Big Brother 14 Week 7: House Fights And Drama Round Up

Britney crying on Big Brother 14

This week on Big Brother 14 we’ve seen some of the most incredible drama yet for this entire season. Since Sunday night things have gone from calm to complete chaos and it’s likely to keep up as we head in to the final few weeks of the season.

Here’s quick round up of what’s gone on for the past few days so you can rewind on your Live Feeds Flashback and watch the action because this is some incredible stuff that you don’t want to miss. If you don’t have the Feeds yet then this is the perfect time. Sign-up now for the 3-Day Free Trial to watch all these events and more.

Dan released from confinement: Flashback to August 26th 4:30PM BBT

The drama kicked off on Sunday when Dan was released from his solitary confinement punishment as part of Saturday’s Veto comp. Dan had spent the past day locked in the Have-Not room with nothing but one techno song blaring and disco lights flashing. A seemingly tired and broken Dan emerged and wandered aimlessly through the house. Of course a few furtive glances and smiles at the camera let the viewers know he was really doing just fine, but there was no way to guess what he was about to do.

House Meeting – Dan’s “Funeral”: Flashback to August 26th 7:52PM BBT

Dan announced to the HGs that he wanted to call a house meeting and clear the air. Everyone gathers around as Dan dubs this his “Big Brother Funeral” and begins to go around the room saying kind things about everyone complete with sniffling and choking up. Everything goes smoothly until he gets to Danielle and things take a shocking turn.

Danielle in tears on Big Brother 14

Dan’s “You’re dead to me” Bombshell: Flashback to August 26th 8:01PM BBT

Dan begins with drawing parallels between Danielle and his BB10 partner, Memphis, before making a sharp turn with what he said next. “In this game, you’ll never earn my trust back. You know what you did and in this game, you are dead to me.” The house is silent. Danielle sits there mouth open and stunned. Dan ends the meeting there.

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Dan reveals it all to Frank: Flashback to August 26th 8:05PM BBT

Frank and Dan immediately go upstairs as Dan has requested the opportunity to apologize, but that’s not his true intent. Instead Dan goes on to reveal everything about the Quack Pack and the HGs working against Frank including Ian.

Meanwhile downstairs the other HGs crowd around a hysterical Danielle as she sobs and cries “I don’t know what I did!” The crying continues with Danielle, but your attention should be on Frank and Dan as they talk for over an hour. By the end of their meeting they’ve formed a new alliance which depends on Frank convincing Jenn to use her Veto and save Dan from the chopping block.

Dan returns to Danielle: Flashback to August 26th 9:10PM BBT

I can’t decide if this was really all part of his plan, or just how it worked out and he went with it. After talking with Frank Dan went back to “apologize” to Danielle in private. Instead Dan breaks out a huge grin and tells her he has just protected them both. Danielle is furious that he was playing with her emotions, but ultimately forgives him.

Frank offers alliance deal to Jenn: Flashback to August 26th 9:35PM BBT

Alone with Jenn, Frank begins to detail out what Dan has told him. Jenn is shocked to learn that Ian was the real “rat” as she calls him. Jenn is nervous, but on board to use the Veto to save Dan and shake up the game.

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Dan seals the deal with Jenn: Flashback to August 27th 12:31AM BBT

There are many more brief, secretive meetings earlier in the night between Dan, Danielle, Frank, and Jenn, but this one has Dan and Jenn confirming their deal. Jenn is a little annoyed with Dan’s methods, but she says she wants the “rat” out and if Dan will call Ian out then she’ll use her Veto on him. Dan says, “consider it done.”

House explodes post-Veto ceremony: Flashback to August 27th 12:35PM BBT

After a night of prep the plan goes in to action and it sets off a firestorm in the house. When the Live Feeds returned from the Veto ceremony we found Ian and Frank yelling at each other in the HoH room. Ian is livid and Frank isn’t going to put up with it. F-bombs are being dropped all over the place. The rest of the house is in shock. They did not see this coming and are completely confused by the turn of events.

Big Brother 14 - Ian yelling at Frank

Ian goes toe-to-toe with the Carrot: Flashback to August 27th 12:57PM BBT

Ian is fuming when Frank walks by the couches. Ian lays in to Frank for his renom of Britney. Things quickly escalate to Ian yelling at Frank and telling the rest of the house that if anyone is stupid enough to take Frank to the end that he’ll win seven to nothing. I don’t think even Willie got this mad in the house. The only thing missing from this fight is a headbutt. Ian really surprises me by how hard he goes after Frank. Frank breaks the tension with a joke that he’s having to do all this fighting while dressed up as a carrot.

Today the house continues to be rattled as the HGs scramble to figure out what’s going on. They’re not sure who is really working together and who can be trusted. The drama has been turned on to full blast. Good times in the Big Brother house!

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After a little lull earlier in the season this recent action has totally brought it back to life. The Live Feeds are awesome again and we owe it all to Dan and his plan. So big thanks to Dan and the other HGs for “totally redeeming yourself” and this season.


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  1. Laughs at all the drama ~ mostly at Ian ~ did he really think he was gonna get away with his backstabbing LOL ~ he said he watched the past BB but obviously didnt pay attention ~ KARMA does happen and whatever goes around comes around…

    • Same applys to Brit. She makes people laugh while stabbing them in the back. Guess that’s suppose to make the knife wound not hurt as much.

    • Was watching the live feeds-Ian told Joe & Jenn, they better ride the Ian Bus or Become Road Kill…. LMAO

      • This is a good thing. Maybe Joe WILL vote to keep Danielle. I”m dodging all the spit balls thrown my way by the Danielle haters…loosen up. If Danielle goes home, Dan and Frank are in deep puddin’ with only Jenn on their side. Danielle should stay for now.

