Big Brother 11 Premiere Approaches – Time Is Running Out

The premiere of Big Brother 11 is less than a week away. We’ve met the House Guests and toured the new house. Finally, our summer of “expecting the unexpected” is upon us. But with the start date just days away important things loom overhead: last chances.

First up is the preseason discount on the live feeds. It’s about to expire. You’re getting all 3 months for $30 instead of $15/month over 3 months. While I may not be able to count, my calculator can and it tells me that’s an awesome deal. Earlier, my calculator told me, “80085,” and I giggled.

So if you get the feeds each year, do it now before the deal expires on Wednesday or you’ll pay more later when you get them anyway. If you haven’t been getting the live feeds each year, then you’re missing out on so much of the Big Brother experience! Definitely worth it, especially with the $30 in free mp3s you’ll get.

Next is our big chance to land the exclusive webchat with Chelsia Hart (BB9) as part of RealNetworks’ contest for whichever site makes the most referrals to the RN Superpass live feeds before the season starts. That means if all of us get our feeds from links right here on the Big Brother Network site then we’ve got an awesome chance at winning this.

Lastly is the Big Brother Toolbar. Okay, so that’s not going to expire. It’ll be here all season, but now it’s better than ever with a couple of new features added today: Twitter and Facebook. You can login to your Twitter and Facebook accounts right from the toolbar and float small widget windows on your screen while surfing the interwebs. Very useful, very sweet, and very free.

So there’s your 4th of July weekend homework: save yourself some money with the live feeds discount, be a hero and help us win the Chelsia webchat, and stay connected to BB11 with the Big Brother Toolbar. You all rock!

Sexy Update: Jordan’s “assets” are just 3-weeks old. Seriously. Watch it here.



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  1. Well i know i helped out. I got the live feeds Monday, and i am set for the new season. I am so exicted to have the feeds because i have never had them before. SHOULD BE A FUN SEASON!!

  2. Awesome. Thanks, Hunter!

    Seriously it’s a completely different game when you have the feeds. When I compare notes with friends that just watch the broadcast episodes it’s amazing how they have no idea what’s really going on in the house. CBS can do some serious editing on HGs and events to make you think something entirely different is happening.

    You’re definitely going to enjoy them.

  3. @Matt: Thats is what i heard, so i was very excited that i got to get teh feeds this year. Cause being the HUGE Big Brother fant that I am, I want to know what REALLY happens in the house.

  4. well can`t wait , have been ready , already have my superpass ready(2 weeks ago) also my showtime ready (afterdark) i just love it , haven`t missed a season yet, anyone that has never had the superpass , ya just dont know what your missing, love knowing when no one else does…lol count down

  5. IM younger … so i need my parents permission for live feed . ANd my parents wont let me get it. im really upset and it sucks. they wont even let me use my own money. i told her i would only watch it in the day and not at night even tho i kno stuff happens in the day. cuz the only reason they are not letting me is because of innapropriate stuff. swearing is fine its just the nudity they are worried about. i wish they would just let me watch it!!

  6. @chilltownlvr: That’ll be something to look forward to when you get older then. The feeds are a lot of fun, but at times can certainly not be too younger-audiences friendly.

    @patti r: Agreed. I’m feeling mighty ready too!

  7. I always get the live feeds. All that sun and girls in bikinis make great screen caps, and it’s fun to call family members without feeds and tease them with juicy spoilers.

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