The Best And Worst Of The Big Brother 17 Premiere

Big Brother 17 is here and we made it through the two-night premiere along with already more twists than we can count!

This season, I’m going to be pulling out a fun little list for you that cheers the best moments in the BB17 game and jeers the worst moments. I can be looking at game moves, quotes, twists, production decisions, basically anything. So welcome to the first installment of “Ewws and Ahhs.” You guessed it. If I liked something, it gets an Ahh! If I didn’t like it, it gets an Eww! Usually it’ll be for a full Big Brother Week, but since we don’t get the full week this week, I’ll focus only on the two-night premiere.

Ahh. Audrey’s story. I’m impressed with how the other houseguests responded to the news that Audrey Middleton is the first transgender houseguest. I’m also happy it’s not being made into some issue or ordeal. It’s just a backstory and doesn’t seem to be chaining the game in any way.

Eww. Battle of the Block is back. Hmm. First of all, on what planet was that ever a fan-favorite twist, as Julie called it? I was on Twitter when that was announced and the overwhelming consensus was EWWWWWWW. No one was happy about that twist returning.

Ahh. The Twin Twist returns. This crazy twist first came into play during Big Brother 5 and it went off without a hitch. The twins made it to their target date and both entered the game to play. The made some unpopular moves after that and were evicted basically immediately, but it was fun to try to figure out who was in the game at what time. So I think it has potential to be fun again, but we’ll see.

Eww. Jeff and Jackie. People seem to be very mixed on this twist. I’m personally not a fan of someone who get a shot on one show getting as shot on another when there are plenty of people out there who would want just ONE chance to compete on one of their favorite shows. I just don’t like this idea yet.

Ahh. Fans outweigh recruits. At least I think they do. Or maybe these BB fans are just bigger and better superfans than some of the ones in recent seasons. It’s a pretty solid cast overall, so far.

What were your eww and ahh moments from the two-night premiere of Big Brother 17?

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