    • I agree with you, I didn’t like Dan when he was in before, and now with this stunt of “tell all” I am beginning to think that he must think he’s Mr. Chill Town itself, but sorry Dan you and Frank have nothing on Mike

      • Two best players in BB history are Dan and Dr. Will, and after Dan getting himself off the block by telling the truth have to give Best Player to Dan. Frank is way overrated as he cannot think for himself but good at competitions. Also, a huge Evil Dick fan too but put him below Dr. Will and Dan, and as for Boogie would not even put him in the top 100 as he is nothing without riding Dr. Will’s coattails!!!!

      • Once again you are wrong because Boogie would of never gotten that far had it not been for Dr. Will getting him to that point even though Dr. Will was sent packing. Boogie is not a good player without Will. He has no game all he has is threats and intimidation and his own over inflated EGO!!!

      • Frank is not even close to being the best player in history!! All he has going for him is a bad attitude and a nasty mouth!!!

      • Really?…So tell me this….where is Boogie now? Sitting at home watching the big boys play the game.

      • Look who’s sitting at home…oh it’s Boogie. That’s how good he is. NOT!!! The only reason why Boogie won before is because Dr. Will got him to the end.

    • Poor girl? I guess i would sob too if someone bested me in gameplay. It’s amazing what people are willing to let a funny, cute little blonde get away with but not a master minipulator in this game.

  2. bye bye Brit!! Dan somehow is in an awesome position, now everyone is gonna go after Ian and Frank. This makes him the 2nd best ever big brother player (we all know who was/is the best ;))

  3. Ian wasnt the renom because he is secretly working with Frank. I just wish Ian would wear a shirt more, his tits are bigger than Brittney.

      • It’s obvious that whole fight with Frank & Ian was just a charade. Plus if Frank wanted too, he could have nominated Ian because Ian had already chosen not to use his pandora’s box veto. Frank didn’t nominate him because it was their plan the whole time to get rid of Britt.

      • if you win a veto your safe whether you use it or not. ian could not have been nominated

    • Was driving home from work about an hour ago and here comes this 40 something guy wearing only shorts and shoes and showing off his huge breasts. Wanted to yell at him to put on a bra but was going thru the “hood”; no need having him call his homies up the street to take me out…..

      Nothing worse than a guy who needs a bra ……. not a pretty sight !

  4. frank should have nominated ian to make him waste his power anyway then just renom whoever he wanted

    • Ian was protected. His Pandora Veto works like a regular Veto. Plus, Ian went first, and decided not to use it. Then Jenn took her turn and removed Dan. If Frank names Ian (wasn’t possible, he was protected, but hypothetically) then it’d be Ian vs. Danielle on the block and that wasn’t the plan. This week’s target is Britney.

  5. Ian is such a little twirp. Why is he mad at Frank, you know, the guy he’s been screwing over for the past few weeks? Don’t be mad at Frank for figuring out what you’ve been doing.

    On another note, Dan is so money.

    • Frank figured it out? I do believe Boogie told him & then Dan spelled it out…THEN he figured it out!

  6. Question. If someone wins the Veto and is not on the block, but decides to use the veto on someone, can the winner of the veto then be nominated since he/she no longer holds the veto?

    • Britney wasn’t on the block when it was Ian’s turn to decide whether or not to use his Pandora Veto. His choices were Dan or Danielle, and he chose not to use it. Then it was Jenn’s turn, who removed Dan, and Britney was named in his place. Ian can’t turn around and say “Oh NOW I want to use it”. He had his chance, and he passed.

      • Damn now they going to send my girl home when cry baby Danielle need to go or even Dan beside anyone stupid enough to let Dan stay in the game another week when he had his chance and won the damn game. That’s fucked up!!

  7. I see…Dan didn’t manipulate Frank (like Boogie did Shane, Britney and the rest) he just told Frank the truth about the quack Pack….Frank became angry and is trying to get rid of Ian’s closest alliance as Ian had done to him. Go Frank….very smart indeed. You even turn it it around from a one man alliance to having about 3 alliances now. Now you’re playing both physically and socially…hatcha boy!!

    • Thats how Dan plays, i still consider it a form of manipulation.. the best one. He plants the seeds in other peoples heads and they come up with ideas which Dan then perfects a bit. Still in the end, its not like Frank would have accepted it if it didnt benefit him as well, so its a win win for both. Dan lives another week, Frank MIGHT have a chance if he’s on the block vs Dan.

      I still hope they can go Final 4 and then backstab each other there. Frank having the edge with comp and Dan having the edge strategy wise that Danielle will self immolate for him.

    • You are just on Frank bandwagon. OF course, this is still manipulation. When you use the truth at the right time to work in your favor, it’s called “manipulation.” Especially since, Ian is pissed at Frank for turning. I love how you phrased it…trying to look like you just came to a realization. Smart by trying to get rid of Ian’s closest ally. He thought he can work with Shane better that’s why.

    • Also, Dan made the alliance because he saw his alliance crumbling because of Frank.

      • The alliance was crumbling because of BRITNEY! She had no problem turning to Frank when Dans ass was on the block.

      • EXACTLY, I’ve felt this way for weeks. Frank handled everything that has happened 2 him very
        well. Look how many times ppl lied 2 him and he always came back fighting 2 win comps and ppl’s friendships. I really think him and Shane would have gone further but Shane is the one who blew Frank off twice. Dumb surfer dude Shane….

