Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Live Feeds Round 1 – Thursday Night Highlights

Ricky Williams on Celebrity Big Brother 2019

It wouldn’t be Big Brother if we didn’t get some vote flip talk on the night before eviction. Turns out Celebrity Big Brother is like regular Big Brother when it comes to that. Read on to find out who wants to flip and who the new target would be and if it’s even possible.

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Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, January 24, 2019:

3:20 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato he had a plan in case he was the first evicted. He was going to run upstairs and barricade himself in the gym while yelling that they’d never take him alive.

3:47 PM BBT – Ryan tells Joey and Ricky that Dina will probably win the whole thing. Ricky agrees that she’s well-liked.

4:27 PM BBT – Tamar wishes to Natalie that this is a Double Eviction because she wants Jonathan and Kandi gone right away.

4:29 PM BBT – Ricky warns Kandi that Tamar is probably going to vote against her. She expects that. He says even he could vote against her (Kandi) and she’d be safe, then adds that he wouldn’t do that.

4:30 PM BBT – Kandi says she was surprised Joey got renom’d. Ricky says he made that suggestion to protect Kandi & company. He continues that Tom, Kato, and Dina are all on her side. Ricky says Jonathan is the target.

4:46 PM BBT – Tom camtalks that he knows everyone is voting off Jonathan, but he’s not sure that’s the best move. Tom adds that he likes Jonathan.

4:47 PM BBT – Tom asks Kato if they’re making the right move by voting off Jonathan. Kato believes it’s the right thing to do. Tom says they could get Jonathan on their side if they saved him. Tom is nervous about Ricky but Kato thinks he’s on their side.

4:53 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato that if Jonathan goes this round then Ryan is next. Tom suggests if Kandi goes then Ryan and Jonathan could both join them along with Natalie and Lolo.

4:58 PM BBT – Feeds go down.

6:55 PM BBT – Feeds are back.

7:30 PM BBT – Lolo tells Natalie she feels like she trusts Tom and Kato more than Ryan and Jonathan. Natalie says she also trust Ricky. Natalie says she loves Jonathan and knows they will be friends after this. Lolo says nope because he’s going to be so mad after this vote.

7:55 PM BBT – Tamar says she doesn’t understand why people think Jonathan is a threat because he couldn’t even get himself off the block with two chances. Natalie asks who should go then and Tamar, of course, says Kandi.

7:58 PM BBT – Ricky asks if they feel bad about sending Jonathan home and Natalie says not really because he played them.

8:00 PM BBT – Tamar again asks why Jonathan is a threat. Ricky says Jonathan is a threat WITH Ryan. Lolo and Natalie agree.

8:06 PM BBT – Ricky asks Jonathan how he’s feeling about the vote. Jonathan says it could go either way. He says he hasn’t really talked to Tom or Kato because they don’t say much to him.

8:10 PM BBT – Talk has turned to what they do next round. Ricky and Natalie agree that they have to backdoor Ryan in order to successfully get him out.

8:13 PM BBT – Tamar is back on voting Kandi out. She says Jonathan leaving helps Kandi’s game. Ricky asks Tamar if she really thinks Kandi is a bigger threat than Jonathan and Ryan. Tamar says he’s underestimating Kandi.

8:20 PM BBT – Tamar again says she’s not targeting Kandi for personal reasons. She says that would be ridiculous. Ricky agrees that Kandi is dangerous but says she’s not as big a threat as Jonathan.

8:25 PM BBT – Natalie tells Tamar that she’s voting out Jonathan and Lolo says she is too. Ricky then asks if they can all agree to vote out Kandi next then. Lolo says what about Ryan instead of Kandi. Ricky says they can nominate Kandi and then try to backdoor Ryan. Tamar says whatever they want to do she’ll respect it but her gut is still saying Kandi.

8:30 PM BBT – And Tamar is back on why is Jonathan a threat. They all tell her that he is in Ryan’s ear and telling him how the game is played. Ricky says without Jonathan Ryan isn’t much of a player.

8:40 PM BBT – Tamar suggests getting rid of Joey instead of Jonathan. She says there’s no difference between Joey and Jonathan. Ricky says that’s not true and asks why she doesn’t want to get rid of Jonathan. She says because she just can’t understand why they want Jonathan to go.

8:45 PM BBT – Tom and Kato confirm with Lolo and Ricky that they are voting to evict Jonathan.

