Renny’s nominations are official and it’s an exciting direction for Big Brother 10. Neither of the nominees are favorites of mine, but I did predict them correctly and will be happy to see either of them go.
Big Brother 10 Week 6 Nominations: April and Jerry
Renny has announced her intention is to target April and break up Bleachie’s alliance with Ollie. April isn’t taking it well at all and Ollie’s consolations are falling on deaf ears.
The Power of Veto competition will take place this weekend, so watch it all live and uncensored as the house finally comes alive with some serious fighting.
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April has to go.I don’t like Jerry either. They have to vote April out .I sure hope Dan don’t play the veto.
jerry has to go after what he called dan now hes begging!! no way jerry needs to go
jerry thinks hes all that now idc about april but jerry needs to go bad april cant do any damage jerry really cant either but jerry is rude and needs to go
There is no way Dan will use the POV, he knows how BAD Memphis wants April outta there and Dan will stay true to the Memphis/Dan alliance.