‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: Paul Drops The Axe On Alex

Paul Abrahamian made a surprise move last night in the Big Brother 19 Veto Comp. After having spent the past few weeks positioning himself as an “I’m just as surprised as you!” ally to Alex and Jason he managed to get the rodeo clown out the door and maintain trust with Alex only to dash that strategy with one move.

With Alex’s game on the line there was a chance she could win her safety this week and disrupt Paul’s plan to get to the F4 with his three weakest minions. For whatever reason Paul ended up winning the Power of Veto, giving him the choice to keep noms the same or, well there was no “or” for Paul.

There was no easy way out for Paul as he’d have to leave the noms as Josh set them or he’d mess up his plans, but if he left the noms alone then he’d mess up his arrangement with Alex. Oops. Time to give Alex the bad news.

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Paul calls Alex in to the Lounge and lets her know that he’s “in a little bit of a pickle.” Paul explains that he can’t use the Veto or he’ll be “throwing [his] game in the trash.” He pitches that if he uses the Veto to save Alex then Josh will go to Jury later and he’ll lose his vote. After that he and Alex will team up and sweep to the end. Sounds good, but wait, there’s terrible news ahead! At the end, Paul says, he’ll lose Christmas and Kevin’s votes too, supposedly though he doesn’t explain why. Add those three to what Alex will have from Jason, Cody, and Mark and that’s six votes right there meaning Paul has lost to Alex.

Paul says he’ll still help her campaign to Josh and Christmas to keep her because then he isn’t actively working against them and risking his own game to save hers. Paul tells her that if she had won the Veto then he’d have probably gone but he’d want her to do it even at the cost of his game. Alex is crushed but not angry. She tells Paul he has to do what’s best for his game, but she’s frustrated because she put him before Jason and now it’s come back to bite her.

Their talk goes on and on as Paul keeps lying while promising Alex he wouldn’t lie to her in this position. He even builds a comparison to his connection between Victor last season and how he is with her this season.

Paul says she deserves to be at the end, but if they go together then he loses. Now, he says, he could beat Josh if he got there. Alex says Cody told her Paul would do that. Paul denies that being his plan before now. Somehow Alex seems to be believing all this nonsense from Paul. Considering she’s been listening to him for months now I guess it’s no surprise for that to continue.

Meanwhile, Josh knows Paul is talking to Alex and he’s upset. He knows Paul is lying to her and he’s frustrated. Yesterday Paul had suggested blaming a loss of Josh’s jury vote as an excuse Paul could use, but Josh had said no. Paul just did it anyway and while Josh doesn’t know that for sure, it’s a safe bet that he expects Paul to have done it without his permission.

Josh says he still has his goodbye message to cram in a reveal like he did with Jason, but I’ll be interested to see if Josh tells Alex sooner than that.

Back in the Lounge the talk continues between Alex and Paul. Alex is disappointed and tells Paul she would have taken him to the end even if she thought she would lose to him. (Good grief.) Paul says if this was his first time playing then he’d do the same, but he can’t make that mistake twice.

Paul keeps going but you can tell Alex is over it. She tells him she doesn’t need to hear anymore of his reasons. Alex promises Paul her vote in Jury and says she’ll get him Jason’s vote too. They break up their talk and Paul goes upstairs with exaggerated retells to Josh and Christmas that Alex was mean to him. Paul starts fake crying and gets hugs from the trio.

Well Paul did the best he could in covering his tracks, but I’m still surprised he put himself in this position. Josh will likely take advantage of the situation to make it clear to Alex that this was Paul’s doing but we’ll have to wait and see just when he tells her. Josh is becoming more and more agitated by Christmas and Paul so maybe we’ll see him make a rash decision here in the next few days. Fingers crossed from some Feeds fun!

What do you think of Paul’s move here. How do you think he should have handled the situation?

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