She got lucky while she was there, both in competitions and getting Brendon. He must not have dated many hot girls cause her looks, voice and personality make her very unattractive. But I guess her drama is what everyone likes.

    • Rach’s personality is revolting though… at least to me, that laff, that voice… she’s a witch.

      but otherwise i love her, she the smartest, bestest that ever played the game.

      please take me away, i need to be committed right now.

      • You are right, you do need to be committed!Evil Dick would have had her for lunch, dinner and breakfast! She doesn’t even hold a candle to classy and super gamers Janelle or Jordan! She is everything Ragan called her out on and more! Brendon is touched in the head because of her and it ruined his game ultimately. What a fool1 A VIP waitress in Vegas is equivalent to being a I dont’t have to say it. I know I lived there for 5 yrs. Trust me!

    • I agree… I just don’t miss that laugh or voice, but at least she played the game… Fricken Ragen is a joke… and I definately don’t want the googly eyed monster (Bratney) to win, nor fricken Matt (the I’m so smart freak)… this year sucks for BB… they really need to get it together… I’ve never been so disappointed in BB history…

      • The thought of Kathy having the pleasure of spending an entire week alone with Rachel amuses me. I hope Rachel annoys the crap out of her.

      • So do I… she rambled on about how she didn’t lie, steal or cheat… Please… Not face to face, but she sure sucked a lot of you know what and did absolutely nothing in the game… such an annoyance….

  102. Not sure yet who i think Britney will put on the block. Maybe when Britney has a talk with Lane, Enzo, Hayden then we all will see who she is going to put on the block. Matt and Brendon or Lane and Brendon. If Britney put up Brendon this week and he won the POV…then she would put up Matt or Ragan. Next thursday they will be two more going to jury house…

  103. I lost a lot of respect for matt that he Clearly threw the HOH comp tonight. he thumbed up america and was proud of it

    We aren’t proud Matt

    • not only that but he had a chance to turn the game upside down and have his best chance to win… now he deserves to go.

    • aw, we all did… bye, bye Kathy… you’re just too sweet for this game.

      your only crime was taking a spot a REAL player could have had.

      now, arrest herself.

      she’s probably thinking i wonder if the j-house will have donuts.

  104. This show is so predictable. I really don’t like anyone. At least it was fun to laugh at Rachel. No one left will do anything to make the rest of the show not predictable. I guess Brendon winning pov can make things kind of interesting but that’s probably it…

    • you’re right. i’ve been able to predict just about every vote. i hate how everyone votes alike, and no one is brave enough to stand out. rachel stood out and that’s why so many people liked watching her, and yes, laughing at what she did and said.

    • you’re right. i’ve been able to predict just about every vote. i hate how everyone votes alike, and no one is brave enough to stand out. rachel stood out and that’s why so many people liked watching her, and yes, laughing at what she did and said.

  105. I think its weird that they are having a double eviction when there was 1 less housemate from the beginning. They should bring back Kristen next week since she was truely put up as a personal hit. Even tho at the time I was excited to see her go.

  106. Julie Chen: “I need your answer now, Enzo.”

    Enzo was listening to Britney answer first, trying to figure out if she put True or False!

    Good thing he lost.
    As we say in Texas, “All hat, and no cattle”

    • I was wondering if he was going to sneak a peek, he kept on leaning back towards the end.

    • wow… so he could hear if she was turning it to left or right, no wonder he did so good. LOL!!!

      • “Yo, who knows what Simon said?
        I’ll listen to Brit instead.
        Is it false or true?
        I ain’t got a clue.
        Looks like da Brigade is dead.”

      • damn Q, the brigade could have been dead but did you see it when Matty reached down his pants, he was gonna name Enzo but he has NO BALLs and he named Kathy instead of.

  107. Well, so much for BB. I’m off of here. Thinking of Ragan happy and soon crying himself to sleep thinking of Matt and being happy that he won the $20,000 that he didn’t deserve. I didn’t vote for him to be the SAB. I voted for Kathy because she was so lame I thought it would be fun to have her be the space cadet SAB LOL Night everyone!

