Tonight On Big Brother 20: HOH Endurance & Nominations

Big Brother 20 episode this Sunday

Tonight on Big Brother 20 starting at 8/7c on CBS and All Access the endurance Head of Household competition will play out as Scottie watches from the sidelines for who will take over and set the next week’s target. With the house solidly dividing the stakes were high for everyone and none of the HGs should be ready to give up too easily on this one.

After last week’s eviction vote Winston walked out leaving FOUTTE to pick their jaws up off the floor for the third straight week of blindsides. Brett managed to stick around and delivered a jab to Angie’s game with a carefully crafted eviction speech made to generate concerns about her trustworthiness. You saw her immediate reaction but get ready for the return of pots & pans because the fun didn’t stop there.

By the end of the night, we’ll be through the endurance comp and nominations will be revealed. So far it’s been a very exciting week on the Feeds and we’re getting a lot of big reactions throughout the house so you won’t want to miss how it all gets started in tonight’s episode.

Gallery: Week 4 Endurance HOH Comp

Can’t wait to find out who went on the Block this week? We’ve got the nomination spoilers here for Big Brother 20. Things are way ahead of that already though so you can check out the Veto spoilers too and see how that could play out this week.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 8PM ET (unless 60 Minutes runs long) to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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