‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: Josh and Christmas Clash Over Paul’s Game

Josh Martinez has been on to Paul Abrahamian’s methods for awhile now, but it wasn’t until this weekend on the Big Brother Feeds that he tried bringing up his observations with another Houseguest. Turned out that Christmas was not a willing ally in his bid to raise these concerns. Last night, Josh gave it another try. Guess how that went.

Flashback to 12:16 AM BBT 9/6 Cams 1/2 to find Josh and Christmas alone at the hot tub.

Josh tries to ease Christmas in to the conversation as he brings up Raven. He tells her they need to be careful and play nice with Raven as much as she annoys them because Josh thinks they can reel her in on their side. Josh points out that after Jason goes that Paul will have control over Alex and Kevin since they both think they’re on his side. Pssst, Josh, he’s got Raven too.

The concern here between them is that they need Raven to make it to F5 and Alex has to go at F6. Josh says they need to be wary of what Paul is doing to convince Alex and Jason that he’s with them. He’s worried that Paul might manipulate that to keep Alex longer. Paul’s actually not hoping for that, but Josh can’t be sure and doesn’t know what we know. The rest of what Josh suggests is pretty spot on.

“The whole thing about [Paul’s] plan this week, Christmas, to make it real clear to you, is for [Paul] to show the house that he’s not with nobody…” Josh tries to explain before Christmas cuts him off. “I’m very uncomfortable with this whole conversation,” replies Christmas. “Okay, but it’s a conversation we need to have because I need to make it clear to you,” insists Josh.

Josh goes on to say he knows Paul is doing this to protect his own game, and that’s fine for Paul, but they (Josh and Christmas) need to be doing the same. He takes issue with the way Paul is doing it. “In protecting your game, don’t dirty ours.” He’s right. Look at the terrible arrangement this week for Christmas and Josh that Paul set up to benefit his own game. The entire thing is designed to make them look bad and him like a golden angel to Alex. Yet neither Christmas nor Josh are willing to say “No, Paul!”

Christmas starts in that she doesn’t like that they have to consider this and Paul better be ready to cut Alex if he gets HoH next. Come on, Paul has no intention of taking this HoH unless his back is against the wall, and even if it is you know his contingency plan is to get out Kevin or Raven instead. All the same, Christmas says they can’t turn on each other until F3 when they have to play for themselves.

Josh tries again, saying “he’s protecting us, but he’s also tainting us…” at which point Christmas cuts him off. “Okay, I’m done with this conversation” as she turns to grab her things. She tells him that he’s “giving me an earful of stuff” and she doesn’t like what Josh is suggesting. Josh is spot on though. She should listen, but she won’t.

“Back off on it!” Christmas tells Josh as she says she doesn’t like his anti-team ideas here. She’s the worst, isn’t she?

Josh promises Christmas that these concerns aren’t changing the way he looks at Paul and he wouldn’t betray either of them over this. “Until he crosses me, I’m going to stick by his side like white on rice.” Well no one better tell Josh about Paul’s plan to use him this week to take the fall on Jason’s eviction and then use the fight to make him a top target for Alex in case she gets HoH.

Christmas echoes that thought and says that what Paul is doing is fine and will be fine with her unless he betrays them and changes the plan ahead of F3. She ends with a warning to Josh. “Don’t plant these seeds in my head!” She goes on to tell Josh she thinks he’s suggesting that Paul is “stacking his cards” and she isn’t accepting that.

Josh promises Christmas that he hasn’t been wrong yet on his analysis of Houseguests and their moves. To Josh’s credit, he’s almost entirely right here and Christmas is mostly wrong.

So what is Christmas up to? Is she that blind, foolish, or something else? I’d guess it’s a mix of all of those and I’d guess she thinks both Josh and Paul would drag her on to the end so she wants to make sure they’re all the F3 to guarantee herself a spot in the F2. There’s little chance she can win an endurance comp in Round 1 or the physical+mental of Round 2, so if she gets to F3 Christmas is going to need to be there with surefire tickets to finale night.

What do you think of these recent talks where Josh continues to raise red flags to Christmas about Paul’s game? Is Josh considering a surprise move? Could he be trying to get Christmas to make one for him or maybe just buffering his chances of being her preferred date to the F2? Share your thoughts below!

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