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I can’t imagine that last night’s Big Brother 12 HoH competition went exactly as the majority of the house had planned. Despite a 5 to 3 competitive lead the advantage was squandered as Michelle walked away with the key as the new BB10 Head of Household.Michelle’s win puts the power back in the hands of her new alliance with April, Ollie, and Jerry. I’m pretty sure she’ll be willing to bring Memphis back into the fold as they were previously aligned and you can’t blame him for pushing to stay and let Jessie be evicted. So bump that alliance up to five members and you’ve got a majority there. Quite a power grab there.
That puts four HGs on the other side of Michelle: Keesha, Libra, Renny, and Dan. Oddly, Michelle doesn’t seem to be holding April responsible for the eviction of Jessie. Afterall, it was April the promised safety to Michelle and Jessie only to put the bodybuilder in the position to be evicted. I would put the blame squarely on her shoulders, but I think it’s clear that Michelle plays by emotions, not reality.
Given these four options for nominations I’m going to predict Dan and Libra to be square in her sights. Libra “stole” Michelle’s Hawaiian vacation and she’s likely going to pay for that “terrible injustice” this week. Dan was the swing vote, promised it to Jessie, but thanks to us he didn’t keep his word. Gotta love that big brother feed! Michelle is going to recognize that and blame him.
Think it’ll play out differently? It might. Maybe it’ll be Keesha in lieu of either Dan or Libra. Tough call and I could be swayed in either direction. Let’s hear your thoughts below in the comments.
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The house continues to boil with Michelle heating things up against the “traitors”. Watch the HGs fight live and uncensored right now – Free Trial!
Michelle will reveal her nominations in the house today. Sign up for the free BB10 email updates and get the results in your Inbox!
It’ll totally be Libra & Dan… I’m totally rooting for Dan and want him to stick around till the end!!
As trashy as she is, she isn’t a dummy and knows that Keesha only followed Libra’s lead… and of course Danny was the swing vote — and even if they suspect him of being AP, she will still put him up… i just hope he doesn’t “Throw” the PoV competition!!
PS: The best part of last night was everyone’s goodbye messages to Jessie, especially Renny’s!! hahahahahaha
If she puts Libra and Dan up, Dan will be the fall guy for the other side and it leaves Keesha free to work for Libra. If she really wants Libra gone, it should be Libra and Keesha. This way they have to work against each other instead, now that will be a fight.
The most likely thing is that Michelle won’t nominate Memphis since he was part of their original alliance. So, I’m guessing she’ll put up Dan as a pawn and Libra as the real target.
She said last night that she was going to put “friends” up there to fight it out so I think it will be Libra and Keesha – I think she really likes Dan and feels sorry for him some and thinks that he got fooled into voting with them… I HATE that April is not in trouble this week. I didn’t dislike her so much until her high and might routine last week. AND what the hell does Dan’s religion have to do with anything?
So apparently CBS fixed the HOH competition. Libra really won and Mitchell really lost. Is this true? It’s all over the internet. I can’t watch BB anymore they aren’t being fair, they’re concerned more about ratings, which they’ll always have. Libra got fucked over.
And another thing why is everyone suddenly jumping on Libra’s case? She’s doing what everyone else has done. “Playing the game”.
Whats bigger libra’s eyes or her nose holes. My God i am sick of her
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!! She didn’t win
I think she will nominate Libra and Keesha and if one of them gets the veto then Dan will go up. It would be too risky to nominate Libra without Keesha. If Keesha won the veto she would take Libra off. Maybe Memphis can persuade Michelle to nominate April!! Wouldn’t that be something!!!!!!!
I predict Dan & Libra as well.
If everything stays the same, Libra is definitely going home. If Libra magically wins, then Dan is probably going home.
These people are all retarded. Start the whole season over and give Angie the head of household the first week and we have a great show. Get rid of Jerry, Ollie, the female reverse oreo and we’ll have a decent show.
I wish it was Libra and April. Libra is a pain in the a$$ and April – I can not stand her. She’s SUCH a whore! And SHE got Michelle’s “boyfriend” put on the block AND lied about being safe. The next best move is April and Libra. Gotta split up April and Ollie big time!
I definitely agree with splitting up Ollie and April. And I don’t know why she wouldn’t blame April for Jessie getting evicted. It is definitely her fault. Up until this point it has been such a joke with them all agreeing who to vote out. I’m glad some of them finally are thinking for themselves!!
Michelle’s mic was the only one picking up all of the noise that night.they showed the rest of them sleeping threw some of the noise. BB cheated &give it to Michelle.
I didn’t hear the call – do you know where it can be heard?
So here is the call and now I need to hear the question again…
I don’t like how the entire house has allowed Ollie to just sit and watch. What is he there for? Oh yeah to chase after April. I’m glad Jessie got evicted because he appears to me to be very arrogant and a trouble maker, just like everyone else in the house. It’s funny to see how these people are such “best friends”in the house & they “love each other.” I wonder sometimes what’s the REAL DEAL with not liking Libra? She speaks her mind…so does Jerry. Libra sticks up for herself…so does Jerry, Memphis, Keesha, & Michelle. I’m not going to play the race card but it just seems VERY familiar the way SHE is singled out. Wasn’t Libra the one who found out what Brian was doing in the VERY beginning of the game with Jessie? Or has everyone forgotten about that? Jerry cusses EVERYBODY out and starts HUGE fights! Memphis is the ONLY ONE who stood up to him. I think Michelle will nominate Libra for sure because she’s playing on emotions, and her other choice….I’m not sure. Question: How could Libra STEAL Michelle’s trip if EVERYBODY’S proze was up for grabs? See! Playing by emotions.
I am so sick Michelle complaining about that vacation. Libra is no great person, but she won it fair and square. And, as far as the letter from home and her being a mother – her kids are babies – they don’t write!!! She won that vacation fair and square and Michelle is a cry baby.
Manchelle nominated Keesha and Libra today for eviction! She is pushing for Libra to be evicted.. Just an update
You guys are slacking! Michelle did the nomination ceremony last night and put up Keesha and Libra… Stupid if you ask me, but she is white trash and i expect no less!
The smartest thing she could have done would have been to put up Ollie and April. April will turn on her in a heartbeat!!!! And doesn’t she realize that April is the reason Jessie is gone. She could have put somebody else up instead of him as a “pawn”. April and Ollie need to be broken up soon!
Continue the good job.
Yes you got the idea perfect man.
Added in faourites already.