  8. I just think its funny Ian is so mad bc frank put up Britney his bf but frank isn’t suppose to me mad or want revenge when he’s been on the block all summer had to fight everyday to stay in the house Ian ratted in boogie & got boogie out (franks bf) then acting like he was on their side the whole time & wasn’t then put frank & Ashley on the block & once again frank had to save his butt & the only person he had left Ashley got kicked off so to me it seems quite fare. Not sure why all the house guests even hated frank at all or anyone else he’s played this game with everything he has since day 1 .

    • that fight between ian and frank was staged. frank told ian it’s good for them to play it up that they hate each other. tues morn.

    • People hate it when someone is better at something than they are…just ask Brit.

    • Christ, throw a period or comma in to that jumbled mess of words you call a paragraph.

      • I can’t read the posts that don’t have punctuation. I don’t like trying to decipher what’s being said.

  9. Brit needs to quit her crying. Wasn’t she the one up in Franks room making a deal while Dan was sitting on the block?…Give me a break! She’s just pissed that Dan beat her to the punch.

  10. Why is Britney crying? Oh.. she’s on the block.

    She and the others need to think about the fact that Jenn and Joe were not allowed in their group.

    So, she should have expected to get trounced.

    • If it does, so be it. If Britney gets out of this mess, she will deserve it even if she cried and cried to achieve it. In the end, when against the wall, everything is good in the big brother house, thats why i like Dan.

      Even tough if Britney stays, Dan lives on another week that was one of his goal. His odds aren’t that good with Frank(No HOH), Jenn ( won’t win again ) and Danielle ( might crack ) anyway. WIthout Daniele who knows, he might try and pull Britney in this is a wierd season everyone flips all the time.

    • He was going to go home anyways. His goal was to get off the block first and foremost, which he did….

  11. Yesterday’s best akward moment from Ian ( when drunk ):

    Dan that bastard, he made me put up my Best Friend ( Frank ) and Girlfriend ( Ashley ).

    I’ve had the feeds for only 2 days, but that guy is so akward and wierd, no description here does it justice.

  12. i feel sorry for Ian and Brittney , production told Ian not to use his veto on dan. then makes him go first they F–k that kids golden power of veto .. He told Brittney on live feed and then break’s away now if thats not bull i dont know what is. how would you all feel if that was you ? And Joe, Shane, Ian to vote out Brittney will be there down fall

    • I didn’t here him say they held him down, beat his ass, and threatened him not to use it.

  13. Are the feeds really down for maintenance? Does this happen a lot because I’m still in the free trial & if so I don’t want them.

    • there was some annoying thing about malware each time, so i think they are fixing that. I’ve had the feeds for 2 days and can say there aren’t that many “fishes” .. but i guess i’ve just been lucky these past 2 days.

      • I just signed up yesterday and all was good. Just now when I go to this site it says it’s temporarily down for maintenance & try again later. I wondered if it was just my luck or everyone elses too.

    • Feeds aren’t down right now (at least I can see them), but they do have their problems. You’re smart to check it all out with the free trial.

      • carefull with the free trial tough, you need to call to cancel.. so if you decide at like 11 pm on your last day to cancel you won’t be able to :) Happened to me last time but didn’t care watched it for the month.

      • Thanks for the info. I’m pretty sure I’ll keep them til the end of the season, as long as there isn’t hours and hours and hours of it being down for maintenance. I don’t mind the fish for a while but a completely down site sucks! I want my BB! :-)

  14. Wow, it is so great to hear all the strategy instead of “i’m never watching this ever again”. Love it!!! And go Frank go!

  15. Don’t know why Ian and Britt are mad at Dan. Ian didn’t use the veto to save him and Britt basically oh well you’re going home. Oh wait, I see it now, he didn’t lay down and die for them.Those two are turds in a punchbowl. I think Britt’s gonna stay so Dan better think twice before he backdoors Frank. Those two need each other.

  16. I really liked Britney and Ian, but they are kind of annoying with this level of hypocrisy. Don’t get me wrong, everyone is a hypocrite- but they took it to another level. Ian is P.O.ed at Frank for backstabbing him? Um, excuse me, didn’t he just backstab Frank and Boogie? And, Britney is pissed at Dan for SAVING HIMSELF, when she jumped ship and turned on him when Frank came in power? Wtf? She keeps saying she will not lie down, but expected Dan to? I loved Britney, but this is really stupid on her part. Of course, he is going to take the heat off of him. She’s pissed because he played a better game than her? really now? I wanted her to win, but what is up with that sense of entitlement? Even Boogie handled it better when Shane turned on him.

    • Don’t forget Ian also took away Frank’s last lifeline in the house, Ashley, as well – 1,2 punch, right after Boogie.

  17. What is so amazing is Ian had no problem backstabbing Frank and Boogie and betraying him. He had no problem throwing Dan under the bus when he had the golden veto and could have easily saved him. And yet, when he gets backstabbed in turn by Frank and Dan, he is pissed off and throws a tantrum? Grow up. If you can backstab Frank, Boogie, Dan in the Big Brother House, be a man and take it when they do the same to you! That is what adults do. You played them and now they played you. Since, you want to be the best Big Brother player then, use your head and make a big move yourself!

    • They all collectively decided to throw Dan under the bus. Brittney for one, campaign for Ian not to use the Veto on Dan. Not one them ever come up with a strategy to get Dan off of the block. Dan saved himself with no help from his team. Thank God the (Quack Pack) are bunch of amateurs..ok you have Britt/cry baby…still a light weight.

      • Evrey body from the start,saved Dans A$$..Dan only laid around,and gave his opinion..Dan & Jenn most 2 lazy,est people in house..Didn’t earn the air they breathed..Should have gone home..Using the Bible to lie and walk all over the word of God..I have no respect for Dan, none

      • You better start reading your Bible. The way you judge people, base on a reality TV show might send you to hell. You don’t know Dan.

