‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 6: Sunday Highlights

The final Big Brother Over the Top Safety Ceremony of the week came and went today, so the week’s initial nominations are in place as the HGs wait for America’s nominee. The HGs had a little field day in the backyard earlier in the evening and then spent the rest of the night strategizing for the week ahead.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, November 6, 2016:

10:00 AM BBT – Wake up time for the HGs.

11:15 AM BBT – HoH camera has arrived.

12:30 PM BBT – Both sides, in private, exchanging petty comments about the other.

12:50 PM BBT – Jason tells Kryssie that whoever cuts Justin will probably go on to win the game. Jason says Shelby claims she’ll be nominating Whitney, but he doesn’t believe it.

12:55 PM BBT – Jason talks with Kryssie that Whitney is likely always going to be with the other alliance. They’ve discussed how Shelby has revealed new details to Jason that Whitney never told them about the girls’ alliance with Monte. Jason is adamant that Alex needs to go this week or she’ll be gunning for him if she gets power.

1:00 PM BBT – Jason is worried about Justin thinking he’d turn on him and wonders how that idea worked its way to Justin.

1:10 PM BBT – Jason remains hopeful that taking Danielle out of the running for America’s Nom it’ll move up one of the other side’s numbers into America’s pick for the 3rd nominee.

1:20 PM BBT – Justin and Jason expect Morgan to more likely be America’s Nom than Whitney would be since Whitney is playing the game. LNJ promises Whitney she should be safe this week and 3rd nom will be either Morgan or Alex.

2:10 PM BBT – PBS hanging out chatting and talking about life back home.

3:00 PM BBT – HGs hanging around talking. Shelby is focused on studying upstairs.

3:50 PM BBT – Jason hopes Morgan goes up instead of Alex so she (A) doesn’t have a secured spot to compete for Veto.

3:55 PM BBT – Jason and Danielle agree that if things go their way this week then Whitney will be forced by the numbers to stick with their side.

4:10 PM BBT – Shelby reminds Alex and Morgan they could still target Justin if America nominates someone from the other side. They discuss a better option might be to take him out during the DE. Meanwhile they know Jason is less valuable to knock out since he already got an ACP.

4:20 PM BBT – Whitney is upset about Danielle and something possibly going on with Justin because Danielle already had one showmance and shouldn’t have a second.

4:44 PM BBT – HGs are about to play some outdoor games (sack race, 3-legged race, etc).

4:46 PM BBT – Danielle and Justin go up against Alex and Shelby in a wheelbarrow race. Danielle and Justin win the race.

4:50 PM BBT – Now the HGs are racing with an egg in a spoon.

4:55 PM BBT – Sack races begin. HGs all getting along and having fun.

6:40 PM BBT – Alex and Shelby think Danielle is trying to make Justin jealous by talking about Shane.

6:57 PM BBT – Jason and Shelby called to the Diary Room together to start the final safety ceremony of the week.

7:03 PM BBT – Shelby and Jason head up to the HOH room to finish their nominations.

7:05 PM BBT – Shelby grants Alex safety.

7:08 PM BBT – Jason makes Justin safe. Whitney and Danielle are the nominees.

7:09 PM BBT – Shelby tells Whitney she wants to win veto and save her. Jason tells Danielle that she’s a threat.

7:12 PM BBT – BS talking about Jason’s speech and don’t think he really is trying to take out Danielle. Alex is confused because Jason could have said the same thing to Danielle that she said to Whitney.

7:15 PM BBT – Shelby says she has to win the veto so that she can break a tie in case America’s nominee doesn’t come off the block.

7:20 PM BBT – Jason and Justin talking about Danielle sticking around as their shield.

7:25 PM BBT – PS overhear Jason ask Danielle if she wants to talk about nominations and she says no. They get excited because they think the Jamboree is fracturing. They think it’s too good to be true. Morgan wonders if it’s a scheme just to b.s. them. Shelby says Jason is a snake so it could all be a scheme.

7:28 PM BBT – Jason joins the girls and they ask him if Danielle said no to him and he confirms that she did.

7:30 PM BBT – Shelby asks Whitney to go and talk about nominations. Shelby tells her that she had to put her up because Justin and Kryssie would never vote her out but they would Alex or Morgan. They think Alex or Morgan will be America’s nominee. Shelby tells Whitney she’s sorry and Whitney is teary-eyed but says she’s just going to trust them this week.

7:33 PM BBT – Whitney crying tells Shelby she just doesn’t want it to be like last week when she thought Alex and Scott were trying to flip it on her to go home. Whitney makes Shelby cry. Shelby tells her that she doesn’t want Whitney to go home. Whitney says she understands but it makes sense.

7:40 PM BBT – Jason and Morgan talking about him nominating Danielle. Morgan said everything Jason said in his speech was true. Jason said he kept it about game and not personal. Morgan says she thinks America likes Danielle more now so she probably wouldn’t be America’s nominee this week.

8:30 PM BBT – HGs hanging out, eating. Nothing else going on.

10:04 PM BBT – Alex sits with Whitney to try to clear things up about last week. She says that she did not throw her under the bus last week. She says she just told Jason last week that Whitney had a good social game. She says Jason probably twisted her words. Alex says no matter what happens she is loyal to the girls and that she would never vote out Whitney over Danielle and she will save her if she wins the veto. Whitney tells Alex she just felt like everyone was acting weird ever since she was taken off the block by Danielle last week.

10:05 PM BBT – Jamboree talking. Jason says they have to win veto so that Danielle can come off the block. They say Whitney needs to not win the veto because if she wins Justin would probably go up.

10:06 PM BBT – Jason said that America’s nominee needs to be Morgan because she’s been so non-existent in the game. He says at least Alex has been playing but Morgan has been riding coattails.

10:20 PM BBT – PBS has discovered a chunk of Michelle’s extensions leftover from last season.

10:25 PM BBT – Morgan tells Whitney she believes Jason is sincere about wanting Danielle out this week. Morgan doesn’t think Jason would use the Veto to save Danielle if he won it.

10:30 PM BBT – Shelby says she’s reconsidering targeting Justin this week and might try for Danielle after all.

10:40 PM BBT – Justin tells Whitney and Morgan that he’s not really afraid of being America’s Nom because he hopes he hasn’t offended fans and keeps playing the game.

11:25 PM BBT – Whitney lets the other side know the girls seem to believe the Jason and Danielle feud.

11:30 PM BBT – Whitney asks if she’d be evicted before Danielle, but Kryssie says that wouldn’t happen.

12:45 AM BBT – Shelby suggests things aren’t going well for Jason because he’s done for getting CPs and now that he’s put up Danielle he’s upset his alliance.

1:05 AM BBT – Shelby wonders if they could really convince the other side to target Danielle. Alex points out Danielle is still open to get a CP so they could use that.

1:30 AM BBT – Alex and Shelby upstairs chatting about Neeley and being glad she’s gone.

1:40 AM BBT – Everyone downstairs is finally off to bed.

LNJ is running with their plan to hide their real target while PBS does appear to at least somewhat believe Jason is targeting Danielle. Jason admits the lie will probably be exposed at the Veto comp on Monday but at that point it probably won’t matter. Monday is going to be a big day so get ready to see what happens next.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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