Big Brother 12: Week 1 Friday Live Feed Highlights

The action continued yesterday in the Big Brother 12 house with the arrival of the first Power of Veto Competition. Hayden’s nominees were feisty and ready to fight for their survival. Alliances are solidifying and road maps being laid out for future evictions (don’t count those chicks just yet!). Read on to see the highlights of what happened last night on the uncensored Big Brother 12 feeds.

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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – July 9, 2010:

10:00 AM BBT – Brendon is talking with Annie and is upset about his nomination. He’s frustrated that he’s hearing others won’t change the noms if they win the Veto. Annie reminds him he’ll need to get it to stay safe. Brendon reminds her that Monet won $10,000 that first night. He’s trying to make her a target over the money as happens most seasons.

10:20 AM BBT – Rachel tells Brendon that if she wins the Veto she’ll take him off the block instead of her. She’s crazy!

10:25 AM BBT – Annie goes up to the HoH room and tells Hayden that he needs to get rid of Brendon now. Hayden thinks he can control Brendon, Annie disagrees. Looks like Monet is safe from Hayden’s targets as she’s in there with him.

1:30 PM BBTLive Feeds are back from the PoV competition and Brendon has won the Veto. You can expect him to use it and force a replacement.

2:00 PM BBT – Hayden, Rachel, Annie, Matt, Monet, Ragan, and Enzo are gathered in the HoH room. This looks to be one of the alliances, well, minus Rachel. They’re frustrated that Brendon won.

2:15 PM BBT – Britney, Monet, and Kathy discussing plans for evictions. They want Rachel gone this week and then Andrew and Brendon the following two weeks.

2:30 PM BBT – Matt, Enzo, and Annie warning Brendon not to protect Rachel too much because the other HGs will notice. Pretty much hinting at her pending demise and not to be too close to that one when it goes off.

3:00 PM BBT – Enzo and Monet meet up in the bathroom to talk strategy. Both agree that they want Annie gone and Enzo promises to talk to Hayden to try and keep her safe from being replaced as a nominee.

6:15 PM BBT – Enzo, Matt and Hayden in HOH discussing plans to backdoor Annie.  Enzo wants her gone and convinces Hayden they have the votes to get her out.

1:00 AM BBT – Annie is crying in the bathroom about her family situation.  She confides to Monet that her family wouldn’t sign anything for the show.  They go to the backyard and people are telling Annie to be strong. 

1:39 AM BBT –  Hayden and Lane discussing Annie and can’t believe she went to Britney and told her everything Hayden discussed with her in the last hour.  The plan is set to get rid of Annie this week. 

Brendon has saved his Big Brother butt and will stay in the game another week, but he’ll need to regain a better position in the house if he wants to stay longer than that. Rachel might be a lost cause at this point with the way the house is leaning. We’ll just have to wait and see who becomes the replacement nominee and who pisses off who over the next few days!

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