Tonight On Big Brother 20: Power of Veto Events

Big Brother 20 - New episode on Wednesday

Tonight on CBS and streaming live on All Access, Big Brother 20 is back with its Power of Veto episode starting at 8/7c again this week in the series’ new updated time for the summer. Hopefully, it doesn’t go changing again!

We just saw Sam take over as HOH in a week that’s set to be unsettled by Sam’s own discarded Bonus Life twist. Whoever she sets up to be sent out the door will be turning right back around and heading for a chance to return to the game. Sure, there’s no sure thing, but I’m expecting things to be set up for an exciting return to the game. I’m getting ahead of things though.

In tonight’s episode we’ve got to focus on the next Power of Veto competition and ceremony. Haleigh and Kaitlyn are on the Block with their side torn between which HG to help and it’s only going to get messier. You won’t want to miss this one play out.

Can’t wait to find out who won the Power of Veto? Check out our spoilers page for all the latest results.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 9PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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