Big Brother 19 Houseguests

Big Brother 19 results and spoilers from the season are collected here with all the details linked in supporting articles. You can see who won each competition along with the results from events like evictions, Vetoes, and nominations. The entire season is summed up in one long list for reference.

Big Brother 19 Finale:
Winner: Josh
Runner-Up: Paul
3rd place: Christmas
America’s Fav HG: Cody

Big Brother 19 Week 12:
Final HoH Round 1: Paul
Final HoH Round 2: Josh
Final HoH Round 3: Josh

Big Brother 19 Week 11.5:
HoH: Paul
Nominated: Josh & Kevin
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Kevin 1-0

Big Brother 19 Week 11:
HoH: Josh
Nominated: Alex & Kevin
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Not used
Evicted: Alex 2-1

Big Brother 19 Week 10.5:
HoH: Alex
Nominated: Kevin & Raven
Power of Veto: Josh
Veto Ceremony: Not used
Evicted: Raven 2-1

Big Brother 19 Week 10:
HoH: Christmas
Temptation Tree: No one
Nominated: Alex & Jason
Power of Veto: Paul
Have-Nots: HN over for the season
Veto Ceremony: Alex saved, Kevin renom’d
Evicted: Jason 3-2 with tiebreaker by Christmas

Big Brother 19 Week 9:
HoH: Jason
Temptation Tree: No one – HGs passed
Nominated: Matthew & Raven
Power of Veto: Jason
Have-Nots: Kevin & Matthew
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Matthew, 6-0

Big Brother 19 Week 8:
HoH: Christmas
Temptation Tree: Mark gave Save-A-Friend to Paul
Nominated: Matt & Jason
Have-Nots: Josh & Mark
Power of Veto: Jason
Veto Ceremony: Jason saved, Mark renom’d
Evicted: Mark, 4-2

Big Brother 19 Week 7.5:
HoH: Jason
Nominated: Mark & Elena
Power of Veto: Mark
Veto Ceremony: Mark saved, Matthew renom’d
Evicted: Elena, 6-1

Big Brother 19 Week 7:
HoH: Alex
Temptation Comp: Mark
3rd Nom: Matthew
Nominated: Jason & Elena
Power of Veto: Matthew
Have-Nots: Paul, Mark, Kevin, & Jason
Veto Ceremony: Jason saved, Cody renom’d
Evicted: Cody, 7-0-0

Big Brother 19 Week 6:
HoH: Josh
Temptation Comp: Cody
3rd Nom: Jessica
Nominated: Elena & Mark
Have-Nots: Elena
Power of Veto: Mark
Veto Ceremony: Mark saved himself, Raven renom’d
Evicted: Jessica Graf, 7-1-0 (over Raven then Elena)

Big Brother 19 Week 5:
HoH: Paul
Temptation Comp: Mark won, Jason lost
Nominated: Cody & Jessica
3rd Nom: Jason
Have-Nots: Alex, Christmas, & Elena + Mark
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Jason saved, no renom
Evicted: Hex’d – no one evicted

Big Brother 19 Week 4:
Battle Back: Cody
HoH: Jessica
Nominated: Josh & Ramses
Power of Veto: Jessica
Have-Nots: Mark, Kevin, Paul, & Josh
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Ramses

Big Brother 19 Week 3:
HoH: Alex
Nominated: Dominique & Jessica
Power of Veto: Jason
Have-Nots: Mark, Josh, Ramses, & Jason
Veto Ceremony: Not used
Temptation: Jessica
Evicted: Dominique

Big Brother 19 Week 2:
HoH: Paul
Nominated: Alex & Josh + Ramses
Temptation: Christmas
Cursed: Cody, Jessica, & Jason
Have-Nots: Cody, Jason, Jessica, and Matthew
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Josh saved, Cody renom’d
Evicted: Cody, 7-3-0 (over Ramses then Alex)

Big Brother 19 Week 1:
HoH: Cody
Nominated: Jillian & Megan
Temptation: Paul accepted
Cursed: Ramses
Self-Evicted: Megan
Nominated Round 2: Jillian & Alex
Have-Nots: Jillian, Josh, Megan, Paul, Ramses
Power of Veto: Alex
Veto Ceremony: Alex saved, Cody renom’d Paul – blocked, Cody renom’d Christmas
Evicted: Jillian 8-4

Big Brother 19 Week 0:
Returning HG: Paul Abrahamian
On The Block: Cameron, Christmas, Jillian
Evicted: Cameron 8-3-2 (over Jillian then Christmas)