Big Brother 11 Finalists Selected & Notified

According to Kassting Inc., the Big Brother 11 finalists have been selected and notified. That means if you had applied, either in person or via mail, and did not hear anything yet then BB12 is your next chance.

Finalist calls have been made. Thanks to all who applied in person or via home tape for the upcoming season of Big Brother.

Didn’t get the big call you were waiting for? Then join the rest of us Big Brother fans on the couch this summer and register now for the Big Brother Forum, sign-up for the free Big Brother updates, and start following us on Twitter so you never miss a BB11 event all summer long.



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  1. hey guys my name is shelby Nadine and dan would get along good lol call me. thanks guys hope to be on big brother 11 shelby

  2. When will we see pix of the finalists? We wanna see who’s gonna be on there! & have ya’ll ever considered doin’ an “ALL GAY” BB? ;-)

  3. No, we don’t want an “ALL GAY” BB. That would just be disgusting in of itself. BB would lose a lot of loyal fans if that were to happen.

  4. Who will be this seasons senior citizen house guest? I honestly thought I would have been a shoe-in for the spot when I appeared for the audition on March 28th on Sunset Blvd. Despite not being on perscripted meds for being 60, I’m funny, young at heart and sharp, also being told by the judges during my Hollywood audition that it was fantastic…I even personally know a former Houseguest from the 2006 All-Star season. So, I dying to know, who overtook me for the spot on BB11?

  5. There have been gay people on big brother already and there are MANY loyal gay fans and it would GREAT to see an all gay big brother show with just one straight person. Maybe then straight people could understand how it feels to NOT be in the majority.

  6. rose thats a great comment you made. I wouldnt watch it but probably would be a good concept. Or perhaps a formal porn peoples BB? :) well i guess allison and james would be back on there.

  7. Sandra… seriously? Do you know any gay people? It’s people like you I wish would have gay children so they could realize that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. I’m offended that you would use a website like this during all of the excitement for the new season to promote your racist hatred. Open your eyes, it’s not all about Sandra!

  8. Well obviously I have ruffled a few feathers with my comment,but I won’t apologize for what I said, I will say I am sorry if it offended anyone out there. But the thing is this is a free country and I am allowed to express my feelings on any matter. It is ok for someone to suggest an “ALL GAY” BB, but it is not ok for someone to disagree with it. Don’t agree with that. If you are going to post then accept not everyone will agree with you. Just like me, I know not everyone agrees with me and that is fine. We are all individuals and we all have different opinions. Plain and simple.

    Jared….yes I do know some gay people and actually have some gay friends. They are well aware that I do not agree with their lifestyles and they do not push it on me nor do I push my lifestyle on them. We have agreed to disagree and when together we all have a great time..thank you very much.

  9. wish they could have a all gay big brother..that would be good on Logo or something..i can’t wait till this summer season starts!!!

  10. I agree with Sandra. I really would not watch an all gay Big Brother. Not that I have a problem with gays but we all watch this show for variety, whether in age, sex, race or sexual preference. That is why Big Brother tries to include all. Everyone has a choice of what they want to express and a freedom to do so. Let us all agree to disagree.

  11. I agree with Demetria..and Sandra…come on! Because you are Gay, we who are not, are supposed to accept it, have it shoved down our throuts, choke on it, and smile and say “more please”…if BB became all Gay, Im quite sure it would lose way too many of there loyal fans, and I bet too many ratings. STOP TRYING TO MAKE AMERICA accept your lifesyle!

  12. why does everything always have to be one or the other!! I know many “proud ” gay people, they dont want to be exploited like that. they just want to be treated equal. I believe the suggestion offers “ism’s and neo’s” to come out the woodwork . Personally i dont care cause i watch for the back stabbing and twists and turns of game. but i would not watch drag or any extreme like that. remember, these people are but in this house with hardly any structure… theres a reason for that. if your a fan you know why!! so why try to make it more with extremes. its pretty dam good the way it is, right? does anyone follow my point or agree? i spoke to may friends and they conveyed these points to me also.

  13. go dena !!! I once had a gay man come on to me… he said ” don’t knock it ’til you try it”. i gotta find a necrophiliac to introduce to him. But i dont get the whole” proud to be gay” maybe i should start chanting ” proud to be straight”. so what??? what else have you done with your life and have you contributed to humanity any?

  14. Shelby… what was the audition like? how long and what did you have to do? i always wanted to apply but just didn’t have confidence to go do it.

  15. I’m not Shelby, but can tell you what it was like to audition for Big Brother. First, I stood in a fairly long line outside the offices of the show…7700 W. Sunset. That took about an hour before I went inside where they took a photograph of me. Then I had to wait there until my number was called out. When it was I entered into an audition room where there were three people…the judge, his assistant and a video-tape guy taping me. I was told I had five minutes to tell the judge why I thought I would be a perfect candidate for entering into the Big Brother houseguest. Personally, I thought I did a great job when they informed me that my audition was awsome as I literally sold myself to them. I would have bet the farm I was a shoe-in for the senior citizen house guest…but was surprised when not called upon noticing all guests where informed…BLAH!!!

  16. thats ashame kris… sounds like you maybe you just didnt fit the profile they were looking for, you know what i mean? i believe they try and put opposites or antagonistic people in there. there must be a formula they use…. you think? or is just random?

  17. also, maybe no senior citizens this year??? but that was it huh? no aptitude tests or any analysis on you?? also, you have any idea what they get paid to do it. cause it seems like it would be hard for people with careers. that has been my fear. if for some lucky reason i got picked… Do i quit my job or what? i know you don’t have that problem anymore, but many people must face that issue

  18. thats nice for you to live out there for all that sort of stuff. I’m in New Orleans and BB seems to never come this way. maybe next year for you. Good Luck !!!

  19. Jared, first of all, Sandra didn’t say anything racist. Secondly, used she has “Racist hatred”, that doesn’t even make sense… maybe slang. but definitely not correct English. Third, are you a drama queen??? maybe BB should do an all African-American season? But most importantly, you should know that someone that doesn’t agree with gay lifestyle, does not make them a racist !!!

  20. I agree with Dalton, the simple act of requesting an all gay BB prove to be a discriminatory remark. Why does it have to be all of any one type of person? and viewer ship would go down, facts on gay shows prove it.

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