Big Brother 11 Twist Explained – Rumor

As always, until Big Brother 11 premieres we won’t know for certain which of these details are true and which are products of the BB rumor mill.

Okay, disclaimer aside, let’s move on to the fun stuff. RealityBBQ scored another direct hit with rumor-master CornerOffice who wrote in to explain the alleged “clique” twist for this season.

If you’d rather remain surprised, then stop here and move on to the next post. Otherwise, continue reading for some potential spoiler details…

Big Brother has cast people who they believe represent some typical high school stereotypes. However, it will not be Big Brother pairing them up. Once they enter the house, they will be told to form the cliques themselves โ€“ Big Brother will not force them together like Big Brother 9. In other words, Big Brother could have cast someone that they see as a Jock but the houseguests could decide that they are a โ€œgeekโ€ instead.

The theme is set to be called “The Have’s and the Have-Not’s” which seems more like a material grouping rather than characteristics, but I could see how that would still work. If this is all true then I’m most happy about Big Brother letting them pick their own groupings, right or wrong. Corner also points out that eventually BB will tell them to split off on their own and play individually.

If I walked into that house and they said to group into the “beautiful people,” the “jocks,” and the “geeks.” I’d have to explain that I can’t be in three places at once!… Okay, so maybe not.

What group would you put yourself in? Sound off in the comments below!

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  1. I don’t see myself in any of those groups. It’s so tacky to try and group people into jocks, beautiful people and geeks. When I went to high school there were many more groups. But one thing I do decree is that most;y all groups disliked jocks, beautiful people and geeks so this should come out to be a very distaslefull season. Oh JOY!!! uuuggggggg… boring theme if this is it

  2. AWESOME!! Sounds like a great season! It should be good. I still hope they mix the age groups, it makes it interesting. But this year they should put two “Jerry” types in there (older folks), this way they might have A LITTLE more of a fair chance.
    I am so excited for the premiere!! =)

  3. Also – it seems like there is not many HG’s this season, I think they’re going to bring in some surprise guests!!

  4. Heey , i dont know about the theme. it seams that it will not last long. i dont know. we will just have to w8 and see. cant wait!!

  5. I hope it turns out better than it sounds b/c right now it sounds like a bad Lifetime Movie of the Week buildup. Fingers crossed that I’m wrong, thanks as always BBN.

  6. Those 3 groups I mentioned were purely speculative and not confirmed as the cliques intended for Big Brother 11.

    Perhaps a better question would have been, “What clique would you put yourself in or would you like to see appear in BB11?”

  7. I would like to see a season full of drag queens and skin heads… now that would be fun

  8. I definatly would be in the “Geeks”. I was a band “Geek” in high school as well as, in the
    school production of “Fiddler on The Roof”. Definatley a “Geek”. But, I had fun while doing it, at least I can say that.

  9. @Troy: I often feel the same way at the start of the season, but I’ve found what really makes or breaks the summer of BB is the casting. If we get an awesome group again they can overcome any downsides of the twists.

  10. I don’t care what the “twist” is or if there are Geeks, jocks, senior citizens or party people….just bring it on!!! I’m ready for my fix of BB!

  11. I agree with Littlethings, to me it sounds like a theme that would be all young people like 2 seasons ago. UUGGG!!! I like it much better when there is a mixture of ages.But I’m like Diana, I am definately ready for a new season, there’s nothing to watch!!!!

  12. LJ: Don’t we all, it would be amazing! I loved the last year. We had BB 8, followed by BB9, and than BB10 right after it. It was so hard to wait an entire year between BB10 and BB11

  13. I would love to see BB twice a year also. I don’t care what the twist is I just love watching BB, and it would be cool to have a party group, and senior citizens like the person above said.

  14. Lol! My husband would definitely tell you that I was a part of the pretty girl group in high school!

  15. I agree with the people who want BB twice a year…both me and my husband are BB fans and we loved the fact that they had 2 seasons of BB last year

  16. They already have a show “Beauty and the Geeks”! I don’t think this is a very origional twist to the game! Really disappointed!

  17. i was in the cheerleader group in higschool
    and i hope that wasnt the big twist of the season!

  18. i just hope they have attractive people on the show!
    but i want some entertainging people too
    such as evel dick and james

  19. i absolutley love it
    when the younger people are on the show
    the show is much more boring with people like jerry and renny

    and i agree with gia
    i love evel and matty

  20. i agree i would love to see more of this reality show.i will never miss an episode. you will definately be hearing from me.i have to say i love the whole drama thing.if ed reads these i would love to see you come back .maybe we could pick again who we would like to see come back in another special.

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