Judd Daugherty
Age: 26
Hometown: Englewood, Tennessee
Lives: Etowah, Tennessee
Occupation: Property Appraiser
Marital Status: Single
Judd Daugherty – Big Brother 15 interview:
Judd Daugherty is your small-town guy from eastern Tennessee where he grew up in Englewood, the proud home of not one, but two stoplights. He’s always been a big fan of the show and is ready to get in that house and start playing.
He’s been a longtime fan of Big Brother so he knows what he’s getting in to, but thinks he’ll be able to forget about the cameras and try to have fun.
Looking at his strategy, Judd expects to be more of a strategic player than a physical threat while calling on his people skills to help him form relationships.
As for being a floater Judd says, “I didn’t fight this hard to get here to sit around and let things happen. I kinda want to make things happen.” He knows fans like watching real action and not floaters, so he promises to work hard to avoid that.
Knowing he’s likely not the biggest guy in the house or maybe not the smartest, Judd is looking to form an alliance with a spread of skills to cover every angle.
Judd isn’t afraid to backstab and lie in the game even though he wouldn’t do things like that back home. And hey, he’s not here to make friends. “I worked too hard to play for someone else to win,” Judd explained.
Watch Judd Daugherty’s interview with Big Brother Network to hear the rest of what he had to say including why you should root for him on Big Brother 15.