    • Hey maybe Ragan will be so moved that Matt needs the money for his sick wife (yeah right) that he will give all or part of his $20Gs to Matt. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

      • I though Ragan would pee his pants when he found out Matt was staying. I wouldn’t say his face and DR eviction was priceless, I just can’t think of a stupider or insane reaction.

  108. Now that I think about it, Rachel’s pretzel message is more worth 20k than Ragan’s ‘practical jokes.’

  109. OMG!!! Kathy looked happy to get evicted. I would be pissed!!!!! Does she still think she has a chance to win the half million from the jury house? This season is sooo lame!!! I think I will watch season 8 again.

    • I was thinking, does Kathy know she’s been evicted??? She is so lame maybe she’ll realize it tommorrow?? LOL (now i am outta here)

    • Maybe she realized that there was nothing she could do and probably accepted that she was evicted. Maybe though

    • She said she only wanted to make it to the jury house so she probably is happy to get out of the house. She still gets paid for being there.

  110. If Brittney is smart she will put Hayden and Enzo up. Play for POV and keep the votes the same that way she keeps her word to Brendon and secures two votes from the Jury house. Hayden and Enzo can’t hate her too much for putting them up because a- she was never friends with them or had an alliance and b- that’s how the game is played. If someone else uses the Veto, she puts up Brendon saying she her hands are tied. Who gives a crap if she doesn’t keep her word to Brendon. I hate that troll. The guy may have a PhD but he sure as hell doesn’t act like it. Can’t think for himself, can’t play for himself, can’t win for himself.

  111. I missed the first half of BB tonight!! UGH, I came in when the voting was over, so anything good that happened I missed. This was one show I really wanted to watch and see how everyone reacted to Matt…and if Enzo & Hayden told Matt prior to the show they were voting to keep Lane.

    I can’t believe I missed it…I will be watching BBAD, but by now Matt has already explained in the “Matt” way how the DPOV came to be..

    I seen Ragan in the ‘Have Not’ Room jumping up and down while looking into the camera say he loved everyone….

    • no, she PROMISED on her nick that he would not be put up or back-doored. man, Bren made his deal with the right Hg’s didn’t he?

      that will yet to be seen.

      • okay , obviously brendan will go up . right after she said that it showed her in the diary room saying that it was all bullshit and would have promised him her “first born child” . yes she will put him up . she was playing the game (aka lying) i love brittany

      • She admitted it was all a lie in her DR interview right after. She said she would have told him anything just to save herself from going up on the block. In fact she said she will put him up the first chance she gets, which looks like this week cause she won HOH.

  112. First time viewer’s (me) observations: Enzo, Lane total, as you call them, ‘floaters’. Matt and Rachel playing game well (I know, only 1 left). Ragan is kinda weird for being so articulate and educated, total creepy vibe. Brendon may have been a good player, but is thinking with the wrong head! Brit playing all angles, dimed-out everyone to everyone. Hayden seems to me like that Sean Penn character in Fast Times @…

    I thought this is a social game, and although friendships are made, it’s still a game for half a million…lying and backstabbing are inevitable. Why does everyone hate HG’s who lie? Thought that’s how you can win the game? Am I wrong?

    • Since it is a game to me its not telling a lie; I compare it to playing poker, you’re bluffing. You can’t get anywhere in that game without it in some form or another.

  113. It’s going to be hard doing America’s Vote for the favorite player this time around… as I don’t really care for anyone in this group, which is highly rare that I don’t root exclusively for someone to win. This cast of HG’s are just boring and predictable. Not one eviction has been a surprise. No one has made even the slightest “game changing” move. I love how they are all like “LET’S GET THE FLOATERS”.
    If I’m going to have to root for someone, I guess I’ll pick Lane or Brendon now that Rachel is gone.
    Still… going to be a boring, predictable game the rest of the season.

    Although, you have to applaud Julie for doing her best to try to make it exciting, but even her intros for the voting she can tell it’s predictable. “So and So has been friends with So and So for a long time now, so it should be no surprise who he/she will vote for.”