Big Brother 10 Week 3 Live Eviction and Endurance HoH Results

Update: The HoH endurance competition is now over. Click here and head to the bottom of the post to see who won!

It’s the end of Week 3 in the Big Brother 10 house and we’ve arrived at the live eviction. Either Jessie or Angie will be evicted and I doubt we’ll have a surprise.

I’ll be updating this post here with the eviction and HoH competition results.

Live Eviction voting:
Angie had an awesome “last stand” speech. Very smart and impressive. Jessie bumbled he was through his and couldn’t complete a sentence that didn’t include “I”, “me”, or “myself”. He also used “respect” about a dozen times.

  • Memphis: Evict Angie
  • Michelle: Evict Angie
  • Jerry: Evict Angie
  • Renny: Evict Angie
  • Libra: Evict Angie
  • It’s official, Angie has been evicted.

  • April: Evict Angie
  • Ollie: Evict Angie
  • Dan: Evict Angie

By a vote of 8-0, Angie has been evicted from Big Brother 10. I would agree with Ollie’s earlier comment. This is the dumbest BB cast.

We just saw a glimpse out back and it definitely looks like an endurance competition! Jump on the live feeds and watch it all! Everyone was lined up on the second story of a building’s exterior. The stage behind it was moving. Perhaps it’s an earthquake theme where they have to hold on to the bar as it shakes…

America’s Player
America voted and the new AP is Dan! I was right! Dan is nervous that it will hurt his game, but says that if this is what America wants then he’ll do it! His first assignment will be to nominate who we tell him to.

HoH competition – “Living on the Edge” Endurance Competition:
Watch it live on the feeds right now with me. I’ll be updating progress here until we have a winner.

8:55PM ET: Everyone still hanging on. BB just turned on some heavy fans.

9:00PM ET: Waiting for the Big Brother Feed to turn on.

9:05PM ET: The feeds just went live! Everyone still hanging on…

9:15PM ET: The HGs keep singing and getting yelled at. Everyone still on and in high spirits. Dan talking the most.

9:23PM ET: Libra just bailed! She jumped off intentionally. 8 others remain!

9:24PM ET: I think it’s Dan, but one of the guys is doing lines from “The Karate Kid”. “Sweep the leg!” It’s funny, but of course BB cuts away to no doubt yell at them for it.

9:33PM ET: Jerry is down as well. Not sure when he dropped, probably during a break in the feeds. Only seven remain!

9:35PM ET: Dan just jumped after asking Memphis, “what happens when you get three strikes in baseball?” Only six remain!

9:41PM ET: BB turns the heavy fans on and blows a rotten egg smell at the remaining HGs. Jerry is whispering to the peanut gallery that he thinks Jessie is having trouble. Jessie doesn’t look top notch but I think he’s alright for now.

9:46PM ET: Ollie just dropped! Only 5 remain…

9:55PM ET: Nothing to report. 5 remain. The HGs still playing are staying quiet.

9:59PM ET: Jessie is down! Again, must have happened during the feed break. Damn, BB, come on! Four remain: Memphis, Michelle, April, and Renny. Who will win?!

10:04PM ET: Memphis dropped! Just the three ladies remain.

10:10PM ET: April just asked how her hair looked. She commented earlier that she wants to look good through this competition because it “might end up in Maxim”. You wish. April does look the most comfortable up there. Michelle seems to be permanently bent over, to which the men are shouting, “yeah, take it Michelle.” Classy bunch we’ve got here.

10:15PM ET: Cameras aren’t even showing Renny, but I assume she’s still up there. April looks very comfortable, like she’s just hanging out. Michelle is still bent over. Ah, cameras just zoomed out and there’s Renny. 3 remain…

10:20PM ET: No changes to report. This could go on for awhile as all 3 ladies are in different factions. April is part of KOAL (Keesha, Ollie, April, & Libra). Michelle is part of JAMM (Jessie, ex-HG Angie, Memphis, & Michelle). Renny is off in her own world, so she’ll stay to fight for herself. I don’t see any of these ladies giving it to the other and dropping.

