‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 1: Friday Night Highlights

Monte spent the day in the Big Brother Over the Top house celebrating his HOH win and trying to decide who to target. One by one, the HGs pled their case and it was Jason who gave him a lot of good reasons in his favor, which is something Jason really needed to do. Did it work?

Don’t miss the earlier updates for the Friday Daytime Highlights Report before reading on through the overnight events for Friday.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 30, 2016:

4:25 PM BBT – HoH room reveal time for Monte. Everyone follows him upstairs and goes inside. The HGs see their photos on the wall and each one has a button beneath it. Monte tells them not to touch the buttons.

4:54 PM BBT – Jason and Justin talking. Justin thinks he’s screwed this week and tells Jason he’s surprised he didn’t pass the bug to Monte. Jason explains that he promised Monte earlier that day he wouldn’t

4:58 PM BBT – Jason tells Kryssie that he won’t be surprised if Monte nominates Justin and himself. Kryssie and Jason discuss being ride or dies. She says America would love them in the final 2.

5:10 PM BBT – Whitney and Alex talking about Jason being a threat. Alex hopes Monte sticks to the plan to target Jason. Whitney says she thinks he will. Alex says if Monte doesn’t nominate Jason then they’ll know he made some kind of deal with him.

5:23 PM BBT – Monte says the DR told him there would be no letters from home or photos for the HOH the first week.

5:30 PM BBT – Danielle and Justin talk about what Monte will do. They think he’ll nominate guys. Justin says that’s why he’s screwed. Danielle thinks all the southern people will be safe from Monte’s nominations.

5:52 PM BBT – BB calls for an outdoor lockdown.

6:03 PM BBT – BB now calls for an indoor lockdown.

6:32 PM BBT – Lockdown is over.

6:34 PM BBT – Monte tells Scott that he wants to make sure the guys alliance is safe. He tells Scott that Jason is his biggest threat because he played the game before. Monte says he’s not sure who else to put up. When Scott suggests Kryssie Monte says he doesn’t want to do that because that would be two big and loud characters up together.

6:36 PM BBT – Scott telling Monte about his talk with Jason, Kryssie, etc. last night. Scott feels bad for throwing Jason under the bus.

6:56 PM BBT – Monte now wonders if he should put up Shelby and Jason. He’s afraid that Shelby could get evicted and then Jason would go after him. Scott assures Monte that he would vote Jason out over anyone he’s up next to.

7:00 PM BBT – Recap episode time.

7:09 PM BBT – Feeds return. Monte is starting his discussions with each of the HGs. He’s in the middle of talking to Shelby now.

7:34 PM BBT – Alex is up with Monte and asks if he’s still putting up the “louder” people. He says yes. Monte starts talking about whether or not Jason will go if he’s nominated. He wonders if he should target a “floater” instead.

7:41 PM BBT – Monte giving Alex the rundown. He says he won’t go after Shelby or Scott. He says Morgan is a wild card and can’t get a read on her (hah).

7:44 PM BBT – Alex tells Monte that Jason could win all of the things America votes on since he’s played before. They decide they want to make a big move and that would be getting Jason out.

7:50 PM BBT – Scott cam talks that he doesn’t want Jason to go. He says he was his favorite in BB17 and would rather a girl or Justin go.

7:52 PM BBT – Monte seems to have decided on nominated Jason and Kryssie with Jason as the target.

8:15 PM BBT – Monte filling Cornbread in on his plan and hopes he has the votes to get Jason out.

9:49 PM BBT – Whitney and Monte talking now. He says if Jason wins veto he will just put up Justin.

10:03 PM BBT – It’s Jason’s turn to talk to Monte in the HOH room.

Feed Highlights continue on the next page…

Jason is in the BBOTT hot seat and needs to work on turn Monte’s mind around quickly, if he can. Though I think Jason is going to really regret not having knocked Monte out of the BB Bug competition when he had the chance.

10:20 PM BBT – Jason tells Monte that Jason staying in the game could help Monte because he’ll always be the bigger threat since he’s a vet.

10:24 PM BBT – Jason tells Monte that he sees that he and Shane are there to play and he wants to play with them. Jason says he wants to really play with others who want to play.

10:30 PM BBT – Jason explains to Monte that when he was nominated and went home his first season people thought he didn’t fight and he wants to redeem himself. Jason says he went with the girls last time and they are the ones who got him out. He says he doesn’t want to do that again.

10:38 PM BBT – Jason is trying to sell Monte on going after people who are going to lay low and not play the game. He says they shouldn’t let people like that get to the end and win the game.

10:44 PM BBT – For some reason Jason tells Monte no one would be mad at Monte if he got him out this week.

10:48 PM BBT – Jason tells Monte that if he’s the twist then him going home first will be a missed opportunity. He says he could be used as an asset for someone (like Monte). Jason offers Monte the chance to weaponize him.

10:54 PM BBT – Monte and Jason end their talk and Monte summons Danielle to the HOH room.

11:05 PM BBT – Monte tells Danielle he feels good about her. They discuss Shane and liking him to work with in the game.

11:25 PM BBT – Neeley’s turn. Monte says he took the HoH so the ladies didn’t have to do it. Talk eventually turns to family.

11:40 PM BBT – OTT Jamboree is checking in. Justin says those girls need to go home to their boyfriends. He tells Scott he covered for the alliance and told Monte nothing was going on for groups yet.

11:50 PM BBT – Monte and Shane are the last to talk. Shane asks if he’s still on for going after Jason. They discuss Kryssie as an acceptable renom should Jason win the Veto.

11:55 PM BBT – Guys discuss getting the girls Alex, Whitney, and Morgan to join their duo.

12:00 AM BBT – Monte admits he’s promised too many people that he’ll put up Jason so he has to do that, but if Jason wins Veto then they’ll go after Kryssie or Neeley.

12:15 AM BBT – Monte says he’ll put up Kryssie with Jason then if Jason doesn’t win Veto they’ll vote him out.

12:55 AM BBT – Whitney talks with Monte and Shane about the target. Everyone agrees it should be Jason. Monte says he actually likes Jason and if he wasn’t a Vet then he’d want him to stay.

1:15 AM BBT – HGs are enjoying the hot tub. CB is back inside reading his Bible.

2:45 AM BBT – Alex and Whitney discuss things they heard Jason was saying about not liking them. They decide they don’t want to keep Jason afterall.

3:50 AM BBT – Late night OTT Jamboree meeting of sorts as the group hangs out and laughs about the other HGs. Danielle is there as well and Justin still mentions the OTTJ by name.

4:45 AM BBT – The group is still at it just talking smack about the other HGs.

Overnight confirmed our expectations that Jason would be in trouble and of course after an earlier talk between Jason and Kryssie to be each other’s “ride or die” to the F2 they seemed to have cursed themselves to be the first noms together. The new noms method for BBOTT kicks off Saturday night and runs through Sunday so we’ll learn more then.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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