    • exactly richie! ian and britneys games caught up to them and now they are mad dan got himself off the block? isnt that the name of the game dont get isnt about saving friends britney goodbye on thursday

    • I really hope Britt leaves, that’ll isolate Ian bigtime and he’ll realize his move to get rid of Mike was not only dumb as far as his game is concerned, but ill-timed as well. That kid has a lot of growing up to do. He’s an engineering student. I come from a family of engineers and this kid won’t last long. He’s think short term and doesn’t weigh the consequences.

      • I concur, Bravo.

        As for how’s Ian acting and telling him to grow up. He’s acting no different then other houseguests when they get backstabbed (i.e. MIke and Frank.)

        I’m not excusing this because it’s Ian and I won’t excuse it because it’s just a game. I guess my point is why is it ok for people like Mike and Frank to behave this way and they’re not told to grow up, but someone like Ian who’s a little more different then most it’s not?

        Ian made a big move and he wasn’t alone it. Dan helped out a lot by taking the heat for him.

    • Richie, couldn’t agree more, but I would also add Brittany to that mix as well as Derek did. She’s a spoiled b*tch that got what she deserves and so will Ian. They should have stayed true to their alliance and they wouldn’t be in the situation they’re in now.

    • Did you all of a sudden catch amnesia? Because if I can recall correctly Frank through a temper tantrum when his husband got evicted.

      • Frank vented his frustration which is different from Ian’s tantrum. Actually, Frank even gave Ian the excuses why he betrayed Boogie. Maybe, he was gullible and at the time he did not believe it was malicious. Of course, Frank did not know it at the time that Ian masterminded putting Frank and Boogie in the block. Also, Frank was stabbed how many times in the back compared to Ian? And Ian was not even put on the block too. So, you are comparing apples to oranges. Based on the circumstance. Frank handled his frustrations better than Ian did! Of course, Ian’s oversized ego that great even bigger as he won the golden veto, prevented him from seeing that he is not the smartest person in the Big Brother House. Far from it, his ego prevented him from seeing that bailing out Dan with the golden veto was the way to go! He felt he can get rid of another big fish in Dan and still plump his ego and that was his big mistake!

      • Amen to that. I dislike that kid each passing hour. I was rooting for him in the beginning but when he stabbed the people that gave him 3 grand, all bets were off. People love to forget that everybody has lied to Frank since day one. How’s he supposed to react to that. Let me lie to your face for 5 weeks straight, let’s see how you handle it.

      • Dan has lied to all the way thru this game..He floated on everyone else,from day one..The ones that carried him this far are the ones he tossed to the wolves,when he got nailed to the chair by the one that hated him the most..Then kissed A$$ with the one that hated him the most to lick his wounds..He thinks he is the Giant Goliath,,He best be on guard for Little David & his slingshot…
        Can’t wait for Dan’s goodbye speech…

      • And, Frank isn’t? The way he and Boogie acted is far worse than Ian, and none of it is excusable.

        Frank’s constant sense of entitlement is way over the top. Yes, he’s won comps, yes he’s saved hisself over and over, but he’s not the only entitled to be there. Yet, he acts it.

        The way he spoke to Joe about laying down and going out because he didn’t deserve to be there, and Ashley did, not to mention the tone it was said in was completely out of line. But, Ian’s the one with the big ego?

        The biggest difference between Ian and Frank is that Ian isn’t the bully that Frank is. Or wait, is the biggest difference the fact that Ian has a condition that causes him to act different from others and that people can’t tolerate it? That’s whats wrong with this world and this show acts a lens for it. We are raised into not accepting those who are different, who have mental or physical issues. I give Ian kudos for putting himself out there. It couldn’t have been easy as it’s my opinion he’s been teased his whole life in one form or another.

      • I was routing for Ian. Both men acted badly, but that is what happens in the heat of the moment when people get upset. I do,however, feel that Frank is a better player at the game. Ian is out to get revenge on Frank which is dumb! Regardless of what mental or physical issues people have, it has no effect on who people are routing for.

      • I dont hear the difference. Yelling at everyone around the house taunting people is not throwing a tantrum? Dont make no excuse for Frank. Plus ITS A GAME. Why are you mad that Ian turned on them. Just because they gave Ian 3 grand and looked after him doesnt mean Ian has to return the favor. Ian made a great move.

    • You have to be able to accept the consequences for your actions in the BB house, if you can’t, you shouldn’t be in there..Ian is a wimp.

    • Of course he pitched a fit. I like this whole Dan/Frank combo, but how long do you really think it will last? I’m just worried about Danielle having the votes to stay.

      • Considering that both Dan and Frank need each other, that is the reason this alliance will stick An alliance is good only if the members stick to it. See, the Quack Pack for a while, looked invincible and were in pretty strong control of the Big Brother House. Even if Dan and Danielle was on the block, they would all have been safe because Frank had a new alliance with Shane and Brittney. All they needed to do is get Dan off the block thru Ian’s golden POV but, he would not save Dan. Shane and Brittney also saw the opportunity to take out Dan and also were ready to let Dan be run over by the bus! If Ian used his golden veto on Dan, it would have been Joe and Danielle on the block but, since, the Quack Pack had majority vote with Dan, Ian, Shane and Brittney and there were only 5 votes this week, Joe would have been the one going home.
        As for Danielle, I think she will stay in the house.
        Joe has a Final 3 deal with Frank and Dan and Shane is close to Danielle. So, you need only 3 votes this week. They just need Shane or Joe to flip the other way and Brittney is sent to the jury house!

      • It will last until some dumbass thinks Joe and Shane is smarter than Dan and Frank. I’d rather ride side saddle with someone smart than be the back end of the horse.