8:50 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato that he could go and tell Ryan and Jonathan right now what the plan is and then form a six-person alliance with them and Lolo and Natalie and then control everything. Tom says Ricky is running the game and will do so until he kicks them out. He is annoyed Ricky won’t make an official alliance with them. Tom says Ryan would actually be loyal whereas Ricky won’t be.

9:00 PM BBT – Kato tells Tom he’ll think about whether or not they blow up this Jonathan blindside. Tom says he won’t do anything unless Kato agrees to the plan.

10:38 PM BBT – Tom talks with Kato again. He’s frustrated with Ricky taking shots at him. Tom still wants Kato to consider the vote flip. Kato says they need to talk with Lolo and Natalie first to figure this out.

11:00 PM BBT – Tom and Kato are in the backyard and Tom is back at it trying to sway Kato. Tom warns Kato that Ricky is really smart, smarter than them. Kato wants to talk with Ricky first but Tom says they need to honor their alliance with Lolo and Natalie instead. Tom suggests they could end up the villains for voting off Jonathan if he’s well-liked by viewers.

11:23 PM BBT – Ricky is digging into Tom about being on The Apprentice and getting fired. The jabs from Ricky continue as the topics change.

11:35 PM BBT – Tom tried doing a bit of stand up and Ricky hits him with more jabs about not being funny. It’s an awkward situation.

11:45 PM BBT – Tom does a retell to Tamar, Natalie, Lolo, and Joey about Ricky taking shots at him and how Ricky called him a “prick” earlier.

12:07 AM BBT – Tom camtalks that he’s done with Ricky and wants to talk with Kato about swinging the vote to get back at Ricky.

12:30 AM BBT – Tom talks with Kato and admits it’s personal now with him and Ricky. He wants to go talk with Natalie and Lol about a vote flip.

12:45 AM BBT – Kato goes to Natalie while Tom talks with Lolo about the potential change of plans. They’ve split up the conversations to avoid being seen as one big group plotting. Tom tells Lolo they should go talk with Jonathan and Ryan. Lolo doesn’t like that idea. She says Ryan hasn’t let her in on the plan all week.

12:50 AM BBT – Lolo isn’t being receptive to the idea. She tells Tom she was on the Olympic team with Ryan and yet here he betrayed her to help someone else he just met. She doesn’t think Ryan can be trusted. Lolo advises Tom to wake her in the morning, have some coffee, and let them talk about it again then.

12:57 AM BBT – Lolo goes to Ricky and tells him how upset Tom is with him now and that he wants to flip the vote because of it.

1:03 AM BBT – Ricky points out to Lolo, Tamar, and Natalie that they don’t need Tom’s vote since the four of them can vote out Jonathan on their own.

1:07 AM BBT – Ryan and Jonathan are in checking with Tamar, Lolo, and Natalie. Lolo is questioning Ryan on excluding her and even maybe targeting her. Ryan admits he mentioned the idea of putting her up as a renom but suggests it wasn’t serious.

1:18 AM BBT – Jonathan points out that if they were working with Joey then Ryan wouldn’t have put him up. He tries to persuade Lolo, Tamar, and Natalie.

1:25 AM BBT – Ryan apologizes to Lolo and upsetting her and promises again that he was never serious about targeting her. They hug it out.

1:35 AM BBT – After the guys leave Natalie tells Lolo and Tamar that she wasn’t convinced and says the guys were backtracking the whole conversation. Lolo mentions to Tamar that Kato and Tom have mentioned Joey and Ricky as targets, but haven’t mentioned her (Tamar). Tamar isn’t convinced she isn’t a target.

2:00 AM BBT – Tom and Ricky are having a talk. Ricky apologizes to Tom for earlier. Ricky asks how he can be a better friend for Tom. Tom asks him to listen to his ideas.

2:15 AM BBT – Ricky goes back to Lolo, Tamar, and Natalie to let them know he spoke with Tom. He mentioned how Tom thinks there is a 5-person alliance out there. Ricky adds that just because they’re agreeing to vote together doesn’t mean they’re in an alliance.

After all the drama late in the night between Tom and Ricky leading to Tom’s renewed push to shift the votes it looks like plans remain set on evicting Jonathan. I would expect Tom to give it another go in the morning but this one looks like it could be tough to pull off for him unless something else adds force to the movement.

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