Helen Kim
Age: 37
Hometown: Falls Church, Virginia
Living: Chicago, Illinois
Occupation: Political Consultant
Marital Status: Married Mom
Helen Kim – Big Brother 15 interview:
Helen Kim is our resident “House Mom” of the cast this season as the oldest Houseguest at just 37 and also a mother of two. She’s hoping her background in politics will work to her advantage, but she won’t let the other players on to that detail.
As a unique experience in her background, as least likely unique among the other Houseguests, Kim spent three months on bed rest. That should make a hundred days behind those walls seem like a cake walk!
Kim puts herself on the scale at the “big fan” point after being brought in to the fold by a former coworker who she’s now playing for this season.
She is completely comfortable in her skin and thinks that will make it easier to be on camera 24/7 and play the game to her full potential.
Kim’s strategy offered an interesting perspective. “To win Big Brother you can not be afraid of the block. If you play like you’re afraid of the block you are not going to win.” She says she thinks spending a little time on the chopping block should be a prerequisite for winning so she plans to play hard and not fear brushes with eviction.
Kim holds the distinction as being the one and only woman willing to shave her head in a competition to win the Veto and secure an ally’s safety. I’m thinking CBS needs to make that opportunity to arise because I think she’d do it!
Watch Helen Kim’s interview with Big Brother Network to hear the rest of what she had to say including why you should root for her on Big Brother 15.