      • yes dan and frank can fight it out it wil be enjoyable but dumbielle in the picture just ruins it. just like watching a good movie with a crying baby.

      • lol, I agree Danielle is so annoying!! She is overly dramatic. I swear every time she gets upset she talks about how she threw up and had a panic attack! She is so pathetic!

    • Richie I wish I could like your comment 1000 times over. I use to feel a bit bad for Ian. I just said a bit because when you see the way he had been listening to Frank and Boogie when Boogie was still in the game and then run to the Quack Pack to report everything I knew he thought he was the perfect player. Much like Shelly from last year and people who do that eventually get found out. When he went to the Quack Pack he always made sure to add things to the conversation implying that he was treated mean by them. Frank always treated Ian like a younger brother. How many chances is he suppose to give this kid? As someone mentioned Boogie gave him $3,000 dollars and who gave his chance at any of it, but Frank because he wanted Ian to have it. Even after Frank knew that Ian did not give Boogie his vote, but still did not realize he was the one behind it all he still told Ian he wanted to take him to the end. Ian finally got caught with his hand in the cookier jar and threw a huge tantrum trying to turn on Frank. Make Frank look like the bad person. Ian backstabbed Boogie, Frank and Dan. Dan took the heat for him and it was the best time ever when the rat was revealed. I agree with the posters of adding Britney to the mix. She is one of the biggest liars in this game and I do know that lying is part of the game, but Brit takes it to another whole level. I really hope she goes this week with Ian right behind her.

  18. Yay!! frank and Dan!!! Ian’s a baby. He can dish it out , but he can’t take it. Grow up Ian.

    • I may be biased because I love Brittany. I just find it so hard to watch Danielle blatantly lie to Brittany’s face. I know it is part of the game just hard for me to watch

  19. Danielle is picking deep hairs (or whatever) off of Shane’s back. GROSS in the bathroom…GROSS and DISGUSTING!

  20. Britt is throwing all of Frank’s food on the floor. He’s not happy…She’s being obnoxious and bratty. Get over yourself Brittany. You are GOING HOME. Be a brat at home.

    • Ah, good girl..she’s picking it all up and putting cans, jars etc. back into the cupboard. Guess she’s BORED. That’s why she did it. Plus, of course she’ll be seen doing this tomorrow night (a guess). She’s LOVES attention don’t you know….

  21. Britt is now beating up, kicking and trying to apparently destroy the big old teddy bear. She feels better now she says…ah, she’s patting teddy now. Is that sweeeeeeeeeet or what? Hardly.

  22. I love BBN! The blogs and comments are great to read, but this girl is a tad bit ADD. I need the old format, please.

  23. I don’t have live feed so I am just getting info from all of you. Thanks everyone. Does anyone think that production could have helped Dan come up with this plan while he was in solitary? And did they have a camera on him in solitary or is it possible he wasn’t in a room with the loud music for 24 hours? I can’t believe someone deprived of sleep & subjected to what he was could come out & have the sanity to do what he did. And then to wink at the camera to let everyone know he is OK. Just sounds fishy & not the goldfish kind.

    I am not taking anything away from Dan for what he has done but just thinking it is a little…ummm…stinky.

    • The fact that he can do it despite being deprived of all those things only means that his powers of concentration and analytical thinking are extraordinary.

  24. Im kinda glad Britney is going home….wasn’t much there but cry…pick nose…cry some more…hide behind Shane…and complain.

  25. Besides Danielle’s rash, sore throat and whatever else, she’s now in pain due to her contact lenses. Wow…….

    • She might as well leave them out. They certainly aren’t helping her see things clearer.

  26. I’m glad Dan ratted out the whack pack. Now we call all see Ian and Britt for what they really are. Ian is a power trippin crybaby and she’s a spoiled, childish crybaby. No wonder they’re so close, they play in the same crib. If either of them get to the F2 I’m gonna stab my eyeballs and trust me I’m already preparing for because Shane and Joe are the useful tools that’ll get them there.

    • We all knew Ian and Britt for the rats they were. When Dan exposed them to Frank and Jenn he tried to distance himself from them and set himself up as just another victim of their scheme.

  27. The Carrot is getting sick of his costume. He says he has to wear it til Friday, midnight. What a pain…oh well…

    • This is what Danielle says:
      Knock, Knock
      Who’s there?
      Carrot who?
      Do you carrot all about ME?

  28. I love it!.. This weeks turning out to be such a great one!… Ooooh Ian, I think you need to go back home and study up on some BB becuz you truely made the biggest mistake for your game… I love that this will be a slow and torturing eviction process for you, you deserve it RAT!…. Hope Boogie’s watching and laughing it alllllllll up

  29. Watching Joe and Shane lose their balls by not sticking to something makes me not want to watch. It would be nice, just once, that Shane or Joe took a stand to someone’s face. Whatever you may think about Ian, he made his stance known about voting against Danielle. I liked that. It’s a first for him. If Brit stays that would mess up everyone’s plans and that would be awesome TV. Now…it’s predictable again and I’ve lost interest.

      • That’s because he’s not allowed to speak…or think…without Brits approval.

    • Dumb and Dumber. Really, what did you expect? Britt ain’t going nowhere. Dani screwed it up by not talking trash about him 23 hours a day. Even Dumb(Joe) caught on to that one.

      • The difference between Shane and Ashley though, is that Shane can win competitions…Ashley was wishy washy at all times. Shane stuck to his plan…he just didn’t do that to people’s faces. Maybe he’ll vote for Brit… if he was smart he would.