10:25PM ET: Dan is having a great motivational speech for Renny. Telling her that no one wants her to give up. He’d do it for her but he’s “too old”. Now he’s shouting encouragements to Michelle about how she came from the smallest state in the country. This is pretty funny. You should be watching it too.

10:30PM ET: Keesha is kissing some major April ass. She must be thinking ol’ Bleachie is gonna win.

10:35PM ET: Michelle is now making requests for SoCo (Southern Comfort) in her manliest voice. 3 remain: Renny, April, and Michelle.

10:38PM ET: Big Brother shook the ledge for about 30 seconds. I wonder if they’re trying to catch someone by surprise w/ that? It didn’t work this time. 3 remain…

10:40PM ET: Renny looks like she’s having a hard time. April continues to look cool and collected. No visual on Michelle at the moment, but she’s still there. I can sense it.

10:45PM ET: Renny is down! She almost fell off, but spun around and grabbed on facing the wall. April informed her she couldn’t be facing that way. The other HG’s told her she had violated the rules and had to drop. So she did without contesting it. Pretty good sport about it. Well done, Renny. 2 remain: April and Michelle.

10:50PM ET: Neither of these ladies look ready to go anywhere anytime soon. April just commented that her body is numb. Michelle agrees.

10:55PM ET: Big Brother just cranked up the big fans again. Might have added some mist this time too. Michelle is shouting back at it…

11:00PM ET: Both ladies are hanging strong.

11:05PM ET: Same state. Both April and Michelle are doubled over, hanging on to that bar for dear Big Brother life.

11:07PM ET: “My whole body hurts,” says April. Michelle mumbled something back, likely confirming a similar sensation.

11:10PM ET: Michelle keeps saying, “oww.” Is this a sign that she’s weakening??

11:14PM ET: April just called in her motivational speech from Dan. This is hilarious. I hope you’re getting all this too. Dan better get to stick around for a long time this season! “Triple overtime. 27-27. How bad do you want it??”

11:18PM ET: Michelle just said, “I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.” Then she started playing the “I gotta see pictures of my family.” To which April replied, “me too.”

11:19PM ET: Michelle is now asking if April will promise not to put her up. We could be nearing the end!

11:20PM ET: Hah. Michelle then asked if April had a lot left in her, to which April replied affirmatively. Michelle immediately changed her tune to saying she was still going strong as well. I think Michelle is lying and will drop in the next 30 minutes. Maybe, maybe not.

11:22PM ET: Michelle is shuddering as she tries to keep going. April told her to stop crying. April has also offered to share her bottle of HoH wine with her if she’ll drop. “F that,” said Michelle. She wants the whole bottle.

11:26PM ET: April just whispered to Michelle that she’d put up Jessie if she’d drop. I’m not sure that’s what Michelle wanted to hear!

11:28PM ET: Michelle just asked for confirmation that April wouldn’t put her up. Now April is saying she won’t nom Jessie because she understands that Michelle needs Jessie like she needs Ollie. April says she just needs the HoH room (implied it’s for unfettered sex with Ollie). Now they’re swearing that if they’re in this position next week that April will throw it to Michelle.

11:35PM ET: Michelle is still hanging on while crying and shuddering. April is still calm and smooth. April tells Michelle that she doesn’t know what else she can promise her. Michelle is asking for more swearing (promising) from April.

11:40PM ET: Michelle has dropped!! It’s over. April is the new HoH!

Congratulations to April, the new HoH! Now that she’ll have a private room you can expect non-stop sex with her and Ollie. Jump on the live feeds to watch it all, ya know, if you’re into that kinda thing…

Thanks to all you readers for dropping by and sticking with me through the endurance competition. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and will be back soon to keep up on the daily Big Brother 10 updates!

Watch the excitement live & uncensored right now!

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