Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 12: Monday Daytime Highlights
It was just a normal day in the Big Brother 26 house since there is no Veto Ceremony today, so the houseguests spent most of the day sleeping and playing cards. Makensy still has to […]
It was just a normal day in the Big Brother 26 house since there is no Veto Ceremony today, so the houseguests spent most of the day sleeping and playing cards. Makensy still has to […]
Add a little wine to your Sunday and enjoy the sunshine while the backyard is still open. That was the plan for the Big Brother Houseguests this weekend as they saved their Saturday night alcohol […]
Down to the Final 4 Houseguests on Big Brother 26 so the Feeds are going to be quiet and calm but we still got to hear some important discussions ahead of the last eviction vote […]
The Power of Veto Competition came a day early for the Big Brother 26 houseguests. One Big Brother houseguests didn’t take losing so well and spent a good portion of the evening isolating. Later in […]
We have officially kicked off Week 12 of Big Brother 26 with the Final 4 houseguests! Thursday night’s live feeds brought confirmation on not only the new Head of Household but also the Nomination Ceremony […]
Eviction Eve inside the Big Brother 26 house brought on a lot of conversations about the vote for Week 11. The two houseguests voting this week had several conversations throughout the evening about flipping the […]
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