      • Shane does not have a plan. He does what what the puppeteer tells him to do! If the puppeteer goes, that would be awesome. Let us see how Shane will fare when he has to make his own decisions!

  30. Shane and Joe act like a couple of buffoons. Shane parrots everyone, Joe’s a loud mouth.

    • It would be hilarious if Julie would YELL at Joe when he’s evicted as they sit on the couch to recap his “awesome” game play.

  31. shame take off your pink panties and be a man,and dumbiell , you can not have an intelligent conversation with anyone one when they talk strategy with you just sit ther and grunt,”yea” or you will say “what did he say or what did he say”dum B$%*%. do you really think brit will be friends with you after what you did to her. fly out damniell!!!!

    • Nothing much.. Frank working on Shane and Joe … Shane asked him if he’d be mad if he voted for Brit to stay. But Frank spun it towards Brit. Now Shane and Joe left thinking they will tell Brit tonight she is leaving. However that might ( will ) change 5-6 times this is Joe and Shane we are talking about. If Joe knew headhunters was a sham and that the real alliance was Quack Pack with Ian he’d vote Brit off right away… they need to figure out some way to tell him.

      Something wierd also is Danielle told Brit she understands that Dan isn’t mad at her / said that to distance herself. I don’t get it why she would say that… Brit didn’t really catch on to it?

      • Frank is calling his alliance with Joe and Shane….wait for it……CARROT PACK! I thought nothing could be worse than QUACK PACK….Dan and Ian talking about continuing the QPACK alliance. These people are all over the place, so you don’t know who is scamming who. We just have to watch and wait.

      • I agree.. its really hard to say. NOw you have Shane telling 4 consecutive lies to Danielle. Before that he was saying how he was keeping her for sure. Hard to say too.

        But what i expect is Frank to report on his alliance with Shane/Joe to Dan/Dani/Jenn… which will make Dani mad as Shane lied to her. Seriously this is one of the best weeks of Big Brother.

  32. Is this the 3rd day in a row that master chef Joe – I mean masturbator Joe has wore the same blue shirt? He gets grosser by the minute.

  33. On the Block, Britney and Danielle.

    Voting for Danielle: Dan and Jenn.

    Voting for Britney: Shane, Ian

    Joe – Floater, but this week, Frank and him really got into it.

    Frank – Breaks ties, but I don’t see Frank getting a chance to. What am I missing, or is Danielle going home.

    • Shane is backing Danielle. Joe has a Final 3 deal with Frank and Dan. The votes could still flip as there is still some time. However, it looks like Brittney is going to the
      jury house!

  34. shame and jo is couple of cowards, get some balls,shane if u have any and vote damn ielle out

  35. As long as someone gets Danielle out of the house and soon, I do not care who wins. If I have to listen to her much longer, I will slit my throat.

    • Yes, BB would become very interesting then – Dani goes…Brit lives and Dan would be faced with some serious alliance building…

  36. i may be an idiot, but how does the new alliance of 4 have the votes to keep Danielle? Danielle and Frank can’t vote, that leaves Dan and Jenn. Had one of Shane, Joe, or Ian made any guarantees that they are voting Brit?

    • right now Frank has Shane ( and Joe ) convinced to vote Brit.

      But that will flip flop a few times before the vote

    • Shane is backing Danielle and Joe has a Final 3 with Dan and Frank. You only need 3 votes this week to evict. If Joe and or Shane flip, Brittney is sent to the jury house!

  37. Dan’s not wearing his “lucky” shorts….hopefully that’s a sign of something to come for him.

  38. Best moment on the feeds:

    Danielle: “I’m just glad American doesn’t control what we do.”

    Ian: “You mean like The Glass House?


  39. Dan demonstrated quite plainly why he won in BB10, why Britney was blindsided by the Brigade in BB12, and why Ian’s name has no place among the greats of Big Brother. Losing alliance members is part of the game, and you need to have a strategy for dealing with potential repercussions. I mean, what were they expecting Dan to do? Say nothing? Wait until his final speech to say something like a moron? I mean, he had already said that he was going to throw Ian under the bus at some point, so how could they not see this coming? And Ian wasted no time picking up a shovel to make his hole even deeper. He might as well be digging his own grave. What does challenging Frank in Britney’s defense do? Well, it does a good job of isolating you once Britney is out the door. Congrats Joe, Ian has now replaced you as the easiest person to put on the block!

  40. A band friend of Jenn’s Harry died on Saturday. She’ll probably be upset if she finds out

  41. ok so i closed my browser by mistake and can’t see the feeds anymore. Anyone have that problem? It just “loads” forever.

  42. Has anyone seen Britney and/or Frank in the past 2-3 hours? Everytime I check the feeds it’s everyone BUT those two. Where are they?

  43. What’s with Dumbielle and the ice pack between her cheek and shoulder? She’s such an attention w*ore.

  44. Can someone tell me why Ian is talking with Shane right now and Shane seems to be on board with Ian and talking like Ian, Shane and Joe are back on board with the Quack Pack and all are after Frank. Why is Ian talking all cocky now right now like he is back on board with Dan and he knows why Dan did what he did. He is trash talking about Frank and saying again how mean Frank has been so mean to him, his social game is horrible and on and on. Have not been on live feeds all day today so asking any that have the live feeds. Thanks.

    • The house has been very boring. I had to shut the feeds at one point because Ian was eating chips and Danielle and Shane were outside staring at nothing saying nothing. I still have no idea where Frank and Brittney are. Haven’t seen them.

  45. If Brit leaves, I’m supporting Frank! But I really hope that Danielle leaves! At least Brit is funny and has great insight of the other HGs.

  46. I find it so funny that Twitney can’t take a dose of her own medicine. She is so upset that she doesn’t know how the house is gonna vote Thursday. She acts like she is deserving of knowing the truth. The truth is this: she’s getting the same treatment that she gave to Janelle after she was put on the block. Turn about’s fair play Twit!

    • I agree did you see her pick a fight with Danielle, trash Frank and Dan and continue to lie, lie and lie more. Live feeds tonight are Ian swinging in the hamock, noise driving me crazy, then he runs and gives a report of what he will be doing to Frank or fish, fish and more fish. Just now they decided to play badminton for BBAD and of course the usual talking of all the very expensive shoes, bags and such that they have.

      • I’ve been trying to keep up with it tonight. Twit’s talk about all high end designers is just bratty.
        I tuned in tonight as Dumbielle & Twit were sitting around the hot-tub and Twit was getting mad & yelling at her for something. I missed what started the whole fight. I did find it funny though that after the fight they went inside & had dinner together. It’s starting to look like a love-hate relationship between the two.
        The hammock noise is driving me crazy too! I wish they would be smart enough to take some cooking oil out there and oil it. But again, not the brightest light-bulbs in the house there!

      • It was stupid as usual – Twit looking all sourpuss and Dumbielle asking if she was mad at her last night and Brit saying she was as when Dumbiellei needed her she was always there for her and then it was just back and forth stupid stuff. I am beginning to think Dumbielle is going to crack as Twit will not stop trashing Frank and it being the most stupid move Frank could have made, not to trust Dan. I think Dumbielle is beginning to wonder if she did the smart thing by going with them. I think something is up. I have had the feeds all season and have never seen so many fish everytime they start talking game. Today I feel what is the point. Ian just broke the rules and told Twit she is going and he will avenge her by getting rid of Frank for her and realigning the Quack Pack. I can’t stand Ian and it doesn’t look good as Twit just told Dumbielle and she is cracking. Ian should be expelled for breaking the rules. It would not surprise me if she told Twit the truth. Dumbielle said she will get Frank for her. Twit is still throwing them under the bus even though she is leaving. I can’t stand this as poor Frank has been on the block how many times and this is Twit’s first time and she acts this way. Such class. Saying Dumbielle is the only girl in the house left – making reference to Jenn as not a girl. You are right not the brightest ligh-bulbs in this house.

    • Remember her mock surprise at Janelle being put in as replacement nominee? Also, her crocodile tears as Janelle got evicted, oh my friend, I am going to miss her. She was my BFF. And all along she was part of the plan to evict Janelle! LOL

  47. I thought it was against the rules for the HOH to tell a nominated HG that they were going home or in this case Frank told Britney that she had to leave…That rule was discussed when Jenell was nominated……THIS IS CONFUSING AT BEST…If that rule applied to JANELL why does it not apply to Britney…

  48. omg, that dumbielle has got the brain of an eight yr.old. do not know how she got to be a nurse?not intelligent AT ALL ashley had more brains than she does.dumb B$#*#

  49. Out of all the deals in the house, i am starting to believe the Dan Danielle ( The Surgeons ) one the most. After all, it will be his greatest achievement. Bringing his dumb but sweet student to the finals from certain death a few times in the game, and probably winning 7-0 again… and if not, then what he achieved was still great. Doubt it will happen, thats like the perfect Dan scenario, as Dan needs to win SOME comps ( like bb11 ) for it to have at least any chance. He can’t cheat death that many times with words…. or can he?

  50. With Dan’s move it makes him 2nd best player Dr. Will is number one. He was abso boogie won all-stars, and brainwashed Janelle the whole season until the final 4 when the dumb blonde finally figured it out lol. And how he got through season 2 was hilarious. I think the fast idea was hilarious.

  51. This is ridiculous Britney is the only reason I still watch this show she has stepped up her game big time since her original season and Danielle’s crazyness are reason enough to just read the summaries rather than watch the actually show. Ian Shane and Joe pull it together and keep Brittany who would stay loyal rather than two faced Danielle!

    • Lol… Steeped up her game? You mean she cries more this season? She’s done NOTHING. She’s a strain on the BB economy and needs to go.

    • Brittney has been hiding behind everyone’s back. She does not know how to play this game. That is why the Brigade made a fool out of her! Ian is an arrogant twit, Shane is a puppet of Brittney and Joe is the two faced
      liar who go wherever the winds blows him!

  52. Dan is a scumbag & a lying S.O.B. who thinks he’s a Christian. We do not do the horrible things he has done. He is a disgrace to Christianity. Go Ian .

      • He will through people under the bus to get the money. No amount of money buys happiness. Money buys things not what humans really crave. LOVE and truth. He so lied to Dani and she is nothing but an avenue get get the money. Shame on him. You can play and be honest at the same time.

      • have you ever heard the phrase MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Not to say I personally think poor is better but the more you have the more you want and so on….when is it enough. We are financially secure but e had friends who were destroyed but money.

      • dans already happy…he has a family lol. plus people forget ITS A GAME. he seperates it from life

      • Another BS! Money is made of cloth and is an inanimate object. Money by itself is neither good nor evil. It becomes evil only when used to do evil things! It can just as easily be good if used to do good things!

      • @895613f33bdfa3c71eb9525edc26d3e9:disqus If you believe that then why are you even watching the show?

      • And Brittney and Ian did not throw Dan under the bus? They were ready to vote Dan out and Ian refused to use his Golden Veto on Dan when he was in an alliance with him! You fools still cannot see that can you?

      • That is not for you to judge. Apparently, you do not read the Bible. Only God judges everyone not you!

    • JH Frank has played the most honest game out of anyone, so when you root for Ian, it makes you look like a hypocrite because he scumbagged Mike, Frank Ashley and Dan but Dan evened the score.

    • There is no place for religion in BB. All religion is good for is for people like you to judge people like Dan so you can feel superior.

      Enjoy religion in your own house. We don’t care about your fantasy world beliefs.

    • This is a game. You fools inject all sort of BS if your favorite is getting played. Grow up.

  53. The sad part about the whole thing is that Ian cuased all of this by not using the veto. Dan took heat for you son and that’s how you pay him back? Sorry Britt, if you refuse to get your hands dirty then you can’t complain when somebody else decides your fate. Those two are so egotistical they can’t comprehend that they set all of this in motion. She’s really gonna lose it when she finds out Danielle was in on it. But that’s Karma for what you did to Janelle and Ian, you’re next.

    • Ian told Brit votes prob going to be 4-1 for Danielle.
      Brit told Danielle about it.
      Danielle Crying 80% to Brit’s 20%

  54. I am a little confused, does Ian not know that Dan ratted him out to Frank? I have been watching feeds and I don’t remember since the big fight if Frank told Ian that he knows everything, wondering if I missed something. Any help?

  55. Now Britney taking shots at Jenn about how Dani should put pins in her clothes and cut herself with knives? really? thats her perception of jenns appearance after living with her for 50 days? Thats pathetic.

  56. Maybe the reason Dan and Daniele work so well together is they are polar opposites. She’s as emotional as they come and he is steady as a rock. Sometimes opposites not only attract but they balance each other out. . Maybe they were separated twins at birth.

  57. It’s gonna be epic!
    Twitney’s working up a bipolar meltdown and it’s be all over Frank!

    • its awesome total meldown. and she’s giving mad props to Dan at the same time he must be in heaven right now.

      Its the complete opposite of yesterday.. same things being said.. yesterday she’d break ALL the keys so Dan wouldn’t win and she understood Frank’s move perfectly. Today she’s going to break Frank’s key and his move is stupid.

  58. I can see how either the crybaby or the Queen of Mocking could go home as the votes could go either way.

  59. Yay. The alcohol fairy finally arrived in the BB house.
    Hope it’ll help Twit get fired up and freak out on everyone!

  60. Oh my gosh Brittney is looking like an idiot right about now. She keeps ripping Frank and calling him idiot, yet she’s the one leaving this week.

    She’s not even drunk and she’s doing all this. Apparently Frank is doing something right, because Brittney is the one leaving, and Frank is staying to fight another week.

    She is being disgusting.

  61. Wow these guys play harder for beer than the game itself.
    That was some intense gameplay from Joe.

  62. im watching bb after dark and its painful to watch Ian rocking back and forth mumbling to himself, while his face is screwed up!!! the casting team on bb did a awful job getting and emotionaly deprived spaz in the house… i feel sorry for him when he leaves he needs theraphy…

  63. i really hope brit goes home thursday then danielle,or ian which every1 works…GO teamFRANK&DAN

  64. Bratt-ney shouldn’t knock Frank’s game play, when she is the one in position to be kicked to the curb.
    PS. If brittney get’s americas player, after her poor sportsmanship tonight I think I will puke!

  65. If any of you guys watch after hours Brittney always makes you laugh all the other people in the house are so boring.

  66. I am so happy Brit is finally going she is annoying & I wonder if she lies like that in real life!!!! I,m rooting for Frank & Dan to make it to the end!Reason being it took alot of courage for Dan to rat out Ian & frank has been the best player of the game!!!Him & Shane win all comps Shane needs to go because Dumdanielle in his ear & all oover him he needs to cut her loose or he will be gone too!!
    Frank has been backstabbed every week if anyone derserves to win it,s him for taking so much crap from all those ppl. Jenn & Joe are floaters don,t want a floater to win!!! Brit isn,t a very good bb player They should have brought Rachael to coach she went through alot too. Her & frank have alot in common!!Love BB keep gettin rid of the evil ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. These people aren’t playing a good game first they should all be trying to get rid of all the players that won the game before like Mike Boogey even before Janelle she never won big brother like Mike Boogey or Dan and then the players that were on there before and next the best strategy is get rid of all the strongest players like Shane and Frank and then you have a better chance but they always get rid some of the weakest players first and later get back stabbed by the stronger players they sent a player like Ashley home that anyone could beat and now they are keeping Dan a guy that has won big brother before and sending a player like Britney home she never won big brother either this is just bad game strategy.

  68. Well, Britney doesn’t have to be the one voted out. If Shane, Joe, Ian all vote for Britney then Danielle will be sent home. Dan and Jenn are the ones who will vote for Britney to be sent home. Joe will follow Shane’s lead but who will Shane vote to send home. Britney or Danielle?

  69. Everyone who never even tried to win a comp or hoh needs to go. Dan is sorry as they come….he road Danis coatails just like Boogie road Franks. Step out of the shadows and actually play… Jenn,Joe,Dan, all “floaters need to go”.. Hope what Dan did screws him in eyes of the Jury. And for Danielle to screw her “best friend” and lie to her face…. Bye to her too….

  70. The final seven people who are left in the house is disappointing as a Big Brother fan, except for Frank and I guess Shane. I am cheering for Frank because he is the only one really playing this game. Dan is a scumbag. I hope he is not crushed when his wife drops dead from swearing on their relationship and the bible so many times. Danielle was supposed to be on a dating game, but did not make it. Wonder why? Because she is so freaking annoying the people who interviewed her probably wanted to kill themselves. I have not a clue how she made it on to Big Brother. She knows nothing about the game and all she does is stalks Shane. NEWS FLASH DANIELLE: the only reason he talks to you is because you are the only single straight girl left in the house! I hope Dan and Danielle are the next to go!!

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